Chapter 265

Not letting go of water is respect for the opponent.

A "start", two people start at the same time.

Zuo Yao had long legs and strong strength. He went straight to Lu Xiaolai's face with strong wind on each foot; Lu Xiaolai was light and nimble, quick to react. He shrank and dodged his kicks. He attacked Zuo Yao's waist with great momentum.

The two men's positions are constantly changing. One by one, the moves are accurate and fast, which dazzles the people around them.

When Zuo Yao closed his feet for a moment, Lu Xiaolai spun and kicked him on the cheek. Zuo Yao lowered his weight and squatted down, sweeping his long legs to Lu Xiaolai's left leg standing on one foot. Lu Xiaolai uses his shoulder as a handle and swivels to the other side. Before landing, Zuo Yao suddenly grabs the hand on his shoulder and throws Lu Xiaolai to the ground.

With a bang, Lu Xiaolai fell to the ground on his side. His eyebrows wrinkled and he immediately climbed up. Yan Weizheng felt tight in his heart.

Lu Xiaolai covered his waist and stood there panting, grinning and looking at Zuo Yao: "your shoulder fall is really handsome."

"Your speed is also very fast, which makes me a little difficult. You were seriously injured two days ago. Let's call it a day. "

"Go on."

Before the words were heard, Lu Xiaolai clenched his hands and quickly raised his leg to kick forward. Zuo Yao stepped back and kicked her away. As soon as his right foot was put down, his left foot kicked her waist again. Lu Xiaolai tucked his stomach back to avoid it. He grabbed his ankle and pulled forward. As soon as his step moved, he turned to his near side and hit left Yao's chest with his elbow.

Zuo Yao pushes her elbow with one hand. Lu Xiaolai's reflexion is like a whirlwind shooting star fist sweeping left Yao's cheek, but it is blocked by Zuo Yao again because of the large arc of action. Lu Xiaolai grabs his arm with his left backhand, squats down and hits Zuo Yao in the abdomen with his right fist. With a strong sense of war, Zuo Yao stooped down, grabbed Lu Xiaolai's waist, lifted her whole body into the air and turned her back.

Lu Xiaolai curled up in the air for two and a half weeks, flew over Zuo Yao's head, sat down on the ground with a bang, and was immediately blindfolded.

What happened? Where can I find her? My ass hurts!

The crowd of onlookers burst out with shouts of surprise, and the flame of Lu Xiaolai's suppression was rekindled, and the applause was thunderous.

Zuo Yao held out his hand to Lu Xiaolai on the ground: "excuse me, are you ok?"

Lu Xiaolai hit him in the palm of his hand, and he got up from the ground, saying "it's OK", but his figure was in a flash.

On the side stretched out a hand to hold her arm, Lu Xiaolai a look is Yan Weizheng.

Lu Xiaolai didn't push him away and bowed to Zuo Yao: "thank you for your advice. I hope I have another chance to fight with you."

"You're a respectable opponent and I hope there's another chance."

Lu Xiaolai tilted the corner of his mouth and jokingly said, "as long as you don't get dragged away by others."

Thinking of what happened at that time, Zuo Yao lowered his eyes and could not say anything for himself.

The president came over with two bottles of mineral water and handed them to them respectively, laughing happily from the inside out, even a little silly.

Yan Weizheng took the mineral water, unscrewed it for Lu Xiaolai, and handed it to her. Lu Xiaolai took it and took two gulps.

The president looked at Lu Xiaolai with a proud smile: "how are you, classmate? Is our Taekwondo club good? Are you interested in joining us? Fill in an application form, you don't need to pay for the trade fair, you can join us immediately! "

"President! It's not fair! How much did you charge us at that time! " There was a voice of indignation on the side.

The president winked at them, warned them to shut up, and asked Lu Xiaolai, "what's up? Think about it? "