Chapter 105

When the light of the mobile phone lights up, Lu Xiaolai only sees Gu canzhao with a nervous look and holds Gu Wanliang tightly in his arms.

She dropped her hand with the gift box and looked at them with a dull expression. Her heart suddenly collapsed and she felt like an outsider. Oh, yeah, it's nothing to do with her.

Lu Xiaolai turns around in silence and walks towards the stage.

"Stop, no one is allowed to move."

Behind him came Gu canzhao's low roar, but Lu Xiaolai didn't hear it. He just walked out slowly.

"Lu Xiaolai! I'm talking about you! You stop for me

Hearing his name, Lu Xiaolai stopped and looked back. Youyou asked, "what can I do for you?"

"Come here."

"I refuse to have dinner with you. I'm going back."

"Stop her."

Before the words were heard, two black suit bodyguards nearby had surrounded Lu Xiaolai, blocking his way with their tall bodies.

Lu Xiaolai shook his fist and looked at Gu canzhao three meters away: "do you want to fight?"

There is a bandage around her arm. If she fights here, the wound will crack.

Gu canzhao doesn't want to fight with her. In the dark, danger may be hidden in any corner. There are more than a dozen bodyguards to protect her. It's the safest place at present. He won't let her leave at will.

Song Fengya is still trying to shake and lift the mobile phone to receive the signal. Two weak signal lines appear in the upper left corner of the mobile phone. In surprise, he shouts "there is a signal". He immediately dials the person in charge of the Grand Theater and walks to Lu Xiaolai, trying to pull her back.

But he just walked out a few steps, the beep of the phone suddenly stopped, and the mobile phone turned into a state of no signal.

When a bodyguard came to Lu Xiaolai with a radio frequency electronic device detector, the detector suddenly gave out a beep alarm. Song Fengya was stunned and frowned with her mobile phone.

Lu Xiaolai was startled. He pointed to the beep detector with a confused face: "what kind of game is this?"

The bodyguard turned off the alarm and swept Lu Xiaolai up and down at a distance of 20 cm. When he swept the gift box in her hand, the alarm began to beep again.

"What's the matter with it?" Lu Xiaolai took the gift box and stepped back, his voice rising.

Gu canzhao's eyes sank and motioned to the bodyguard to push the wheelchair five meters away.

After the wheelchair and Lu Xiaolai are separated, the indicator light returns to normal, but song Fengya, who is only two meters away from Lu Xiaolai, still has no mobile phone signal.

Gu canzhao puts Gu Wanliang back in his wheelchair, and walks to Lu Xiaolai step by step with a gloomy face.

Song Fengya asked: "Xiaolai, what's the matter?"

"How do I know?"

"What do you have in your hand?"

"Don't you see I haven't demolished it yet?"

Gu canzhao came closer and closer. His angry look and cold eyes all showed that he was on the verge of breaking out at the moment.

Song Fengya was in a hurry and stood in front of Lu Xiaolai: "can Zhao, don't be angry. Let Xiao Lai explain. There must be some misunderstanding!"

"Get out of the way."

"Calm down first, Xiao Lai won't do this..."

Gu canzhao pushed him away and walked to Lu Xiaolai: "bring it."

Lu Xiaolai's face was solemn. He hid the gift box behind him. His tone was blunt and he argued for himself: "it's not me."

"Take it out."

"I said it wasn't me!"

Gu canzhao pulled her arm, grabbed her wrist, and asked coldly, "where did this come from?"