Chapter 98

The martial arts school is only two streets away from home. Lu Xiaolai wandered around the martial arts school first, but did not find her father's figure. He said hello one by one to the senior brothers in the school and skated home.

The door of the house was open. Before Lu Xiaolai came in, he smelled the smell of the food coming out of it.

She went into the door with her skateboard in her arms, looked at the time on the wall, and went to the kitchen.

The kitchen table was full of ingredients and several cold dishes. A figure was busy in front of the kitchen with an apron.

Lu Xiaolai steals a vinegar cucumber and puts it into his mouth. He goes to Zhuang Shulan's side: "Mom, it's only ten o'clock. Are you cooking so early?"

"Back?" Zhuang Shulan looked back at her and continued to work on the dishes in her hand. "It's not your father who's afraid you'll be hungry when you come back. He urges me to make lunch at nine o'clock."

"Where's my dad?"

"I went to the market and said I would give you two catties of sauced beef."

"I think it's my dad who wants to go to the bar himself."

"He said he would not drink today, but drink with you."

Lu Xiaolai blinked in a daze and asked, "Mom, what has my dad been stimulated by?"

"The first time you've been away from home for so long, I miss you."

"It's only a week, and I asked for leave to come out. Our school has a two-week holiday, and I'll have to go back home half a month later."

"That's why your father cooked and beat the beef." Now it's only high school. After college, work and family, how many opportunities are there to have a leisurely meal with my daughter and chat about home affairs? Of course, I have to cherish every day when my daughter comes home.

The fish in the oil pan made a hula Hula sound. Zhuang Shulan poured boiling water into the pan, covered the pan, wiped off the water stains on her hands, turned her head and carried two plates of cold dishes out.

Lu Xiaolai brings two saucers and follows her.

Zhuang Shulan took the saucer and put it on the table. She pointed to the tea table in the living room and said, "your father has bought you a big watermelon. It's all cut. Go and eat it."


Lu Xiaolai ran to the sofa, turned on the TV, picked up a watermelon and ate it happily.

Not long after, Lu Pingyi came in carrying beef and orange juice. When he saw Lu Xiaolai sitting on the sofa eating watermelon, his frown leaped from the corner of his eyes.

Lu Pingyi put his things on the table, sat down beside Lu Xiaolai and asked with a smile, "how about it? Is watermelon delicious? "

Lu Xiaolai nodded, put down the watermelon, looked into the kitchen, and took Lu Pingyi to the balcony: "Dad, I'll ask you something."

"What's the matter?"

"No one came to our martial arts school to make trouble two days ago?"

"No, what's the matter?"

"Did you meet any strange people?"

Lu Pingyi thought about it carefully and replied, "in fact, a young man came to the martial arts school."

Lu Xiaolai lowered his face and asked in an urgent voice: "who?"

"It's like a visit to your home, but it's like a visit to find out the details. He asked a lot about his native place. What's his name... Yan? He claimed to be your class director."

"Yan Wei Zheng?"

"Yes, that's the name."

"Why is he so free? Doesn't he have to attend class? Dad, he's our class supervisor. That's right. You don't have to pay attention to him. If anyone else comes for trouble, you're welcome

"In this area, who dares to ask your father for trouble, or ask about the name of our martial arts school?"

Lu Xiaolai nodded and said, "Well! Hit him in the head

From the kitchen came the sound of shouting to eat, and Lu Xiaolai said "coming" in a loud voice and went to the dining table.

The red mark on his back neck was exposed in front of Lu Pingyi's eyes.

The smile on Lu Pingyi's face disappeared a little, and he called out to stop her.

Lu Xiaolai turned his head: "what's the matter, dad?"

"Xiaolai, are you in love?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"Nothing. Go to dinner."

Lu Xiaolai scratched his head, but he didn't think much about it. He went to the table happily.