Ouyang Xiaoxiao smiles. Even if Wenkou has this idea, she believes that she can help Wenkou out of the shadow.

"Xiaoxiao, I remember..." Wenkou suddenly makes a sound. Ouyang Xiaoxiao is interested in Wenkou and looks at her in a hurry.

"That man, he..."

Wenkoukou tells about the specific appearance of her enemy, as well as the name of the man she heard before.

Ouyang Xiaoxiao frowned as she listened. Ouyang Xiaoxiao didn't frown because she couldn't provoke her. She just felt that this person seemed to be a little familiar with her. However, in Wenkou's eyes, Ouyang Xiaoxiao was a little scared. Wenkou was a little flustered when she saw Ouyang Xiaoxiao frowning.

"Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao You're not frowning because you can't make it, are you? I, if it's like this, don't say it. I, if it's like what I just said, I can't help it. I won't blame you for your Xiaoxiao. Just say it. I can bear it. "

Ouyang Xiaoxiao is obviously amused by the wonderful brain hole of Wenkou.

Are you kidding? How could Ouyang Xiaoxiao be afraid of that kind of scum.

Ouyang Xiaoxiao thinks about it and finds that she doesn't seem to have this person in her memory. Maybe she's a little cranky. When Ouyang Xiaoxiao thinks about it, she hears Wenkou's voice and the content of her speech.

For a moment, Ouyang Xiaoxiao was a little sad. It turned out that in Wenkou's eyes, she was not a great hero, and not everyone could be provoked. Although this is true, no matter how useless she was, she could not even get revenge.

However, Wen Kou looks worried and considerate, but it's very interesting.

Ouyang Xiaoxiao thought in her heart, and at the same time, she took a smile on her face.

"Button button, what are you talking about? No matter how useless I am, I can't help you." Ouyang Xiaoxiao said so, but also witty crooked eyes smile.

It seems that there is really no trace of reluctance. Wenkou is worried that Ouyang Xiaoxiao is just to comfort her. She is also very focused on Ouyang Xiaoxiao's face.

In the end, even Wenkou felt that she was too nervous, because Ouyang Xiaoxiao's face was full of the four words "light clouds and light wind".

Wenkou is like a "very worried about the brave to do a task, at home has been worried about, worried about, worried about, ah, did not expect the brave to come back soon, the original task is super simple, but she thought too complex" this feeling.

However, Ouyang Xiaoxiao likes Wenkou very much and worries about her.

Because of this, Ouyang Xiaoxiao can feel that she is cared about by others, which is not bad for a long time.

Ouyang Xiaoxiao thought in her heart, but she never showed it.

"Button button you really, how can I be so weak, really."

Wen Kou looks at the smiling Ouyang Xiaoxiao and suddenly feels that the distance between them is really far away.

That bastard killed her parents, she can't do anything. However, Ouyang Xiaoxiao, who is about her age, is so powerful that she laughs at the person who is out of reach in her eyes and hates her heart. However, she is so weak and useless that she even needs Ouyang Xiaoxiao to help her revenge.

Wenkou knows her temperament. If Ouyang Xiaoxiao doesn't agree today, she won't be discouraged. She will find others. Although Ouyang Xiaoxiao is more likely to agree, others can use money to help. If the money is not enough, she can continue to add it until the other party is satisfied and can help her revenge.

However, Wen Kou has never thought about her revenge. It's not that she doesn't want to, it's just that she is too rational to know that she should still be like this many years later. But Wenkou knows that in ten years, she should not be as she really wants to be.

For her, it was a dream.

Ouyang Xiaoxiao looks at Wenkou and smiles.

"Button button, you don't have to think, I just want to let you know, you have this heart is very good, you are better than many people."

Ouyang Xiaoxiao's words are true. People who can go to Tianye college are generally qualified by talents. Of course, except for some noble children, those who come to Tianye college because of their power are not afraid. Although some people are really good, none of them are filled out because of the pills. There is an embroidered shelf and a root It's just that it's not useful.

However, Wenkou's family background should not be a strong family. She is a genius if she can go to Tianye college.

However, she was unlucky enough to meet Ouyang Xiaoxiao, a genius who really crushed people and couldn't make people breathe.

Genius of genius.

Ouyang Xiaoxiao knows that her existence is a variable. Otherwise, they can shine like her. Unfortunately, Ouyang Xiaoxiao's brilliance is too dazzling to be close to and can't walk with her.It wasn't what she wanted to see, but it couldn't be avoided.

"Xiaoxiao, are you true?"

Wenkou's voice was unbelievable. It was so low that it seemed that it would be broken and dissipated in the air. She didn't believe it.

"Ouyang Xiaoxiao, don't lie to me." This time, Wenkou even called Ouyang Xiaoxiao's name in her words, which shows her carefulness and prudence at the moment.

Ouyang Xiaoxiao helpless smile, "what's the matter? Do you not believe me Ouyang Xiaoxiao's remark is obviously a joke, but it has been taken seriously for a long time.

Wenkou hurriedly waved his hand to deny, "no, no, no, I don't mean that. Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry, I That's not what I mean

Her serious appearance always makes people laugh.

Ouyang Xiaoxiao nodded and looked at the girl who was too nervous.

What Wen Kou wants is just an affirmation. Ouyang Xiaoxiao's move just makes the girl believe it completely.

"Peace of mind, how soon shall we go?" Ouyang Xiaoxiao asked.

At this time, Jiang Yanchu, who had no sense of existence, finally found the most suitable time to speak.

- "Xiaoxiao, you can't go out with button now!"

Jiang Yanchu's voice is a little tough. It's the first time Ouyang Xiaoxiao has heard Jiang Yanchu speak like this.