Zhao fuming's face was a little heavy, and his tone was a little obviously angry: "why?"

"Fu Ming, do you know what I'm doing now? It's against the law. If it's found out, it's going to be arrested and even killed. My sister's life has been ruined, but you... "

"My whole life has been ruined!" Zhao fuming did not wait for Zhao Fuxi to finish, he had already cried out.

"Fu Ming?" Zhao Fuxi on the other end of the phone seems to be scared by Zhao fuming's sudden shout, and her tone of voice is so uncertain.

Zhao fuming took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "elder sister, it's not just you. My whole life has been ruined."

"Fuming, you are just expelled from Zhao's family. That so-called homicide case has passed for so long and is abroad. They have no evidence to prove that you must have done it. You still have a chance and you can make a comeback."

Zhao fuming said in a hoarse voice with pain: "no, it's impossible. Elder sister, it's not just those. Recently... Recently, I was involved in a homicide case. I suspect... I suspect that Zhao Fulin deliberately designed me. This time, they really want to kill me. They don't want to let me go. Zhao Fulin, that bitch, now has her grandfather, Mu family, Su family, Ling family and ye family to help her. In the past, I had no chance to win in the face of these people, let alone now. "

Zhao fuming said here deliberately pause for a moment, "and... And... Elder sister, do you know... How's dad recently?"

"Dad?" Zhao Fuxi's intonation is slightly raised, "what's the matter with him?"

"I heard... I heard that when he went to the hospital recently, he found out... AIDS."

"What did you say? How can a good one... "

"Who knows, you don't know how much that man loves to play with women. It's no surprise that he will get AIDS. Only... "Only in this way, for these so-called" children "of Zhao Shuncheng, this blow is undoubtedly fatal.

Who is willing to let his son and daughter marry or marry a woman and man who must support a father suffering from AIDS? Not to mention the fact that he is now in such a state of disrepute.

He was ruined. He was ruined all his life. He was completely destroyed by Zhao Fulin and his so-called father.

With so many blemishes, he could never return to his original spirit and complacency. He was defeated, completely defeated, and so unwilling.

Now that he is in hell, he has to drag some people down to experience the pain of hell with him!

Zhao Fuxi seemed to recognize Zhao fuming's grief and pain at the moment. With a sigh, she was still relaxed and said, "I know. I'm at No. XX, XX street. Come here first."

"Well, I'll be right over. I'll see you later."

"I'll see you later."

Two people hang up the phone, Zhao fuming is happy that he finally has a place to go, on the other side Zhao Fuxi is very indifferent to throw the mobile phone to one side, and in front of her, the news is just about Zhao Yifei's death and the suspect Zhao fuming who is afraid of escaping.

The fluorescence of the TV screen hit Zhao Fuxi's indifferent face, making people unable to see what she was thinking.

For a long time, Zhao Fuxi seemed to think of something in general, got up and walked into the bedroom on the side.

On the big bed of the bedroom, a little puffed up. It was Lele who was still sleeping before the effect of the medicine passed.

Zhao Fuxi walks to the bed and sits down. She stares at Lele in deep sleep without saying a word. Then she suddenly reaches out her hand and slowly pinches Lele's neck.

In her sleep, Lele suddenly felt some difficulty in breathing and began to move restlessly.

Zhao Fuxi coldly looked at the child's face gradually red, breathing also gradually shortness of breath. Just as he was about to add more strength to his staff, he heard Lele cry: "Mom, mom, Lele is miserable. Mom... Mom... Wuwuwuwu... "

Zhao Fuxi heard the sound of "mother" as if she was suddenly scalded by something, and hurriedly took her hand back from Lele's neck.

Seeing that the child on the bed was breathing smoothly again, and the color of her face was no longer as terrible as it was at the beginning, Zhao found that her hand was shaking slightly.

When she killed Zhao fuming, she could not change her face and calm down to deal with the aftermath. But when she faced the child, how could she not do it?

The child on the bed seems to be in a nightmare because of her action. There is a bit of pain on her calm face. She turns her back and buries her body in the quilt. It seems that only in this way can she give him a sense of security.

Sitting beside the bed, Zhao Fuxi could vaguely hear the child sniffing and crying for her mother.

The feeling in the heart is more and more sour and complicated, Zhao Fuxi seems to be stimulated to the general, turned and ran away.

Zhao Yifei's story has been under pressure for a long time, but after all, it has been reported.

The old man was worried about his little son. Who knows, before long, it was revealed that his second son had AIDS. The old man was already old. After hearing this, his blood pressure almost didn't rise and he suddenly passed away.

Under such circumstances, Duan Yarong and Zhao Shunrong concentrate all their energy on the old man and Zhao Shunchang. For a moment, they really didn't pay attention to Lele.

Just because they didn't notice, it doesn't mean that Han didn't notice. The day after Lele was kidnapped, Han went directly to the Mu family and reprimanded Zhao Fulin and his wife with a cold face: "how long do you plan to hide such a big thing? If I didn't find out for myself, would you be prepared to keep it from me as well as from your parents? "

Zhao didn't expect that Han Yichen would be the first one to find out. In the face of Han's censure, Zhao was silent.

Han Yichen saw that her appearance was not good, and then he asked with a sigh, "what's the situation now? Has the kidnapper of Lele appeared again?"

Zhao Fulin didn't want to speak, so it was Mu Tingfeng who answered Han Yichen.

"There's no news yet. We've asked people to check yesterday's video, but we haven't found anything yet."

If it wasn't for Zhao Fulin and Zhao Fulin's baby, Mu Tingfeng would have gone out with other people.

It's a pity that he can't take care of his children and their mothers at all, so he can only use others' hands for a while. He has lost one child and can't lose his wife and another child.