Nie Yunfan was stunned and finally realized the true meaning of his father's words. If it was not for Nie Jia and Nie Shi's current rulers were his parents, Nie Chi Chi had to stay and help them to hold up the big tree of Nye. The people in front of me would have left Nie Shi early, and left this sad place to find another new field of their own. Even find Anyue earlier.

It was their family that bound Nie Xingzhi! It's also their family... Thanks to Nie Xingzhi!

"I'm sorry, uncle. I never knew that."

If he knew this, he would not act arbitrarily like he is now. He would not leave his work and study to his liking.

All the time, he knows that Nie Yunfan dotes on him, but he never thinks whether Nie Yunfan has the obligation to dote on him and tolerate his various reckless acts.

He never knew that there was such a person behind his willfulness who had been helping him pay the bill, undertaking everything silently for him, and cleaning up the mess for him.

At this moment, Nie Yunfan really realized how naive and immature he was!

Nie Xingzhi seemed to see what Nie Yunfan thought in his heart. He reached out and rubbed his nephew's head. He said with a smile: "in those days, my elder brother and sister-in-law were the only people who supported me and Yueru. At that time, if it wasn't for big brother's pressure from the company to help me refuse my marriage to that woman. If my sister-in-law hadn't secretly reminded me of what that woman did to Yueru at that time, I would have had nothing. "

"But even if my mother really reminds you, you don't want to..."

Nie Xingzhi turned to see Nie Yunfan and said with a low smile: "yes, I didn't leave Yueru at last, but it's not my sister-in-law's fault. It's because I'm too slow to understand the meaning of my sister-in-law's words. It's my problem. Fortunately... Fortunately, God still treats me well. Although he didn't leave Yueru, he left me and Yueru's daughter. At least... Let me have a dream for the rest of my life. "

Nie Yunfan heard that the hand on the steering wheel was tightened subconsciously again. He secretly made up his mind to tell his parents about his uncle and Anyue when he went back. After a good discussion, he must let his uncle recognize Anyue as soon as possible.

Nie Yunfan is devastated by his uncle's blood and tears. He secretly thinks about how to help his uncle recognize his new cousin. Zhao Fulin and Mu Tingfeng on the other side are also very upset.

"I didn't expect that Yueyue would be uncle Nie Yunfan's daughter." Zhao Fulin took a look at the back seat and didn't know anything. Her little son, who was sleeping soundly, sighed and sighed, "maybe it really should be their words. Everything is fate."

At that time, many people came to apply for the job, but she just chose these two girls. Who would have thought that in the end, one of them not only became his own sister-in-law, but also called out the Nie family, the famous second leader of the family. It's really hard to help but sigh that fate makes people confused.

Mu Tingfeng reached out to hold Zhao Fulin's hand and said faintly, "in this way, they should thank you."


"If you didn't know Anyue and angel into the store, they might not stay in S City, at least they wouldn't appear in that area, so they wouldn't find your elder brother, and you wouldn't have a chance to find out the truth and let your elder brother and your parents know each other. If Anyue is not with your brother, then Anyue will not be able to meet the old man or get in touch with the Nie family. Then the so-called acquaintance will never be as smooth as it is now. "

Zhao Fulin can't laugh or cry: "how can there be such an algorithm?"

Mu Tingfeng picks eyebrows and doesn't answer. He insists unexpectedly on his own words.

Zhao Yulin shook her head helplessly and sighed: "maybe something is really pushing it, even if we can't understand it."

"Yes or no, as long as the result is good, what matters?"

Zhao Fulin was stunned for a moment, looked out of the window with one hand, and slowly raised a smile. Yes, as long as the result is good, what is the reason and what does it matter?

Anyue's accident was unexpected, but what Zhao Fulin and others didn't expect was that there was another thing that was also unexpected.

Zhao Fulin deliberately conceals Anyue's pregnancy. His intention is that he doesn't want some people to be afraid of Anyue because of this. He jumps out of the wall and does something extraordinary.

Xu Huaining's appearance makes Anyue go to the hospital by accident, and also makes Zhao fuming realize that it's different. People can find out the reason why Anyue is hospitalized and find out something extraordinary immediately.

"You mean that woman went to the hospital because she was pregnant? And I was pushed, and I was shocked? " Zhao fuming clenched his mobile phone, eyes suddenly mobile phone, rubbed up from the seat, "are you sure it's not wrong? Is that woman really pregnant? "

"It's true that the woman is really pregnant, and it's been three months."

Zhao fuming was shocked. He remembered that that day at Zhao's door, the woman followed Han Yichen to find Zhao Yulin. Several people said that, and the woman went to touch her stomach, with a happy smile on her face.

At that time, he didn't think much about it. Now he wants to come. At that time, the woman was touching her baby instead of eating too much!

It's troublesome. Han Yichen alone is tough enough. Now with a great grandson, his situation is getting worse and worse.

The person on the other end of the phone didn't respond to Zhao fuming for a long time. He couldn't help shouting several words.

Zhao fuming woke up like a dream, and asked: "what's the matter with that child? Did you get rid of it? "

"No, I heard that I was just a little scared. I had a rest and I was discharged the same day."

Zhao fuming's face became more and more gloomy: "I know. Can you find out about the woman's hospitalization records and her examination results?"

The person on the other end of the phone was in a bit of a dilemma: "well, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

Zhao fuming said: "price is not a problem. If you do things well, I will not treat you badly."

When the person on the other end of the line got what he wanted, he immediately said, "OK, I'll go to my friend in the hospital right now and give you an answer today."

Hang up the phone, Zhao fuming subconsciously clenched the phone, eyes gloomy, then, suddenly as if to think of something, eyes flash, eyes quickly across a trace of calculation and Schadenfreude, finally, return to calm.