"Grandfather, you think too much. Do you think I will easily accept a man with criminal record as my husband and father of my children?"

The old man's face was wearing a joking smile, and he looked at Zhao Fulin noncommittally. He really wanted to be flat as much as possible.

Zhao Fulin's face was a little heavy. She could not resist the impulse of beating someone violently and began to fly her eyes at the old man.

The old man saw that the situation was not right, so he began to change the topic: "OK, OK, don't say this, don't say this. Yulin, what's wrong with the elevator? "

Zhao Fulin was stunned. Looking at the old man's serious face in an instant, she frowned and said, "Uncle Xiao is still checking. I think I'll have a look these two days."

The old man nodded. Zhao Yulin hesitated for a moment, and could not help adding: "grandfather, if... I mean, if this time something has something to do with some people in the Zhao family, I..."

Old man Wen Yan Mei Feng micro pick, a meaningful look at Zhao Fulin: "it seems that you have a conclusion in mind."

Zhao Yulin collected eyebrows and said conservatively, "it's just a guess. Before there is no evidence, I won't make a conclusion easily."

Zhao Fulin has only been in the company for half a month. If you want to make enemies, you don't dare to say that you don't have them at all, but they should not be to the point where she has to die.

There are only two people who may have this intention, one has been sent to the hospital by her, and the other

Zhao Fulin's heart sank slightly. On that day, Xiao Jingyao told her frankly that the reason why the elevator accident happened was not an accident, but a time when someone with a heart intended to do it.

Somehow, the first thing that flashed into her mind was the vicious threat that Zhao Fuxi had left her in the cemetery that day.

She said: "Zhao Fulin, you have to die!"

The thin knuckles beat on the wooden table beside the sofa, making a dull sound.

The old man pondered for a moment, and suddenly raised a touch of fox smile from the corner of his lips. Zhao Fulin felt very familiar with the fox smile: "girl Lin, what you promised to enter the company and asked your grandfather at the beginning is not decoration, joking?"

Zhao Fulin suddenly trembled. Looking at the old man's treacherous appearance, she said a low curse in her heart. Jiang was really hot!

On the face but Yang opened a light smile, cunningly way: "I understand."

The old man nodded with satisfaction, and the two exchanged a tacit smile.

It has to be said that Zhao Fulin's intuition was accurate. On the fourth day after the elevator incident, Xiao Jingyao's thorough investigation had already begun.

"General manager, I have thoroughly checked all the surveillance videos of the company on that day. In addition, I have also found people who have been in and out of the elevator maintenance system on that day. After strict investigation, it has been basically determined that the person who used to tamper on the elevator that day was.... "

Zhao Fulin raised her head from the complicated documents, looked at Xiao Jingyao's appearance of wanting to talk and stop, frowned, and asked in a cold voice, "who is it?"

Xiao Jingyao pursed his lips and hesitated to spit out a name: "it's Zhao Fuxi, Miss Zhao."

Zhao Fulin's face suddenly sank down. Although he had guessed for a long time, he was really sure and vaguely doubted.

Recalling that day when he was caught by Mu Tingfeng, he was thrown into a shabby elevator under himself.

If it wasn't for mu Tingfeng's quick reaction, he took the risk to hold himself at the critical moment. Is he just like the elevator? No, maybe he is worse than the elevator.

Trying to calm his ups and downs, Zhao Fulin looked up at Xiao Jingyao and said calmly, "is there any evidence?"

"The monitor in the corridor was damaged in advance, and Miss Zhao's hands were not captured."

Zhao Fulin sneered and said coldly: "it seems that she is not so stupid that she can't be cured. But since you said it was her, there should be other evidence. "

Xiao Jingyao nodded, put a white glove on his hand, and then carefully took out a glass bottle containing orange liquid from a file bag.

"This is..." Zhao Fulin saw this bottle of liquid, a trace of doubt passed by her eyes.

"I've had it tested. It's super acid. It is 100 million times as acidic as concentrated sulfuric acid and highly corrosive. Just estimate the time, put a few drops on the elevator cable, and the elevator cable will break during operation. "

Zhao Fulin took a deep look at that small bottle of terrible liquid, which was enough to kill people, and motioned Xiao Jingyao to continue.

"It's probably the first time that Miss Zhao has done this kind of thing. After she's done with the elevator, Miss Zhao is too anxious to destroy it, so she rushes directly into the bathroom. She should be planning to flush it out through the sewer. Unfortunately, someone happened to be in the bathroom at that time, and Miss Zhao didn't want to bump into it. Time was running out, so Miss Zhao finally had to throw it into the garbage can outside. "

Zhao Fulin listened to Xiao Jingyao's words, her face moved, and she couldn't help but insert a sentence: "who did she meet in the bathroom?"

After a pause, Xiao Jingyao replied, "it's the president's wife."

"My mother?" Zhao Fulin's face turned black, and her gaze at the bottle of liquid in Xiao Jingyao's hand became more and more bad.

Should she be glad that Zhao Fuxi's courage is not big enough to openly hurt her elders? As soon as she thought of Duan Yarong's brush with such a dangerous thing, Zhao Fulin felt that a deep fear came to her heart, which made her decision more firm.

"Well, the camera on the top floor failed to capture Miss Zhao's hands-on scene, but the camera below captured Miss Zhao's throwing things. And I've had people check that there are indeed fingerprints of Miss Zhao on the bottle. "

Zhao Fulin calmly pondered for a moment, then asked: "this matter, did you tell my father?"

Xiao Jingyao didn't speak, but Zhao Fulin directly took his silence as a default. Thinking about it, this person was originally from Zhao Shunrong's side. What's the situation? We should report it to Zhao Shunrong earlier.

"What did my father say?"

"What the president means is that it's all up to the young lady."

"Let me decide." Zhao Fulin takes a meaningful look at the glass bottle in Xiao Jingyao's hand. If she wants to hit it with one hit, it's impossible for Zhao Fulin to turn over in Zhao's family. Obviously, such a bottle of things is not enough. She still has to work hard to make something else.

Zhao Fulin is so planned, but what she didn't expect is that she hasn't determined when to catch Zhao Fulin's pigtail, so Zhao Fulin can't wait to send herself to the door.