Just as they were going to the billiards hall to play some billiards, one of them saw Wang bangfa.

"Ah, boss, isn't that Wang bangfa?"

Li Weinan looked at the news and saw Wang bangfa. He was wearing a suit of casual sportswear, like a newly bought one. He didn't know who he was waiting for across the road. Just at this time, Wang bangfa also saw Li Weinan. In order to avoid embarrassment, Wang bangfa quickly turned around and pretended to put up a small advertisement in front of the bus stop, so as not to attract Li Weinan's attention.

"Brothers, we won't play billiards today. Boss, I'll take you to meet someone." With that, he took his brothers across the road and walked in the direction of Wang bangfa.

When we heard this, we were not happy, but the boss said that they never dare to resist, because they know that there will be no good fruit to eat after the resistance.

When Wang bangfa saw Li Weinan coming with a group of people, he was very frightened. He had been estranged from Li Weinan because of some things before. He thought Li Weinan would not mix up to the present situation, so his words were full. But now it seems that he is just stupid.

"Oh, isn't that Wang bangfa? What are you doing here? " When Li Weinan came over, Wang bangfa just turned his back on him. I could see that Wang bangfa was a little nervous.

A few of Li Weinan's followers knew that Wang bangfa had a problem with Li Weinan before, so they surrounded Wang bangfa with a lot of eyes. Wang bangfa realized that Li Weinan was a bad comer and wanted to settle accounts with him.

"Li Weinan, it's you!" Wang bangfa turned and forced a smile. He didn't know what to say to Li Weinan.

"Yes, it's me. Why? You don't want to see me, do you? " Li Weinan said in a joking tone.

"Of course not!" Wang bangfa smiles awkwardly.

"What? You don't say hello to me now, boss? Why is it so impolite? Do I need someone under my hand to teach you? " Li Weinan raised his eyebrows and looked at him with provocation.

"Boss." Wang bangfa slowly spat out two words from his mouth, and the fool could hear them. When Wang bangfa said this, he was very reluctant. No wonder Li Weinan was a subordinate of Wang bangfa before. He was called by Wang bangfa to come and wave away. Now Li Weinan turns over to be a slave and becomes the master.

"Well, I know you so well, Wang bangfa. Are you particularly unconvinced now? It doesn't matter. If you're not convinced, let's say it. " The man under his hand took out a cigarette for Li Weinan, and then another man bent over to light a fire for Li Weinan. This kind of treatment is a blow to Wang bangfa.

"I'm not unconvinced! I'm very convinced. " Wang bangfa tries his best to make his attitude humble. He really doesn't want to have a direct conflict with Li Weinan at this time. After all, Li Weinan has a large number of people, and he can't get any benefits.

"Well, since you are very convinced, I'll tell you that I'm very unconvinced now. I feel sick when I see you. What can I do?"

Wang bangfa saw Li Weinan because he couldn't get along with what happened before. In fact, he had forgotten it for a long time. He didn't expect that Li Weinan still had such a grudge, so he quickly said with a smile: "boss, you are still adults and don't remember villains. I didn't know much about it before. I hope you'll forgive me if I offend you. Don't have the same opinion with me."

Seeing that Wang bangfa was so low, Li Weinan apologized to himself. His vanity was greatly satisfied. He thought to himself that Wang bangfa was such a bully. He would take the opportunity to bully Wang bangfa and let him see how beautiful and powerful he is today.

"If it's someone else, I'm afraid I can accept it, but you, I can't accept it." Li Weinan looked at Wang bangfa with pride. Now Wang bangfa is as humble as it is, which makes Li Weinan very happy.

"How can you forgive my previous mistakes?" Wang bangfa found that no matter what he said, Li Weinan seemed unwilling to forgive himself.

"There's one way. If I don't forgive you, does it seem that I'm too lenient?" Although Li Weinan was talking to Wang bangfa, he was looking at his brothers.

"What method?" Wang bangfa heard that as long as there was a way, the matter could be solved. No matter what Li Weinan wanted to compensate or what it was, he would try his best to satisfy himself.

"I'll forgive you if you get under my crotch." Li Weinan tried his best to suppress his smile. As soon as he finished, Li Weinan's people began to laugh.

It was an insult to Wang bangfa, but he dared not speak up and laughed awkwardly. "I know boss, you must be joking. How can a person like you make people do this? Even a great enemy would not use such a childish method, would he? "

With Wang bangfa saying this, Li Weinan can't come down to the table. If he blindly asks Wang bangfa to do this, he will be forced to do something. If he spreads it, he will think that Li Weinan is a little chicken bellied!

"How could this be a paediatric method? Are you a man of great importance? How did you treat me before? Have you forgotten? Compared with your method, I don't know how appropriate it is! " Li Weinan said without showing weakness that nothing can be lost without losing the aura.

"Let's change another way, let me do things for you every day, or run errands for you, do anything, just don't let me do such shameful things, aren't you afraid that I will treat you in this way, just like you in the future?"

After hearing this, Li Weinan was obviously provoking himself? He said with great momentum: "well, now this method doesn't work. I'll solve it in another way according to the method you said. Let me beat you hard. Then our previous resentment will be written off. What do you think?"

Wang bangfa heard that, good guy, it's even more terrible than before. If Li Wei is tough, it's even more serious. At that time, he is either short of arms or legs, so he quickly added: "well, is there no other way?"

Li Weinan seemed very dissatisfied with shaking his head and said, "I'll take my brothers to dinner later. I've told you a lot of methods, but you don't seem to be very effective."