"Today I know your future father-in-law's birthday, so I'll take the initiative to come here. Qian Jiacai, you'll forgive her for her temper."

When he heard Bai Zifan's words, Qian Jiacai's eyes began to turn red. He didn't expect that Wang Xuebing, such a high-ranking young lady, would care so much about his idea of a little person.

"Boss Bai, don't talk about it. I understand that my Qian family has no other skills. I can work. Don't worry. I'll take care of the theater project. I promise that there won't be any problems again!"

Hearing Qian Jiacai's promise, Bai Zifan nodded, patted Qian Jiacai on the shoulder and said, "OK, this project depends on you. Go back and accompany your girlfriend."

Looking at Bai Zifan who came by, Wang Xuebing said with his mouth in his mouth, "really, I haven't eaten yet. What time do you and Qian family waste?"

Hearing Wang Xuexue's words, Bai Zifan shrugged and left with Wang Xuexue on his face.

Even if she ran away from home, Wang Xuexue still couldn't let go of her airs. When she went to buy golden peach, she had already guessed what Bai Zifan wanted to do, but she didn't stop him. She didn't even ask. She was so cooperative in the box. She wanted to apologize to Qian Jiacai, but she couldn't let go of her identity, Don't you feel tired?

The heart of the people is never bought, but in exchange. Bai Zifan helped the Qian family to make up for it, and let him have face in his girlfriend's family, so that the Qian family could work harder.

Looking at the dilapidated theater being decorated a little bit, Bai Zifan and Wang Xuebing are in a good mood, but it is obvious that this good mood can not last for long.

Looking at the money family just rushed over, Bai Zifan's heart suddenly had an ominous premonition, "what's the matter?"

"Just now, the wood factory called and said that there was something wrong with the transportation of the timber we ordered before, so we can't supply it to us. If we want the timber, we have to increase the price by three times."

"Wood? What kind of wood? " Bai Zifan asked suspiciously.

"I ordered it. We use it when we decorate the theater. The theater is a traditional industry. Of course, we should pay attention to the retro style when we decorate it." One side of the snow said triumphantly.

"But three times the price shows that it's a rip off. If it doesn't work, it's unnecessary. Anyway, many materials look like wood." Bai Zifan shrugged his shoulders and said with an indifferent face.

Before it was a secret replacement of imported ceramic tiles, now it's a temporary increase in the price of wood. If the young master of the Wang family didn't do it secretly, the white man would not believe anything he said.

Since you are scheming against me, I simply don't take the move. It depends on what you do. At the thought of Wang Dihuan's yelling at the news, Bai Zifan's mood suddenly becomes dark and cool.

But Wang ice and snow a face embarrassment of say: "that, may not be too good, words I said out."

"Who did you tell?"

"The media... Some people came to interview me before, and I'm looking forward to doing publicity without spending money. How can I let go of such a good opportunity? It's a fool not to take advantage of it. Then I said, it's all on the Internet now. It's very good for us to brush our sense of existence before the theater opens. Isn't it?"

Looking at the proud expression on Wang Xuexue's face, Bai Zifan didn't know how to comment on the intelligence of this young lady.

In Donghai City, there are not many people who can remember that there is a theater here. How can the media take the initiative to touch such a popular theme? How could it be publicized so soon.

A little thought, Bai Zifan guessed Wang Dihuan's plan, since Wang said to use a lot of solid wood for decoration, then increase the price of wood.

If Wang Xuebing buys it, there will certainly be a bigger gap in the originally insufficient funds. If he doesn't buy it, the media will vigorously publicize that Wang Xuebing can't do it, which directly stinks the reputation of the theater.

"Then change the wood."

"Well, I've already indicated the use of good nanmu." Wang Xuebing said awkwardly.

Hearing Wang Xuexue's words, Bai Zifan covered his forehead in pain and said helplessly: "pro, can you say less?"

Although Qian Jiacai is not a big man, he is also well informed about the wood factory. He also knows that the owner of the wood factory is a middle-aged man named Hu Hongyu. He is obviously a businessman, but he has the background of Yamen and is a big man's white glove.

It is because of Hu Hongyu's background that Wang Dihuan only dares to ask Hu Hongyu to raise the price instead of directly ordering Hu Hongyu not to supply the theater.

"Boss Bai, what shall we do now? It seems that timber will be used soon. If the goods are not purchased in time, the construction period will be delayed. "

After pondering for a while, Bai Zifan asked: "how many more days?"

"I'll adjust the project for six days. If the timber can't be solved in six days, it's really delaying the construction period."

"Six days is enough. Leave it to me."

Hearing Bai Zifan's words, Wang Xuebing next to him immediately asked curiously, "Bai Zifan, what can you do? Tell me about it? "

"Come on, I'll tell you. It's like telling the whole world. By the way, let Uncle Li come here. He has performed in the theater before. I just need an acting school who can't perform well."

In the evening, Hu Hongyu worked overtime alone in the office. At this time, most of the workers in the wood factory had already arrived home. Li Wenchao was very attentive to his own wood factory because he started his own business. He had to calculate carefully before going home every night to see if the recent income and expenditure were balanced.

Just when Hu Hongyu was making a serious inventory, suddenly, two men in suits came in from outside the office. When Hu Hongyu heard the news, the two men had already stood in front of him.

"Are you the owner of the mill?" Two suit men's toes are very high. When they see Hu Hongyu, they question.

Hu Hongyu pushed his glasses with his hand. These two people didn't look like good people. Although they were all wearing suits, they felt neither good nor bad. It gave people the feeling that the suits were borrowed from other places. It was very strange.

"Who are you? Why come in without knocking? Are you polite? " Hu Hongyu saw two people did not say hello directly came in, and the attitude is so bad, he is also very angry, but faintly suppressed.

Two men in suits raised their nostrils and looked at Hu Hongyu, "when we ask you questions, you just say yes or no, where do so many other questions come from?"

Hu Hongyu had no choice but to smile. What's the matter.