The next morning, Zhao Jianfeng sent Xiao ran to her grandfather. He accompanied Yang Xiaotong on board and flew to the city where ZTE was located.

Nie Rongrong and Nie Weimin are both waiting for Yang Xiaotong and Zhao Jianfeng in the office.

After the meeting, it was a natural exchange of greetings. However, Yang Xiaotong and Zhao Jianfeng were particularly uncomfortable. They didn't come to play, but borrowed money from others!

Fortunately, Nie Weimin has promised to lend 100 million yuan. It's already a lot of face.

"I'm so sorry, Nie Dong, to trouble you." Yang Xiaotong expressed her apologies as soon as she met.

"What's the matter? Who hasn't made a big deal? Business is inevitable. What's more, you can think of looking for me, Nie Weimin, and you think highly of me. Ha ha, it's not nice to say that if I encounter any trouble in the future and find your head, I won't watch my excitement, will I? "

What makes Zhao Jianfeng and Yang Xiaotong not embarrassed is that Nie Weimin didn't show their faces because he borrowed money from them. Of course, it's not because Zhao Jianfeng saved his daughter Nie Rongrong at the beginning that Nie Weimin was so happy to borrow this 100 million yuan?

As a veteran in business, the reason why Nie Weimin is so generous in lending Yang Xiaotong so much money is not only because Zhao Jianfeng once saved his daughter's life, but also because he believes that Yang Xiaotong was angry because he was not pursued. Because he had such trouble.

Therefore, when Yang Xiaotong wanted to explain to Nie Weimin, Nie Weimin directly interrupted her with a wave of his hand: "Mr. Yang doesn't need to explain too much. I dare to lend it to you. That is to believe in your character and the strength of Mingyuan group. Although we don't know each other for a long time, I still appreciate Mr. Yang's character, If Mingyuan group is really struggling at the end, I don't believe Mr. Yang will come to my place to pit me, will he? "

Nie Weimin's saying this is not only a sign of his generosity, but also a polite test. If the Mingyuan group is really in such a state that it can't be cleaned up, he should be able to see from Yang Xiaotong's attitude and reaction after this sentence.

"Thank you for Nie Dong's trust. We will return the money to you as soon as possible. It's not easy for everyone. Yang Xiaotong is very grateful that Nie Dong can help Mingyuan group at this critical time."

At this time, Yang Xiaotong's expression and tone are quite sincere.

"You're welcome. Since we are friends, it's wrong not to help. Since you still have a lot to do, I'll let you stay for dinner. " Nie Weimin didn't say it was because he still had something to do. Instead, he emphasized Yang Xiaotong's interests, which made Yang Xiaotong very comfortable.

"Thank you, Nie Dong. After a while, I, Yang Xiaotong, will come to the door to thank you personally."

"Ha ha, that's polite, isn't it? Let's talk about it when we have time. "

The two sides simply signed an agreement, and Yang Xiaotong was grateful to Zhao Jianfeng for leaving the office building of ZTE group.

When they got on the plane, they sat in the same row. At first, Yang Xiaotong looked out the porthole at the white clouds under the plane. Gradually, she leaned on Zhao Jianfeng's shoulder and fell asleep. Only when the plane was about to land did Zhao Jianfeng wake her up.

"So soon?" Yang Xiaotong opened her eyes and saw the faint white clouds receding quickly from the side of the porthole. Then she knew that the plane was about to land, and she was somewhat lost.

It was the first time that she fell asleep on a man's shoulder. And after she got up, she felt that this special feeling was so unforgettable.

Before that, she always felt that she was a very strong girl, but after experiencing this, she realized that she needed a man's shoulder so much!

When they got back to the office, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. Before they got on the plane, they simply filled their stomachs in the airport. Now they don't feel hungry, but they are tired.

"Go and sleep in my room first." When Yang Xiaotong looked at Zhao Jianfeng again, her eyes were very different from before.

"Are you not tired?" Zhao Jianfeng is in love with Yang Xiaotong.

"I also had a little sleep on the plane." Yang Xiaotong gives Zhao Jianfeng the key to the room. Zhao Jianfeng is no longer polite, took the key to Yang Xiaotong's room.

After taking a bath in the bathroom, Zhao Jianfeng went to bed with Yang Xiaotong and went to sleep naked.

When she was about to leave work, Yang Xiaotong went to her bedroom before she saw Zhao Jianfeng move. Seeing that the door was not bolted, she unscrewed it and went in.

Seeing that Zhao Jianfeng was still lying there sleeping, Yang Xiaotong said, "this guy is a pig. Can't he wake up now? She went over to scare him. As a result, Zhao Jianfeng sat up from the bed. Accidentally, her towel was pulled to one side and showed Yang Xiaotong what should not be exposed.

"You bastard, sleeping naked in my bed?" For a moment, Yang Xiaotong forgot to cover her eyes and showed Zhao Jianfeng a real picture.

"I'm used to it." Zhao Jianfeng quickly pulled the towel to cover his body.

"I don't sleep in my room?" Yang Xiaotong said.

"Your house, who dares to come in?" Zhao Jianfeng said with a red face.

"Get dressed and eat out." With that, Yang Xiaotong turned out of the room and went back to the office.

Zhao Jianfeng quickly put on his clothes, washed his face and went to Yang Xiaotong's office.

At this time, Yang Xiaotong has packed the things on her desk.

After locking the door, they entered the elevator downstairs.

In the elevator, Zhao Jianfeng and Yang Xiaotong stand face to face, Zhao Jianfeng has been looking at Yang Xiaotong.

"What are you looking at?" Yang Xiaotong makes Zhao Jianfeng look at it in this way, which is somewhat coquettish.

"Are you afraid to see it?" Zhao Jianfeng rascal smile, "yes, you and I go out to dinner, just the two of us?"

"Do you want me to invite people from all over the world?" Yang Xiaotong white Zhao Jianfeng a way.

"Not afraid to be gossiped about?"

"I'm not afraid of the shadow. I have a mouth on others. I like to say what I want to say."

When he was about to get out of the elevator, Zhao Jianfeng consciously reached out and hugged Yang Xiaotong. Yang Xiaotong didn't refuse. However, Zhao Jianfeng didn't continue to be gallant. After getting out of the elevator, he kept a suitable distance from Yang Xiaotong.

This time, Yang Xiaotong didn't call Ma Zhiyuan. Anyway, Yang Xiaotong already knows that Zhao Jianfeng's drinking doesn't hinder his driving. Yang Xiaotong gives the key to Zhao Jianfeng and sits on the co pilot.

"I won't go to jinling hotel tonight, just find a place." Several times in Jinling restaurant, Yang Xiaotong always encounter unpleasant things, either Huo Feng or Wang Yicheng, which makes her feel a little frustrated.

As they drove along the road, they finally found a clean but not luxurious shop.

They stopped the car and entered the shop one after the other.

The name of the shop is donkey mill Tofu House. Needless to say, the specialty here is to eat tofu and drink Soybean milk.

Inside, there are seven or eight tables in the hall of tens of square meters. On one side of the hall, there are carbon stoves made of mud and pots on them. What's more refreshing is that there are six elegant rooms beside the hall. Beside the door, there are either people's communes or great leap forward rooms. The pictures above show some characteristics of that era, There are also wooden tables of the same size as the hall outside. There are benches on both sides of the table, which can hold up to three people. A room can hold only six people.

"In or out?" Zhao Jianfeng looked inside and outside the layout is almost the same, the only difference is that inside the curtain can be put down and separated from the hall, to ensure some privacy, but not sound insulation.

"Just outside." Yang Xiaotong hasn't eaten in such an environment for a long time. She really wants to feel the atmosphere. Since they all came out with Zhao Jianfeng, they were not afraid of being seen. On the contrary, hiding in a small room will make people guess.

They chose a table near one end to sit down. Zhao Jianfeng urges Yang Xiaotong to order, but Yang Xiaotong asks Zhao Jianfeng to order. She doesn't care what she eats, what she eats is a kind of mood.

Zhao Jianfeng first asked for two tea pots of soybean milk. The soybean milk here is really filled with the enamel iron tea pot that was popular in the last century. The tea pot is still the kind that was deliberately broken and worn out, which has the flavor of the 1970s and 1980s.

Zhao Jianfeng put down the soybean milk and ordered four dishes. He specially asked the waiter not to serve too much, so they couldn't eat.

Zhao Jianfeng sat in this position just facing all the people coming in at the door.

While drinking soybean milk, he observed the level of the people who came here to eat.

But soon he noticed a man. After the man came in, his eyes and eyes seemed different from those of ordinary diners. He swept all the customers in the shop all the time. Although he didn't stay too much with Yang Xiaotong, he always felt that this guy came in to look for people, but he was hiding the purpose of looking for people.

That's strange. If you're looking for someone, you'd better look for someone generously. Why do you make people feel so unfair?

But in the end, the man chose a seat and sat down. And this position is at the bottom of the hall.

A table on the outside just accommodates four people. There are several tables on the outside, but the man chose the innermost one, which makes Zhao Jianfeng feel strange.

There are two people at that table, a man and a woman. After the guy sits down, there is still a vacancy left. That is to say, if he has friends to come, there will be at most one. But this guy actually orders a soup, which is a whole chicken cooking a pot!

There is a rule in this shop, the chicken is not cooked by Jin, so as long as you order this dish, it is a whole chicken.

"This guy can eat it? It's impossible for two people? " Zhao Jianfeng said.

Just at the moment of doubt, when the waiter was ready to serve chicken soup to the man, the man suddenly ran over and took it in his hand: "beauty, I'll do it myself!"

The man took a pot of chicken from the top of the carbon stove and came trembling this way.