Today, Beishan group will hold a very important meeting.

Beishan group will give up its main product juicer and spend more than one billion US dollars to buy 52% shares of a Dutch group to become the largest shareholder of this international famous brand enterprise.

Just ten years ago, the displays produced by the Dutch company sold well all over the world, with an annual output value of tens of billions of dollars. Compared with other people, Beishan group did not even have the qualification to be an external packaging supplier.

Who would have thought that in just ten years, Beishan group would spend a lot of money to buy most of the shares of the company.

There is no doubt that ten years ago, the company would have paid more than one billion US dollars, but it would have been thankful to buy 1% of the shares.

At one time or another, this enterprise, which used to have a great influence in the world, has been stagnant with its own brand strength due to the cruel market competition. To put it bluntly, it is backward in technology. In just a few years, it has been struggling and has laid off tens of thousands of people around the world.

Today, the company is losing money with distressing figures every month. As the aircraft carrier is about to sink, some people can spend more than one billion dollars to buy 52 shares of the company... No one thinks it's taking advantage, but they think it's burning money.

As long as you have a little vision, you can see that this aircraft carrier has already sunk in half. Billions of dollars sounds like a lot, but it is far from enough to bring it back to life, or even to repair the loopholes.

Therefore, when Gao Miaomiao, who has just been in charge of Beishan group, claimed to acquire the company, he met with all opposition from vice president Wang and the cutting-edge middle and senior management. Even if he still produces Juicers, it is better to maintain the normal operation of the company than to invest his capital in that bottomless hole.

After Gao Miaomiao took office, he quickly cleared up a group of black sheep and gained prestige for himself in the shortest time, but in the end, he was still in power for a short time, and he still had a long way to go if he wanted to achieve his goal.

It's better to watch the group go bankrupt after working hard than to throw money into the bottomless pit - at least, it will take three or five years for bankruptcy, won't it?

Three or five years is enough time for us to resell our shares when the situation is not good, and then wave away. Even if it's cheap, it's better than throwing out all the money.

When Gao Miaomiao made this decision, it was like throwing a bomb on the water. Vice president Wang and others joined hands overnight and decided to fight against Gao Miaomiao's decision by withdrawing shares.

What's more, let this woman understand that she is only a little aunt of boss Gao at most. Don't think that with the support of Gao Fei, she has eliminated some black sheep and is regarded as the elite of the shopping mall.

If she wants to be big enough to cover the sky in Beishan group, she is far from qualified.

Even if she invited the president of the Dutch company to attend this meeting, everyone would not buy it.

She is against all the middle and high-level officials alone - I believe Gao Fei will consider everyone's feelings after knowing this, and then veto her unhealthy decision.

As for Gao Miaomiao, all this is what general manager Shen meant. Hehe, who believes it?

Mr. Shen, how can you make such a poor decision!

So, after Gao Miaomiao and Dutch President Mr. Schmidt walked into the meeting this morning, hundreds of middle and senior managers of the company gathered their strength and prepared to make trouble for her at the right opportunity.

But no one thought that the meeting had just been held. Before Gao Miaomiao had finished introducing the identity of the Dutch guest, he answered the phone and left in a hurry.

Rely on, how important thing, can let her abandon such an important meeting, regardless of the reason do not say a, in a hurry to leave?

From this point alone, we can see that Gaomiao is quite immature.

How can we all put our lives in the hands of such a woman?

After Gao Miaomiao left, the venue immediately began to boil up. There were some weird people, some sarcastic people, and some indignant people. In groups, they said that they did not pay attention to the Dutch guests, including the backbone of everyone, vice president Wang. They also looked sad and smoked alone.

"Mr. Wang, what do you think?"

Director Li of the product development department is a new leader promoted in the era of Jiao Enzuo. He holds a certain share and is also one of the backbone forces to launch resistance against Gao Miaomiao.

Glancing at the embarrassed Dutch guests, vice president Wang said faintly: "what else can I see? Let's wait for Mr. Gao to come back. "

"Ha ha, she left in the morning. Now it's two o'clock in the afternoon. She hasn't seen anyone. I don't think she will come today. So irresponsible, also proved that she has no ability, I think, the meeting first broke up. We can't wait for her not to come. She's OK. I have something else to do. I have to talk business with the boss of big city enterprises. "

Director Li chuckled, patted his numb legs, turned and walked to the door of the meeting.

Seeing that director Li was about to leave, several people immediately stood up and walked out.

In fact, we are all tired of sitting. We didn't have lunch. We wanted to leave for a long time, but the big guys are here, and no one left first.

Now that director Li has made this outstanding bird, then everyone will follow him.

Seeing more and more people standing up and going out, the Dutch guests who come to China with a sincere cooperation look more embarrassed.

On the contrary, vice president Wang is willing to let everyone continue to wait. As long as he sits down and waits until after work, even if Gao Fei knows, he won't say anything.

To leave now is no doubt to hit Gao Fei in the face and tell him that people don't respect Gao meow sent by him.

Vice president Wang opened his mouth and was about to stop director Li, but he sighed and lit a cigarette.

He can't control others. He can only control himself.

Now the Dutch guests are still at the venue. If he also leaves, then hundreds of middle and high-level people will leave. If only the Dutch guests are left, they will be pulling their faces.

Vice president Wang may not be afraid of Gao Fei, but he is afraid of his daughter-in-law. Knowing who Gao Fei's daughter-in-law is, vice president Wang has not the courage to challenge Shen Yinbing's authority.

Although President Shen has not been to Beishan group for a long time.

"Mr. Wang, what should we do?"

Director Zhang of the logistics department came up to vice president Wang and asked in a low voice, "are you going too?"

"Just wait."

Vice president Wang took a smoke and answered faintly.

"Until the end of the day?"

When director Zhang gave a bitter smile, the chaotic meeting hall and the noisy discussion suddenly began to laugh slowly.

What's wrong?

When director Zhang was a little puzzled, he saw vice president Wang sit up straight and upright. On his fat old face, he was surprised. Looking at the door of the meeting hall, he was even more surprised.

Director Zhang was a little puzzled to look over there - just a look, quickly returned to his seat.

When he sat up straight, there was no more sound in the meeting hall. Director Li and others, who had already walked to the door, stood still as if they had been given the body immobilization method, but their faces were full of horror and regret.

A woman appeared at the door of the meeting.

Behind the woman, followed by a group of black suits, holding a miniature submachine gun.

What shocked director Li, of course, was not the men with submachine guns, but the sight of Shen Yinbing.

Shen Yinbing's face, with a very gentle smile, eyes is not severe, spring like in director Li and others face swept, softly asked: "do you want to go?"

"Shen, general manager Shen"

Director Li took a few puffs from the corner of his mouth. When he was about to say something, Shen Yinbing had already wiped his shoulder and quickly walked to the rostrum.

After seeing Shen Yinbing appear suddenly, those middle and high-rise people who are sitting can't help but stand up.

At this time, it showed vice president Wang's old fox side and began to applaud.

Thunderous applause, even if only 60 or 70 people applaud, as long as we work hard together, we still want to.

As for director Li, they also want to clap, but they want to go back to their seats. Gao Ling waves first. Han Jiajun and others rush into the meeting hall and separate them from the people sitting.

Shen Yinbing, with his white windbreaker and black high waisted riding boots, walks slowly to the rostrum and looks at the president's chair, his eyes changing rapidly.

Her father, Su Beishan, Jiao Enzuo, Gao Fei and she have sat on this chair. Now Gao Miaomiao is sitting on this chair. In Beishan group, this chair represents the supreme authority. Even if Gao Miaomiao is sitting on it, vice president Wang has to obey everything he says.

Anyone who wants to resist can only leave.

When Shen Yinbing walked slowly to the rostrum and passed the Dutch guests, Mr. Schmidt and his entourage all saluted her with a smile: the guests didn't know Shen Yinbing, but they could guess who she was from her ostentation.

Shen Yinbing sat on the chair, hands on the table, scanning the meeting from left to right.

The applause slowly subsided.

"Sit down."

Shen Yinbing nodded.

A sound of sitting down immediately sounded, in addition to Director Li and other 20 people, everyone looked at Shen Yinbing without squint.

For them, Shen Yinbing is absolutely a legend.

Even if this legend has something to do with evil.

Shen Yinbing tapped the table and said directly: "I know that the decision of Beishan group to transform and purchase the Dutch company has aroused a lot of dissatisfaction. This is very normal. After all, all of you here are the backbone of the company. You have the rights and obligations to insist on the president's decision. "

After a pause, she continued: "but I want to remind you that no matter what kind of decision the president makes, you can raise your doubts, debate and discuss in a proper way at the meeting, instead of leaving the meeting before the meeting is over and the president announces the end of the meeting."

"It's disrespect for the president. To put it bluntly, he doesn't want to continue to be the leader of Beishan group."

Shen Yinbing laughed and said in the familiar tone of Gao Miaomiao: "I've always been a person who convinces people by reason. Since director Li and others don't want to continue to hold positions in the group, you can report to the finance department after the meeting. Is the head of Finance in

Su Xiaomei, the finance minister who was re employed, immediately stood up: "Mr. Shen, I'm here!"


Shen Yinbing nodded, said: "after the meeting, with director Li they liquidate their shares in the group."


When Su Xiaomei agreed loudly, director Li called out: "Mr. Shen, I don't accept..."

Before his words were finished, Han Jiajun's muzzle was on his forehead.

It's one thing to hold a gun in someone's hand, but it's another thing to hold it on the forehead.

Director Li's body trembled violently, his pupils contracted rapidly, and he didn't dare to say a word any more.

"When I do things, I never care whether other people are obedient or not. I just see if there is a president in other people's eyes."

Shen Yinbing didn't even look at director Li, but said to the microphone, "anyone who doesn't agree can stand up."