Even if he sunset is plotted by Yin Jinhua, he Xiucheng has been completely determined to be the commander of the broken army, but before he family makes any statement, Gao Fei and others will not move him at will.

He Xiucheng is not Mo Guyan.

At the beginning, he wanted to kill Mo Guyan, but the old man of Mo family asked for it. So Huo Tianqing went to Cuba in person. Finally, together with Gao Fei, he forced him to jump down from the sightseeing building.

Now that he family has never said a word, anyone who wants to tear off he Xiucheng's face must carefully consider his family's reaction, so as long as he doesn't force others to kill him, no one will touch him for the time being.

Not long after Gao Fei returned to southern Hebei, official news came from Jinghua: the villa where he Xiucheng lived caught fire one night. After putting out the fire, firefighters found two burned bodies, a man and a woman, who were identified as he Xiucheng and his nanny Yin Jinhua. At present, the police are investigating the cause of the fire.

The official announcement of the death of he Xiucheng is a complete relief for the he family: in the future, even if someone with the same name and surname as the third generation of the third young master of the he family has nothing to do with the he family, no matter what he has done.

Similarly, no matter what the fate of this person is, no matter what family.

The third young master of the he family had died in the fire. I heard that the ashes had been placed.

It has to be said that he Jia's play is really beautiful. At least he Jia's reputation has been preserved, which can be regarded as an account to all parties.

As a matter of fact, Gao Fei and others are very clear that this is just the reward of heipao's taking he Xiucheng as his direct descendant to cultivate him for so many years.

When Gao Fei got a call from Chu Yang, he was surprised to find that he Xiucheng's real father was the one who had lurked to Baiyunguan and killed Taoist Du, and Tang Peng had cut off the black robe of his right hand.

Of course, as for who the black robe is, Gao Fei and others are not clear.

At most, I know that before he left, he Xiucheng told he luori that he wanted to marry Liao Shuifen.

He Xiucheng began to pursue Liao Shuifen long ago. Even after she married Han Zhen, she never forgot. This is no secret for the whole Beijing dandy circle.

Naturally, Gao Fei knows this, but he did not expect that he Xiucheng, after returning to himself, would still tell he luori that he wanted Liao Shuifen.

If Liao Shuifen was another woman, of course Gao Fei would not care about it.

However, Liao Shuifen is Liao Shuifen. She has long had an indistinct relationship with Mr. Gao. Even if she is not willing to be his aunt like Chen Guoguo and others, Gao Fei never expects that she will not marry for a lifetime, but she does not want to be pursued by he Xiucheng.

It's just that the current situation is special, and there's no reason for Gao Fei to care about it honestly, so he can only smile when he hears about it. As for what he thinks in his heart, only he knows.

However, he did not expect that Liao Shuifen would call him today and tell him that he Xiucheng had gone to propose.

However, Shen Yinbing was listening to Liao Shuifen openly. After listening to Liao Shuifen's words, Gao Fei's face suddenly became gloomy: "how long has he been 'dead'? He dares to jump out like this."

Liao Shuifen's voice was obviously hesitating: "his name is Lu Xiucheng instead of he Xiucheng. Last night, he came to my house and asked me to marry him

"It turns out that heipao's surname is Lu."

Gao Fei frowned and pondered for a moment: "Liao Wusi is not in Beijing? He Mingzhu is not here, either? "

Gao Fei thinks that as long as Liao Wanwu and Lu Xiucheng are in Beijing, even if he Xiucheng and oh, no, Lu Xiucheng have some kind of dependence and go to the Liao family to propose in person, no matter what other people's reaction is, at least they won't agree, and they won't be afraid of the origin of Lu Xiucheng. They have already started fighting.

In that case, Liao Shuifen would not call Gao Fei.

Sure enough, Liao Shuifen replied, "No

"Where did they go?" goofy asked

"I don't know."

Liao Shuifen said in a low voice: "since Mingzhu Xianhuai, Wusi has not been running outside. They stay in their own home. But last night after Luxiu city came, I called them, but no one answered. Go to their home, no one, the table is still left unfinished dinner - goofy, they must be bound away by Lu Xiucheng

When it comes to the last sentence, Liao Shuifen's low cry.

Goofy is silent.

He knew that Liao Shuifen was right. The sudden disappearance of Liao Wusi and he Mingzhu must have something to do with Lu Xiucheng.

If he Mingzhu is not pregnant, anyone who wants Liao Wusi to disappear quietly, even moxie Zhengdong himself can't seem to do it.

But he is now so silent disappeared, can only show that people use pregnant he Mingzhu, to threaten him.

At the same time, it also threatens Liao Shuifen to do something, such as marry Lu Xiucheng.

After hearing this, Shen Yinbing, lying on Gao Fei's body, quietly got up, put on his clothes and went to wash.

This is a smart woman. She knows that Gao Fei needs to be quiet at this time.

After listening to Liao Shuifen crying there for three minutes, Gao Fei asked, "what are you going to do with you and your family?"

"I have no choice but to marry him."

Liao Shuifen heavily sucked his nose, and then said, "I really regret it now."

Gao Fei knows what Liao Shuifen regrets.

After seeing he luori in Lu Xiucheng, the latter told her that he was going to marry Liao Shuifen.

As for Liao Shuifen's reaction to the news, there's no need to talk about it here. Anyway, what she didn't expect has happened, and it's useless to regret. There are only two ways to go: to marry Lu Xiucheng; to marry Lu Xiucheng; Waiting to collect Liao Wusi's body.

Gao Fei understands Liao Shuifen's previous mood very well, and knows that she will choose this road, but there is no way to stop it. After all, his energy, that of Chu Yang, Tang Peng and others, has been used to meet the coming storm, so he can't worry about her.

I didn't expect that Lu Xiucheng would start from he Mingzhu.

With a heavy sigh over there, Liao Shuifen said, "well, I just want to find someone to talk about it - I don't know who to talk to except you. I can only talk to you after thinking about it. Now that I'm ok, I feel much better. Don't worry about me. As long as they can come back well, I'll be satisfied. Anyway, I'll be his wife at most. It's no big deal, right? Ha ha. "

When it comes to later, Liao Shuifen's tone is much lighter, and he laughs a few times.

Liao Shuifen is telling the truth.

No matter who Lu Xiucheng is, he has been admiring Liao Shuifen since he was a teenager, hoping to catch up with her. Even if his identity is revealed, heipao is worried about the prophecy that Taoist priest Du once said, and doesn't want him to associate with Liao Shuifen. He still goes to propose to Liao Shuifen, which shows that Liao Shuifen's position in his heart is very important.

He won't hurt her.

Goofy knows that, too.

But that's not why she married him.

But what else can Liao Shuifen do besides marry him?

Gao Fei couldn't think of it. He just realized that he was very upset now. After taking a few deep breaths, he asked: "Lu Xiucheng, what's his status to go to your house and propose to you?"

"Do you remember Shankou Shiqi, who once hurt Baici, but was beaten into a eunuch?"

After Liao Shuifen asked about this sentence, without waiting for Gao Fei to say anything, he went on to say, "now, he has replaced the original position of Shankou 17."

Of course, Gao Fei knows who Shankou seventeen is. After all, is he the one who went on the road? No matter how forgetful he is, he won't forget the poor child in three or five years.

However, Gao Fei did not expect that Lu Xiucheng "inherited" the identity of Shankou 17.

Yamaguchi is a small owner of an electronic group in the island.

According to Gao Fei's understanding, we know that the group is family style, that is to say, every leader can only come from the Shankou family. After the death of Shankou 17, the first successor in line, there are at least 30 heirs in the Shankou family. Lu Xiucheng can't wait another 10000 years for him to fill the gap after the death of Shankou 17.

But now, he has.

This fully proves that the island's famous electronic group is actually under the control of heipao.

Goofy didn't talk all the time, just thinking.

Liao Shuifen waited for a few minutes before he said in a low voice, "you're busy first. I'll hang up."

"Wait a minute."

Goofy blurted out.

Liao Shuifen is waiting.

Gao Fei opened his mouth several times. Just as he was about to say what he wanted to say, Shen Yinbing came out of the bathroom singing.

Du, Liao Shuifen over there hung up the phone.

Shen Yinbing, combing her hair, dragged the lovely cotton to the Kang and said, "in fact, you should tell her to come to southern Hebei. However, it is still a matter for Liao Wusi to be taken away. "

Goofy didn't speak. He just lifted the quilt and went to the ground.

Shen Yinbing pressed his shoulder and said in a low voice, "look up and look into my eyes."

"What's the matter, so serious."

Goofy forced a smile and looked up at her.

"Goofy, I admit I'm very upset that there are so many women around you. No matter before or after I married you, there is no woman who wants to share a man with other women. But I know very well that you are the kind of man who is not occupied by a certain woman. If I have to use my strength to make you abandon those women, I will lose you. I don't want to lose you. I just want all women to understand that Shen Yinbing is your real wife. "

Shen Yinbing said seriously: "I can see that after you received the call from Liao Shuifen, your heart was a little confused..."

Goofy interrupted: "what are you thinking?"

"I want to say, you must not mess now."

Shen Yinbing loosened her hand and said faintly: "it's not nice to say that even if Liao Shuifen died in front of you, you can't be confused. And I will try my best to stop you from taking care of her affairs. Besides I don't like you to associate with her, the most important thing is because of you. Because when you get upset, the enemy will find a chance. If you make any mistakes... "

Shen Yinbing said, went to the window, opened the window.

The cold air immediately blew in, blowing Shen Yinbing's hair and Nightgown, making her excited.

Gao Miaomiao, who had already finished cleaning and had the best breakfast, was busy repairing Holly with scissors. When he heard the sound of the window, he looked up and looked over. As soon as he met Shen Yinbing, he immediately lowered his head.

Shen Yinbing glanced at the sky outside the courtyard wall and said, "listen. Did you hear the sound of prosperity? If you go on a business trip wrong, everything you are most proud of will be gone! "