As many people know, the army, as a sharp weapon to protect the country, is not stationed wherever they want.

Especially the famous troops like the third iron and blood company.

Now, in Fangjia village, which is changing with each passing day, such an army is suddenly stationed, and the attitude of the state is clear: no one or any force is allowed to destroy the current good situation of Fangjia village.

Everyone knows that, of course, goofy does.

Sitting in the pavilion on the hill of Fangjia village's back house, Gao Fei looks at the soldiers who are rapidly setting up camp on the outskirts, and his heart is filled with emotion.

Of course, he understood that the entry of the company was the result of the efforts of the Gao family in Jinghua.

But there is no doubt that it has won the support of many people.

After all, Fangjia village, which can drive the rapid development of local economy and benefit all the big families, should be safest protected.

Gao Fei believes that with the arrival of the military, it will be more difficult for those people to engage in any intrigue in the other village. After all, their bravery is still very fragile compared with the big killers like the army.

Of course, with the entry of Tiexue Sanlian, Gao Fei felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavier.

Standing at the northernmost side of the hill, Gao Miaomiao looks eastward at the Xiaoqing River, which flows into the Yellow River. From the corner of his eyes, he looks at Gao Fei, wondering where he wants to put his aunt.

At noon, he followed Gao Fei to the provincial prison to pick up Zhao Xianjing. Gao Miaomiao saw that the boss was thirsty for talents.

In fact, Gao Miaomiao also knows that there is no shortage of talents in China at any time. Especially when China is becoming more and more powerful, she firmly believes that as long as Gao Fei openly recruits from the society, let alone the domestic elites actively participate in the application, even foreigners will break their heads and run here.

Goofy doesn't.

It is true that he is thirsty for talents, but he will never hand over his business to those who only want to make money.

What he needs are loyal people like Zhang Tao, Zhao Xianjing and Liang Ming.

Needless to say, even if there is only one production line, Tianya group's annual profits to the state are astronomical.

Now money is a number for Gao Fei, which is the relationship between more and less.

Therefore, he will never hand over the enterprise to people he is not familiar with.

But then again, there are only a few people he trusts, such as Li Decai, who can be more qualified to take care of all the business for him?

Of course, Gao Miaomiao also knows that Shen Yinbing, the owner's wife who is dressed by the outside world, is definitely the best choice, and the only one who can control the whole situation when the dust is settled.

The point is, she's never shown up.

After Gao Fei came back to southern Hebei from Jinghua, just like forgetting her, he stayed in the old house these two days and didn't look for her.

It seems that the two men must have discussed in secret, but one is in the light, like bait, to attract some danger, and the other is in the dark, like cobra, ready to catch and kill prey at any time.

I'm thirsty for talents. Hum, isn't my aunt the greatest talent?

You must be blind!

High meow meow in the heart secretly scolded, casually from the side of the flower tree, break off a small branch, hard break, just like breaking someone's neck.

In fact, of course, she knows very well that the relationship with Gao Fei during this period has made him deeply observe her working ability.

He pretended to be blind and couldn't see her because he didn't trust her.

Looking at the branches falling on the ground, Gao Miaomiao has a headache. He doesn't know what to do to gain Gao Fei's absolute trust.

Didn't he know that my aunt's greatest hope now was to find a place to use her talents?

"What are you thinking?"

Just as Gao meow cursed in his heart, Gao Fei's voice suddenly came from the back of his neck, which made her shiver and scream. She took a step forward. Fortunately, there was a railing to stop her, otherwise she would fall down the mountain.

Looking at Gao meow covering his hip bone and sucking air conditioner, Gao Fei grinned: "were you just thinking, why can't I trust you and let you out to help me? Right. "

"No - ang, that's what I think."

Gao meow instinctively wanted to deny it, but he gritted his teeth and simply nodded and admitted: "I know you still don't trust me. The most reason why you take me with you is that you hope I can be a dog commander. In fact, you should know that there is no other way for me to go except to rely on you honestly. So you can trust me and let me out to help you. "

"You really have no other way to go?"

Goofy looked at her and asked in a low voice, "if I let you out and stand on your own, if the world of mortals evil way appears in front of you again, threatening and luring, are you sure you won't betray me?"

"What if the Exorcist appears in front of Zhao Xianjing? Are you sure she won't betray you just to survive? Well, I can see from the prison that although you don't want that woman, her trust in you is determined. Now even if you let her die, as long as it's good for you, she won't hesitate. "

Gao Fei light said: "you can see this good."

"But what about other people you trust, such as Liang Ming, Zhang Tao and Lao Wang. Are they all ordinary people? Even if they are loyal enough to you, you can guarantee that they will not betray you in the choice of life and death? "

Gao Fei looked up at the Xiaoqing River in the dark. He was silent for a moment and then said, "they may betray me in the choice of life and death like you said. But I don't blame them. Because you are right, they are ordinary people, and no one is afraid of death. "

Without waiting for Gao Miaomiao to say anything, Gao Fei looked at her and continued: "but just because they are ordinary people, even if they are forced to betray me, they will not cause fatal harm to me."

Gao Miaomiao sneered: "you mean, I can do it?"

"When you turned your hands into clouds and covered them with rain in the Northern Dynasties, how many people died because of you? I don't see that you have any intention of repentance."

Goofy's eyes twinkled: "but they're different. If one person dies because of them, they collapse. You will not, even if it is a river of blood, as long as you can achieve your goal, you will not frown. I know this very well, and you know it yourself. I believe the Exorcist will understand it better. "

Gao Miao stopped talking.

Because goofy was right.

Those people, in order to fight against Gao Fei, may have aimed at the people he trusted for a long time.

But they are very clear, whether Liang Ming or Lao Wang, even if they can threaten them to betray, the role is very limited, because their quality in this area is too low, can not achieve the results they want.

But if Gao Miaomiao replaces Zhao Xianjing and becomes the boss of fangjiacun branch, those people will certainly try their best to get the maximum benefit from her.

"If I don't let you out, I don't want to hurt you, let alone myself."

Goofy took out a cigarette and lit it. After spraying the smoke, he said, "of course, if you have to show your talents, I can't give you a chance."

Gao Miao's eyes brightened: "what are you going to let me do?"

"Strictly speaking, there needs to be a strong person in Liaoning Province to rectify. You are absolutely the most suitable person."

Gao Fei said: "but the situation over there is more complicated. Except for my daughter-in-law, you can't control those people. So I just thought, can you be qualified for the post of general manager of Beishan group. During this period of time, the performance of the other side has fallen sharply. After all, vice president Wang is not the general in charge of the whole army. "

On Gao miaowao's face, a look of ecstasy immediately appeared: "boss, do you really want me to help you take care of Beishan group?"

Goofy nodded: "no matter what, I have to give you a chance to prove yourself."

"Great, great, boss, I really want to kiss you now!"

Just like a little girl, Gao meow jumps in place a few times, opens his arms, and somewhere there's a big wave.

Gao Fei stepped back and said calmly, "if you are not afraid of an accident on your way to office, you will hold me."


Gao Miaomiao was stunned. Then he looked up and looked around quickly. He said in a low voice, "boss, do you mean that she, the owner's wife, is actually staring at you secretly?"

"I'm staring at you."

Gao Fei is more upright: "a woman like you, who has appearance and talent and is full of bad water, will make her daughter-in-law uneasy no matter who he is with."

Gao Miaomiao turned his lips and turned away from the topic: "well, when will I take office?"

Gao Fei turned around and walked to XiaoShanBao: "if you like, go the day after tomorrow. I will inform the relevant personnel."

"Oh, boss, can you take me on the job yourself?"

High meow meow said, followed up.

When the back of her head was not under the hill, a dark figure turned up from the slope behind the railing, covered her ear and said in a low voice, "my uncle seems not happy to know that we are monitoring him."

Dark shadow waited for half a minute or so, Shen Yinbing's lazy voice came: "then withdraw, I don't want him to have unnecessary misunderstanding about me."


Dark shadow nodded, put down his right hand, looked around, and disappeared in the dark again.

With the rapid prosperity of Fangjia village, the night market has appeared long ago. From the square to the roadside on the other side of the memorial archway, there are stalls everywhere, people coming and going, discos, KTV bars and so on.

I thought that I would go to have a rest after watching TV with boss Gao. However, Gao Fei proposed to take her out for a walk to thoroughly experience the night life of the people in the village below.

Shopping, especially night market, is one of the favorite programs of all women.

Gao Miaomiao is a woman, naturally there is no exception. He immediately asked Gao Fei, what is she wearing?

Whatever. I don't care if I'm naked.

After Gao Fei dropped this sentence, he walked out of the room. He didn't mean to wait for Gao meow to dress up.

High meow heart curse, had to pick up a coat, followed by high fly out of the old house.

It's definitely one of gaomiaomiao's biggest wishes from the past to the present to be able to go to the night market freely at night.

After all, she was the second lady before, and her status was extraordinary. Naturally, she couldn't go out for a stroll at night like ordinary women. As for the later absconding period, she was like a lost dog. She didn't want to go to any night market.

Tonight, her dream finally came true. Every time she passed a stall, no matter what it was, she would forget to return. As a result, when she took two strings of sugar gourd and was ready to ask the boss for money, Gao Fei disappeared.