He is Jing Hongming.

Jing Hongming?

Who is Jing Hongming?

Pan Dongdong, standing behind the world of mortals, frowned slightly when he heard the man say his name. She felt that the name was familiar, as if she had heard it from somewhere. But for a moment, she couldn't remember who he heard. Naturally, she couldn't remember who Jing Hongming was.

The world of mortals is obviously more knowledgeable than pan Dongdong. The corners of his eyes suddenly beat, and he cried in a dumb voice: "jinghongming, are you jinghongming?"

The man didn't speak. He still stood in the heavy snow with his hands on his back. He looked very lonely and suspected of pretending. But it happened that no one could ignore his existence, even among thousands of people.

"She seems to have heard the name of Jing Hongming. From her surprised tone, she can tell that Jing Hongming should be very powerful. I also think that he should be a very powerful person, but how can I forget who mentioned this person to me and what does he do? "

Pan Dongdong had a headache. He racked his brains to think about who Jing Hongming was. He had completely forgotten that just now, she was almost killed by the red dust, and even forgot why she was here.

Some people, like a big magnet, can attract everyone's attention and thoughts as soon as they appear.

Jing Hongming is undoubtedly such a person.

"Dragon in December, cold-blooded Jinghong in October!"

After the initial shock, red dust quickly returned to normal, which can be judged from her murmuring voice.

Dragon in December, cold-blooded Jinghong in October!

Suddenly, it was like a flash of lightning, which crossed pan Dongdong's mind.

She finally remembered who jinghongming was: jinghongming was her favorite man's teacher.

"Here comes Tang Peng's teacher, Jing Hongming. It turns out that he is Jing Hongming."

Pan Dongdong was full of death and despair, and his abnormal eyes of longing for death suddenly lit up.

Pan Dongdong has never been interested in fighting and killing in the Jianghu. He just thinks that the heroes who have broken big stones in their chest and broken silver guns in their throats are just simple minded and well-developed warriors. No matter how powerful they are, can they block a bullet?

Don't forget, today is a society with highly developed science and technology. Any great Xia who calls the wind and rain in the age of cold weapons is nothing but scum.

There's a saying that's good. No matter how good your martial arts are, one shot will bring you down!

Maybe it's because Jing Hongming is a beloved teacher, so he always looks down on Wu Fu's Pan Dongdong, so I have a good impression on him. Although I haven't met him, I also think he is a very powerful great Xia. Maybe he will be really invulnerable and become a soldier

Of course, pan Dongdong has this impression on Jing Hongming purely because he is Tang Peng's teacher. In fact, his heart still looks down on him.

But now, pan Dongdong knew that she was wrong.

absolutely wrong.

She suddenly found that no matter how advanced the science and technology of today's society is, some people with "simple mind and developed limbs" can bring people an indescribable sense of security.

What's more, after learning that Jing Hongming is Tang Peng's teacher, pan Dongdong still has the impulse to rush into his arms and cry, letting the grievance tears flow freely.

She did not know why she had such a strong impulse, tears could not stop flowing down, grievances were strongly suppressed, but also volcanic eruption, so that her hands covered her face, shaking her shoulders, immersed in her own sad world.

The snow is still falling.

The north wind is still blowing.

Goose feather like snowflakes, falling on Pan Dongdong, silent.

She has been completely immersed in their own world, was sad despair, suffering, no matter what else in the world.

She just want to cry, pounce on the most worthy of her new chest, unbridled burst into tears.

But where is that embrace?

I don't know how long later, when pan Dongdong was covering his face and shaking his shoulders violently, Jing Hongming's gentle voice rang out in front of her: "you are very sad, I know. If you want to cry, cry out. "

Pan Dongdong trembled, slowly put down his hands covering his face and raised his head.

Jing Hongming stood in front of her, still calm and bright, but no longer cold.

His left shoulder clothes, as if torn by a cat's claws, showed the inside shoulder, can see three or two blood stains, but he seemed to have no feeling, standing there quietly, slightly looking down at Pan Dongdong.

The actual age of Jing Hongming must be older than that of Pan Dongdong, but not much.

But the way he looks now reminds pan Dongdong of her father. When she was six years old, she got into trouble at school and didn't dare to go home. She went to the park alone. When it was dark, she was afraid to cry too loudly, so her father appeared in front of her.

Then, pan Dongdong, like his father's arms, suddenly jumped into Jing Hongming's arms, holding his waist with both hands and crying loudly!

When a person's grief, despair, grievance to the extreme, in order to not collapse, only cry.

Tears and Howling are the best medicine to relieve mental stress.

There is no doubt about this. This is also the reason why you cry when the person who loves you most dies at the age of 100.

Jing Hongming is like a javelin. Even when he is held by Pan Dongdong and wails, his waist is still straight.

The snow, wrapped in the north wind, blew into the pavilion and fell on them, covering a pool of blood on the ground.

The wind finally stopped.

The snow is still falling.

Tonight, I drank at least three kilos of Baijiu flying, driving to the imperial club.

What time is it now?

Goofy doesn't care.

For those who drink too much, who cares what time it is and whether the road is difficult?

Most of all, after the car hit the roadside tree, it would jump out of the car angrily, kick the tree fiercely, scold nervously, and then turn around.

As for the car with the door open - how many people who drink too much can remember that they are driving after venting to a big tree?

"Hi, brother, long time no see. How are you? Hi, friend, if it's really you, say hello

High flying wolf general howling, askew on the road, wake up a lot of windows, lights up.

Since Ning Caishen's "Wulin waizhuan" has been popular on the screen, Gao Fei especially likes this song "long time no see", and even likes to yell at the top of his voice when he drinks too much.

Mr. Gao is usually a very low-key person.

But when I drink too much, I really like that someone can hear his song which is more charming than ghost crying.

It's a pity that it's snowy tonight, and it's after the freezing point again. Except for the flashing neon lights and the street lights that meander to the distance, it's not human, even a ghost shadow can't be seen.

This is a disappointment to Mr. Gao, but it can't disturb his interest in singing.

Askew, I don't know how many somersaults I fell. When Mr. Gao passed an alley, he finally saw two people coming out of the alley.

Walking in front of a man, a woman behind him, about two meters apart, the man in the snow with chin, waist straight, to the back of his hands.

The woman behind him lowered her head slightly, just like a daughter-in-law who eloped with others and was caught by her husband.

After seeing that the audience finally appeared, Gao Fei was still very happy, although he didn't see what they looked like and wasn't sure whether they were interested in appreciating his singing. When he opened his mouth and was about to sing in a louder voice, he suddenly gasped and coughed violently.

It was not easy to meet two audiences who came to enjoy their songs in the middle of the night, but they gasped and coughed, which made Mr. Gao very depressed. He bent down and coughed for half a minute, then reluctantly stopped coughing and raised his head.

As soon as he raised his head, he heard a woman's voice: "Gee, goofy, are you drunk?"

"No, not drunk? How can I get drunk - you, who are you, how do you know I'm goofy? "

Gao Fei stares at the woman in front of him, but he can't see her clearly: "you, how can you have two heads?"

"Gao Fei, it's me, I'm pan Dongdong!"

When the woman saw that Mr. Gao was going to run out to the ground again, she quickly reached out and helped him.

"Pan Dongdong? Sister Dong? Tang Peng's winter sister? "

Although Mr. Gao was very drunk, fortunately he was not completely drunk. Finally, he thought of who pan Dongdong was.

"It's me, it's me."

Pan Dongdong nodded hard, then complained: "how can you drink so much wine? How dangerous! Why didn't Tang and he come to see you off? "

"Hey, hey, hey, are you talking about Tang Peng?"

Goofy laughed triumphantly: "he sent me? When I left, the boy drank under the sofa. Alas, what's more, just as the so-called wine is more worrisome. That boy, after you were driven away, had already - eh? Sister Dong, why are you here? Who is he? "

Speaking of this, Gao Fei is sober. Thinking of Pan Dongdong being driven away by Jing Wuyan, he calls Huo Tianqing and asks others to help.

At this time, shouldn't pan Dongdong be in the imperial club?

Even if she appears here, shouldn't the man accompanying her be Huo Tianqing?

How could it be a man Mr. Gao didn't know?

Who is this guy?

It seems that he is an old man. Even if he is a little handsome, it seems that this is not the reason to abduct pan Dongdong and elope with him?

I wipe, dare to hit my brother woman's idea, you are living impatient!

Teng Di a, Gao Fei stretched out a hand to grasp the arm of the Lord Jing Hongming, sternly shout a way: "you, which are you?"

"You drink too much."

Jing Hong life light said: "you shoulder the burden, but do not know how to control, let me some disappointment."

"You, who are you?"

After hearing what Jing Hongming said, Gao Fei laughed angrily: "Gaga, you taught me a lesson. Do you know who I am? Well, it sounds familiar. "

"Gao Fei, he is teacher Tang Peng, Mr. Jing Hong lives Mr. Jing!"

See jinghongming brow slightly wrinkled, pan Dongdong quickly explained.

"Tang Peng's teacher, Jing Hongming, Jing Xian - Jing Hongming!"

Some people, in addition to giving people a considerable sense of security, also have the function of sobering up.

Jing Hongming is such a person.

If Gao Fei is arrogant and interested, he can even run to the statue of Jesus and untie his pants. However, he will never think who Jing Hongming is, and he can still keep his arrogance, even after drinking.

Jing Hongming is not a God, but he and his comrades in arms left the legend of the invincible myth for the Chinese military many years ago.


Myths in the army.

Every active and retired Chinese soldier knows this myth and what kind of posture he should take when he sees the characters in the myth.

When Gao Fei hurriedly retracted his hand, a layer of cold sweat came out of his forehead.

Of course, he was not scared to sweat by Jing Hongming's prestige, but because of his worship.