Like all farms, Chenyang duck farm also has its own feed processing workshop, as well as a warehouse full of feed.

There are three warehouses in total. Warehouse 3 is at the back of the duck farm, with its back against the cliff. From the door, it doesn't cover much area, which makes Hera Hou, who came here with Shen Yinbing, wonder: how can this place be a copper leaf grass cultivation base?

"It sounds strange for a woman to run a duck farm."

Just as Gao Gao took out a bunch of keys to open the ordinary iron door, Athena whispered.

In her tone, there was an obvious meaning.

It seems that she also knows Chinese culture very well, knows the status of ducks in people's minds, and seems to be discriminated against (ducks are very angry, you eat our meat, eat our eggs, but also say that we are specialized in serving women, especially, which one of us has such a good fortune), Let others know that when she runs this duck farm, she will associate with the feelings of ducks.

Gao Gao, who is taking the key to unlock the lock, hears Athena's disrespectful tone to Shen Yinbing, stops and looks back at Athena with cold eyes.

When she was in the temple of the gods at Olympus, Athena was the first one to challenge Shen Yinbing, but she didn't get any good. So she had a bad impression of Shen Yinbing. At this time, she couldn't help making sarcastic remarks.

Hera days later frowned, very dissatisfied with Athena's performance, in front of others, she did not mean to say anything.

Shen Yinbing didn't care, just as she didn't recognize the meaning of Athena's words. She just said to Gao Da, "open the door."

Gao Da took off the lock and pushed the iron door open slowly.

With a squeaking sound, the iron door was pushed open, and a peculiar smell of feed came to her face. Athena couldn't help but raise her hand to cover her nose and mutter something.

Tall from the wall behind the door, turned on the lights inside the warehouse.

Sure enough, the warehouse is not big, which is 100 square meters at most. There are dozens of bags stacked on the west wall, which seems to be the feed for raising ducks. On the east side, there are some troughs, cages and other things.

The light was dim, but it was clear at a glance.

"What's in this bag is copper leaf grass?"

When Athena came in, her eyes fell on the west wall.

There were only these things in the warehouse. No wonder she thought so. Queen Hera and the gentle man all looked there.

Shen Yinbing looked at Athena, laughed and asked, "do you think the copper leaf grass will be cultivated from the bag?"

"I don't either..."

When Athena blurted out these three words, Hera coughed suddenly and said in a cold voice, "Athena, I regret taking you to China, because you have said too much."

Athena instinctively looked at Queen Hera. When she was about to say something, she saw a flash of cold light in her eyes. Then she suddenly realized something and quickly lowered her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Gao. Athena is very excited to welcome back to Shengcao. She is a little out of standard in her speech. Please forgive me

Hera empress put her gentle left hand on her heart and slightly bent down to bow to Shen Yinbing to express her apology.

"It's OK. If it were me, I would be the same."

Shen Yinbing is very magnanimous. He shakes his head and looks at Gao Da.

Gao Da walked to the front of the back wall and reached for a slightly protruding stone.

The back wall of the No. 3 warehouse of the duck farm is the mountain, but it was opened up very neatly. Like the East and west walls, it is covered with cobwebs, so it is hard to think that it is a mountain.

A creaking light sound, as the tall hand retracted, a wall hole like the size of a shrine slowly appeared in everyone's sight, which is installed with a most advanced electronic lock, which is often seen in the film.

Shen Yinbing went over, put her hand on the keyboard and clattered a few numbers. After a squeak, she put her head close to the electronic lock. A green light came out from inside and shone on her eyes. It was like scanning, and then it disappeared.

Click, click - soon the sound of a heavy object sliding away came through, and a door slowly appeared on Shen Yinbing's left side of the mountain.

After seeing the advanced retinal scanning code lock on qiangshang, Hera's eyes began to shine, seemingly unintentionally looking at the gentle man.

A gentle looking man is like a woman who doesn't see Hera looking at him. She still has a gentle smile on her face. It's easy to ignore him.

From the cold light of the door, we can see that it is an explosion-proof door with a row of keyboards on the right side.

Shen Yinbing went over, and after a few more points, there was a clanging sound somewhere.

The door opened.

This time, Shen Yinbing personally opened the door.

Athena immediately looked inside. It was dark inside, and she couldn't see anything, but she could feel the warm moist air coming out of it.

After the door was completely opened by Shen Yinbing, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up and saw a long corridor winding down. Every few meters on both sides, there was a waterproof lamp.

"Here, it was originally an air raid shelter dug by local people in the 1950s and 1960s, but it was soon abandoned because of its small scale, so few people knew about its existence."

Shen Yinbing turned around and looked at Hera queen. She raised her hand and said, "queen, please."

Hera queen did not speak, just staring at the walls on both sides of the corridor.

Different from the air raid shelter imagined by many people, this corridor is not built with bricks and stones, plastered with cement, showing the nature of the mountain, except for the road paved with cement below.

The lights on both sides of the corridor are dim yellow, but you can see that the stone walls are covered with bronze moss (the moss is bronze because of the light).

"Copper, copper leaf grass, copper leaf grass!"

Hera Queen walked quickly into the corridor, her hand trembling like her voice, and slowly put it on the stone wall, on the wet moss.

These mosses are different from the mosses that ordinary people usually see, at least in length: moss is actually a kind of fungus, generally in the length of three to five millimeters, wet and slippery.

But the moss here is really like grass, which is more than ten times longer than ordinary moss. The leaves like pine needles hang down. When you pinch them with two fingers, some white thick juice will appear.

These mosses, like rubber trees, cut off the epidermis with a knife, and white juice will flow out.

There is no doubt that the white juice is the main raw material used by greedy wolf to make worry forgetting powder.

These mosses are the carefree grasses with special significance to kill the three wolves. They are the copper leaf grasses that Olympus has been searching for for for 15000 years.

"I finally found you, I finally found you!"

Hera Queen's whole body trembled at this time, and her voice murmured with an obvious cry. Just like facing the most vulnerable rare treasure in the world, her hands did not dare to touch the moss. Her knees bent slowly, knelt on the ground, covered her face, and tears flowed from her fingers.

Unlike queen Hera, Athena just walked in with ecstasy in her eyes, grabbed a blade of grass, put it in her mouth, closed her eyes and chewed it slowly.

She is using her own taste buds to judge whether the herb is true or not.

The gentle man who didn't say a word now came to Shen Yinbing and said something in a low voice. After she nodded her head, she took out some things from her pocket.

These are some simple instruments for testing the ingredients of drugs. There are microscopes, test tubes and so on.

Just now he asked in a low voice to allow him to test the copper leaf grass here, but Shen Yinbing didn't refuse.

She can see that Dr. Robertson, who is good at biology, should be a servant of God. This time, she was brought by Queen Hera in order to use advanced technology to test the authenticity of copper leaf grass.

As soon as Hera queen saw these mosses, she immediately knew that they were bronzes.

Athena then tried it herself.

Finally, Dr. Robertson used the instrument to make sure there was no change in the composition of the herb.

From this we can see that Mount Olympus attaches great importance to copper leaf grass.

It's not their fault. After all, the withering and flourishing of Shenshan depend on these copper leaf grasses.

For the next few minutes, no one spoke and everyone looked at Dr. Robertson quietly.

A few minutes later, Dr. Robertson raised his head, first gave Shen Yinbing a sorry smile, and then nodded to Hera Hou Hou, meaning that the identification had been completed: it was the real product.

Hera was relieved. She walked up to Shen Yinbing and said, "Madam Gao, I'm sorry. We haven't seen the copper leaf grass for 15000 years. We even forgot its appearance. That's why we..."

Shen Yinbing shook her head and interrupted her: "you don't have to be so polite, sir. If it was me, I would do the same, and I would be more careful than you."

"Thank you for your understanding."

After a few words of politeness, Queen Hera immediately said, "Madam Gao, I have been entrusted by King Zeus to invite the bronzeleaf back to Mount Olympus as soon as possible, so I won't disturb you."

"I know."

Shen Yinbing thought for a while, then pointed to the corridor and said, "I once said that even though the grass has extraordinary significance to Olympus, I can't let you all take it away because of its importance to me. So you can only take a third at most. "

"Not so much, ma'am."

Before Hera could speak, Dr. Robertson said, "in fact, we only need two square meters. With the holy water of Olympus, I believe that these sacred grasses, which have been away from the holy mountain for 15000 years, will grow rapidly and vigorously! "

"Well, it's up to you."

Of course, Shen Yinbing also hopes that the less they take away, the better. After all, it takes her too much effort to successfully cultivate these carefree herbs in other places.

"Thank you."

After Dr. Robertson said thanks, he took out a green plastic bag and a small shovel from his backpack.

After getting Shen Yinbing's consent, Dr. Robertson found a place where moss grew most thickly. Like vegetable farmers transplanting seedlings, he carefully shoveled down the wet soil on the surface of the stone wall and packed it in plastic bags orderly.

It took Dr. Robertson more than two hours to shovel down two square meters of moss.

"Thank you for your generosity. Please visit Olympus more often in the future."

After Dr. Robertson finished cleaning up, Hera said thanks to Shen Yinbing for the third time.

Shen Yinbing nodded with a smile and said, "Your Excellency, it's time for you to fulfill your promise."