It's undeniable that dealing with smart people is a way to save your mind.

Gao Miaomiao is undoubtedly a smart man. After seeing Gao Fei coldly looking at the chair and keyboard, he knows what he is going to do.

Goofy doesn't like her kneeling in front of her, but doesn't mind her kneeling.

Obediently, gaomiaomiao didn't dare to beg for mercy. He went to take down the keyboard, put it on the ground and knelt down.

Many people know that a husband who is afraid of his wife will be punished after he makes a mistake.

Mr. Gao has never been like those frustrated men, but he appreciates this kind of punishment that women have racked their brains to come up with, and thinks that it is very appropriate to use this elegant way to let Gao miaowao learn a lesson.

Of course, in order to distinguish himself from those women who expect to control the fate of men, Mr. Gao also decided to add some new things on the basis of the original.

For example, he took a dream of Red Mansions from the Kang (it was left by Bai Ci, who used to like to lie on the Kang) and threw it in front of Gao Miaomiao: "before I came back, Gao Miaomiao nodded and agreed, but there was no response.

"Next time, if you eavesdrop on me talking to people or steal my cigarettes and do it yourself, I don't want to waste my breath."

Gao Fei left this sentence when he left the room after putting on his coat.

"Well, cheapskate, I just smoked a few cigarettes and eavesdropped on your conversation? I wanted to think about it for you. Did you miss the details? Cut, kneel, keyboard? Thanks to you. You think I'm stupid. I'll still be on my knees after you leave! "

Gao Miaomiao waited for a moment. After hearing the sound of closing the door in the living room outside, he immediately got up from the keyboard, sat on the chair in front of the computer desk, put his long legs on it, whistled and read the book at will.

But in the next moment, like a frightened rabbit, she jumped up from the chair. Because she forgot to put her feet on the table, she fell down in a hurry and fell to the ground. The water mist quickly floated in her eyes.

Gao Fei was like a blind man who couldn't see her fall. He was more like a landlord who didn't care about the life and death of his servants. He had a smile on his face: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. When I come back, if you can't see the trace of kneeling all the time from your knees, you won't eat until this time tomorrow. "

"It's time for dinner, pengpeng."

Jing Wuyan is obviously whining when she says this sentence in a long voice.

It also contains a lot of demonstrations.

The object of the demonstration was naturally Xing IELTS sitting on the sofa opposite.

No matter how simple a girl is, when she sees her most threatening rival, she will become a leopard ready to fight at any time. As long as she finds a chance, she will show her sharp teeth and tear each other to pieces!

Xing Yasi is like a flower.

A white lotus.

There are some failed lotus flowers, otherwise her spirit, her whole person, would not be so haggard.

Especially in the past that pair of smart eyes, also deeply subsided, more obvious dull.

She sat in front of Tang Peng and Jing Wuyan for five minutes, but she didn't say a word. She just looked at Tang Peng like a clay sculpture.

Tang Peng didn't dodge her eyes. He was as calm as an ancient well. Naturally, he didn't feel guilty. Although he also knew that Xing Yasi was so haggard at present, it was all because of him.

If he didn't pretend to die and let Xing Yasi wake up and find that the whole world has changed, how could she suffer so much psychological torture (for details, please see the eunuch book "marry a queen to be a wife"). She didn't know all this was a conspiracy against her until she saw Tang Peng at the airport.

But Tang Peng is not guilty.

If Xing Yasi didn't cheat him and use him first, how could he attack this girl psychologically?

Of course, he can see that anyway, Xing Yasi loves him very much.

He is the only man she loves.

So, does Tang Peng love her?

Tang Peng, who is calm on the surface, hides his heart so tightly that no one can see it.

After Jing Wuyan couldn't stand the "affectionate" look at each other like Xing Yasi and Tang Peng, she deliberately made a whiny voice, which awakened the two men and women who looked at each other.

"I'm sorry, I've been rude."

Xing Yasi just like waking up, forced to smile and look at Jing Wuyan.

"It's OK. I'm a generous girl."

Jing Wuyan was a proud girl. Even when she was lying, she didn't want to cover up. She said with a smile: "however, I hope you can pay attention to it. After all, when you look at my fiance like this, my fiancee will be very upset. Well, stop talking nonsense. Don't you feel guilty about delaying our candlelight dinner? Come on, what are you looking for Tang Peng for? Hurry up. Finish saying, go out right turn is elevator, good go, don't send ah

Jing Wuyan's words were quite rude.

But even so, Miss Jing also felt that she was very generous and tolerant. It was very good that she didn't slap her rival in the face like those girls with no quality and no education.

"I'm leaving now. I won't disturb your candlelight dinner."

Xing Yasi forced a smile again and looked at Tang Peng. His long eyelashes slowly dropped and he said in a soft voice, "I'm here to tell you something."

Before Tang Peng spoke, Jing Wuyan asked, "what's the matter?"

"I, I'm going to get married."

When Xing Yasi spat out this sentence, he looked down at Tang Peng's right toe and suddenly raised it, but slowly put it down.

"Are you going to get married?"

Jing Wuyan was in a daze, and then he was ecstatic, and said repeatedly, "Oh, it's so good. It's absolutely the best news of this century, none of them! Oh, by the way, who are you going to marry? When do you get married? Where is the wedding? What do you want me to give you? "

Jing Wuyan is just like turning on the machine and turning off the gun. When she asks these questions one after another, her right hand also holds Tang Peng's waist.

She hoped that Tang Peng would not have the reaction she did not want to feel.

But she was disappointed.

Eyes obviously floating on the uncomfortable, gently bit the lower lip, but heartless smile.

"The bridegroom is Liu Xiaolong. The day after tomorrow, that is new year's day, it will be held in Xicheng hotel."

Xing Yasi said, took out a red invitation from the bag, put it on the desk, stood up, still lowered his eyes, and said in a soft voice: "if you are free, please go to drink my wedding wine - OK, don't disturb you, goodbye."

"It's a good way to go. I don't want to see you off."

Jing Wuyan looked cheerful, raised his hand and waved: "don't worry, we will certainly go to the show at that time, are we at least friends?"

Xing nodded and walked slowly to the door.

She knew that when she put the invitation on the table and walked out of the room, the man she loved became a passer-by.

In fact, she has enough confidence to defeat Jing Wuyan: in her eyes, Jing Wuyan is just a mentally retarded person with incomplete IQ. How can she be her opponent?

Even the Yan family can't stop her from marrying Tang Peng.

But it's a pity that the real reason for Xing to give up Tang Peng and marry Liu Xiaolong is that she can't resist.

She had no choice but to comply.

Because from the day she was born, no matter how good she was, she was destined to be a tool in the hands of others.

Tools, you can't have your own ideas.

Open the door, step foot, Xing Yasi out of the room, can't help looking back to Tang Peng again.

Tang Peng is also looking at her, eyes are still so calm, like an ancient well.


At the moment when Xing Yasi opened his mouth, there were thousands of words to say, but in the end, they only turned into these two words, and then he closed the door.

After the door was closed, Xing Yasi no longer had the strength to stand. He leaned on the wall and raised his head, tears streaming down.

The lips are soft and the tears are salty.

Xiaoyue stands in the corridor window not far away, looking at her eyes, as if there is a flash of regret, but then there is no expression.

"Do you really want to catch up with her and tell her not to marry?"

Jing Wuyan slowly released the hand holding Tang Peng, pure to the heart palpitating face, and finally a sad look floated up.

A girl with a simple heart can grow up quickly when she falls in love with a man who doesn't love her very much.

Tang Peng still didn't speak, just turned to look at her.

Jing Wuyan sniffed, laughed and said, "if you really want to do this, go after her quickly. You still have a chance. Once she comes back to Yan's home, then you will... "

Before her words were finished, Tang Peng, who was as quiet as a log, suddenly reached out and hugged her.

Very hard, as if to crush her completely, stuffed into their own body.

Then, he opened his mouth to the girl's little mouth, and his tongue was so domineering that he wanted to pry open others' teeth.

Holding a kiss with Tang Peng is something Jing Wuyan often thinks about.

Now it's come true, but she doesn't have the slightest sense of joy. On the contrary, she opens her mouth and bites him on the lip, then pushes him away and slaps him in the face.

There's a bang!

Tang Peng was stunned, subconsciously covered his cheek and asked in a dumb voice: "you, don't you like it?"

"I like it, I like you to kiss me on the mouth!"

In an instant, Jing Wuyan's face was full of tears. He wiped the blood stains on his mouth with his backhand and screamed: "but I don't want you to think about Xing IELTS when you kiss me! Yes, I'm a little silly. I'm a little bit low IQ. I always do stupid things that you look down on and say stupid things that you laugh at

"But my love is not stupid at all. It's the most real and can't be profaned!"

Crying and shouting, Jing Wuyan stood up and kicked Tang Peng: "you get out of the way, I want to go! I'll get back the girl you love for you! No matter how silly I am, I don't want to see my husband always depressed because he thinks of other girls in the long years to come! "

Tang Peng didn't dare to get out of the way.

He can see that Jing Wuyan was stimulated by him and lost his mind completely.

If you let her run out in this way, with her crab like driving skills, there will be an accident.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Jing Wuyan is more irritable and cries more loudly. He swings a small bag and smashes it at Tang Peng.

With a bang, blood came out of Tang Peng's forehead.

In her small bag, there is a mobile phone, a car key, and a make-up box.

The small mirror in the make-up box was smashed, and the small satchel and Tang Peng's forehead were cut.

"You, why don't you run away?"

After seeing the blood snake flowing out of Tang Peng's forehead, Jing Wuyan was silly.