It was fine last night, but it was gloomy this morning. At nine o'clock in the morning, there was a light rain. With the north wind blowing colder and colder, the rain became snowflakes.

Flakes of snow, flying around with the roaring north wind, hit Tang Peng on the face with the greatest strength, smashed to pieces, soon turned into water stains, disappeared, chilly and uncomfortable.

Tang Peng did not feel like that, always standing there, slightly lowered his head, looking at kneeling in front of the tombstone of Xiaoyue.

Just like Tang Peng, who is wearing a black stand collar Zhongshan suit, Xiaoyue is also wearing the same style of clothes. Her hair is gathered behind her head and tied up with a white ribbon. She is swayed left and right by the wind.

There is some mud on the ground. Xiaoyue has been kneeling here for more than half an hour. Her trousers at her knees have been soaked with mud and cold, and there are thorns like the tip of a needle. However, she has no expression or even cry. She just raises her hand to caress the tombstone and looks at the picture embedded in it for a long time without moving.

Pan Dongdong stands on the left side of Tang Peng. On the right side are Chen Liuxiang and Hercules. All the people Tang Peng brought from Shen Cheng have come here to see Han Xuan off.

He was buried this morning, and Xiaoyue, as his wife, planted the last handful of soil on his grave.

The paper money, which had been reduced to ashes for a long time, was blown away by the north wind, leaving only the paper dust stuck on the mud and buried by the gradually increasing snowflakes.

The snowflakes are getting bigger and bigger, and the north wind is getting colder and colder. The temperature is falling very hard. The snowflakes on the eyebrows are frozen before they can turn into water.

The burial was finished long ago, but no one left. It seems that if you stand here for a while, Han Xuan will come out of the grave and tell you with a smile that it's cold. Let's go back.

Xiaoyue is reluctant to leave, although she knows that even if she kneels here all her life, Han Xuan will not come back to life.

Tang Peng doesn't want to go. He is deeply sorry for Han Xuan's death and Xiaoyue: if he didn't use white porcelain to deal with Chu liangxiao, Han Xuan might not have died.

Han Xuan is Tang Peng's most effective man. He is also loyal enough. He once fought side by side with Tang Peng in the Middle East.

Originally, everyone thought that with Tang Peng's growing energy, Han Xuan would live the good life he hoped. When he walked with Xiaoyue smoothly, he died.

And the death is still so tragic.

What makes Tang Peng feel sorry for Han Xuan most is that when he should have been able to beat Chu liangxiao and Fang Yunkang to the 18th floor of hell, he let her go nervously.

Tang Peng knows that when he hesitates for a long time and decides to let Chu liangxiao go, these days Xiaoyue, like a wooden man, still doesn't have the slightest reaction, but he knows that she is extremely dissatisfied.

Let Chu liangxiao go.

This decision not only surprised everyone, but also Tang Peng himself: is it not enough for Chu liangxiao to hurt him?

Or, just because he always held some kind of feeling that he couldn't even bear to Chu liangxiao?

"Quack, quack!"

Not far away in the snow, came a crow's call, hoarse, ugly.

Crows, always like to stay in the cemetery, green eyes, with other birds, animals do not have evil.

Some people say that crows are messengers from the underworld. They always linger around when a new tomb appears. When the relatives of the dead leave, they will take the dead to another world.

Crows are crowing. They must be dissatisfied with Tang Peng and others for staying in front of the tomb for a long time?

Maybe, it saw someone coming again.

It's true that someone has come.

The cemetery is located on a small barren mountain in the northern suburb of Beijing. At the foot of the mountain is a small road in disrepair. The cemetery is the end of it.

Originally, according to Tang Peng's idea, Han Xuan's ashes should be taken back to Shen city for burial. Even if they stay in Beijing, they should be put in those super luxurious cemeteries with tens of thousands of yuan per square meter.

He died for him. No matter how luxurious a place he finds for him, he is entitled to rest in it.

But Xiaoyue disagrees: Han Xuan is an orphan. Like Xiaoyue, he doesn't know who his parents are. He even forgets where his hometown is. He came from a poor family and has long adapted to the poor life.

If he is buried in a super luxurious cemetery, Han Xuan, who looks a little ugly, may be looked down upon by his neighbors, which will make him unstable.

Han Xuan has had a good life since he met Tang Peng.

But as soon as his life improved, he died.

This shows that he is not suitable for the rich life, so even after death, don't go to live next to the rich people, lest he die again and make the living uneasy.

Xiaoyue said, just look for a cemetery.

She'll remember where the cemetery is for the rest of her life, and when she dies, she'll be here with him.

If you look around, you can see the vast expanse.

When the crow's call came, pan Dongdong instinctively looked behind him, and then saw a black car, stopped at the end of the road. Two women in black clothes and a hundred flowers on their chest stepped down from the car.

The girl who got off first had an umbrella in her hand. When the woman got off later, she opened the umbrella and covered the snow and the wind for her. However, she lifted it up and pushed it away. She looked up and stepped up.

When the woman raised her head, pan Dongdong saw her face.

Chu liangxiao.

It's Chu liangxiao and her secretary, Xiao Song.


After seeing Chu liangxiao coming, pan Dongdong sighs and sweeps his eyes at Tang Peng.

Tang Peng is still standing there, looking down at Xiaoyue with calm eyes.

He didn't feel sorry for Han Xuan and Xiao Yue just because he let Chu liangxiao go.

As a matter of fact, Chu liangxiao's performance was not too excessive when he was in the imperial club, and he did not stand up when Fang Yunkang and the islanders framed white porcelain.

Han Xuan's death is related to the islanders.

Tang Peng won't let go of that woman with white hair. No matter how mysterious her origin is and how deep her background is, from the moment she brutally killed Han Xuan, she has become a dead person.

Destined, her heart will also be pulled out by Tang Peng.

Tang Peng has killed countless people, but he has never had the experience of taking out a person's heart?

When pan Dongdong saw Chu liangxiao, Chu liangxiao and Hercules also saw her.

Everyone's eyes, with obvious disgust, and colder than the north wind indifference.

Chu liangxiao could feel it, but she didn't feel it. She stepped on the muddy road and walked slowly to Tang Peng. Holding a bunch of white flowers in her hand, she bowed three times to the tombstone.

The Secretary, Xiao Song, stood behind her with a nervous look on his face. He was afraid that Tang Peng, or his companions, would hit others like crazy.

Chu liangxiao didn't kill Han Xuan, but she was absolutely related to Han Xuan's death.

Tang Peng didn't do it. He didn't mean to do it at all.

Since Tang Peng didn't mean it, no matter how angry Hercules and others were, he didn't dare to do anything. At most, he would swear in a low voice.

Similarly, Xiaoyue didn't have any fierce reaction. She just looked up at her, looking numb, just like a beggar on the roadside for the rich.

After three bows, Chu liangxiao put the flowers in his hand under the tombstone.

The color of flowers, tombstones, snowflakes and the world around them are all white, but they bring vitality to the tomb, as if the eyes of all the dead in the tomb are focused on this bunch of flowers.

After offering flowers, Chu liangxiao retreats, stands behind Tang Peng and others, bows his head in silence, but does not leave.

Tang Peng finally said: "I thank you for Han Xuan for coming to see him - why don't you go?"

Tang Peng's voice is not high, but he can freeze the snow.

Chu liangxiao raised his head, moved his lips a few times, and didn't speak.

"His death has nothing to do with you."

Tang Peng still didn't look at her - in fact, since Chu liangxiao came to the tomb, he never looked at her, even with the corner of his eye, but he still knew she was coming.

Because he is familiar with her breath, Tang Peng has a very sensitive nose.

"Tang Peng, I'm... Sorry."

Chu Liang night mouth moved several move, just said this sentence.

Tang Peng didn't answer, let alone look at her.

Suddenly, Chu liangxiao finally understands why Tang Peng wants to let her still sit in the current leadership position: he has completely driven her out of his heart.

In fact, the reason why he let her go was very simple, even he didn't know: he just felt that Chu liangxiao was the innocent of this incident, and there was no reason to be involved in it.

He didn't want to attack her through the incident of Fang Yunkang, because he didn't care whether she had betrayed him., It also proves that he no longer cares about her, no matter what she thinks of him.

If Tang Peng takes this opportunity to retaliate against Chu liangxiao's betrayal, it proves that he still has her in his heart.

After all, hate is also a kind of emotion.

But when a person even hate to hate a betrayal of their own people, it proves that he really no longer care about her.

This kind of feeling is very tangled, the parties are not necessarily clear, can only use the feeling to feel.

Chu liangxiao felt it, so after his position was preserved, his extravagant hopes were completely destroyed.

She is less than half a meter away from Tang Peng, but she seems to be far away.

She has no reason to stand here, because she has no relationship with Tang Peng and others, even hatred.

"I, I'm gone. I won't let you down."

Chu liangxiao bit his lower lip and said in a low voice.

Tang Peng still didn't see her. He hasn't seen her since the beginning.

Waiting for a moment, Chu liangxiao's eyes were full of disappointment. Suddenly he laughed bitterly, turned around and walked quickly to the way.

Because she was in a hurry, she slipped and fell to the ground. Xiao song came to help her, but she raised her hand to block her. When she got up, the hem of her skirt was full of mud.

It's cold when the wind blows.

Chu liangxiao staggers out of the cemetery. He looks at the gray sky like he's lost. He doesn't see the car on the road ahead, the young man walking in front of him, or the root of a tree lying at his feet.

The root of the tree stumbling Chu liangxiao for a moment. When she sprang forward, Xiao Song, who was behind her, had no time to help her. She was about to fall to the ground. When she saw the young man standing on the side of the road with unstable steps, she reached out and helped her in time: "leader Chu, be careful."

"Thank you, thank you."

Chu liangxiao woke up just like a dream. He looked at the young man and felt familiar: "do you know me?"

"Of course I know one of the female owners of the Royal Club."

The young man laughed and let go of her arm.

Chu liangxiao saw that he was also dressed in black, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand, and asked subconsciously, "who are you?"

"My name is goofy."

Gao Fei smiles again and goes to the cemetery.