If Shen Yinbing is another girl, after seeing the magic of Olympus, she will not dare to resist Hera queen.

But Shen Yinbing is Shen Yinbing.

She was scared.

What's more, he is also a fierce man from the eastern Shura road. He is the boss of the greedy wolf department. He has thousands of sons under him. Although he is alone in Atlantis, he has a strong foundation.

Otherwise, he would not dare to turn Dr. Casta into a eunuch and let Mrs. Cullen and miss Demi bloodstain the foot of the mountain.

Shen Yinbing's biggest confidence is that she firmly controls the secret of forgetting worry grass: even her husband, it's not easy to get the secret out of her mouth.

After all, the secret of forgetting worry grass is related to whether the whole greedy wolf thousands of children can unite into a rope (many middle and high-level cadres are controlled by forgetting worry powder), so no matter what, she will not easily contribute.

But then again, it's Hera queen on Olympus who asked her for it now.

Shen Yinbing witnessed the magic of Atlantis with her own eyes, and now she has no hesitation to believe that this is a fairyland. She even believes in the story that Hera told just now.

I can't help believing it, because it's in Olympus.

It's just impossible for Shen Yinbing to hand over the grass in this way - she has to get enough benefits.

That's enough.

Hera days later slowly put down her hand, eyes depressed to sit down again, already in Shen Yinbing expected.

Other people's children gently smile, indifferent said: "Your Excellency, as for what I want in the end, I still think about it. But I have to tell you something about my decision first, and then we can talk about it more carefully

"What decision?"

She can't beat Shen Yinbing. Hera has a feeling of biting hedgehog. She can only patiently follow her negotiation rhythm.

"I can hand over the copper leaf grass."

As soon as Shen Yinbing said this, Hera jumped up from the stone again. Her face was full of excitement. Tears were still shining in her eyes. She said in a trembling voice: "thank you, thank you, Mrs. Gao! It was your kind decision that saved the whole Olympus mountain. We will always remember your kindness

It turns out that immortals are also afraid of death. No wonder the old people often say that the older you live, the more timid you are and the more afraid you are to die... Seeing that even Hera queen, who is high above, is so excited that she loses her manners, Shen Yinbing can't help but sigh in the dark, and then says, "don't be excited, madam queen. I haven't finished my words yet."

"Oh, oh, please."

Hera realized that she was too excited. She quickly raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and sat on the stone opposite Shen Yinbing again.

Shen Yinbing thought about it and then said, "you are sure that our greedy wolf's worry forgetting powder is the copper leaf grass that you need?"


"In addition to the copper leaf grass on Mount Olympus, what kind of plants in the sky and the earth have such magical effects?" said Hera with a firm voice

"All right."

Shen Yinbing said: "but, Mr. Tian Hou, have you ever thought that Mount Olympus can't do without copper leaf grass? In fact, we can't do without copper leaf grass? To tell you the truth, most of the followers under my command are controlled by worry forgetting powder. "

Shen Yinbing is not lying.

Nowadays, there are more than 10000 followers of greedy wolves, many of whom are in Chinese officialdom.

In fact, it is these official believers, master Shen wolf, who hide and seek from others in China, who can be like a fish in water and have what they want.

And these people, basically by forget worry powder to control.

If Shen Yinbing agrees to give the wormwood to Olympus, what will she give to the believers in the future?

If there is no forget worry powder, those faithful believers will not only turn against her, but also try every means to torture her and ask for forget worry powder.

After all, we all can't do without the powder.

Including Shen Yinbing herself.

Shen Yinbing's meaning is very simple: return part of the wormwood (in fact, it's a kind of moss fungus that has not been discovered by scientists. It doesn't have seeds like a real grass. It just needs to shovel down a piece like transplanting a lawn, and put it in a suitable environment to grow quickly) to Olympus, and reserve part of it for use as the raw material of wormwood powder.

"To my request, you must agree with Olympus, otherwise everything will be off the table."

After briefly introducing the importance of copper leaf grass to himself, Shen Yinbing said firmly: "this is the most basic prerequisite for our negotiation."

"This --"

After Hera, Daisy frowned and wanted to refute.

However, she felt that what Shen Yinbing said was very reasonable.

After all, Lord Shen is not controlled by Olympus. Even if they don't give it, they can't force it.

"Mrs. Gao, I agree with you on this premise, but specifically, I have to consult with other gods before I can give you a positive answer."

After thinking about it, Hera replied.

Shen Yinbing nodded and said, "OK, I'll wait for your news. In addition, I have two small demands. "

"Go ahead, please."

"When I leave, I have to take two people with me."

"Hera is one of them."

Hera said, looking up in the direction Hera was waiting for and asking, "who's the other one?"

"Specifically, I don't know his name. I only know that he was my husband's lifelong comrade in arms many years ago. His name was gorilla."

Shen Yinbing said: "Hera, and gorillas, are all stewards of Olympus now? I just want to take them away. "

Shen Yinbing is entrusted by Chu Yang to take Hera.

He took the gorilla because he was Gao Fei's life and death comrade.

Atlantis has thousands of servants, thousands of housekeepers. Shen Yinbing asked for such two people with insignificant identities. For Queen Hera, it was nothing at all. Without thinking about it, she nodded and agreed: "it's easy. You can take them away at any time."

"Then I would like to thank your Excellency the queen of heaven."

Shen Yinbing also expressed her gratitude and then asked, "in addition, I want to ask you about a woman who has a good relationship with Hera. Her name is also King Zeus. Is she in Atlantis, too? "

"King Zeus?"

Queen Hera frowned and asked, "is there another king of Zeus in Atlantis besides the king of Zeus in the temple of the gods?"

"Since there is Hera queen who is a servant of God, it is normal to have King Zeus."

"But I've never heard of a woman named king Zeus in Atlantis."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm in charge of Atlantis. No one knows how many people there are better than me."

"That's strange. Isn't she here?"

Shen Yinbing frowned and murmured to herself after seeing that Hera did not seem to be lying.

Hera did not speak.

After a while, Shen Yinbing began to speak, but he turned away from the topic: "as far as I know, Hera and gorilla, especially, are quite unruly people. How can they be divine servants here?"

For Shen Yinbing's question, Hera haughtily smile: "ha ha, who doesn't want to live forever?"

"It makes sense."

Shen Yinbing nodded for approval, and then asked, "but why don't they know their old friends after they become divine servants? Even if it's a husband who loves each other. "

Queen Hera slowly replied, "anyone who wants to be the servant of Atlantis has to forget all that he or she is on earth. Only in this way can we do our best. "

Without waiting for Shen Yinbing to say anything, she said, "however, since Mrs. Gao is going to take the two of them away, I can let them recover all their thoughts in the world. And they feel like they're just dreaming these days in Atlantis. "

One of Shen Yinbing's purposes in Atlantis is to find out how Hera didn't know him, entrusted by chuyang.

However, after seeing the magic here, Shen Yinbing felt that there was no need to pursue this reason at all. As a result, if the immortal wanted Hera to forget everything in the world, it was simply too simple.

"In fact, it was their honor that Atlantis chose them as servants of God. Ordinary people are not qualified to be servants here. You take them, in fact, for them, it is not a good thing

Hera day after the indifferent smile, said: "Mrs. Gao, please say your second request."

"How is elegance here?"

Shen Yinbing looked into Hera's eyes and asked slowly, "besides, you've made him a Zhong Xian and asked him to come out to see me, so I really want to know what this means?"

"Elegance, as well as Mrs. Gao, Yan Dongwu, whom you don't know, was honored to appear at Olympus. It was originally a secret."

Hera thought about it before she said, "but I know you really want to know. Let me tell you. Anyway, it's not a great thing."

There is Liubo mountain in the East and Atlantis in the West.

Both sides are in charge of their own world, and have never interfered in each other's territory hundreds of years ago.

However, in modern times, because the contradictions among the immortals on the eastern Liubo mountain deepened and the factions were numerous, which was more serious than that of Atlantis, some of them joined hands with Western Atlantis in order to attack their opponents, which led to the invasion of China by the eight power alliance.

Since then, Westerners, together with their culture, have "fallen in love" with China, the oldest land in the East, and began to cultivate their own power. When they landed on the mainland through the hurricane decades ago, they also sent a considerable number of divine servants to participate in the event.

In fact, Atlantis had no interest in the confrontation between the East and the West. The reason why they sent people there to make trouble was that they found that the copper leaf grass they were looking for was probably somewhere in the East.

They sent people to intervene in the war between the Oriental world, hoping to find copper leaf grass.

However, the immortals of Liubo mountain were very dissatisfied with the intervention of Atlantis and began to plan a counterattack to drive the west out.

Unfortunately, not every fairy in Liubo mountain has this idea.

Under the interests, some Oriental immortals let their representatives in the world go and cooperate with Atlantis.

"The two of them, those who cooperate with us, have also been recognized by Olympus. In recognition of them, they have been given the status of immortals."

After a brief account of why elegance is at Olympus, Queen Hera finally said, "let them see you in the hope that you can help them as much as possible in the future."