There is an idiom called Delong Wangshu.

Shen Yinbing's face now is a typical example of being in favor of Sichuan. With her eloquence, she is speechless in refuting Athena and forcing King Zeus to show her a seat. After sitting down, she still needs to ask for a cup of good wine to quench her thirst.

I don't know what the reaction of King Zeus was. In a word, the anger of other gods suddenly came out. Several great gods stood up from their chairs and glared at Shen Yinbing, as if they were about to fly over at any time and tear her to pieces.

It's true that if she doesn't die, she won't die. Shen Yinbing thinks she died slowly. Although she is a guest invited by King Zeus, don't forget where the temples are?

This is the office of the gods, which is equivalent to the office of the president of the United States. When did it become a place for drinking?

But without waiting for these gods to act, Shen Yinbing gave a sneer: "ha ha, why, do you think my request is too much? Do you think I have no respect for the gods? Are you ready to punish me? "

King Zeus, who was in the middle, also stood up and slowly raised his hand and pressed it down. He motioned to all his younger brothers to say goodbye to Meng Lang, so as not to be hurt by Shen Yinbing's poisonous tongue. Then he slowly said, "Madam Gao, don't you think that your request is too much? The temples are the most sacred place of Mount Olympus. They are also the belief of Western civilization. Every tiny change in western history is decided here. But you ask to drink here. It's a contempt for us at Olympus. "

Hera, who was standing behind Shen Yinbing's chair, was also terrified when she proposed to drink to quench her thirst. Especially when she recognized the displeasure of patience implied in Zeus' insipid tone, she quickly reached out and secretly touched her back and said in a low voice, "madam, keep a low profile."

Hera could see that at present, thanks to King Zeus keeping the proper etiquette, he did not let the warriors outside the temple come in. If he was annoyed again, Shen Yinbing would have nothing to eat today.

She even knew that Shen Yinbing had been crazy enough so far, because she had never heard anyone say that if she could get a chair in the temple of the gods, it would be a great honor for the king of Zeus. For Mrs. Gao's sake, she was a guest.

Shen Yinbing, however, ignored Hera's kind reminder, and just as she didn't hear it, gave a smile: "scorn? Hehe, I think you are wrong, great Wang. Otherwise, I'm wrong. "

"I was wrong?"

Because the distance was too far, Shen Yinbing could not see the facial expression of King Zeus clearly, but could imagine that he must be frowning and suppressing his anger. After all, no one had ever dared to say that he was wrong.

"That's about it."

Shen Yinbing stood up from his chair with a smile on his face: "as I said just now, I came to Atlantis as a guest invited by you, not an enemy. Since I'm a guest, you should give me the respect my guest deserves. Even if you want to negotiate some kind of deal with me, you should all sit at the negotiation table of equal status, rather than let me come here to make my guest feel the pressure of breathing hard through the majesty of the temples and gods. "

After a pause, Shen Yinbing said with a smile: "that's why I said, great Wang, you may be wrong. In fact, you didn't treat me as your guest. Since we are not guests, what is the relationship between us, enemy? "

After Shen Yinbing's words came out, the gods in the hall of the gods' anger suddenly disappeared.

Because they're right.

Especially after listening to Shen Yinbing's words of "negotiating some kind of deal with her", he suddenly realized that the status of both sides could be equal. Why should they show the authority of the gods in front of others?

"The enemy?"

King Zeus was stunned, and then he sat down and said with a smile, "Mrs. Gao is joking. You are our guest. How can you be the enemy. Come on, give master Shen wolf wine and good wine. "

Shen Yinbing once again let the gods see her eloquence, so many people did not speak to refute her.

This also infers that King Zeus invited Shen Yinbing to Atlantis to negotiate some kind of deal with her. Otherwise, he would not tolerate Mrs. Gao's rudeness again and again, and would not ask people to serve her wine in the solemn and solemn Hall of the gods. It was still the best wine.

The compromise of King Zeus, while making Shen Yinbing a little proud, frowned.

When a strong person repeatedly tolerates a super weak person to be rude to him, there are only two possibilities: first, the person is his relative; Second, we need something.

In the case of King Zeus, it seems that his relatives can't make him endure, because it has been said many times in ancient Greek mythology that all the great gods are a group of realists with supreme interests. For their own interests, even brothers and sisters, father and daughter will fight to death.

Just like when Athena was not born, it was predicted that she would threaten the rule of Zeus, so the latter would swallow her (mother) impolitely.

Therefore, don't expect the Western gods to pay special attention to family love like the Dragon King of the East China Sea in Chinese mythology.

Since we have to give up the family affection, there is only a second reason: once King Zeus tolerated Shen Yinbing's rudeness again, he wanted something, and what he wanted was very important.

Being begged was the most pleasant thing for Shen Yinbing, but now she doesn't feel the same, because the person who begged her is king Zeus who controls the development of Western civilization.

The omnipotent king of Zeus.

Since King Zeus is omnipotent, why ask Shen Yinbing for something?

This only shows what he is asking for, not simple.

Shen Yinbing is 99% sure that he will not agree with him.

This is what worries Shen Yinbing most: if he refuses the request of the great king Zeus, the consequences will be quite serious.

Maybe, because he hasn't got what he wants, he won't do anything to Shen Yinbing.

But there is no doubt that he will try every means to let Shen Yinbing answer his request, even by the most despicable means - these are precedents in ancient Greek mythology.

Just as Shen Yinbing frowned and pondered, two beautiful girls came out from behind the gold column, holding a silver plate with colorful glass cups and a high-end red wine.

Red wine poured into glass cup, color as blood.

"Thank you."

As a result, Shen Yinbing said thanks with a smile. After shaking, she closed her eyes and put the glass under her nose. She smelled it happily.

Now that she is in the birthplace of Western civilization, Shen Yinbing naturally has to drink according to Western etiquette. First she shakes, then she sniffs, and then she takes a sip. The next step is to keep silent for a long time, so that the taste buds can feel the sweetness of the wine as much as possible.

She drinks here, the gods wait.

The gods always make people wait for them. When will someone make them wait?

So Shen Yinbing only tasted for less than half a minute, but they seemed to have lived for ten thousand years. If Zeus had not remained absolutely calm, they would have been furious again.

Finally, Shen Yinbing swallowed the wine in his mouth, opened his eyes and handed the glass to Hera. Then he gently nodded his head and exclaimed, "good wine, it's really good wine. I've never tasted it. It's from Olympus - Hera. Don't forget to take this wine away when you leave. When I get back, I'm going to concentrate on tasting. "

The noses of the gods are crooked.

But king Zeus gave a hearty smile: "ha, ha ha, since Mrs. Gao likes it, I will send someone to send some more to Mrs. Gao later."

Shen Yinbing was overjoyed: "thank you, the great king."

"Just a few good wines are nothing."

King Zeus was just modest, but Shen Yinbing said directly: "I don't know what the great king needs me to do?"

Just now, we are still giving wine as a gift. How can we get off the subject and get down to business in the blink of an eye?

Shen Yinbing's jumping style of conversation stunned the king of Zeus before he realized it. He had an unpleasant feeling that the rhythm of the conversation was controlled by Shen Yinbing, a weak man. He felt that he was led by the nose.

King Zeus, of course, was not satisfied that the rhythm of the conversation was controlled by Shen Yinbing. After laughing, he said, "Lady Gao, don't be impatient. Before we talk about business, I'd like to introduce you two Zhongxian."

Shen Yinbing didn't speak. She put her left hand on the chair. She was slightly tilted and lazy. She made it clear that she was not interested in meeting the two immortals. If she had been introduced to them before yesterday, she would feel flattered. After all, she was a middle-level cadre in Olympus.

But now, after Shen Yinbing's war with the highest level immortals on Olympus, those so-called Zhongxian will no longer be in her eyes.

But this is the site of Zeus king. Everything has the final say of Zeus. People don't care whether Shen Yinbing wants to, he just took three shots.

As the applause fell, two men in black robes turned out from behind the gold column and walked directly to Shen Yinbing.

The two immortals wore bronze masks, stiff and expressionless. They were not as good-looking as the two messengers who took Shen Yinbing to Olympus.

Judging from the way they walk and their figure, they are male.

Shen Yinbing's unconcerned eyes swept gently to the other side. Just as he was about to look at Zeus again, he suddenly coagulated and sat upright with a slanting body, locking the man on the left.

The two immortals wore masks on their faces, so naturally they could not be seen.

But Shen Yinbing found that Zhongxian, who was walking behind him, was familiar with his walking posture, but he couldn't figure out who he was for a while.

Shen Yinbing paid attention to the appearance of Zhongxian, which was expected by Zeus. He raised his hand and nodded with a smile.

The two immortals came to the place three or four meters in front of Shen Yinbing, stopped, and bowed to her to show their respect.

Shen Yinbing squatted on the chair and looked at them without moving.

Zhongxian on the right raised his hand and took off his mask, revealing a pale face.

This is an oriental face.

Shen Yinbing doesn't recognize him. At most, he thinks that he is pretty and doesn't look very energetic. At the same time, he has the childlike temperament of a rich family.

Shen Yinbing only took a look at Zhongxian and looked at the one on the left.

The one on the left also slowly took off the mask.

"Ah, it's you!"

Shen Yinbing suddenly exclaimed and stood up from his chair.