Since ancient times, there are many ways to kill people.

However, when the time came to modern society, the previous ways of killing people, such as "the top ten torture of the Qing Dynasty", had disappeared. Basically, they were shot, and most of them were stabbed.

Even the terrorists in the Middle East who are always against the Americans are beheaded when they kill people. Beheading seems to be more civilized than Han Xuan's current way of death.

He was taken out of his heart.

How cruel must the man who killed him be to use this way?

Song Huiqiao absolutely witnessed the whole killing process. She was not only extremely afraid, but also unable to suppress her nausea. Even if she cried with her mouth covered, it was also bouts of retching. Finally she let go of her hand and vomited.

Xiaoyue is always standing at the door, looking at Han Xuan stupidly. Her whole body, including every hair, is trembling like electricity. Her teeth are clucking. Her mouth is wide open, but she can't say a word.

She didn't cry, she didn't cry, she just froze, as if the whole world had stopped.

I don't know how long it took for her to walk slowly.

When she comes to Han Xuan's body, Xiaoyue holds him in her arms. Like a mother holding a sleeping baby, she leans on the wall and falls to the ground.

She lowered her head, slightly closed her eyes, slowly lowered her head, and her pale lips were kissing Han Xuan's mouth.

Since the two sides have that meaning, because Han Xuan's character is more withdrawn and introverted, they don't even have a chance to hold hands formally, let alone kiss.

Now Xiaoyue kisses Han Xuan.

kiss good-bye.

This is her first kiss.

I believe that no matter where Han Xuan is, he can feel Xiaoyue's love for him.

Xiaoyue didn't cry all the time. She just stroked Han Xuan's eyes with her lips.

Han Xuan closed his eyes and looked very quiet. On Mu Na's fierce face, he seemed to have a smile.

Xiaoyue doesn't know what she's thinking or even what she's doing. She just wants Han Xuan to understand how much she cares about him. She can do anything for him.

With the passage of time, when Hercules and others, who had been here for a long time, knelt down on one knee with a ferocious face and pain to pay homage to Han Xuan in this way, Lian Chunfang, who was leaning against the wall of the corridor at the door, could no longer suppress his fear, sorrow, anger and choked in a low voice.

Then she clenched her teeth, went to Hercules and knelt on the ground.

Lian Chunfang is Tang Peng's mother, and Han Xuan is Tang Peng's most effective subordinate. Counting up, Lian Chunfang is Han Xuan's mother - but she has never put herself in the so-called mother status. She is a simple country woman. She is always grateful and respectful to all the people who sincerely treat her son well.

Now, Han Xuan is dead.

Being killed in this extremely cruel way, Lian Chunfang certainly understood that his death was caused by his son.

She is Tang Peng's mother. Han Xuan was killed by others because of Tang Peng's involvement. Her heart is full of guilt and pain. It's normal for her to kneel down and express her due thanks to Han Xuan's body.

As for Tang Wenju, Lian Chunfang didn't care - because she only looked at her husband and could see from his chest that he was asleep.

Han Xuan, who was protecting him, was killed, but he fell asleep.

For the first time, Lian Chunfang didn't get angry with Tang Wen because she knew that her husband was a poor man.

She regrets it.

I regret coming to Beijing.

If you don't come to Beijing, then these terrible things won't happen.

Perhaps, Lian Chunfang has always belonged to a countryman, and the simple place in the northern suburb of Shencheng is her hometown.

At this moment, she is extremely eager to escape from Beijing with the fastest speed.

In the eyes of many people, Jinghua seems to be a paradise, which makes people yearn for it. Lian Chunfang thought so before. After all, it is the heart of China and one of the best international metropolises in China.

But now she feels that in the beautiful metropolis of Beijing, there are not only good and happy people, but also frightening demons.

When Lian Chunfang kneels down, pan Dongdong kneels down. In his eyes covered with long eyelashes, besides fear, he is full of remorse.

As Tang Peng's woman, she has long defined herself as the "logistics minister" and hopes to provide everything Tang Peng needs with her excellent working ability.

But Tang Wenju was drugged and Han Xuan was slaughtered, but they were all from the interior of Yunxiao Pavilion.

Even if those two people are fake by others, it also proves that Pan Dongdong does not pay enough attention to internal security - in fact, she has done well enough. After all, the whole Yunxiao pavilion has hundreds of employees. How can pan Dongdong, who is the general manager, pay attention to every little person?

After the tears finally stopped dripping, pan Dongdong raised his head and looked into the door.

Xiaoyue always holds Han Xuan's body and sits down under the east wall, just like a clay sculpture.

Blood has long been solidified, and even the smell of blood in the air has gradually dispersed, but the bloody words on the wall behind Xiaoyue are like a devil, grinning and telling everyone: blood debt, blood compensation, the next one is you!

This line is written with Han Xuan's blood.

The next one is you. Who are you?

Pan Dongdong doesn't have to think about it at all, so he can take the right seat: Tang Peng.

The devil used this extremely cruel way to kill Han Xuan just to warn Tang Peng.

So, who is this man?

Is it someone related to Chu liangxiao and Fang Yunkang?

After all, these two people have just been severely calculated by Tang Peng. We can't rule out the possibility that the people behind Fang and Chu will send someone to Yunxiao pavilion to revenge Tang Peng after they become angry.

But pan Dongdong felt that it was not them, because whether it was the Chu family or the Fang family, even if they wanted to revenge Tang Peng, they would not use this extremely cruel way.

Blood debt, blood pay.

These four words mean something in themselves.

It shows that some of them died in Tang Peng's hands.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, when pan Dongdong was biting his lips and thinking about these things in his heart, there was a rapid sound of footsteps behind him.

Before she looked back, she heard someone cry softly in a hoarse voice: "brother Peng!"

Pan Dongdong trembled and looked back slowly. He saw four or five people coming from the elevator.

At the front is Tang Peng.

When Tang Peng came out of the elevator door and saw that the corridor was full of people kneeling, the atmosphere of sadness and depression was almost suffocating, he realized that something had happened.

It's a bad event!

Mother and pan Dongdong were both there. When Tang Peng came, he saw them.

He didn't see his father, Tang Wenju, but he could infer that it was not his father who had the accident - otherwise, his mother would never kneel outside the door, just cry in a low voice with her mouth covered, and would have rushed into the room crying desperately.

In Tang Wenju's room, there is song Huiqiao.

But if the accident is song Huiqiao, no matter how she died, there is no qualification for Lian Chunfang and others to kneel in silence.

Who is it?

Tang Peng's face was a little pale. When he walked quickly, he could hear the sound of his heart beating wildly in his chest, and his body beat the sound of walking.

"Brother Peng."

"Peng Zi."

"Big and small."

Tang Peng all the way, kneeling on the ground of those hands, have stood up, standing in the corridor on both sides of the wall.

Many of them, after hearing the alarm and rushing to the house, did not know what had happened in the house. However, when they saw the boss's mother and sister Dong kneeling on the ground, who would dare to go and have a look?

Just kneel down.

Tang Peng ignored them and just walked forward quickly. As the door got closer and closer, his breathing became shorter.

Behind Tang Peng are two women and several men, two of whom are wearing police uniforms.

These two women are Bai Ci and Xiao Xiao, as well as Huo Tianqing, director of the Bureau, Wang Dawei, and a deputy director.

After Jing Wuyan threw out that video, all the unfavorable situations of Bai Ci and Tang Peng were immediately reversed. The heavyweight headed by Lao Jing immediately held an emergency meeting and finally made a long overdue response: more armed police forces were sent to the streets to protect those island friends who were like street mice.

No way, although the faces of these marchers are ugly, the Chinese authorities must ensure that their safety is not threatened.

In addition to protecting these island visitors, after they returned to their homes, they also sent a large number of propaganda vehicles and propagandists to the streets. They came to the scene in person to appeal to the Chinese compatriots to calm down: stop besieging the embassies in China and crusading against the island friends. We are a country of etiquette. We should know how to repay our grievances with our good deeds, not to mention burning plaster flags and island products in the street - the air quality of Jinghua, It's bad enough, isn't it?

It has to be said that the Chinese people are simple and kind-hearted. Under the persuasion of the authorities, they finally disappeared in the streets with their fists held high and the slogan "long live China" chanted.

At this time, it is already after zero.

Several urgent decisions were also made at an emergency meeting at the top of the authorities.

One of them naturally declared that the white porcelain and Tang Peng, who had been splashed with dirty water by the islanders, were innocent.

Since they are innocent, the police certainly have no reason to stay.

In order to express the sincere apology of the police, Wang Dawei and the executive vice president decided to send Tang Peng and others home in person. However, Tang Peng just took his mobile phone from the police and turned it on, then he received a short message from Pan Dongdong: big deal, come back quickly!

Tang Peng knows pan Dongdong very well, and knows that she would never have sent a text message in this tone if there was something she could not solve (at that time, Tang Peng's mobile phone was turned off and couldn't get through, so pan Dongdong could only send a text message).

When Tang Peng was reading the text message, Huo Tianqing just glanced at it and then whispered a few words to Bai CI.

Bai CI understood, so he discussed with Wang Dawei that the three of them wanted to go to Yunxiao Pavilion first.

In this way, a group of talents came in a hurry.

What happened to Yunxiao pavilion?

After Tang Peng came to the club, he didn't rush to ask the front desk waiter. He just used the fastest speed to enter the special elevator.

All the way to the door, Tang Peng thought about what happened in his mind, until he saw Han Xuan and the bloody big words on the wall.

With a crack, Tang Peng heard the sound of his teeth, as if he had broken them, and closed his eyes in pain.

But he soon opened it, sighed, walked in slowly, came to Xiaoyue, squatted down slowly, stretched out his right hand to caress her face, and gathered up her hair.

Xiaoyue, who was always in a daze, slowly raised her head and looked at Tang Peng with empty eyes.

"I, I'm late."

Tang Peng opened his mouth, but he didn't hear his own voice.

"Han Xuan is dead."

Xiaoyue's lips have been cracked, and blood burst out when she said this.