"Is this Atlantis?"

Shen Yinbing walked slowly down the path of bluestone under her feet. When she passed a clump of nameless flowers, she bent down and reached for a flower, put it under her nose and sniffed it.

It's sweet. It's a dream.

"Yes, ma'am, this is Atlantis."

Lily, the maid, replied cleverly.

Let go of that flower, Shen Yinbing looked up and said, "who else lives here on this mountain?"

"There is no one but you, madam."

Lily explained, "there are four buildings on this mountain, but we live in all three except the villa you live in. Besides me, there are five people who live on this mountain. Six of us are responsible for all the work you need in your daily life, such as mowing the lawn, feeding cattle, horses, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese, milking, cooking and washing clothes - in a word, we are your special servants, and everything is under your command. "

"Are you servants of God?"


"Oh, what's that?"

"We are just the most ordinary servants in Atlantis, only responsible for taking care of people of such dignity as Madam you."

Lily explained, "servants of God are the people who create economic value for Atlantis. Although they are also servants, they do not serve for one person alone, but for the whole of Atlantis."

"Oh, so it is."

Shen Yinbing nodded and asked, "can you tell me who else is there besides you, divine servants and immortals?"

"There are housekeepers, fighters, Knights of the round table."

Lily explained in detail: "housekeeper is promoted from the divine servant. You must have a divine servant who has made a special contribution to Atlantis to become a housekeeper."

In fact, the so-called housekeeper is the leader of thousands of divine servants, and each housekeeper is responsible for about 30 divine servants.

When stewards make a special contribution to Atlantis, they will be promoted to warriors.

The status of fighters in Atlantis is similar to that of the Secretary General in the Chinese officialdom. They are the leaders of the departments directly under the leadership, but they serve the big leaders. They can also be called senior housekeepers.

If the fighter takes another step up, he will become a knight of the round table.

As long as you can become a knight of the round table, you can barely be regarded as a powerful figure in Atlantis. You are responsible for everything inside and outside, and you are respected by all the servants under your jurisdiction. You are only one step away from their highest goal.

The immortals of Atlantis were "evolved" by the Knights of the round table.

Only after becoming an immortal, can we get rid of the fate of being enslaved completely and live a good life in the fairyland of Atlantis: we can travel around in the sky by deer chariot, fish by the stream, and sing on qiuqian.

In a word, you can do whatever you want after you become the immortal of Atlantis.

Of course, you can't kill people casually - in fact, who likes to kill people when you become an immortal?

Unless you make a big mistake, you will be assigned by the highest Command Department of Atlantis to perform some arduous tasks in the world to clean up your sins.

In Lily's eloquence, Shen Yinbing goes to the grass.

Looking around from this angle, I found that the peaks in front of the villa window were all connected by wider grassland.

On the grass, there are orchards, streams, pastures, and people walking in twos and threes.

There is still no sound from the waterfall under the villa on the mountain. Where the water falls, there is a thick white fog, but there is no water coming out.

As if knowing that Shen Yinbing was puzzled by this, Lily took the initiative to explain: "the water from the waterfall will not accumulate on the ground, but directly across the earth, spilling into the misty air and becoming clouds."

"Are these mountains floating in mid air?"

Shen Yinbing raised his head and looked at the countless mountains, his eyes beating slightly.

"No, it's on the bottom of the sea."

Lily's answer, however, was beyond Shen Yinbing's expectation: "in the deepest part of the Antarctic Ocean, it's totally different from the outside world. This is an independent world, with its own stars, sun and moon - here, all the energy of stars, sun and moon comes from the European magnet on the mountain of ten thousand mountains. It is the absolute guarantee for the existence of yatras. "

After Hera visited Shen Yinbing, she looked up the information about Atlantis in detail.

In the legendary Atlantis, opal is actually some crystal.

Atlantis people use crystal as energy. A giant crystal is enough to supply the energy demand of the whole city, and crystal is also combined with herbs and fragrance to treat diseases for people.

There is a special person in charge of the energy priest of this crystal. To ensure the normal operation of energy power generation, it depends not on superb technology, but on the firm heart of an immortal.

In addition to euromagnetite, Atlantis has a lot of fascinating things.

Atlantis also used the concept of physical and mental unity in their treatment of body and mind. They used music to treat ears and fragrance to cure nose. They emphasized invisible and invisible energy, or the application of magnetic field. They believed that the spirit was not empty, but something that could really change the state of matter.

In transportation, Atlantis also used the magnetic energy field to drive the flying saucer like aircraft. They used the highly developed mind as the relay station for information transmission, which functions just like the satellite receiving station now.

In other words, the spirit of Atlantis has become a tangible medium, rather than using wires and cables. A pure mind is better than several feet of disk antenna. It is very common to use the mind to communicate with animals, such as dolphins and sharks.

Atlantis also believe that all things have the value of existence and contribution to the whole, but for people with high spiritual growth, they are endowed with a higher social status. Therefore, compared with modern people's cultivation of children's talents, they focus on the growth and development of the soul, so that the soul can reach its highest potential.

The higher the vibration frequency of the body and mind, the higher the vibration frequency of the soul. The more positive one's internal consciousness is, the more it is reflected in the external consciousness or potential consciousness. When the two are in harmony, it will bring a positive world.

They also believe that only the consistent promotion of body and mind can make human beings reach their maximum potential.

In such a society where thought and mind are supreme, people's definition of barbarism is much higher than that of modern people, because there is no physical aggression here, so when one tries to control other people's thoughts, it is regarded as taboo.

However, it may be that they overemphasize their respect for individuals, so they think they are responsible for their spiritual growth and promotion. They will not be punished for some barbarism and moral decline. In addition, they do not have a marriage system, which leads to some people's chaotic life in that area, and some people have trouble with animals

Think about it. When a certain group of human beings, without war, exploitation, food and drink, and any external danger, can get it through their own willpower as long as they want to do something, they will also lose their pursuit.

When people lose their pursuit, just like those children with superior family conditions in modern society, they are full of energy and do nothing, and then they will fight, ride a motorcycle and play madly, and they will be able to do square dancing.

In Atlantis, these immortals who cause trouble everywhere will be demoted to another world by "Lei Yan" to complete the task arranged by the Supreme God.

"Oh, who is your highest god?"

Shen Yinbing walks slowly, aimless, and occasionally nods politely to other people walking on the grass.

Along the way, Shen Yinbing found that all she saw, whether men or women, were so young, handsome, beautiful, charming and polite.

These should be immortals or guests like Shen Yinbing.

"King of kings, King Zeus."

When Lily said this, her face showed an extremely respectful look: "only king Zeus, the king of kings who lives on the mountain of mountains, can be qualified to be our supreme God."

"King Zeus?"

Shen Yinbing stopped and looked up. Subconsciously, he looked at the highest and largest mountain: "is Zeus king in ancient Greek mythology?"

"It's not a myth, it's real."

Lily, the maid with the lowest status in Atlantis, became proud when she said this: "it's only because people in that world never have a chance to see King Zeus that they think that he and other gods are legends. As a matter of fact, he has always been there, and always pays attention to every move in that world and makes corresponding adjustments. "

"Oh, so it is."

Shen Yinbing nodded slowly and asked casually, "lily, how long have you been here?"

"How long have I been here?"

Lily was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, she said in an uncertain tone, "I've been here for more than 800 years, haven't I?"

"What, what?"

Shen Yinbing was surprised and asked, "have you been here for more than 800 years?"

Before Lily could answer, she went on to ask, "here, is it twelve months a year, thirty days a month, one day..."

Shen Yinbing once read the legend about Taoism before, saying that a certain ancestor lived for hundreds of years. The so-called hundreds of years is actually about the hundred years we are familiar with, because the way of calculating days in Taoism seems to be different from that in the mortal world. It's only three months in a year.

Therefore, after hearing Lily say that she has been a maid here for more than 800 years, Shen Yinbing doubts whether the 800 years she said is 800 days.

But before Shen Yinbing could express her meaning completely, she was politely interrupted by Lily: "madam, I know what you mean. The year that Atlantis is talking about is actually the same as the year you are familiar with, about 8700 hours

"More than 8700 hours is more than 800, more than 8700 hours?"

Shen Yinbing stares at Lily's charming eyes. She imitates Gao Fei's tone for no reason. She scolds in a low voice: "I've lived so long. How wonderful is that?"

"What do you say, madam?"

Lily didn't understand Shen Yinbing's later words, and some of them were puzzled.

"Ah, nothing, nothing."

How can a graceful lady like master Shen admit it after she utters rude words?

She seemed to wave her hand casually. When she was about to switch the topic, she heard a loud voice coming from there: "one, one, one, two, one!"