Since Gao pretends to be deaf and dumb there and ignores Shen Yinbing, let's find something interesting for him.

Like breaking an honest monk's leg.

In the past, even if Han Jiajun and others had guns, they would not dare to provoke honest monks, because the gap between the two sides is too big. Just like tigers and cats, they have no second result except being abused.

But now, the honest monk is seriously injured. He's lying there like a dead dog. He's more angry than a dead dog. If he's afraid of him at this time, it's not a man.

Han Jiajun immediately waved his hand and rushed to the honest monk with two men.

One man lifted up the right leg of the honest monk and laid it on a chair. The other, holding a solid wood table leg in both hands, raised it high. Shen Yinbing's followers seem to have great experience in breaking other people's legs.

Honest monk seriously injured, there is no so-called eminent monk style, embarrassed abnormal hands covering the crotch, residual voice cried: "fly, help! Goofy, help

After being brutally broken by Shen Yinbing's men, the honest monk realized that he had come to destroy this woman's good deeds. It turned out that he was so irrational and hated that person.

Of course, his hatred of that man was just complaining, not the hatred of itching teeth.

It's the man who comes with him to save the girl. However, when he runs away, he is found by Shen Yinbing's people.

Xie Hongyan, but Shen Yinbing used to coerce Gao Fei's main people, naturally will not let her be rescued, will certainly go all out to get back.

As a result, a big war started in a dilapidated machinery factory in the wilderness. The two sides of PS were Shen Yinbing's goofy organization, from the first row to the eighth row. The other side was the honest monk, the father of Xie Hongyan.

The two sides had an extremely fierce fight, which ended with Shen Yinbing's small victory: although she got away from another person and even Xie Hongyan was rescued, she captured the poor honest monk alive.

To be honest, monk is unlucky enough. Originally, as a first-class master, even if he is not as good as Shen Yinbing's eight King Kong, it's very easy for him to find a chance to escape.

But who knows that he is in the cover that person takes the solution beauty to escape to break, but is swept by a burst of random gun, hit the man's most important part.

This is really in response to the common people's saying: it's a coincidence to close the door and catch birds.

Fortunately, the honest monk has already reached the age of longevity, and he doesn't pay much attention to the two eggs that left him. But then again, it's a symbol of men. With the disappearance of that thing, the old monk's white beard will surely fall off.

So he was heartbroken and angry.

But the key problem is that the honest monk, no matter how angry and heartbroken he is, can not escape from being captured alive.

Xie Hongyan was rescued, which made Shen Yinbing very angry. She threw all the resentment on the honest monk and beat him cruelly. She asked who was the fish who had just broken the ground in Taisui's head.

Originally, Shen Yinbing didn't like the honest monk. If it hadn't been for the old bald donkey telling Fang Xiaochuan that she was the secret of Shura, I believe that master Shen and Mr. Gao would have been good friends for Qin Jin.

In addition, the old bald donkey is doing something bad for her. If she doesn't take the opportunity to clean up the old monk, she doesn't deserve to be Shen Yinbing.

What makes Shen Yinbing admire is that although the honest monk's character is not so good, his bones are very hard. No matter he is given a tiger stool or hot pepper water, he just doesn't say who is the man who saved Xie Hongyan.

And today is the day when Shen Yinbing uses Xie Hongyan. She doesn't have time to thoroughly investigate who the fish is. She simply dresses up the honest monk and asks him to play Xie Hongyan and become a sacrificial victim.

To tell you the truth, although Shen Yinbing is cruel and cruel, his children are still very kind. Otherwise, he would have broken the honest monk who dares to do something bad for her. Even if he was allowed to replace Xie Hongyan, he just wanted to scare him. He didn't plan to kill him at the wedding.

But later, Gao Fei appeared and completely angered Shen Yinbing. In her fury, she forgot that Xie Hongyan was an honest monk disguised as a poor woman and wanted to kill him in a bloody way.

However, the later change (that is, Gao Fei was almost shot to death) made Shen Yinbing forget it again. Until Gao Fei recited his love Manifesto in front of the mass media and wanted to release Xie Hongyan, he found that he was an honest monk.

Honest monk and Gao Fei are friends.

But it's because we are acquaintances that the honest monk is even more angry about his tragic experience and vows to kill Shen Yinbing regardless of everything. However, he is not the opponent of the senior five when he is seriously injured.

As a result, where he had been injured, he suffered another heavy injury and immediately passed out in a coma.

When the honest monk wakes up again, Gao Fei is already fighting with Shen Yinbing's four great vajras. He is one against four. It's really shocking that he can make them play with desire, immortality and death.

Although the honest monk is seriously injured, his force value is temporarily zero, but his eyes are very fierce. Before Xiaocui can see that Gao Fei is practicing with senior four, the old monk can already see it.

It is because the honest monk's eyes are the most vicious, and he was the first to see Gao Fei's real strength, that he was the most shocked.

Since he and Gao Fei are old friends, it is natural to understand how powerful Mr. Gao is.

Back then, Xiao Qiao got married for the first time - back then, when the honest monk was in Outer Mongolia, he could throw out the Tietu of the same level as Gao Fei with a wave of his hand. Even after Chen Guoguo's plot, he could still escape from the collapsed underground mausoleum. This is enough to show that the old monk is much better than Gao Fei.

The honest monk dares to cover his conscience and say that even when he is the most powerful, he can at most draw with the senior four and the four of them. It is unthinkable that he can win. It depends on the blessing of Buddha.

After all, Shen Yinbing's great vajras were all trained in Africa for 20 years.

But now, the force value is lower than that of the honest monk. It's two levels of high flying, but it can be one against four, and it can also make the other play all the time... What does this mean?

It can only mean that Gao Fei's character suddenly broke out. He went directly from a third rate master to a second rate master. He was almost close to the super first-class level of Loulan queen.

How could that be?

How is that possible?

Just when the honest monk was shocked by his discovery and forgot the light pain, a hateful female devil wanted to take him as a victim and use the cruel way of breaking his leg to stop Gao Fei from playing with her four subordinates!

That's too much!

It's tolerable, but it's intolerable!

So, the honest monk in anger, decisively crazy shout Gaofei help.

Han Jiajun doesn't care whether Gao Fei will come to save the honest monk. He only knows how to carry out master Shen's order. As for the bad consequences, he doesn't think about it.

If you want to win the absolute trust of the leaders, you have to learn to blindly obey all the orders of the leaders. This is a simple truth. Han Jiajun saw through it a few years ago, so he climbed to today's position.

"Call me!"

After seeing his hands raise the legs of the table, Han Jiajun doesn't care what the honest monk shouts, but directly orders to fight!


The hand exhaled, the hands of the table legs, hanging the wind whistling down, without a trace of mercy.

"Goofy, I hate you!"

The honest monk gave a scream and closed his eyes.

The unexpected pain didn't happen, and the shouts of Gao Si and others stopped when they tried their best to fight. However, a very dissatisfied woman came with a cold hum: "hum!"

The honest monk opened his eyes and found that the table leg which was going to break his leg had been firmly grasped by Gao Fei. He was looking down at him and didn't believe it: "I didn't expect that you were so afraid of death."

"Since ancient times, who is not afraid of death?"

Honest monk long vomited a tone: "as far as possible to survive, is the original intention of the Buddha to create people."

Gao Fei ignored the honest monk's nonsense, just said: "I thought you, an expert like you, had already understood the reincarnation of life and death, and regarded death as home. What's more, you just had to break one leg?"

"A man without an egg is tall!"

When he was about to achieve the right result, he became a man of no man and no woman. The stimulation of this reality to the honest monk could not be described in words. His face was full of vicissitudes of life. With a long sigh, he sat up on his knees, put his palm up in front of him, and lowered his eyebrow. "I swear to protect this broken body and help the world. If the leg is broken, will it not damage my glorious image? "

The old guy was so stimulated that he didn't talk to anyone. Gao Fei was stunned and asked, "well, can you tell me where Xie Hongyan has gone?"

"Boundless heaven. I have already guessed that you are going to ask this question. Good, good

The honest monk Gao made a noise and said, "she was reincarnated as a Nine Tailed Fox in heaven. She shouldered the responsibility of eradicating a certain evil. After suffering for decades in the world, she has now returned to the main road and gone to the place she should go."

Without waiting for Gao Fei to say anything, the old monk said, "she came with a red moon, causing a bloodbath in the world. But when she went back, she was silent. Is this fate, blessing and disaster? Heaven's secrets can't be revealed. In less than a hundred years, the dust will return to the dust, and the earth will return to the earth. Who can know? "

"Come when it's time to come, and go when it's time to go. It's the will of heaven, and it can't be stopped by human power. Goofy, you can't. Shen Yinbing, you can't do more. "

As the honest monk said, he staggered up and glanced at Shen Yinbing. As if there was no one else, he stepped down from the podium and said in a loud voice: "Shura with ice, you can't fly. Phoenix bath fire, Nirvana rebirth

Shura with ice, fly can't rise, these eight words, Gao Fei, Shen Yinbing have heard, but also the honest monk said, at that time they didn't know what it meant.

It was not until Shen Yinbing's original identity as a Shura was exposed that she always pestered Gao Fei and did not allow him to live a leisurely life that others gradually understood the meaning of these eight words.

But now, before he left, the honest monk read the following two sentences: Phoenix bathing in fire, Nirvana rebirth.

I believe that the meaning of these eight words is very clear to everyone present.

It just shows that Phoenix, a legendary deity, will set itself on fire before dying, and then be reborn in the fire.

However, what's the meaning of the Phoenix's rebirth?

Does it mean that after Gao Fei's death, they will be reborn?