"Where is Wu Si, do you know?"

After making a cup of tea for Gao Fei, Liao Shuifen sits on the sofa opposite him.

Now Liao Shuifen is wearing a white and black edged household clothes with a wide black belt tied around his waist. It's easy to think of the black belt master in island judo, a pair of shining white porcelain shins, delicate snow feet, and a pair of bright red cute slippers.

Charming, generous, enchanting, because the complexion is not good, but also some weak, but just no longer have the previous kind of high above the strong Liao Shuifen, perhaps do not know what she looks like at this time, is the most attractive man.

I don't know why, after seeing her dressed in a household clothes, Gao Fei's mind floated Wang Chen's appearance.

It was the first time that Gao Fei had seen her in the past half a year. She dressed in casual and lazy household clothes and cooked for Du zikang, just like a virtuous wife. When he remembered, she suddenly pulled her heart, sighed and moved her eyes.

I've noticed that Gao Fei pays attention to the Liao Shuifen he's wearing, and doesn't care about his aggressive eyes at all - the two sides already have that kind of relationship, and they're still in a laissez faire home. Will they care about anything else?

Of course, he might care. For example, after seeing Gao Fei's eyes darken and sighing, Liao Shuifen's eyebrows beat slightly and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter?"


Gao Fei doesn't want to tell anyone about Wang Chen, especially the woman who has a different relationship with him. After all, when he tells Liao Shuifen that he is "losing" his ex-wife, there will be some suspicion of disrespect for her: "I don't have any information about Liao Wusi, but I can guess that he was arrested by the police on his own initiative, which is to find out who kidnapped you. He's all right. Don't worry

"Well, I don't worry about it, because I've been used to it before. He lives and dies outside. But some people are worried. "

Liao Shuifen nodded gently, pointed to the cup on the table and said, "drink tea."

"Well, thank you."

Gao Fei picked up his tea cup and just had a sip of it, Liao Shuifen said, "after I came back to Beijing, I know all about you in Southern Hebei. First of all, congratulations on getting rid of the hot sun and being able to live in the sun like a normal person. "

Liao Shuifen was kidnapped to an ancient tomb at the bottom of the river in Southern Hebei. After being rescued by Gao Fei, he returned to Beijing. However, according to the ability of the Liao family, it is very simple to know what happened to him afterwards.

"Ha ha, thank you for your blessing."

Gao Fei smiles, puts down his cup and asks, "what's next?"

"What comes next?"

"You just said first, since there is first, then naturally there must be second, maybe there is last and so on."


Liao Shuifen also laughed and said softly, "secondly, thank you for coming to see me first."

"I'm the first to see you?"

Goofy wondered: "it's been several days since you came back from the accident. Won't your relatives and friends come to see you?"

Liao Shuifen smiles, picks up the kettle, adds some water to him and says, "drink tea."

"Can I smoke?"

Goofy looked at the surrounding environment, took out his cigarette and said, "well, look at the fresh layout in your room, I can't bear to smoke."

Liao Shuifen's living room decoration style is fresh and bright, which is very different from her mature and feminine temperament. It seems that she is the favorite of those girls with cool temperament, such as Shen Yinbing.

After thinking of Shen Yinbing, Gao Fei felt bored for no reason and lit his cigarette with a slap.

Liao Shuifen said, "since I moved here, you are the first person to smoke here."

"I'm the first to see you."

Gao Fei cocks up his legs, puts his left hand on the sofa and knocks at will. His eyes turn around under Liao Shuifen's chin.

Liao Shuifen's home clothes are really like judo, but they are more like Hanfu. They have no buttons or locks. They just cover the right skirt to the left, and then wrap a belt around her waist. When she bends down slightly, there will be an amazing white in her collar.

After finding Gao Fei staring at his neckline, Liao Shuifen blushes and instinctively raises his hand for a while. He says in a low voice: "haven't you seen enough?"

So far, the relationship between Gao Fei and Liao Shuifen has reached a level of intimacy. He has almost kissed her every time. Even without looking at her at this time, he can imagine how charming the body under the clothes is.

However, men do not know when the nature will come up. Even though they are talking about serious topics just now, they will think of some unhappy things. But this can't restrain Gao Fei. He suddenly leans over and raises his hand to pull Liao Shuifen into his arms.

Liao Shuifen struggled and whispered, "no, no, the pearl is outside!"

"That's a smart kid. She knows she shouldn't come in at this time."

Maybe it's because of Wang Chen, because Shen Yinbing, because she can't find the whereabouts of Xie Hongyan, because she was angry at Bai CI in 1973. Gao Fei's heart is full of evil fire, and he can't help tearing apart Liao Shuifen's clothes.

Some people say that if a woman really does not want to, as long as men do not use violence, it is very difficult to invade her.

Liao Shuifen thinks that this sentence is very reasonable, because she can feel her resistance, is so powerless, it's not false to say half push, even forget that it's the living room now, she was pressed on the sofa by Gao Fei.

In front of the courtyard, there is a Wutong tree with two small and thick bowls.

He Mingzhu sat on the couch of the Wutong tree, with silvery sunglasses on his face, and chin holding his chin slightly, looking at the motionless look on the tree.

On the biggest branch of the Wutong tree, there is a bird nest, a bird that cannot be named. Its feathers are not very beautiful, nor are they very large, but the calls are sweet.

Two birds are playing at the edge of the nest, chattering and occasionally dallying with each other, occasionally passing the car in front of the door, which can not affect their pleasant show of love.

Looking at the two nameless birds standing side by side in the nest, he Mingzhu seems to have become a clay sculpture, motionless.

She was thinking about Liao Wusi.

She's just thinking, but she's not worried.

Because she knew very well where Liao Wusi had gone and what he was doing, and knew that with his ability, even if he went to that island country to commit murder, there would be no problem.

Facts have proved that he Mingzhu is not wrong, because an hour ago, she received a text message from Liao Wusi.

Liao Wusi's short message to he Mingzhu is quite concise: smooth, coming back.

These four words seem to be so short, and there is no difficulty in understanding them. It's just that Liao Wusi said that he went to the island country to do things smoothly, and will soon return home.

But he Mingzhu is very clear, in this short four words behind, actually hide too much blood - smoothly, that is, smoothly found the kidnapper of Liao Shuifen, and killed them all.

He Mingzhu knows that it won't be long before she hears the news of the massacre of her family somewhere in the island country through special channels... According to Liao Wusi's vicious personality, there's no reason why she won't do that.

If you ask others to interpret Liao Wusi's style of acting, you will definitely hate him for doing too much. However, he Mingzhu thinks that he should do this: in this world, there are many ways to protect the safety of his family, but Liao Wusi's cruel means of revenge after the event is the most effective and deterrent.

In the future, if anyone wants to provoke Liao Wusi again, he will consider whether he can afford to be destroyed.

"When sister fan's trouble is completely solved, Wusi will be better, right? As he once said, he will accumulate virtue for future children. "

He Mingzhu looked at the two birds, left hand slowly on the belly, cool mouth slowly floating on a smile.

A child who has just been pregnant for two months is enough to make a woman soft hearted, even if the woman's killing breath is strong.

"I just don't know when sister fan will have her own children."

Don't know why, he Mingzhu's thought floated to Liao Shuifen's body again, subconsciously looking back to the living room.

The glass door of the living room is made of flower glass. You can't see the inside from the outside, and you can't hear what the people inside are saying. So after Liao Shuifen finally couldn't help but let out a joyful scream, he didn't want to cover anything.

Even if he Mingzhu hears it, so what?

Anyway, she knew what her relationship with Gao Fei was. She had fallen, her body and her mind long ago that night.

When a person is completely shameless, no matter what she does next, she will no longer have any psychological pressure - at least, Liao Shuifen thinks so, so no matter what kind of request Gao Fei puts forward, she will gladly agree, until they are unwilling to move again.

I don't know how long it took for Liao Shuifen's right foot to fall on the ground. Just as he was about to breathe out, he suddenly heard someone say: "so far, Jinghua police have sealed off the scenic spots near Shanhaiguan and closely checked every passing vehicle..."

Liao Shuifen was frightened and looked back quickly.

No matter how shameless she is, she doesn't want to be seen doing that with goofy.

As soon as she turned back, she heard goofy say lazily, "don't be afraid, the TV is on. The foot you just put down touched the switch of the TV remote control

"It's like this. It gives me a big surprise."

Liao Shuifen took a long breath of relief and bent down to pick up the remote control on the ground. Just as he was about to turn off the TV, Gao Fei waved his hand: "wait a minute."

With that, goofy sat up.

Liao Shuifen also looks at the TV.

In the spacious and fashionable LCD Plasma TV, the news of the city at 3pm is being broadcast.

The background of the picture is the Great Wall, a large number of police officers are nervously evacuating tourists from the Great Wall.

In some shaking shots, Liao Shuifen sees a man lying on the ground with his head covered by a white coat - People's first impression is that he is dead.

This is a foreigner whose specific identity has not been disclosed on TV. The reporter who interviewed the police only said that he is a diplomat from a northern European country, and his name is Jackson.

After hearing this, Liao Shuifen was stunned for a moment, and cried out: "ah, Jack Sai from northern Europe, can't it be him?"

Goofy picked up the housecoat from the ground, put it on her and asked, "why, do you know this Jackson?"

"If he is the Jackson I know, he should be a member of the Foreign Ministry of a northern European country. He is a very enthusiastic old man who worships Chinese culture."

Liao Shuifen stood up, put on his clothes and murmured, "how could he have an accident on the Great Wall?"