September 18th.

In the eyes of modern people, influenced by certain ethos, all mobile phone numbers and license plate numbers with 8 are popular.

Days like 3184, 18518 and so on, like 918, which is more agreeable, have become the first choice for young people's weddings, but many people ignore it. 918 is the day when the island devils invade China and is regarded as the national humiliation day by the Chinese people.

Gao Fei doesn't believe in the so-called FA ah, Liu ah. He only cares about the weather.

If 918 is sunny, he will have to go back to the air raid shelter in the southern mountain area during the day.

Fortunately, it rained heavily in Southern Hebei on this day. The sky was so overcast that it almost collapsed. The sun, which was longed for by countless people but hated by Gao Fei, had no chance to come out today. He happily hid in the office of the sunset restaurant, holding a cup of tea and laughing at the busy people on the street through the window.

"What's good about rain?"

Sitting on the desk, ye Xinshang pressed the cigarette end into the ashtray and said, "I really envy you now."

"What do you admire me for? Is he more handsome than you, or richer than you? "

Gao Fei looked back with a smile and looked at Tietu who was tasting the wine with a glass. He sighed and said, "well, I really envy you. You can drink."

Tietu boldly said: "you can drink it too. Anyway, this is your hotel. You can drink as much as you want, as long as you are not afraid of death."

"Isn't that bullshit?"

Goofy snapped and asked, "when are you going back to Hong Kong?"

"I don't mean to go back for the time being."

Ye Xinshang said, "it's good to be here. You don't have to spend money to eat and drink your food."

"Go back, don't let them worry."

The smile on Gao Fei's face slowly converged and said seriously: "you don't need to get involved in the conflict between me and 1973. To be arrogant, even if you want to move me, you have to consider Gao's reaction. What's more, I've experienced many big storms and waves, and I'm not the one who's just going to get caught. "

Tietu shook his glass and scolded: "you are bullshit. Do you think we will fight against 1973 for you? We stayed to see the ancient tombs at the bottom of the river, and you know I'm very interested in this. "

"I've been mixed up with old fellow for a long time, and I find that I have gradually enjoyed this hobby."

Ye Xinshang continued: "master long from Hong Kong has arrived at the scene. I hope he can open the stone gate."

"I think it's hard enough. If the ancient tombs at the bottom of the river could be opened so easily, they would have been destroyed years ago."

Goofy shook his head and said.

Tietu retorted immediately: "what you said is not all right. Since the broken army can enter, others can also enter. What's more, when the broken army enters, it will certainly destroy the original organs of the ancient tomb. In addition, master long, with the help of advanced instruments and a large number of experts, if he still can't enter, he won't have to work in this field in the future. "

"You seem to have a point."

Gao Fei took another sip of tea and thought it tasteless. It was not as good as good wine.

In fact, there is one thing he didn't say: it's really no good. He just went into the bottomless lake, but there was some trouble in the process.

Tietu put down his glass and said, "what worries me most is that after the ancient tomb is developed, the relevant departments will take back the protection and forbid you to live in it."

"Not to worry about that."

No matter what Gao Fei said, he said with a smile, "old iron, don't you know that the old fellow who is responsible for warning the river bottom tomb is related to Gao Jia? I believe that as soon as the stone gate is opened, those experts will evacuate quickly after completing the necessary identification work. "

Although the three people were talking about ancient tombs, they all knew that this was not the point.

The point is still 1973.

Last night, Gao Fei abandoned two members of the 1973 secret service section and let them leave in a mess. Gao Yunhua even returned to Beijing overnight without seeing Gao Fei. This is enough to show that the matter is very serious.

But so far, Gao Fei is still sitting here, nothing has happened, just like Gao Yunhua has no news.

It's a temporary peace, just like it's very hot at four in the morning, and it rains heavily after an hour.

In 1973, we will never give up.

The difference is what they are going to do.

What should goofy do then.

If it was put in the past, Gao Fei would have gone abroad to find a sparsely populated place to hide... But now he can't. He has too much concern.

The two big stones of career and emotion have already tied him firmly. He can no longer be as natural and unrestrained as before. The only thing he can do is to cope with the storm of 1973.

In 1973, it was a department that even the GAOs did not dare to resist.

Perhaps, just like the composition of this department, the Gao family is only one of them.

You, really shouldn't for a solution beauty, to provoke 1973 -- looking at with ye Xinshang talk and smile of Gao Fei, iron Tu heart gently sigh.

At the same time, he also wondered why he took away Xie Hongyan.

Tietu wanted to know what happened, but since Gaofei didn't say it, he didn't ask.

Several people talked about Liu Xiaolong.

"Where's that little dandy? He's not still supervising work by the Yellow River, is he?"

Ye Xinshang asked casually.

Goofy shook his head: "No. He wanted to be there, but he went back to Beijing early this morning. "

"It's not his father who's worried that he's going to join you in that whirlpool, is it?"

Ye Xinshang seems to be joking.

"Ha ha, this is not suitable for him to participate in the game."

Gao Fei smiles and says, "he went back to Beijing because he discussed with his family about marrying Claire. Claire, you know what? It's the daughter of glasses. "

Speaking of this, goofy suddenly closed his mouth, staring at the teacup and squinting slightly.

When it comes to Claire, Gao Fei thinks of glasses. When he thinks of glasses, he has to think of a woman -- his ex-wife, Wang Chen.

More than a year ago, Gao Fei just got married with Wang Chen. Before they finished their honeymoon, they divorced under the threat of Shen Yinbing.

After the divorce, entrusted by Gao Fei, glasses went back to Beijing with Wang Chen to protect her.

Originally, after Gao Fei was "kicked out" by Shen Yinbing, he should have remarried with Wang Chen, but who knows that a series of misunderstandings happened between them.

Liu Xiaolong and others don't understand how much Wang Chen's resentment towards Gao Fei is. After he encounters these things, he doesn't care. It's said that she has already returned to Beijing, but she doesn't even call. It's like that she has nothing to do with Gao Fei.

Liu Xiaolong doesn't understand, but Gao Fei can vaguely guess that the setbacks and tribulations he suffered are all related to women.

In other words, the most straightforward way is that the fate of Gao Fei is that women get into trouble!

If he is only devoted to Wang Chen, how can he be poisoned by the burning sun?

Think is also, he in the sun Gu has not been solved, but because of a solution to the beauty, provoked the mysterious.

It's normal for Wang Chen to stand idly by for other women's sake.

Even, she has made up her mind not to associate with Goofy any more.

Perhaps, it's the best to leave like this, and it's fair to her - Gao Fei laughs lonely and holds up the teacup.

He encountered so many things, but Wang Chen didn't care. He didn't have any complaints, because he had no reason to hate others.

Seeing that Gao Fei was not right, tie Tu looked at each other and said nothing more.

Ding Ding, Gao Fei's mobile phone on the table vibrates strongly.

Goofy must be the one who changes his card most frequently, because he always loses his mobile phone. Every time he loses his mobile phone, he will replace it with a new card, so as to avoid losing contact with his relatives and friends.

It's Liu Xiaolong.

It seems that God knows what Gao Fei was thinking just now, so he assigned Liu Xiaolong to bring her news: "is it convenient to talk?"

"If you have anything, just say it."

Gao Fei didn't go to see Tietu: to them, Gao Fei has no secret.

"It's about Wang Chen."

Liu Xiaolong was silent there for a moment before he said this.

Gao Fei in the heart lightly a jump, light ask a way: "Wang Chen how?"

"There's a man chasing her."

After Liu Xiaolong said this, he stopped talking.

It's strange for a beautiful and capable girl like Wang Chen to have no heterosexual pursuit after more than a year's divorce.

Similarly, if the man who pursues Wang Chen runs into a wall, Liu Xiaolong doesn't have to say that.

Someone is chasing Wang Chen... The meaning of Liu Xiaolong's saying is: Wang Chen is not against other people chasing her, and they should have made some progress.

In Gao Fei's heart, there was a rush of discomfort.

It's true that since he married Wang Chen, he has regarded her as his wife for a lifetime, even if she is divorced.

So now that she has the intention to associate with other men, it's strange if Gao Fei is comfortable.

But soon, he was relieved: there are too many women around him, no matter what the reason is, and now he does not hesitate to offend the mysterious 1973 in order to understand the beauty. To some extent, he has betrayed Wang Chen for a long time, and is always betraying.

So, what qualifications and reasons does he have to stop Wang Chen, who is divorced from him, from accepting men's pursuit?

"Ha ha, as long as she likes it."

Gao Fei smiles. He should have thought that he is free and easy to smile, but in fact his mouth is bitter.

Liu Xiaolong ignored him and continued: "that man's surname is Du, Xiguang Du's family. I seem to have heard of this man before. I know that he is an outstanding young generation of Xiguang Du family. He works in scientific research in Beijing. "

Liu Xiaolong breathed out a breath and asked, "do you want me to find a chance to 'advise' him?"

Gao Fei, of course, knows what Liu Xiaolong's advice means and shakes his head: "no, it's boring. Oh, by the way, when are you going to get married? "

"It's settled. It's new year's day. It's with the immortal glasses."

When it comes to the father-in-law who has three hands, Liu Xiaolong is very angry.

Glasses are like glue to that beautiful French police officer now. They have been talking about marriage for a long time. It's just because of Wang Chen's business that glasses are delayed again and again.

Finally, he got tired of the glasses and decided to hold a wedding with his daughter on the same day when she married Liu Xiaolong, which is a wonderful story in the history of human marriage

Liu Xiaolong doesn't care who he marries with glasses. Even if he finds a donkey, the key is, don't hold it with me. Do you know how much struggle I have made with my family in order to marry your daughter? It's more uncomfortable for the old man to get involved!

"Ha, I'll definitely go to the wedding then!"

Gao Fei ha's smile.

After the meeting with Liu Xiaolong, Gao Fei cut off the phone.

From beginning to end, Liu Xiaolong did not mention 1973.

Gao Fei understands that it's not that he doesn't know, but that the old man of the Liu family definitely told him not to talk nonsense.

Liu Xiaolong is not qualified to be involved.