After passing the Luokou floating bridge, two kilometers east along the riverbank highway, there is a small highway to the North under the riverbank.

A few kilometers north of this small highway, there will be a village called loucheng village.

The origin of loucheng village is that the village is composed of two surnames, Lou and Cheng.

To the north of loucheng village, there is a piece of saline land designated as "flood discharge area" by the government, which is about thousands of mu.

Since the beginning of the new century, the Yellow River has never been as restless as it used to be. However, as the saying goes, "prepare for a rainy day", the government is always ready to deal with the emergency flood discharge, so it has never given up the supervision of this flood discharge area.

After more than ten years of recuperation, the soil quality of the flood discharge area with thousands of mu of land has changed greatly. There are green grass, wild flowers and trees everywhere. It has become a paradise for rabbits, mice and even pheasants.

In the center of this flood discharge area, there is a small lake.

Even the oldest old man in loucheng village can't tell how long this oval lake, which covers an area of up to 100 mu, has existed.

According to the local county records, when the ancestors of loucheng village migrated from the North during the Hongwu Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty, the lake had already existed (because Qilu had been baptized by war for a long time in the late Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty, it could be said that there were thousands of miles and thousands of rooms in the sky). After Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, in order to enrich the population of Qilu, he began to emigrate from Zaoqiang and Hongdong. Therefore, more than 80% of the ancestors of Qilu migrated from those two places.)

The lake area is small, but the water quality is very good, the biggest characteristic is deep.

have no bottom.

Not only is it unfathomable, but no matter how dry it is, the lake will not dry up.

As for how deep the lake is, according to the older generation, in the 1960s and 1970s, the village branch secretary of loucheng village once mobilized people to measure it with straw ropes.

The result is very surprising: no matter how much straw rope is tied to the lake, it is not touched to the end. When the rope continues to be tied down, it will break.

It's Qi Shushu. It's like being cut off by a sharp blade. It's 70 or 80 meters deep!

Is there a kind of strange fish with teeth like knives growing in this lake?

No one knows, and no one dares to go down. After the village Party branch secretary brought up the broken rope (broken at the same depth) for the seventh time, he gave up surveying... Since then, this nameless lake has been called "bottomless Lake" by the local people.

People with different beliefs also say that in the depths of the bottomless lake, there is an underground river that leads directly to the East China Sea. At the end of the river, which is seven or eight meters deep in the bottomless lake, there is a crystal palace in which the youngest son of the Dragon King of the East Sea lives.

Although these legends are ridiculed as nonsense by many intellectuals, many local villagers believe them and warn them that it is better not to go into the water without permission, so as not to make Bruce Lee angry and lose his life in vain.

The cultural youth who firmly believe that everything in the world is made up of numbers naturally do not take this kind of foolish warning to heart - until for 13 consecutive years, there were 31 educated young people drowning in the lake when they were bathing and playing.

In addition to Cheng Laosan and Lao Lou, who come here to fish when they are free, those cultural people never come here. This has become their forbidden area.

When they think of the way some people will take a detour when they pass through the bottomless lake, they want to laugh. They think it's very unreasonable that these little bunnies try to overthrow some ancient Chinese culture that has been handed down for thousands of years just because they know a few big characters.

Many people firmly believe that there is no ghost in the world, because they have not seen it, so they don't believe it.

Lao louxin.

Because when he saw that the hook he had just dropped was sinking rapidly, he thought that he had caught a big fish. When he cried out for help, the fishing rod he was holding was snatched by something in the water.

If he had not caught a wild pear tree nearby in time, he would have been dragged down.

Then, then - in the gape of Lao Lou and Cheng Lao, they saw a mermaid rising to the surface.

Old Lou and his wife looked at the mermaid on the water, completely stunned, their brain stopped working, their mouth wide open, enough to put in a sweet potato: what kind of mermaid is this?

Long hair down, as black as ink, two arms like lotus root melon raised, slender fingers opened the hair covering the face, revealing a charming face, mouth spouted a mouthful of water.

She is tall and strong, like two upside down bowls of white jade. Two points are bright red, like gems. Her eyes are sore, and her soft, powerful and slender waist is enough to make the village's big girls and little wives who dare to wear navel clothes with two dollars ashamed.

And that abrupt, suddenly round up, is so solid, full - the body of water, in the setting sun shining golden luster.

All of a sudden, Lao Lou and his wife regretted why they didn't become cultural people.

Because according to their current vocabulary, they can't describe the beauty of the mermaid at all!

If you have to let them describe it, I believe they can only say: it's worth sleeping with such a mermaid!

They very much hope to see the lower part of the mermaid. It's said that the lower part of the mermaid's body belongs to the tail of the fish. They just don't know whether the tail of the fish will destroy the overall beauty of the mermaid?

Lao Lou and his wife both wanted to see if the mermaid had a tail. But just when they were expecting the mermaid to jump out of the water and invite them to visit the underwater Crystal Palace, she quickly sank into the water.

When she came up again, it had changed.

Became a man.

Mermaids, like Fairies in the sky, are Lao Lou's favorite. However, they are not very interested in same-sex beauty and mermaids, especially when this guy still has a black thorn with three sides in his hand, which makes people feel chilly.

"Run, run!"

Seeing that the mermaid suddenly turns into a mermaid, Lao Lou and his wife are really worried that they will be dragged to the Crystal Palace to be "Princess". Although they have been fed up with the Yellow faced women in their family for a long time, at least their sexual orientation is normal. They would rather grow old with their wife than become a mermaid's plaything.


Never had the danger, let Laolou two already lax chrysanthemum, flower suddenly a nervous, at the same time howl, turned to embrace the head, ran to the shore, startled three or five rabbits, a rabbit ran forward, when Laolou's road, was kicked away by him: "get out of the way, don't get in the way!"

In the blink of an eye, Lao Lou, two old men who are nearly 60 years old, gave full play to the speed that made the famous sprinter Lewis downwind. He ran up the road like smoke and went to Lou Cheng village.

With a crash, Gao Fei sprang out of the water, opened his mouth and took a deep breath. Then he dived suddenly, grabbed Liao Shuifen's hair and pulled her up.

Liao Shuifen's water quality is also very good, and her physical fitness is also good, but she can't stand the water pressure of more than 100 meters, especially the water temperature below 100 meters, which is almost zero, and her whole body is almost frozen.

In this case, cramps are the most normal, nothing at all, compared with the extreme lack of oxygen in the brain, the body is almost completely frozen.

Fortunately, in the process of floating, Gao Fei always maintained a strong vitality and heat. It was with his help that Liao Shuifen barely floated to the surface. When he opened his mouth to breathe, he almost fainted and went down again.

Gao Fei pulls Liao Shuifen out of the water again. He opens his mouth like a fish out of the water and gasps for her. He takes off the hook from her hair and swims to the shore.

After catching a small tree on the main bank, Gao Fei was relieved: finally he escaped safely!

Who would have thought that when the passage came to an end, there would be an underground river across there?

The water flow of the underground river is not fast at all, which is related to the special limestone and many springs in Southern Hebei, and the water temperature is very suitable, even some hot - it's the water vein of a hot spring, and it's very cool for people to soak in it. Cool Liao Shuifen really wants to lie in the water and have a good sleep.

However, when they swim along the comfortable hot spring vein, they are suddenly swept in by the hidden underwater vortex. When they finally struggle out of the vortex, they have reached another world.

This is a cold world, dark, surrounded by a lot of fluorescent unknown aquatic organisms, swimming up slowly with the natural vortex.

It doesn't matter where it is.

The important thing is to get out of there, or Liao Shuifen will freeze to death.

Finally, before Liao Shuifen was frozen, Gao Fei saw the light above

That's the water.

Gao Fei pushes Liao Shuifen up.

When he stopped sinking and swam up again, he saw two people on the bank, screaming and scurrying, startling three or five rabbits.

We're back at last!

After seeing the fishing rod, the toilet and the bucket of fish, although the setting sun was so dazzling, Gao Fei was impatient to plunge into the water again, but he couldn't help looking up and shouting: "ah!"

When they heard the devil like roar from the bottomless lake behind them, they also yelled in unison - a tragic cry. The frequency of their legs quickened again and rushed to the village.

"Frighten, third uncle, what's the matter with you?"

A Passat car stops at the side of the road. The most promising boy in the village, Cheng Dong, who graduated from a famous university and is now the boss of his own company in the city, is startled when he sees the third eldest brother of his family and Lao Lou running wildly on the road. He quickly stops the car in front of them.

"Dongzi, Dongzi, come on, run!"

Cheng and Lao opened the car door quickly, jumped up and cried hysterically, "bottomless lake, there are monsters floating on the other side of bottomless lake!"

Cheng Dong knew that the three brothers often went fishing there, but he never heard of any monsters there.

Seeing Cheng Dong's disbelief on his face, Cheng Laosan bowed his head and banged on the back of his seat. He hissed and said, "Dongzi, just listen to your uncle! Go back to the village quickly and shout for people, saying that there is a water demon in the bottomless lake

Seeing that the three eldest brothers all used self mutilation to prove that what he said was true, Lao Lou turned pale and was about to faint. Cheng Dong realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly stepped up the gas.

Bottomless lake, the appearance of the male and female water demon!

The news swept loucheng village as fast as they could in their vows.