After Gao Fei woke up, he was still lying on the Kang made of black jade.

The torch on the flower rack in the corner, I don't know what material it is made of, so long time has passed, although the light is dim, it still burns obstinately.

But it shouldn't last long. It's like a lamp with no oil left. The dark red flame flashed in the pure black room, adding a layer of strangeness.

Lying on the Kang, he opened his eyes and looked at the slowly flowing river above. Gao Fei stayed for a while before he sat up. Then he saw Liao Shuifen at his feet.

The woman lay on her side on the Kang, half curled up, with her left hand in front of him and her right hand under her cheek. She breathed evenly. It seemed that she was still asleep.

Before Gao Fei appeared, Liao Shuifen would soon fall asleep after eating. Normally, she had enough time to rest, and she could sleep so sweetly at this time, which only proved that she was too tired.

Her snow-white skin is as smooth as satin. Under the dark red flame, it has not only a strange luster, but also an impulse that can make men trigger primitive evil.

Fortunately, Gao Fei didn't mean to be impulsive, so he didn't disturb her. He got off the Kang gently, went to the portrait and looked at it carefully.

When there is nothing to do at present, it's time to study this painting.

The name of this painting is painted dungeon. Shen Yinbing said it before. According to Mr. Gao's cultural level, he can't see the meaning of this painting.

It is said that when Zhou was in power, a woodcutter named Wuji came to Xiqi city to sell firewood and was passing by in his car. Because of the narrow market road, when he changed the shoulder of the Chai Dan, he collapsed. When he turned over the shoulder pole, he hit the guard Sergeant Wang Xiang on the ear door, killed him immediately, and was taken to see King Wen.

King Wen said: "since Wu Ji killed Wang Xiang, he should have resisted his life."

So he drew a circle on the ground as a cell, erected a piece of wood as a warder, locked up Wuji, and left until he was beheaded later.

But later, Wu Ji didn't kill him. Instead, he stayed in the circle for three days and was released again. The reason was that his family had an old mother to serve, and he would only pay the sergeant's life after her death.

Later, Wu Ji was accepted as an apprentice by Jiang Ziya, who followed King Wu to overthrow Zhou, and finally established the Western Zhou Dynasty.

When such a picture was hung in such a room, Shen Yinbing's understanding at that time was that other people hoped that she would be able to go to jail here at ease.

Gao Fei can clearly remember the look of disdain on her lips at that time.

Women like Shen Yinbing, who are not worth a bit of force, are not willing to go to jail here, so is Gao Fei.

But then again, Shen Yinbing was able to go out, but the people who broke the army deliberately let her go, just like inviting her here just to meet her in a sense.

Will the young master let go?

The answer is yes: never.

Even he was not given the hope of a lifetime in prison, only seven days.

If goofy doesn't find his way out in these seven days, he will stay here forever, not in prison, but dead.

There are many ways to get rid of him. The simplest one is to let go of water.

Anyway, it's the surging Yellow River. Just open a small hole, and the river will pour down, drowning him here alive.

Today is the first day to come down to the ancient tomb?

Gao Fei doesn't know any more. He just has a helpless sense of oppression.

Standing in front of the portrait, Goofy's eyes are fixed on the characters above, but his mind is full of wishful thinking.

What puzzled him most was why the young master brought Liao Shuifen here, and fed her some aphrodisiacs to help her "build up her constitution." that's why he was attacked.

Is it true that when the young master decided to kill him, he suddenly found someone to bury him?

However, how did the young master know that Liao Shuifen once fooled around with Gao Fei with Bai CI when he was in the summer resort?

What's more, Liao Shuifen is fooling around with Gao Fei. What's the matter with him? Why take the risk to bring her here?

The young master treated Liao Shuifen like this. When he thought of this, a light suddenly flashed in Gao Fei's mind. He couldn't help saying, "ah, I know!"

"You, what do you know?"

Liao Shuifen's voice sounded from behind: "do you think of how to get out?"

When Gao Fei is looking at the portrait, Liao Shuifen wakes up and is startled by his abrupt words. Then he instinctively asks what he knows.

"No, it's something else."

Goofy turned around, his eyes twinkled and said, "I should have known that, but last time I wanted to talk to you, I was interrupted and forgot."

Liao Shuifen sits on the Kang, his knees bent up in front of him, and he holds his knees in his hands. Although she blocks the most important position of her female, it adds a lot of lure.

Half hidden is the most moving, isn't it?

But at present, Liao Shuifen can't do anything else, even though she knows it has the biggest visual impact on men. She quickly drops her eyes and doesn't speak any more.

"Young master, it's he Xiucheng."

Gao Fei came to the Kang, speaking in a positive tone.

"Can you, can you turn around and stop looking at me?"

Liao Shuifen asked in a low voice.

"So you like to see my ass, I told you so."

Mr. Gao said shamelessly, turned his back to Liao Shuifen, sat on the Kang, looked at the painting on the wall, and said, "I know you don't agree. I'm sure the young master is he Xiucheng. Don't talk this time, listen to me, so as not to interrupt my thinking."

"Of course, when you ask a question, you'd better answer it."

Gao Fei said, "he Xiucheng liked you very early, didn't he?"

He Xiucheng liked Liao Shuifen very early, and once pursued her. It's no secret, so she didn't have to deny anything: "yes, but at that time I just regarded him as my younger brother..."

Gao Fei interrupts her and asks, "after your divorce from Han Zhen, he Xiucheng will immediately pursue you?"


Liao Shuifen thought for a moment and said, "he Xiucheng first expressed this to me through he luori's fiancee Bingbing, he and Liao. Because of some interest factors, he and Liao agreed to associate with each other."

"Before he luori got married, we had several relationships in Southern Hebei. He Xiucheng certainly didn't know, did he?"

This time, without waiting for Liao Shuifen to say anything, Gao Fei said in advance: "but in the wrong circumstances, on the day of he sunset's wedding, we were in Houshan villa..."

Liao Shuifen was a little angry and interrupted: "yes, yes! Gao, what are you trying to say? "

"I want to say that he Xiucheng should have seen you when you came out of my house on the wedding day of he luori."

Gao Fei turned to look at Liao Shuifen and said slowly, "think about it carefully. Did you happen to meet him on the way out?"

"After coming out, did you meet he Xiucheng?"

Liao Shuifen murmured and repeated, his face turned white.

She is a woman with high intelligence quotient. In the past, she firmly denied that he Xiucheng was the young master. That's because she really wanted to associate with him. However, after getting Gao Fei's hint, she suddenly figured out what to do.

He Xiucheng is deeply in love with Liao Shuifen. Even after she married Han Zhen, he didn't die.

For the moment, no matter what he Xiucheng's conditions are, why he is so infatuated with Liao Shuifen? One thing is true, that is, he cares about Liao Shuifen very much, so when he sees her coming out of Gao Fei's room, he immediately understands something.

"You, you mean, he Xiucheng knows what I've done with you?"

Although Liao Shuifen figured out something, he still refused to believe it.

"You may not have noticed that you walked out of the house that day and were full of a different flavor," he said

"What's the difference?"

Liao Shuifen just asked this sentence, suddenly understood what, the face played red.

A woman who hasn't been in touch with a man for a long time, after such a fierce exercise with a man, is just like a flower that has been watered by rain and dew for a long time, and her whole body will show a different taste.

He Xiucheng is a man. Although he hasn't got a family yet, he will definitely understand these. He can see what Liao Shuifen has just experienced.

Xiucheng is really in love with Liao Shuifen, and the two families also agreed to communicate with each other.

However, she and Bai CI hang out with Gao Fei. He Xiucheng must be very angry. He feels that Liao Shuifen has betrayed him and the he family, and begins to hate her.

"Think about it, isn't it?"

Gao Fei said, "besides he Xiucheng, who else can know about us?"

Liao Shuifen has basically believed Gao Fei's words, but he is still unwilling to ask: "even if he knows, why did he tie me here?"

"That's because he wants to punish you for being unfaithful to him."

Gao Fei looked at the empty plates and bowls and said, "that's why he gave you an aphrodisiac. He wants you to become a woman, so that you can't leave her in a special way..."

Liao Shuifen shivered all over his body and asked in a trembling voice, "well, then why did he really pursue me later?"

"It's just a surface phenomenon."

Gao Fei light said: "I can guarantee, he will never really marry you, he will destroy you."

"But, but..."

Liao Shuifen took a deep breath, raised his head and said: "you also said that when he was in the dark road, he used to guard your face and scolded he Xiucheng for being a beast. How can a man as proud as him call himself a beast

"He is willing to call himself a beast, which can only prove that he did what a beast would do."

Gao Fei turned his head, looked at the words and said: "Xie Hongyan has already said that he Xiucheng is a young master, but you just don't believe it. Now you believe it? He brought you here, probably stimulated by some kind of stimulation. It's just crazy once, but I didn't expect that I just happened to appear and completely disrupted his plan. "

"Because I can guarantee that he Xiucheng never wants me to enjoy it instead of him."

Gao Fei just said here, was interrupted by Liao Shuifen screaming: "shut up!"

Goofy turned his mouth and stopped talking.

Liao Shuifen was upset and changed several sitting postures one after another. Then he asked, "even if you're right, I'll ask you again. Since he has spent so much money, why is he willing to be picked up by you?"

"I don't know. Maybe he has another idea?"

Looking at the flower rack, Gao Fei said faintly, "for example, he can secretly take pictures of us and pass them on, so as to damage the reputation of Gao and Liao families."

"Will he and he be photographed secretly?"

Liao Shuifen was surprised. When he raised his head and was about to say something, he was suddenly stunned: "you, what is it written on your back?"