The old lady accepted Liang Jiaojiao's worship and said with a giggle, "son, what's the relationship between you and Gao Fei?"

Liang Jiaojiao looked up at the cliff and said softly, "he's my ex husband."

"It's just my ex husband. In order to save him, you have to accept my mantle. As for paying such a high price?"

The old lady seems to be testing Liang Jiaojiao's patience. She is very wordy.

Liang Jiaojiao said lightly: "I left him on my own initiative. Besides, he has died for me once. "

"Well, he seems to be good to you, too."

The old lady nodded and finally said, "well, I'll promise you to save him."

"Thank you mother-in-law, thank you mother-in-law!"

Liang Jiaojiao was overjoyed and quickly kowtowed thanks again.

But the old lady laughed and murmured, "it's up to you to save him."

Liang Jiao Jiao Leng: "why?"


The old lady looked up at the girl who was sleeping on the branch of the tree and said in a low voice, "because today is my day to return to heaven."


Liang Jiaojiao was silly and asked, "Granny, granny, can you calculate your life and death?"

"My life is dead."

The old lady turned her head and took a look at the cliff. Then she looked back and murmured, "it's been holding on all these years. It's too tired to wait for you. This time, it can finally have a good rest

"Your own destiny?"

Liang Jiaojiao said, looking at the old lady's left shoulder that girl, asked: "I see it, now good ah."

"This is what I cultivated for jade mining."

The old lady looked at the little girl on the branch of the tree. The old fold suddenly bloomed, and there was a twinkle in her eyes that only girls can have: "my mother-in-law said that she wanted to teach you the mantle, that's to scare you to play. You're too old to be able to raise poisonous insects. "

"Originally, it was you who coaxed me to play!"

Liang Jiao Jiao suddenly relaxed and sat down on the ground.

She is not really interested in these insects.

But her nerves just relaxed, and then tightened: "grandma, you..."

The wrinkles on the old man's face are blooming, and he will die.

The old lady waved her hand, leaned on the tree trunk, looked at the little girl again with attachment, and said in a low voice, "Caiyu, an orphan in Myanmar, is a new generation of Gu king. I hope you can take care of her more in the future. She is still young and has a good heart. As long as you treat her like a sister, she will not harm others by poison. This is the real reason why I want you to inherit my mantle. I hope you can love her as much as I do. "

Liang Jiaojiao nodded again and again: "yes, yes, grandma, don't worry! But, after you return, how can we relieve Gao Fei of the burning sun

If not to see the old lady at any time to throat, Liang Jiaojiao will not be so eager to ask.

"It's a piece of cake for the king of Gu. The only trouble is that the child has been poisoned for a long time, and you come too late, so it will take a long time to completely eliminate the poisonous insects in his body... "

The voice of the old lady is getting lower and lower.

Liang Jiaojiao quickly used her knees as her feet, took a few steps forward, put her ear on the old lady's mouth, and asked eagerly, "how long? What should we do? "

"A year, a year - Oh, I have a secret to tell you. You must remember it."

The old lady's mouth was shaking rapidly. After a few words, she suddenly coughed, and then she made a voice of air-conditioning: "Ha - hiss!"

Then, there was no more sound, no more movement.


Originally lying on the old lady's left shoulder, the golden silkworm bug suddenly uttered a shrill cry, which turned into a green lightning and rushed to the jade picking tree branch.


Caiyu opened his eyes, and then he saw that there were countless poisonous insects at the entrance of the cliff. They rushed out and climbed up the cliff and turned to the other side.

Over there, there was a roaring sound of water. It seemed that there was a dull thunder in the sky. It reverberated continuously, but it couldn't cover up any sound, including people's panting and breathing.

Gao Fei heard his breath, but he couldn't see anything. It was dark in front of him. The cold water kept pounding his body, making him feel pain like burning.

"Is this hell?"

Obviously feel the body as if at any time to be washed away by the ice cold water to fly high, painful Shenyin a, raised his right hand forward.

He stretched out half a meter at most, and then he came across a slippery hard thing.

It was the rock above the tunnel, covered with moss like things, slippery without leaving hands, no place to buckle.

"It turns out that this is not a hell, but a secret passage for the flow of deep water. But there's no difference between this place and hell. No matter who is drifted into the underworld, they don't want to go out alive any more. "

Gao Fei poked his hands around, and soon found out his current situation: This is a dark passage with a length of only 60 cm, a natural pipe, or a narrow mountain gap, because the water below him is very deep and the current is more turbulent. Otherwise, such a narrow place would not be able to provide such a large flow of waterfall water.

He was floating on the water. He could stop here because his clothes were caught by a sharp rock.

Clothes can't mature, so fierce water erosion, is tearing bit by bit, I believe in a few minutes, it will break, and then the water will fly into the abyss, maybe the real hell.

Listening to the thunder like sound of running water coming from the dark road, Gao Fei can conclude that there should be a large drop underground waterfall not far ahead. As for where the water of the waterfall flows, he can't be sure.

"It seems that I was not a mouse in my previous life, just a snake. Otherwise, I will not always deal with the underground in my life, even before I die. ha-ha. First, the underground Loulan, and then the underground Genghis Khan Mausoleum of Outer Mongolia gore. "

When Gao Fei laughs at himself, he feels that his body is getting warm. The cold water flows over him, which makes him feel comfortable and relaxed.

He knew that it was noon, and it was the craziest time for the burning sun to attack in his body.

However, after he fell into the deep pool, the cold water cooled him down and made him wake up slowly.

But there is no doubt that the ground temperature of the water can't suppress the sun bug in his body. At most, it makes him feel cold and comfortable. I believe that before long, the power of the sun bug will surpass the low temperature of the water and make him crazy again.

But what's the point?

"If you have the ability, you can boil all the water in this secret passage."

When Gao Fei laughs at himself again, he suddenly thinks of a person.

Shen Yinbing.

When Gao Fei decided to end his agony by jumping down the deep pool, he saw Shen Yinbing running towards him.

To tell you the truth, he suddenly regretted it.

Because he knows that Shen Yinbing's constitution, like moxie's Dongzheng constitution, is a Shura constitution. She has the most Yin Qi that can neutralize his most Yang Qi. As long as she is willing to devote herself, Gao Fei can live for a month.

One month at most.

There's no way. Tuoba Qianjun made it very clear that even if he can't get a woman pregnant now, it will take four to six people with Shura constitution, and it will take one year to dissolve the extreme Yang Qi in his body.

Shen Yinbing can support him to live for one more month. If she insists on devoting herself to death, she will be doomed.

So, for this reason, Gao Fei didn't go to Shen Yinbing after knowing that she was also in vannan County: why bother others in order to live one more month?

Of course, no one is willing to die, let alone live another month, even for an hour, people will be willing to pay any price!

Gao Fei is also such a person, so when he jumped down, he found that Shen Yinbing came, and then he regretted it.

But he just regretted a little. Even if Mr. Gao was mean, he didn't want to drag others to die in order to live another month.

What's more, master Shen wolf is living well now, and he certainly doesn't want to die so early, does he?

"That's fine. I'll accept your love again..."

When Gao Fei thought of this, he suddenly felt something hit him hard.

It's a person.


Because when the man's head hit him, there was a scream.

Shen Yinbing!?

The scream is familiar, which makes Gao Fei think of its owner.

He wanted to make sure, but after the woman hit him hard, the clothes that supported him could not hold any longer, and it cracked.

Mr. Gao felt as if he was on a roller coaster. He bounced up and hit his head on the rock above and fainted.

When he passed out, he seemed to hold a person in his arms.

Just as in the Genghis Khan Mausoleum in Outer Mongolia, after the water broke the coffin, he instinctively hugged Chen Guoguo. The two people hugged each other tightly, and were surrounded by the turbulent water.

Soon, they lost their center of gravity and fell into the endless darkness.


The roaring sound of water seems to be bigger and clearer, but there is no dull sound, very loud appearance.

Goofy opens his eyes and closes them.

The bright sun in the sky hurt his eyes.

Slowly, he slowly opened his eyes, and then saw the green vegetation on the mountain wall, as well as the long snake like mountain ridge winding to the distance, bursts of pleasant bird calls from the left.

"Not dead yet?"

Gao Fei is surprised that his life is so big, but also very angry: this can not die, must be burned?

Several birds are drinking water by the stream. Suddenly they see Gao Xian's life. They are very surprised. They scream, flutter their wings and scurry: "grass, the dead are alive, the dead are alive, I'm scared to death!"

"Get the hell out of NIMA, bitch!"

Gao Fei scolded back. He was ready to raise his right hand and extend his middle finger to the birds to greet their mother when he found that he seemed to be holding a person in his arms.

This is a girl, wearing a white dress, pale face in the sun, with a distressing luster, long eyelashes, tightly covered her eyes like water, black hair, like the blooming ink lotus on the water, with a stream of indescribable dust.

Shen Yinbing.

This is Shen Yinbing. Her eyes are closed, her face is pale, and her whole body is cold. She doesn't know whether she is alive or dead.

"No, elder sister, you will not let me go even if you die, and you will pester me tightly."

Gao Fei Hula reaches out his hand and presses it on Shen Yinbing's heart. After a moment, he stands up, holds her in his arms and quickly goes to the shore.

She still has a heartbeat. Although her heartbeat is very slow and weak, it is a sign of life. Gao Fei is absolutely sure that she can be saved in three minutes.