After getting the help information of Varnan County, the relevant leaders of Mingcheng immediately gave instructions, ordering the relevant departments to immediately send all the forces that can be sent to support Varnan County, and make sure to find out what's going on.

After coming to Mingcheng to work, Liang Jiaojiao, who felt that she had nothing to do, took the initiative to ask to go to Varnan County, which was approved by the director.

Varnan county is only the most remote small county under the jurisdiction of Mingcheng. Liang Jiaojiao, who returned from gilding, became the highest ranking leader of the police here. She can directly contact the local garrison leaders by telephone, and can use the authority of more than one company soldier when she needs help.

When Liang Jiaojiao came to Lingnan, she won the title of "extinct nun". At the same time, she gained rich working experience. The next day, she set a goal: Gu Po.

According to Liang Jiaojiao's judgment, the so-called treasure map is just a cover, which someone secretly uses to attract more people to attack Nanxian county and search for Gu Po in the mountains and forests.

Who is the person who arranges all this secretly?

Why do you want to find Gu Po?

Can we say that some people are forced to use this simple and most effective way to attract people to look for Gu Po because they have been poisoned by Gu?

Liang Jiaojiao has been in Varnan County for more than ten days. In these days, she has always been in charge of the county bureau and made preparations to deal with all kinds of accidents at any time.

Now Liang Jiaojiao is no longer the policewoman who just came out two years ago.

Nearly two years of experience in Lingnan has made her mature. In addition to her personal problems, her working ability and personal charm are beyond doubt. Otherwise, she would not have been entrusted with heavy responsibilities by the leaders of Mingcheng.

Facts have proved that Liang Jiaojiao has found out exactly why there are so many outsiders in Varnan County, but she has not made any other response except to double the police force to maintain law and order.

As long as the outsiders do not make trouble, you can come as many as you like. The more people you come and the longer you stay, the better. Anyway, some people who want to support the economy of Varnan county are very popular.

Of course, the premise is that those who secretly plan all this should not make trouble, otherwise director Liang is not jealous!

Another day, the lunar June will be over.

According to the news from the street, some foreigners began to leave Varnan County in batches: they had been working here for 20 days, but they didn't find the legendary Gupo, and their enthusiasm began to fade.

After the outsiders began to retreat, the leaders in the command room were relieved and regretted: "Alas, as soon as the outsiders left, the economy of flanan county will slowly return to the past. To be honest, sometimes I think, for the sake of local economic development, do we deliberately concoct a poisonous woman? In that case, there will be more people from other places flocking here, hehe. "

This is the deputy head of the Nanxian security department who is very friendly and awesome. He gave Liang Jiaojiao enough support.

Director Niu of the county bureau said with a smile: "ha ha, Dong county, I think what you said is very reasonable, or I'll arrange it now? To tell you the truth, when I saw those magnificent outsiders leaving, my heart was also in pain. They were all money

Director Niu said that he wanted to make arrangements. Naturally, he wanted to concoct a poisonous woman according to Dong Xian's idea to attract those foreigners to stay here for ten and a half days.

Dong Xian smiles. He doesn't say it's OK. Instead, he looks at Liang Jiaojiao: here, director Liang is the highest commander. He has to condescend to her. Without her, he can't act disorderly.

Liang Jiaojiao stood at the window, holding her arms in her hands, looking at the direction of banana tree hotel, as if in meditation. She didn't hear what Dong county said. In fact, she heard them all.

But she didn't answer, she was thinking about something.

There were as many as seven or eight people on the scene. Except for the leaders sent by the local garrison and Liang Jiaojiao, the others were local people.

However, Liang Jiaojiao was sure that the local leaders did not know that there was a legendary witch in the mountains around Varnan county.

That was more than half a year ago.

It was Liang Jiaojiao's first and so far the only time to lead a team to arrest a drug lord from Thailand.

The big drug lords fled into the mountains. Their geographical location was more than ten kilometers southeast of the battlefield of encirclement and suppression a year ago. There was already the border between China and Myanmar.

In order to escape the pursuit of the Chinese anti drug police, the big drug lord who ran for his life in a hurry tried his best to escape. At the cost of all the casualties, he finally escaped to the place where the local people may not have been.

Just jump down the valley from that place and swim across the fast flowing river to escape successfully.

But Liang Jiaojiao, like a haunted soul, always pursued her. Even if he tried his best, he could not get rid of her.

The drug lord was forced by Liang Jiaojiao to a cliff, and there was no way to escape. When he took out his knife in despair (both of them had already run out of pistols), and was ready to fight with Liang Jiaojiao, an old lady suddenly appeared beside the drug lord.

It turned out that neither Liang Jiaojiao nor the drug lord noticed that there was a cave hidden by vines on the cliff.

The strange old lady with a gold collar around her neck came out of the cave.

According to Liang Jiaojiao's judgment, the old lady is over 80 years old. Her eyes have been covered with wrinkles on her face, and her ears are almost useless. Otherwise, she would not have seen the drug lord on the side of the cave.

Liang Jiaojiao and her husband had no idea that there would be an old lady in that situation.

Later, both of them reacted. Liang Jiaojiao was shocked. She called her mother-in-law to get out of the way in local dialect!

The drug lord is ecstatic. He grabs the old lady and holds her in his arms. He puts the knife on her neck and makes Liang Jiaojiao drop the knife and go away, or he will bleed the old man!

If it were someone else, maybe she would be too lazy to deal with the drug lords. Anyway, the old lady's appearance is very strange: after all, that place is a place that the local people have never been to. How can an old lady live in? As long as we can successfully kill the drug lords, why should we care about the dying old man?

Liang Jiaojiao didn't do that. After a few minutes of confrontation with the drug lords, she had no choice but to throw down her weapon and yell at the drug lords not to hurt the old lady.

Naturally, the drug lord who is desperate to survive is a promise. Holding the old lady who looks scared to death, she goes around the cliff and comes to the valley. She is preparing to cut off the immortal neck with a knife, and then rolls down the valley. However, Liang Jiaojiao is surprised to find that her face suddenly shows a very satisfied smile.

That smile, Liang Jiaojiao vowed to die will not forget.

Mingming is very satisfied, but his mouth, eyes, nose and ears are not. But the blood flowed out. He just didn't know it. He still giggled. He knew that a golden caterpillar like thing came out of his heart. He still laughed and died with a smile.

Liang Jiaojiao was silly. She looked at the old lady and slowly put away the golden caterpillar like thing. Then she opened her toothless mouth and said with a smile that she was a good child in the local dialect. If she was interested, could she live here with her.

Because there is only one teenage granddaughter under the old lady's knee, and she was "picked" from other places. Her life is really lonely and boring. I hope Liang Jiaojiao can stay and live with them.

After Liang Jiaojiao's stupidity, she suddenly thought of a character in the local legend: Gu Po.

Liang Jiaojiao is right. That old lady is a poisonous woman. The golden thing she used to kill the big drug lords is the most vicious and vicious of all poisonous insects!

In the story of killing the Dragon by relying on heaven written by master Jin Yong, the description of jincangu poison is as follows: this poison is spread from Miao area, and it is the most poisonous poison in the world. It's invisible and colorless. It's very difficult to watch out for. If the poisoned person has tens of millions of insects biting their teeth, it's hard to feel pain. They can't survive or die. No matter how good your martial arts are, you can be poisoned by an ordinary village woman who has no power to bind a chicken.

Although Liang Jiaojiao has decided to be single for a lifetime, she doesn't want to be a witch and refuses immediately.

When she refused, she was worried that the mysterious Gu Po would use strong.

Gu Po didn't do that. She just stared at her for a long time, murmured, "it's a pity," and let her go.

When Liang Jiaojiao left, Gu Po seemed to say that they were destined to meet again after that parting.

Liang Jiaojiao would rather deal with a drug lord ten times more fierce than Gu Po than go to that place to see her again, so she forgot about it soon after she came back.

But now, half a year later, some people are operating in secret, using their interests to find the legendary witch.

This also made Liang Jiaojiao recall the old woman again.

Seeing director Liang standing in front of and behind the window without saying a word, Dong and Xian looked at each other in disappointment. Just as they were about to change the topic, she turned around and said faintly, "in fact, we don't need to arrange anything. If I guess correctly, the person who secretly operates all this should also take measures to make those outsiders stay in Varnan county, Help them to look for Gupo in the mountains. "

Dong Xian and others were stunned and asked, "Liang Ju, who is in the dark, what means will he use?"

"For example, they can arrange their own people to claim that they have found a batch of" gold and silver treasures "in the mountains and show them to others, so as to attract others and make them believe that the treasure really exists, but they have not found a large number of treasures yet."

Before Liang Jiaojiao's voice fell, the fixed line on the table rang.

Director Niu, who is closest to the phone, grabs the fixed line: "Hello, I'm Niu Xing! What - what? Someone found some treasure in the mountains of Varnan county? Ah, are those people reveling in the street? Li Dezhi, now I order you to immediately send more police forces to pay attention to those people, and take them back to the Bureau by tough means when appropriate, so as to avoid any accident! "

Director Niu decisively gave the order, put down the phone and looked at Liang Jiaojiao, his eyes were full of worship: "Liang Bureau, your inference is really correct, someone has found the treasure, those who are planning to leave, also do not go."

"Let's go and have a look in the street."

Liang Jiaojiao picked up the police cap and put it on her head. She quickly walked to the door and said faintly, "look at how much noise that person wants to make in order to attract more people to help them find Gu Po."