Gao Fei admits that he took away Zhao Xianjing's first time.

But that doesn't mean he has to be responsible for it, even if Zhao Xianjing and Zhao Youbin came to please him later.

He took away Zhao Xianjing for the first time at the cost of being killed. If it wasn't for the special constitution of "inviolable to all poisons" created in the underground Loulan, now it would be his anniversary.

Zhao Xianjing is willing to dedicate her first time to Gao Fei. It's just a trap to kill him. Is it necessary for him to be responsible for this?

As for the later Zhao Youbin and his daughter have tried to please him, it is with obvious intention, let Gao Fei is disgusted.

Therefore, he refused Zhao Xianjing, refused to do anything for her, and even didn't want to listen to her.

Even when he heard that Li nanzhe had come to the new factory to trouble Zhao Xianjing, Gao Fei didn't intend to stand up for her. He just wanted to clean up Li nanzhe and make him spend a little money. Anyway, the Li family in the Northern Dynasty was very rich. To them, it was a piece of cake.

As for what harm Zhao Xianjing will suffer from Li nanzhe, he doesn't care.

In Gao Fei's mind, Zhao Xianjing can't even compare with an accompanying employee of Tianya group.

He didn't drive her away, but he didn't find a chance, or he didn't get busy. Li nanzhe's appearance solved the problem for Gao Fei.

However, the subsequent development of the incident greatly surprised Gao Fei. Under the humiliation, Zhao Xianjing had to commit suicide by crashing into a wall, which changed Gao Fei's view on her.

Then, Li nanzhe died.

When the crowd screamed and scattered, Gao Fei also saw the fatal injury on Li's head, and his eyes and pupils suddenly shrank!

Most people at the scene could not see the cause of Li's death, but Gao Fei could see at a glance that Li was assassinated with a special weapon.

According to Gao Fei's judgment, the weapon that led to Li's death should be a miniature version of the military stab. Some people put the military stab, which is only tens of centimeters long, in their shoes, let the stab tip pierce the shoes and expose it, and then put it on their feet. When they beat and kick Li together with other people, they saw that they would use the stab tip to kick Li's left ear Temple, and then they mixed in the crowd.

In Gao Fei's opinion, Li nanzhe would have died long ago. If Shen Yinbing hadn't meddled, he would have been killed by glasses in Liao province.

But Gao Fei doesn't want Li nanzhe to die in this case, which shows that someone uses his death to frame Gao Fei.

Gao Fei can kill people, but he doesn't like to be cheated by others.

So after seeing Li nanzhe killed, Gao Fei immediately reacts and is ready to order everyone not to leave the scene. He wants to find out the real murderer.

But before he shouts, Zhao Xianjing suddenly rushes to the corpse and kicks Li nanzhe on the forehead.

The sharp black shoes pricked the fatal wound, and blood splashed on Zhao Xianjing's shoes and body.

"She's going to take on the responsibility of killing?"

Gao Fei looks at Zhao Xianjing in amazement, and doesn't understand why she does it.

After Li nanzhe was killed in disorder, the noisy cries at the scene soon calmed down. People were staring at the corpse on the ground and standing there with Zhao Xianjing.

"I killed people."

Zhao Xianjing's calm eyes swept slowly from Gao Fei's face. Then she took a deep breath and said, "he insulted me just now and asked me to climb under him like a dog. I'd rather kill him and die for him than be insulted by him again - I killed him. I do things by myself. Don't panic. I'll prove to the police that you are innocent. "

Blah, blah - at this time, the police car came roaring from a distance.

It's Liu Xiaolong from the development zone.

As a matter of fact, Liu Xiaolong, the deputy director of the Development Zone Branch Bureau, was not in charge of Fangjia village at all. Fang zhucolumn later called him just because he was Gao Fei's iron friend.

Anyway, according to Liu Xiaolong's background and identity, no one will say anything even if it's a cross district operation.

Liu Xiaolong deliberately came a little late, just to wipe the skin for Gao Fei.

After three police cars came whistling, the onlookers immediately got out of the way.

The first police car to stop, red faced Liu Xiaolong jumped out of the car, shouting to Gao Fei: "Wo Cao, who dares to make trouble here? Foreigner, which country's devil goods

Gao Fei came over and said in a low voice with a bitter smile: "people from the Northern Dynasties, Li nanzhe - something unexpected, he was assassinated."

"What, he was assassinated!"

Liu Xiaolong's mouth leaped.

Although he doesn't care that his international friends are dealt with by his friends, if there is a human death, it will be a big deal.

"I'll tell you more about it. Now some people take the initiative to admit that she killed the person, but the real killer..."

Goofy looked at many people who left the scene in a hurry, sighed and said, "Oh, I can't find it."

Liu Xiaolong also knew Zhao Xianjing. When he saw her calmly standing in front of the body, he knew what was going on. He asked in a low voice, "what should I do?"

Goofy replied, "what else can I do? She was first taken away as a suspect. Remember, I'll find out if she's safe. "

"Well, do as you say."

Liu Xiaolong raised his hand and waved. He took some of his men to walk quickly.

Li nanzhe died on the spot, and his three bodyguards were beaten black and blue. At this time, they all squatted on the ground with their eyes blank. They were at a loss: Li nanzhe was the object of their protection, but now they are dead. How should they explain to them when they go back?

As for the two policemen who accompanied them from Beijing, they didn't have much responsibility. When they went back, they could say that their friends in the Northern Dynasty were angry. They were too weak to protect their friends in the Northern Dynasty. Instead, they were knocked out in advance.

Anyway, this is the truth. There is no need to lie. Li nanzhe was killed by others because he was too arrogant, which made people angry.

"Xiao Dong, report the situation to Dongyang branch (Fangjia village is under the jurisdiction of Dongyang District) and the Municipal Bureau immediately, and ask for the support of on-site technical investigation personnel!"

After more than a year of training, Liu Xiaolong's current business level is very skilled, and immediately his subordinates gave the correct order: "Li Zi, you set up a cordon with the king and protect the scene. Mr. Fang, please send a car to take the two injured police officers to the hospital to help them keep an eye on these foreign friends. "

The scene of human life, how dare not square column with?

After quickly arranging the work, Liu Xiaolong took out his handcuffs and went to Zhao Xianjing. He asked in a deep voice, "Zhao Xianjing, please..."

Without waiting for Liu Xiaolong to finish, Zhao Xianjing took the initiative to stretch out her hands and said hoarsely, "he humiliated me in public. I killed him in disorder. Hundreds of people at the scene saw it. I confess."

"I'm sorry."

Liu Xiaolong whispered, put handcuffs on her with a click, held her arms with the driver, and quickly walked to the police car.

Since the suspect voluntarily confesses, what Liu Xiaolong needs to do is to take her back to the branch office safely, control her, or protect her.

Gao Fei is still standing under the tree, looking at Zhao Xianjing coming, with complicated eyes.

Zhao Xianjing calmly walks to the police car and stops when passing by Gao Fei.

Liu Xiaolong did not urge her, but looked away warily.

Zhao Xianjing looked at Gao Fei's eyes. After ten seconds, she said faintly, "Gao Fei, I owe you before, but now I'm back."

Gao Fei took away her first time, but it was a fatal plot, so Zhao Xianjing said she owed him something.

Now, someone takes advantage of the trouble to kill Li nanzhe, which is obviously to blame Gao Fei, but Zhao Xianjing takes the blame for him and takes it as paying off his debt.

Gao Fei was silent for a moment, then nodded his head and said, "we have been clear since then."

"I can relax at last."

Zhao Xianjing smiles and walks to the police car.

Soon, under the protection of Liu Xiaolong and others, the police car roared away.

The rabbit came over and said in a low voice, "brother Fei, there's something wrong. It's not Zhao Xianjing who killed him, but I don't see who killed him. Salana has followed the bloodstain left on the ground to the woods over there

Gao Fei looked up at the woods, shook his head and said, "it's useless. There are too many people at the scene. If you want to find out the real murderer according to the blood on the shoes, you can't find out."

As they were talking, sarana came running from there with a shoe in her hand.

As Gao Fei predicted, there is an iron in the shoe, but it is not a miniature version of the spike, but a steel bar that has been cleverly designed to create the triangular shape of the spike.

"The shoes were found in the woods over there, but no one was seen."

Sarana pointed to the woods over there and said, "the ground is full of weeds and can't be traced by footprints."

Speaking of all, Salana should protect the scene first and then inform the police after finding the murder weapon of Li nanzhe.

However, she did not do so, but secretly took the shoes: Zhao Xianjing has taken the initiative to shoulder the responsibility, cleared the suspicion for Gao Fei, and locked the murder case in the smallest influence range.

If Salana takes out these evidences at this time, it will destroy Zhao Xianjing's painstaking efforts and pull Gao Fei back into the mud pit.

Also, according to normal thinking, after someone kills someone, even if they want to destroy the murder weapon, they will bury it or take it away.

However, the murderer left the weapon in the woods for people to find on purpose. In fact, the purpose is naturally to hope that the police will find it, so as to prove that it is the murderer's weapon, and "wash off" Zhao Xianjing, so as to make the suspect point to Gao Fei again.

The murderer didn't leave the weapon at the scene. Naturally, he was afraid of being found on the spot. But he didn't expect that Zhao Xianjing would take the initiative to stand up and carry the black pot, so he left the weapon in the woods in a hurry.

Thanks to sarana's first search, she completely destroyed someone's plot against Gao Fei.

"Well, take good care of the things. You and rabbit go directly to the branch office to find Liu Xiaolong and give him the secret of the murder weapon. He knows how to do it."

After a few words of simple command to Salana, goofy turns and walks to the village.

At this time, he is not suitable to appear. Just leave everything to the police.

Gao Fei followed the neat street and walked slowly to the village. His mind turned quickly and began to figure out who was plotting against him.

Gao Fei doesn't have too many enemies now. It's just the people who kill the wolf. If you want to find out the real murderer, you need to make more efforts.

What he thinks more now is that he has some regrets: when he went to Decheng to find Chen Guoguo on July 1, he should listen to Zhao Xianjing finish those words.

If he had listened to Zhao Xianjing patiently at that time, maybe today's trouble would not have happened.