After Shen Yinbing became the wolf leader of the wolf corruption department, the Chinese authorities wanted to arrest her.

But I didn't dare, because once I touched her, I would implicate so many innocent people.

Shen Yinbing is a beautiful tumor. Removal will damage the vitality of the human body. If it is not removed, it will make her more powerful. The relevant departments are always hesitant about whether to remove it or not. Only in this way can they place all their hopes on Gao Fei as a "stabilizer" and hope that he can play a miraculous role.

Unfortunately, for various reasons, the stabilizing effect of goofy failed.

When the authorities began to incline to remove the tumor, Xie Xiaowen was killed by he Mingzhu by accident, and then nearly 100 innocent people were killed in the Tianyun EMU derailment incident.

The tragic scene at the scene awakened the authorities and made them realize clearly: Shen Yinbing is not joking. Xie Xiaowen died and so many people died, not to mention herself?

Immediately, the relevant departments quickly changed their attitude towards Shen Yinbing: in the short term, never provoke her!

Even if the root of her teeth began to hurt, Huaxia really can't get rid of her and implicate more innocent people.

What's more, now Shen Yinbing has not heard from her. She doesn't know where to hide. Even if she wants to kill her, she has to find a talent.

In this case, Gao Fei decided to kill Shen Yinbing.

After hearing what he said, Gao Yunhua was immediately shocked: "Gao Fei, don't mess around! I've heard about Wang Chen's assassination in France, and I believe Shen Yinbing did it, but no matter what, you can't mess around! "

Gao Yunhua's reaction has long been expected by Gao Fei. He just replied: "long pain is better than short pain."

"I know that, but..."

Gao Yunhua was really a little anxious, and his tone became severe: "anyway, if something happened to her, the innocent people involved would be many times more than Xie Xiaowen! How can we account to the people then? Who can shoulder the responsibility? "

Gao Fei was silent for a moment, then said: "I know Shen Yinbing is much more important than Xie Xiaowen, but as long as we operate properly, maybe we can avoid those tragedies."

After a pause, goofy said, "brother, if I guess correctly, you must have arranged an undercover agent beside her, right? As long as the undercover gets her trust and arranges those things for her - that is, those who are responsible for controlling her and will retaliate against the society in case of an accident, then we can avoid the tragedy. "

Gao Yunhua did not speak.

As Gao Fei said, Shen Yinbing must have undercover agents arranged by the authorities, such as Ma Xiang, who has died in the desert.

If this undercover can really win Shen Yinbing's trust and take charge of a series of work that she will wantonly retaliate against the society after the accident, then we can find an opportunity to eradicate her and solve these dangers in the shortest time.

Gao Yunhua did not speak, and Gao Fei did not ask again.

They listened to each other's breathing on the phone. After a long time, Gao Yunhua said in an astringent voice: "we did make some arrangements, but it takes time. After all, time is necessary to win her trust. And most of all, we don't know where she's hiding right now, and the undercover doesn't know. "

Gao Fei immediately said: "I have an idea, can let the undercover quickly gain the trust of Shen Yinbing, and become the red man around her."

"What can I do?"

Gao Yunhua asked anxiously, but without waiting for Gao Fei to say anything, he said again: "don't say on the phone, I'll rush to southern Hebei now - Gao Fei, remember, you can't act rashly before I agree, do you understand?"

When he said the last sentence, his tone was quite severe.

But then, the tone relaxed again: "you must listen to me this time, OK?"

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Goofy nodded, buttoned his cell phone and opened the window.

Fresh wind, blowing slowly from the south, mixed with the fragrance of soil, a pair of early swallows, chirping, flitting past the window on the seventh floor, looking for the nest they built last year.

In the evening of the same day, Gao Yunhua and his wife Wanqing came to southern Hebei to congratulate Gao Fei on his return to Tianya group.

Gao Fei had seen Wanqing before, and knew that this elder sister-in-law was a kind of absolutely virtuous wife. However, because of her ambition, she had not given birth to a man and a half to Gao Fei for several years after marriage, which made Gao family have some opinions on her.

When Gao Fei saw her again this time, he found that she was already pregnant. Naturally, he was happy for Gao Yunhua. He immediately asked Zhang Yan to take out a suit of cosmetics.

Pregnant women, it is best to less contact with these cosmetics, after all, most of the cosmetics are more or less lead, which is not good for the fetus.

However, Gao Fei says that Tianya group's cosmetics are specially designed for pregnant women and will not cause any harm to the fetus.

Now Tianya cosmetics is famous all over the world, and Gaofei is his own little brother-in-law. Of course, she won't cheat herself, so Wanqing happily accepted the gift and said half truely: "Gaofei, the cosmetics used by his sister-in-law in the future will be provided by you, and there is no money."

"Ha, sister-in-law, you and Gao Fei are from your own family. If you go ahead of time, it will be beyond the price."

Without waiting for Gao Fei to say anything, Zhang Yan took the words with a smile: "I don't have to ask Gao Fei about this. I can make the decision."

Compared with a few years ago, Zhang Yan's social and work levels have changed qualitatively. In particular, her temperament is developing towards a professional female president. Otherwise, she would not have been specially invited by Gao Fei to receive Wanqing.

Through the introduction just now, Wanqing knows what the relationship between Zhang Yan and Gao Fei is, so she doesn't have the airs of a rich lady in front of her. She smiles with flowing eyes and says, "Oh, you've suffered a great loss for Gao Fei - how can you get thousands of this product?"

Gao Fei laughs: "thousands? Hey, hey, you can only buy a bottle of facial cleanser. "

"Late fine Leng next:" frighten, you also too black

"It's not black, it's not black, it's white."

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "sister-in-law, you don't know that this cosmetics for pregnant women is not the best in our company. The best set, at least six digits

"Ah? More than six digits? "

Wanqing was just joking when she said that Gaofei was too black. After all, it's normal for the famous cosmetics suits to sell for 30000 or 20000 yuan. However, she was surprised to hear that there are more than six figures: "what's the value of such expensive cosmetics? Hum, why don't you get the best for your sister-in-law? "

"Sister in law, you have misunderstood me."

Zhang Yan explained with a smile: "our most expensive cosmetics are specially made according to customers' physical fitness, just like clothes."

After Liao Shuifen was in charge of Tianya group, he immediately formulated a series of development plans and main policies for the group.

Tianya group must take the high-end route and strive to build it into a world-class luxury brand.

Like those international famous designers in the fashion industry who design clothes for individual customers, Tianya group also has a similar plan, that is, after thoroughly understanding someone's physique, to make a special cosmetics for her that is most suitable for her own body.

Liao Shuifen believes that this business will certainly play an important role in promoting Tianya brand, and has already delineated a large number of customers through its own influence.

Just wait for her to realize this plan, Tianya group has an accident, on the contrary, it is cheap.

After listening to Zhang Yan's brief introduction, Wanqing is very happy. She quickly pulls Zhang Yan and asks her to make special cosmetics for herself.

Women love beauty. Even Wanqing, a reserved wife, can't refuse this service launched by Tianya group.

"Hey, it's the first time she's been so interested in cosmetics."

After waiting for his wife to pull Zhang Yan out of the office in a hurry, Gao Yunhua gave a bitter smile and looked at Gao Fei and said, "but now I can tell that you will make a lot of money every day. It's amazing. You can even think of this method."

"I don't have such a good idea. Hey, hey. "

Gao Fei complacently said: "these are the ideas of Liao Shuifen, who has signed hundreds of contracts for me. We have determined a few days ago that we will use the fastest time to meet the needs of these customers, and push this feature to the whole world. I believe that before long, those international famous female movie stars will be proud to use our special cosmetics. "

"Well, Liao Shuifen not only steals chicken but also makes wedding clothes for you. He's a real loser."

Gao Yunhua sighed, took a drink from his glass, and changed the topic: "Gao Fei, tell me what you think carefully. I have to discuss it with the old man after I go back, and then I can give you a definite answer."

This evening, Gao Yunhua and Gao Fei were in the factory office of Tianya group. They closed the door and plotted for a long time. It was not until more than 10 pm that they returned to Beijing with Wanqing.

No one knows what they are talking about. After Gao Yunhua left, Gao Fei seemed to have nothing to do with him. He focused all his attention on Tianya group and fangjiacun.

Today is Monday. Early in the morning, Gao Fei came to Fangjia village.

After Niu Ergui's trouble, no one dares to give the project any more problems. Now we all know that boss Gao in Fangjia village can't be provoked. Even Niu Ergui is still in the Bureau.

The head of Laoniu village, who was playing in the south, came back immediately when he heard that his son had an accident. He asked for help and found the man in front of the square pillar. He was bowing and promising. He almost knelt on the ground and kowtowed. He asked the boss Gao to let his son go.

Fang asked Gao Fei for instructions.

In fact, Gao Fei didn't worry about Niu Er GUI at all. He had long forgotten this: "Niu Er GUI? Who is Niu Er GUI? "

"It's the super rich man in Niuwang village who drove a forklift to get in the way that day and collected tolls."

As Fang was saying this, a black Mercedes Benz came from a distance and raised his hand: "here, Niu Ergui, his father is coming again."

Lao Niu didn't come by himself this time. He was followed by several road repair machines. As soon as the car stopped, he got off the car and trotted over. He took a box of cigarettes and gave it to Fang Zhu Zhu: "village head Fang, I'm --"

Fang Lizhu also had no mercy, took the cigarette to tear up and handed to goofy, and introduced to the old cow: "old ox, this is the high boss, can your son come out, the boss has the final say."

"Oh, you are boss Gao. I've heard so much about you

The folds on the old cow's face immediately piled up into a flower.