From last year before the last autumn rain, if there is a selection of the most frightened people, Mayor Han of Tongling City will surely be on the list and take the first place.

From that day on, his nightmare came suddenly with the appearance of a woman.

First of all, the South Korean stars he had a hard time inviting were severely cleaned up by that woman near the intersection of Tongling expressway. Even his secretary, Xiao Pang, was forced to blow out of the municipal government after being smashed in the head.

As everyone knows, a secretary is the spokesman of a leader. Smashing Secretary Pang's head is equivalent to slapping Mayor Han's face.

Mayor Han can't bear it - he can't bear it. After the unfair humiliation of South Korean stars, many consortia, including big international enterprises such as South Korean Double Star Electronics, fiercely accused Tongling and demanded justice. Justice was that they were severely bitten, just like dogs who had been hit with sticks, whimpered and ran away. Let's say, justice was recovered, Don't even dare to fart one more.

Secondly, the woman went to sanxianshan, where there was a terrible explosion. A dozen people died and disappeared on the spot.

On the night of last year's first snow, more than a dozen friends from Tongling Island were robbed and killed on the highway. Except for a young girl, all others were killed. It was a bloody way of death. It was shocking and unforgettable.

Then, in broad daylight, the employees of a machinery group in Germany, which is well-known in the world, were severely beaten by that woman, and Mr. Mateus fractured his left leg.

And then... In a word, in the past few months, Mayor Han has been living in fear every day. As soon as the phone rings, the first thing he thinks of is that the woman has moved again.

Mayor Han's nerves are always strained to the utmost. He feels that he is going to collapse. He has called the old leaders more than once and asked to transfer his work. Even going to the archives bureau is OK. It's better than being scared to death by heart attack.

Unfortunately, the old leader told him in a stern tone that he must stick to his post and not think wildly. The superior organization believed that he had excellent working ability, and he would be like a pine on a cliff. He would never move

Completely drunken, a fighting spirit soars aloft. After hearing the old leader's lecture, Mayor Han cried on the spot. Then he took a table roar secretary, took two bottles of high Baijiu, drank himself drunk in the office, and then slept for more than ten hours. After waking up, he immediately became energetic and vigorous, and he was thrown into the work from his positive attitude.

Maybe Mayor Han's determination to burn his bridges has finally moved God. After Tomb Sweeping Day, the woman who may pull him down from the mayor's throne at any time has disappeared.

Up to now, more than 20 days have passed, and she has not shown up. No one knows where she has gone. The five black Mercedes Benz teams, which used to be the biggest headache for traffic management departments, seem to have evaporated and never appear on the road again.

Some people say that Shen Yinbing has returned to southern Hebei.

Others say that she has gone abroad for development, and it seems that she is going to buy an old brand enterprise.

Others say that she was hit by her emotional problems and went to a temple to become a nun.

No matter what the saying is, even if it is said that she has gone to Mars, Mayor Han will not care, but will recite the Buddha in his heart: this restless murderer has finally left Tongling, blessed by the Buddha!

No one knows where Shen Yinbing has gone. However, the large-scale refinery under her name is still under construction. It is estimated that it will be completed in August and put into trial production in September.

It is absolutely surprising that a large heavy industry enterprise with billions of dollars can be built and put into production in more than half a year.

Because the establishment of the refinery needs too many auxiliary factors, it provides a large number of jobs for Tongling and drives the local economic development. According to incomplete statistics, compared with the same period last year, the employment rate of Tongling City has increased by about 80% and the GDP has increased by 36%. It is expected that after the formal operation of the refinery, it will continue to bring greater economic benefits.

Every time I see this group of figures, Mayor Han's resistance to a certain woman will be slightly relaxed, and he will feel: if only she kept such a low profile all the time?

Putting down the documents, Mayor Han took off his glasses and wiped his eyes. He sighed happily: "Alas, tomorrow is may day. I hope it's a happy holiday.

May day is not a holiday for most of the farmers who are digging in the land, because they do what they should do. No one gives them holiday pay or overtime pay.

However, for those office workers, they hope that every day is a holiday - the unit will not only pay for the holiday, but also travel to relax.

Therefore, every May Day and the 11th Festival, the major tourist cities will welcome a large number of foreign tourists, and some scenic spots are people to people and people to see people.

Gao Fei didn't go to other places to play, and may day was of no special significance to him. He didn't expect to be paid overtime. He only wanted one thing, or one person: Su Ying.

He hoped Su Ying would appear in front of him on May Day.

On Tomb Sweeping Day, Gao Fei returned to southern Hebei.

In the past 20 days, he did not live in the city, but in the old house of Fang family in the countryside.

After Shen Yinbing saw him off, Gao Fei was free, but he didn't go to Wang Chen. He didn't even tell her the news, because he didn't think it would be so simple.

The more news Shen Yinbing had, the more uneasy he felt that something would happen.

What's more, according to the news he got the day before yesterday, moxie Zhengdong's mood became more and more unstable recently. He used to just smash the table and throw things, but now he began to kill people: an old eunuch who was waiting on her accidentally broke a cup. As a result, she grabbed her neck and threw it out of the palace on the second floor.

It's a palace, not a common residential building. The window on the second floor is more than ten meters high.

After the poor eunuch was thrown out, his head hit the black stone ground heavily, and ten thousand peach blossoms opened on the spot.

Although moye Zhengdong soon calmed down and regretted to death, everyone, including Tuoba Qianjun, could see from her twinkling eyes that she might be crazy again at any time.

Tuoba has no choice but to order someone to inform Gaofei immediately and ask him to go to appease the queen.

Maybe only goofy can make her quiet.

After getting the news, Gao Fei was silent for a long time. Finally, he told Lao Liu, who came to deliver the letter, that he would reply there first, and when the right time came, he would go there immediately.

At the right time, it's natural to get several copies of an GUI Jing stolen by Su Ying.

According to the agreement between Gao Fei and Su Ying, she will meet Gao Fei on May Day.

However, through the incident in Guancheng City, will su Ying, who was frightened and fled, still show up on May Day?

Gao Fei is not sure. He just leaves a message on wechat every day telling her that he has returned to southern Hebei.

Su Ying never replied, as if she had disappeared from the world.

But the flower is in full bloom, this period of time often accompany Gao Fei, two people now can be said to have nothing to talk about.

Huasheng told Gaofei several times: since you have also returned to southern Hebei, the chance of meeting us is even greater. I'll call you on May Day.

Gao Fei's promise was very happy on the surface, but he didn't take it seriously.

When he married Hua Shenghua on the Internet, it was a boring game when he was around Shen Yinbing. Now he is free and worried about moxie's recruitment to the East. Where is he going to meet some netizens?

If it wasn't for Su Ying's news, he would not even go to wechat.

These days, Mr. Gao is like a hermit. Every day, apart from rest and eating, he just arranges the flowers and plants in the yard, and then sits in the yard with the old people and children in the village, blowing sea pounds.

It is absolutely a big news in Fangjia village that someone has lived in the old house of Fang family, which has been silent for so many years. Especially when we know that this person is the child of Fang Xiaozhou, the old people in the village come to chat with him when they have nothing to do.

In addition to the old people, there are more kids who don't go to school - because every time they come here, they will have delicious candy and all kinds of snacks.

In the eyes of the children, Gao Fei is definitely the most kind-hearted person in the world. His family seems to be selling snacks. He can't eat anything and doesn't want money.

Of course, Li Decai, Chen Dabiao and others who come to deliver things every day are consciously forgotten by them.

The last day of April in the Gregorian calendar is another cloudless day. The fresh spring breeze blows from the south, blowing white pear flowers and swaying like fairies.

A few kids in open crotch pants, with a dog and a cat, are climbing up and down in the yard. They don't think much of the old people's scolding.

"Xiaofei, my little boy is naughty. Don't worry about it. I'll ask gousheng to dig some bamboo for you from the back mountain."

Uncle Fang, who is eighty-eight years old this year, felt guilty when he saw his four year old grandson break a bamboo.

Gao Fei, with a smile, said without caring: "uncle, I have to call you grandfather according to the generation. Fortunately, I didn't grow up here when I was a child. Otherwise, I would be more famous than this boy. Maybe I would steal your grass plum all night."

Mr. Fang's family is a greenhouse gardener. Every time he comes to play in his old house, he always carries half a bag of fresh gardeners. Gao Fei is happy to accept them.

"Ha ha, children with handlebars, how can we not do it?"

Referring to Cao Mei, uncle Fang couldn't see his smile. Just as he was about to tell his family how to get rich by Cao Mei for the 18th time, a white SUV slowly stopped in front of the courtyard of Fang's old house.

The door opened and a woman in a white dress came down.