When goofy returned to Villa 189, it was a mess.

After a safe patrol in the rear half of the night, Ma Xiang immediately took people outside the backyard wall, only to find that his two men had been knocked unconscious there.

Surprised, Ma Xiang blew his whistle and called the police. He took two people into the living room. When he saw that Mr. Shen was safe, he was relieved.

As long as Shen Yinbing's safety is guaranteed, nothing else is a problem.

After hearing Ma Xiang's report, Shen Yinbing didn't panic. She went to the bedroom on the second floor and found that Gao Fei had disappeared. She asked Han Jiajun to take their positions. Don't be confused by the enemy's sneak attack. Just wait for Gao Fei to come back.

Han Jiajun and others also know that Gao Fei can't be compared with Ma Xiang and others. Since he has disappeared quietly, it means that he has gone out to deal with the accident. Let's respect general manager Shen's order, strengthen the defense in place, and wait until dawn.

At dawn, goofy came back.

Shen Yinbing closed his laptop and asked wearily, "what's the matter? Is Su Ying playing tricks?"

Goofy patted the grass on his pants: "well, it should be her. After they turned over the guards behind them, I found them as soon as they turned over the wall. I chased them all the way to the woods on the other side of the hillside, and they disappeared. I searched around, but I didn't find them. But now that they have been exposed, it is estimated that they will not come again. "

Shen Yinbing looked at him: "are you sure it's su Ying?"

"Not sure."

Goofy simply replied, and then asked, "who do you think is going to try to be against you?"

"If I knew, I would ask you?"

"Since you have asked me and I have answered, you should not question my answer."

After seeing that Gao Fei seems to have a tendency to bicker, Han Jiajun quickly winks at Ma Xiang and others and quietly retreats.

"I've been tired all night, and now I'm impatient and worried about your safety, so you can't let me point out that you have to defend people to refute with me to show that you are so different to me. Is that interesting? Do you want to show it deliberately? You are the one beside my pillow. Why can't you let your own woman be like other men? "

Shen Yinbing gave a slap on the table with a bang. Then she twisted her head with her arms in her hands, as if she were angry with her husband.

Gao Fei looks at her strangely. I can't guess how she has the face to say this. Some people want to laugh back, but they close their mouths and walk up the stairs slowly.

Fighting with such a woman is no different from having to come back after you've been bitten by a dog. The best way is to ignore her and say nothing. It's better to go back to your room to sleep.

Not long after Gao Fei lay down, the door opened and Shen Yinbing came in.

He still ignored her, unnecessary and unwilling.

Shen Yinbing shakes off his shoes and comes to the window barefoot. After breathing out a breath, she slowly falls on him. She listens to his heartbeat and murmurs, "I'm sorry, I was a little irrational just now. I just want to defend my absolute authority in front of my subordinates, but I forget your feelings."

Goofy still ignored her and closed his eyes.

Shen Yinbing's hand began to swim on him and said in a dreamy way: "you are a man, aren't you? How can a man have the same opinion as a woman? All right, all right, can't I wait on you? "

"I'm not in the mood right now. I just want to sleep."

Gao Fei grabs Shen Yinbing's hand that only needs to untie his belt and says in a tone of silence: "you don't need to make up for me in this way. You don't owe me anything. I came to you voluntarily."

"But I think I owe you."

Shen Yinbing's mouth lightly drew down, went to stubbornly break away his hand, stretched out to go in.


At daybreak, he Mingzhu finally stops by a river and leans on a willow tree to look along the river.

The weeping willows on both sides of the river bank have already sprouted, and the slender willow branches flutter with the wind, as if stirring the river and rippling in circles.

Liao Wusi walked slowly to her side, folded a willow branch and shook it casually: "let's go. I'll accompany you to the hospital to dress it up. It's frightening to walk on the street like this."

When he Mingzhu was crazy in the woods, Gao Fei picked up her hair and hit her on the tree. When she was knocked unconscious, her forehead was broken and her blood flowed to the tree. Now it's solidified.

To this kind of small injury, he Mingzhu didn't care at all. She wiped her face casually. When she was about to refuse, Liao Wusi grabbed her wrist.

With an electric shock, he Mingzhu asked in a trembling voice, "you, what are you going to do?"

Liao Wusi looked into her eyes and said with a smile, "do you think that guy Gao Fei is right?"

"What, what, right? What did he say?"

He Mingzhu leaped from the corner of her eyes, forced Liao Wusi away, took a few steps forward, pasted on the railing and looked at the river.

Liao Wusi followed her. When she subconsciously took a step outside, she heard him say: "people are not cruel and can't stand steadily. This sentence has been remembered by me since I was very young. I take it as my motto. All my behaviors when I grow up will never change my outlook on life because of some trivial summary."

He Mingzhu didn't know why Liao Wusi said these inexplicable words, but just listened.

After lighting a cigarette, Liao Wusi continued: "when I grow up, I become extremely calm. My heart is as hard as steel. Once a goal is determined, I will do whatever I can to achieve it. That's how I look at relationships, too. "

"I have forgotten when I fell in love with Xie Xiaowen and she fell in love with me."

Liao Wusi laughed at himself and said, "at that time, I thought I was the happiest person in the world. God has given me a good family background, excellent skills and exciting career, as well as such an excellent girlfriend. I'm sure I can make greater achievements in the work I like, according to my own way. "

"In those years, I always thought and did that. In order to complete the task, I could take advantage of women's admiration for me and kill that woman after success."

Liao Wusi breathed out a breath, and his eyes dimmed: "after the completion of that task, I became famous, but who knows that after I killed the woman who was pregnant with my child, I would dream of her for several months, standing in a pool of blood, holding a dead fetus, giggling at me? That was the time when I was most afraid. "

He Mingzhu couldn't help asking: "well, how did you get through it?"

"What else?"

Liao Wusi seemed to smile easily: "since she dares to scare me after death, I'll be more cruel and vicious. Even ghosts will be afraid of me. So I went to South Africa, where there was no light to kill. "

He Mingzhu tilted her head slightly and said, "the more people kill, the less afraid they will be?"

Liao Wusi nodded: "well, in order to completely defeat the fear in my heart, several times after I killed someone, I would sleep with a bloody corpse - haha, slowly, I'm no longer afraid, and I don't care about the life and death of others."

He Mingzhu was interested: "but what you are doing now is not as cruel as before."

"That's because Xie Xiaowen has changed."

Liao Wu Si light answer.

If Xie Xiaowen doesn't change, Liao Wusi will be the same as Liao Wusi before. He will do whatever he can to accomplish the task.

But Xie Xiaowen has changed, betraying the country, but also betraying Liao Wusi, causing him a heavy blow, let him feel proud of his life before, seems not perfect.

Career and love are the two most important things in Liao Wusi's life. The latter makes him care more than the former. Therefore, after discovering that Xie Xiaowen is not as beautiful as he imagined, his previous belief collapsed.

He found that people do not live to stand firm, but to be happy, clean and pure.

After waiting for a long time and not waiting for Liao Wusi to speak again, he Mingzhu asked, "why do you want to talk to me all of a sudden?"

Liao Wusi laughed and looked at her: "I appreciate you very much. When I was training in the fourth base, I appreciated you very much. Otherwise, I will not entrust my elder sister to help you when you fail. "

"You, you appreciate me, why do you appreciate me?"

He Mingzhu suddenly flustered up: "do you think my style of life is very similar to you?"

"I think so."

Liao Wu Si nodded and said, "however, after half a year's observation, I found that we are only similar in shape rather than spirit. You look cold and heartless on the surface, but in fact, you still hate the frailty in your heart. It's just that you're wrapped too tightly... "

"Fart, you're vulnerable!"

He Mingzhu is a bit angry, scold a sentence, turn round to walk.

Liao Wusi raised his hand and grabbed her skirt.

He Mingzhu looked back and said, "Liao Wusi, don't make me turn over."

Liao Wu Si didn't care about smiling: "do you know how Gao Fei evaluated you when you were in a coma?"

"How can he... Hum, he can still spit Ivory out of his dog's mouth?"

He Mingzhu snorts coldly, but he wants to know what Gao Fei thinks of her.

Liao Wusi quickly gave her the answer: "he said that women like you are most afraid of men. If he wants to chase you, he just needs to pull down his face and pester you. He can soak you up in the window with half a year at most. So, he suggested that I could use this way to... Ouch! "

Before Liao Wusi finished, he Mingzhu grabbed the master and pressed him on the shoulder. His right knee hit him in the stomach.

Immediately, he lay on the ground like a shrimp, as if he had turned over a sheep's madness, shivering with white foam.

"Mean, shameless!"

He Mingzhu scolded hard, turned around and walked quickly along the river bank.

After walking fifty or sixty meters, she looked back and found that Liao Wusi was still lying there, motionless.

"Do you pretend? It's shameless. Why are men so shameless now? "

He Mingzhu clenched her fists and swore a few words in a low voice, but she walked back quickly and raised her foot and kicked him on the shoulder: "Hey, my eyes are grumbling. What do you think about?"

"I'm counting down. I bet you'll be back before I count to ten. Yes, it's just seven now."

Liao Wusi looked at the sky and said casually, but he recalled what Gao Fei had said in his mind: if you want to kill Xie Xiaowen with your own hands, the only way is to completely forget her, otherwise it will only make things worse and worse.

The best way to forget a woman is to try to fall in love with another woman.

He Mingzhu is the woman that Gao Fei proposes to let him fall in love with.