On the night of her husband's betrayal, Liao Shuifen, who drank too much wine, suffered the biggest injury in her life again, and was ruined by a man in the wilderness.

The day after the incident, Liao Shuifen knew who the guy was.

He Mingzhu thinks that Liao Shuifen will use all her strength to revenge and clean up Gaofei.

But in fact, after Liao Shuifen determined that Gao Fei was the one who ruined her, he began to work as if nothing had happened. He bought Su Beishan's villa, the former chairman of Beishan group, and used it as an office.

As for the production workshop of Tianya group, there is elegance, and a few senior executives from gouache group.

Liao Shuifen believes that elegance can make Tianya group run normally in the shortest time. After all, he was the boss of Chunshu group. Chunshu group is many times bigger than Tianya group.

Liao Shuifen seems to have forgotten his revenge on Gao Fei, but he Mingzhu has not.

After spending so many years with Liao Shuifen, he Mingzhu thinks that she is more important than himself. He really feels like a "monarch insults his subjects and dies". He decides that he must find justice for her. Even if he can't die around Gao Fei, he has to beat him to death.

He Mingzhu will not think much about how much influence it will cause and how angry the GAOs will be. She plans to take the whole matter in her own hands and not implicate Liao Shuifen.

Even if she died, she would have died many years ago if it hadn't been for Liao Shuifen.

After he Mingzhu made up her mind, Gao Fei did not know where to hide after Gao Ya took over Tianya group.

In order to find him, she can only find Shen Yinbing's secretary Su Qing.

It was last night that he Mingzhu found Su Qing.

The result is - so far, she can't accept the fact that she can't even beat Shen Yinbing's secretary.

Maybe the three words of "can't beat" still hold up he Mingzhu, which should be described as "no fighting power".

This cruel reality, he Mingzhu can not accept, has been in a daze since he came back.

He Mingzhu is in a daze. Of course, Liao Shuifen sees it in his eyes. He also guesses what she did when she came back so late yesterday, but he doesn't know what hit her. That's why she is in such a state.

Liao Shuifen wanted to know, but didn't ask: if she asked at this time, it might hurt her.

This stubborn, domineering and arrogant girl, no matter what she does now, is from the perspective of Liao Shuifen. Depending on her IQ, she naturally won't hurt her.

Let her calm down, give her time, is the best care.

Liao Shuifen works in the living room. A large number of middle and high-level people transferred from the Shuifen group come to see the commander-in-chief. After taking the command, they leave with different tasks, valiant and high spirited.

Tianya group was founded not long ago, including the temporary workers in the Chinese herbal medicine base, there are only more than 500 people, but its marketing network is surprisingly strong, which has the most direct relationship with the popularity of products all over the world.

The people who came to see Liao Shuifen today are preparing to fly to the agency sites all over the world.

The production base can not be replaced, but the marketing must be controlled by Liao Shuifen, which is not negotiable.

When the middle manager in charge of the agency work in the island just left, another man came in from outside the villa and came to he Mingzhu.

He Mingzhu was still looking ahead. After a full minute, he slowly said, "Liao Wusi, you're blocking my view of the mountain."

Liao Wusi didn't speak and didn't get out of the way. He just handed over a bottle of mineral water.

He Mingzhu didn't refuse. She took the bottle and looked up, just like drinking beer that night. She gulped down the whole bottle of water and handed over the empty bottle.

Liao Wusi took the bottle behind him with a smile: "are you interested in going outside? I promise, you can see more mountains at the end of the road over there. "

She didn't see he Mingzhu bend her knees, so she stood up from her chair.

With a satisfied smile, Liao Wusi leads the way out of the villa and goes west along the cement road.

This villa area is built on a hillside. The more you go in, the higher the terrain is. After more than a dozen villas, Liao Wu stops.

This is the highest part of the hillside. If you go further, you'll see the downhill. This side is full of wild jujube trees. In late autumn, all wild jujubes turn red and hide in the green leaves like rubies.

"Try one. It's sour and sweet."

Liao Wusi carefully avoided the thorns on the wild jujube tree, picked several wild jujubes and handed them to he Mingzhu: "absolutely green food, no pesticide residues, you can directly import."

He Mingzhu still did not speak, took a few dates, directly put them all into his mouth, even the jujube seeds are crunching and eating, light said: "well, very sour, also very sweet."

Liao Shuifen sat on a stone and looked at the mountain in the distance with his hands on his knees. He asked, "can you tell me what happened?"

Maybe after standing at a high place, he's more open-minded. He Mingzhu's dull eyes are a little more flexible and willing to speak: "I want to kill Gao Fei."

"You want to kill goofy?"

After listening to he Mingzhu, Liao Wusi frowned.

He Mingzhu squint at him, still light: "how, you don't want to?"

"It's not whether you want it or not, it's you can't do it."

Liao Wusi said seriously: "because of Gao Ya's mistake, Gao Fei was forced to transfer Tianya group, which is unfair to him. It can be regarded as robbery. Why kill him?"

Without waiting for he Mingzhu to say anything, Liao Wusi continued: "he Mingzhu, I know that when we were training in the fourth base, whether it was long-range sniping, close combat, or the ability to survive in various environments, you were the first among all our 365 trainees. So you never look up to the so-called king of Kowloon, especially after Xie Xiaowen's rebellion. "

He Mingzhu didn't say anything because Liao Wusi was right. She didn't need any argument.

Liao Wusi's words changed: "after so many years, you are confident that you have a higher attainments in force, but I can guarantee that if you fight Gao Fei now, he will be the last one alive."

He Mingzhu's hands suddenly clenched, looked down at Liao Wusi, still did not say anything.

Liao Wusi said seriously: "the reason I said this is very simple. You have been with my elder sister for a long time, but what about us? But always in the endless task of killing. Gao Fei, in particular, has become an international mercenary since he retired many years ago. The test of life and death that he has experienced is beyond all of us. "

After a pause, he asked, "he Mingzhu, let me ask you a question. There are two tigers. One has enjoyed the superior environment in the zoo for seven or eight years, while the other lives by hunting and killing in the wild. Who do you think will be the winner after the two tigers fight

Liao Wu Si's metaphor is appropriate and easy to understand.

He Mingzhu clenched her hands, slowly released, but said: "without fighting, how do you know who will win?"

Liao Wusi said faintly: "as far as I know, when Gao Fei went to the handler forest in Outer Mongolia last year to rescue Ye Xin and hurt them, he once hit an island mercenary in the head with one blow. Can you do it? "

He Mingzhu stunned: "he, he has so much strength?"

The human skull is the toughest bone, especially because it is round, which can properly dissolve most of the external forces, just like a Hercules clenches a raw egg in his hand, but also can't break it.

However, Gao Fei was able to blow that man's head in the war of resistance against Japan with one blow, which is enough to show that his fighting skills have risen to a very powerful level. Not only must he have strong strength, but more importantly, he should be able to grasp the speed, angle and even time of his hand, so that he can fight with one blow.

If what Liao Wusi said is true, then he Mingzhu asked himself that he could not do it. He could not do it in terms of speed.

"Originally, originally I am really old."

He Mingzhu's eyes darkened with a few violent puffs from the corner of her mouth, just like a vented ball.

A less than 30-year-old girl, but sincerely admit that she is old, which proves how disheartened she is now: eight years ago, she did not pay attention to Gao Fei. Eight years later, she found that Gao Fei had surpassed her too much.

It's a blow, deep to the soul.

The more proud people are, once they lose their pride, they will be dejected, uneasy and even frightened.

"You are not old, you just lack his experience in all kinds of complex environments."

Liao Wusi stretched out his hand and gently held her hand. His eyes were full of sincerity and said, "he Mingzhu, I don't think you need to be stronger, because the base leader once said that the stronger you are, the more withdrawn your character will be. It's not good for you."

"You're just a girl, a girl who isn't very beautiful but is very attractive."

Liao Wusi, like a wise man who enlightened others, chattered on and on: "it's the golden age of China. This is a peaceful age without too many heroes. Why do girls have to be strong? Is it not good to enjoy a stable and happy life? "

"From today on, don't wear this kind of neutral clothes, and don't wear the indifference of resisting others. Just like all girls who love this flourishing age, it's better to wear beautiful flowered skirts, enjoy goose feather and snow in the East, go to bihaibian in summer, and worry about what to eat for the next meal and when to pay the rent."

Liao Wusi's voice became more and more gentle: "as for the darkness in the light, we men will solve the problem of freedom. Women, born in this golden age, come to enjoy life. "

He Mingzhu's eyes began to shine slowly again, and there was a trace of tenderness that she had never felt before. She said in a dreamy way: "you have talked about the word" flourishing age "several times."

"Yes, this is the golden age."

Liao Wusi suddenly stood up, looked at the continuous mountains in the south, and said in a loud voice: "China has never lived in the current flourishing age for 5000 years! People live and work in peace and contentment. They don't have to be tortured by poverty and war. I like this prosperous age, just as I am proud of being a Chinese and would rather pay everything including my life to maintain this prosperous age! "

"This is the golden age, the golden age of China."

He Mingzhu mumbles and repeats this sentence, the long eyelashes slowly cover down, the whole person seems to be in an ethereal, so they feel those things that were ignored before.

The sun is so warm, the wind is so gentle, in the distant woods, there are many birds chirping.