When late autumn comes, the red leaves on both sides of the Great Wall on Badaling are definitely the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Standing on the beacon tower, facing the red leaves burning like fire all over the mountain, I don't want to think of anything. Standing there in this way, I let the cold wind outside the pass blow my face, as if I could hear the sound of foreign clans knocking at the pass hundreds of years ago.

The Great Wall is the biggest guarantee for the farming people to resist foreign enemies. Since the beginning of the Qin Empire, this long winding dragon has played an irreplaceable role, keeping the nomads out of the pass again and again, protecting the Han civilization.

But after all, the Great Wall is just a wall. When the Han people fight against each other, no matter how strong she is, she can only look at the inland sadly and watch her people trampled by the alien cavalry.

Over the past two thousand years, the Great Wall has protected her people several times, and has also been broken by foreign enemies, especially the Manchurian people. By taking advantage of Wu Sangui, who was so angry that he became a beautiful woman, the Great Wall drove straight into China and established the last feudal dynasty in China.

Since the Qing Dynasty, the Great Wall, which was once regarded as the gateway of China by the Han people, has lost its significance. Especially in today's prosperous Chinese era, it has degenerated into a scenic spot and relieved the heavy responsibility of resisting foreign enemies entrusted by the Han people.

As time goes by, the Great Wall is still there, winding like a dragon in the mountains. Only when the cold wind enters the pass in late autumn can people feel her iron history.

Standing on the beacon tower, Gao Fei thought a lot. He felt that he had integrated with the great wall and resisted the invading alien race. He was full of scars, but he could only stand stubbornly.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the voice of the Great Wall: she is very tired, really tired, but she will never fall down, even if she is scarred, because her subjects need her and need her to resist foreign invasion.

Wang Chen went to his back, gently grabbed his waist, cheek on his back, murmured: "what are you thinking?"

Gao Fei's eyes moved for a moment and replied, "I'm thinking about how many times in the history of China, the Great Wall has been conquered by foreigners."

"Sit down and say

Wang Chen took Gao Fei and sat on the beacon tower. Looking out of the pass, he raised his hand and gathered his hair, which was disturbed by the wind: "since the Great Wall was built by the first emperor to the Qing Dynasty, the nomadic people in the north have knocked on the pass countless times. There are almost ten recorded times. The earliest one is that the Huns crossed the Great Wall to invade the Central Plains and besiege Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, in Bai mountaineering, In history, it is called "the circle of Baideng". The last time, the Manchus entered Shanhaiguan. "

"But the Great Wall was really broken only once, that is, in 1211 ad, Mongolia crossed the great wall and defeated the Jin army in Yehuling. This is a real positive breakthrough."

Wang Chen took Gao Fei's arm in his left hand and pointed to the distance with a proud smile: "in the past two thousand years, the Great Wall has only been broken through once by foreigners, and the people guarding the city are not Han people, so strictly speaking, no one has been able to break the Great Wall in the past two thousand years!"

Looking up at Gao Fei, Wang Chen said with bright eyes: "Gao Fei, I know why you think of the great wall being broken several times. You regard yourself as the Great Wall, and you are struggling to resist the invasion, right?"

Goofy looked down at her and whispered, "it's just a metaphor."

"No one can break through the Great Wall. After two thousand years of wind and rain and war, the Great Wall has never been directly broken by foreign enemies. As long as we can unite, no one can break through the Great Wall!"

Wang Chen, originally a quiet woman, felt that Gao Fei compared himself to the Great Wall in the wind and rain. In order to give him spiritual support, he suddenly stood up, spread out his arms and sang an old Cantonese song: "sleepy for a hundred years, the Chinese people are gradually waking up - Open your eyes, look carefully, which willing minister will admit himself, because of timidity and tolerance... The Great Wall will never fall!"

This song is the theme song of the great Xia Huo Yuanjia, which was popular in China in the 1980s. The lyrics are sonorous, with obvious sadness and slaughter. I didn't expect Wang Chen to sing this song.

The girl's unique voice, singing this Cantonese song with the spirit of killing, gives people a deep shock.

The red leaves all over the mountain, the clouds in the sky and the autumn wind in the ear seem to have been infected by Wang Chen's singing. They all sob, roar and toss, and vent their unwilling anger.

In the song, Gao Fei's restless heart completely calms down, but his blood is getting hotter and hotter. It's a pity that he can't sing this song, so he can only answer it in a low voice, holding his chin high and looking at Wang Chen with bright eyes.

"The Great Wall will never fall? Wang Chen sang for him on the Great Wall: "the Great Wall will never fall?"

After hearing the report from bodyguard Sheng Zi, Shen Yinbing frowned for a moment, then sneered and waved, indicating that he would go out first.

Sheng Zi bows down, retreats two cups and quietly exits the room.

Gao Fei and Wang Chengang went to the Great Wall, and Shen Yinbing got the news. Her first reaction was that she was very angry: are you looking for scriptures? It's just an excuse to go sightseeing with your woman.

However, because she had agreed to let Gao Fei return to the club at the latest, she was embarrassed to urge him, but she sent someone to closely monitor the couple's every move on the Great Wall.

Wang Chen hopes to use this song to arouse Gao Fei's tired fighting spirit. According to Shen Yinbing's IQ, he can see that Wang Chen regards himself as Gao Fei's comrade in arms and resists her foreign invader side by side.

"Little girl looks quiet, but she has a lot of heart. Do you think you can change the reality with one song? Childish. "

Shen Yin snorted coldly, lifted his glass and drank it up.

After squatting heavily on the coffee table, Shen Yinbing picked up his mobile phone and said, "come on."

Sheng Zi, who just went out for a short time, opened the door again.

Shen Yinbing picked up the wine bottle, poured the wine gracefully, and said faintly: "go to tell Mrs. Bai Ci, just say I invite her to sit for a while."

Shengzi had heard about the legend of the imperial club before, and knew what kind of Lady Bai Ci was. So after hearing Shen Yinbing's command, he was somewhat embarrassed: "Mr. Shen, lady Bai Ci, she..."

Knowing what he was worried about, Shen Yinbing waved his hand and said, "go ahead, just say I invite her. She will definitely come."


Sheng Zi thinks that lady Bai Ci, who has a special status in China, can't have any contact with master Shen. However, since the master has ordered, he can only do it.

Sheng Zi comes directly to the front desk and politely tells the customer that Shen Yinbing has invited Mrs. Bai CI.

It's not unusual for the front desk younger sister to have a guest to see Mrs. white porcelain. She has encountered this kind of situation before. As front desk customer service, they naturally call Xiao Xiao to explain the situation according to the guest's wishes.

As for whether Mrs. white porcelain will meet the guests, it's not their business.

However, based on their past experience, Ms. Shen is expected to be disappointed.

"Well, please wait for Ms. Shen. She will be there later."

When Xiao Xiao's reply came over the phone, the customer service girl was very surprised. She realized that Ms. Shen was not an ordinary person. After putting down the phone, she politely said to Shengzi, "Sir, our wife will see Ms. Shen soon."

"Thank you."

After hearing this answer, Shengzi was overjoyed and thought: it's still master Shen wolf who has great powers. In a word, he can let the mysterious lady Bai CI see her.

White porcelain didn't make Shen Yinbing wait too long. Five minutes later, it appeared in her room.

As soon as I entered the door, I was wearing a white cheongsam, like a white peony white porcelain. I said with a smile, "ha ha, Mr. Shen is here, but I don't know. I didn't come to see you earlier. Please ask Mr. Shen Haihan."

At this time last year, Shen Yinbing also came to the Royal Club and participated in the commercial "World Cup" with the ticket provided by the borrower's boat.

However, Shen Yinbing at that time was just a nobody. She was not qualified to be looked at by Lady Bai CI. If it wasn't for Gao Fei, Ni'er would not have signed a contract with her.

As time flies, only one year later, the status between the two people has changed qualitatively. Shen Yinbing, who was not qualified to see white porcelain in the past, actually sat on the sofa without raising her buttocks after she entered the room. She just pointed out: "boss Bai is polite, please feel free to sit down."

Xiao Xiao, who came in after him, was about to say something, but Bai CI raised her hand and said with a smile, "Xiao Xiao, you go out first. I have something to say with Shen."

Xiao Xiao takes a cold look at Shen Yinbing, and then goes out reluctantly.

"She is still young and not sensible, which makes Mr. Shen laugh."

White porcelain face with a soft smile, sitting on the sofa in front of Shen Yinbing.

"I'm not so stingy that she can see everything."

Shen Yinbing shakes the goblet in his hand, stares at the white porcelain and says faintly: "Madam white porcelain, I invite you here this time. There is something I need your help."

Xiao Xiao did not leave the room, but stood at the door with Sheng Zi.

The door is open. Standing at the door, you can hear what the people inside are saying.

When she heard Shen Yinbing say that she would not have the same opinion with her, Xiao Xiao could not help it.

Over the years, Xiao Xiao has seen too many big people, but no matter how big they are, even the elders respect Mrs. white porcelain very much, like this little president from the local area?

Who does she think she is?

Even though the scale of Beishan group has expanded a lot in the past year, it is not qualified to make a show in front of his wife. Do you think his life is good?

Hearing that Shen Yinbing told his wife that she needed help, Xiao Xiao couldn't help but go in and scold her for Bai CI. However, Sheng Zi raised his hand and said coldly, "no one can disturb the conversation between Shen and others."

"Get out of the way, what are you? You dare to stop me here!"

Xiao Xiao is even more angry. He drinks and scolds in a low voice. When he is about to pull him away, he sees that his right hand is turned and there is a black pistol.

After seeing the iron guy, Xiao Xiao's scalp suddenly cooled, and he didn't dare to move. However, he felt very aggrieved. He had to bite his lips tightly to force himself not to shed tears.

At this time, his wife's voice came from inside, still very polite: "I don't know what Shen always needs my help to do?"

"I just signed a contract for an investment project recently, and I have some difficulties in capital turnover. I want to ask Mrs. Bai Ci to raise tens of millions of yuan. The latest time is tomorrow morning, because I will leave tomorrow."

Shen Yinbing's tone of borrowing money was very relaxed, as if she was honored to borrow money from white porcelain.

It seems that she didn't expect Shen Yinbing to be so arrogant. She must be stunned and didn't speak.

Shen Yinbing impatient: "how, white porcelain lady can't accept the younger sister's request?"