Looking at the men and women hugging and kissing each other in front of the BMW, he Mingzhu's eyes are full of disdainful sneers.

She felt that fan's analysis was definitely high on Gao Fei.

A man who can't leave a woman at any time is like a donkey who always thinks about beans. No matter what he does, he can't calm down. Such a man is not worth worrying about at all.

It's still the ordinary Santana. Liao Shuifen is still sitting in the back of the car. He looks at it quietly through the window. After they finish their kiss and drive away from the parking lot, he sighs and asks, "do you think it's not enough to worry about flying high when you see the scene just now, because there are too many women around him?"

He Mingzhu light answer: "women for men, on behalf of care.". A person with too much concern can't make a big deal, no matter what, because he can't let go. In some cases, with concern, there will be no confidence to win. Without confidence, there will be no stimulation of the potential of the family and only failure. "

"What you said may be very reasonable, because you are from your point of view."

Liao Shuifen smiles and suddenly asks, "what if you are Gao Fei?"

"If I were Gao Fei?"

He Mingzhu was stunned and then said, "if I were Gao Fei, I would not agree with Gao Jia at first. In order to pay for the mistakes made by Gao ya, I would willingly transfer Tianya group. Because I have no responsibility and no obligation to pay for him. Now that you have been separated from the Gao family, you should consider yourself. "


Liao Shuifen whispered and said, "so you will never be able to fly high."

He Mingzhu didn't understand why Liao Shuifen said that. He frowned, but didn't say anything.

Liao Shuifen slowly went up to the window and said: "Master Lu Xun once said that ruthlessness is not necessarily a hero. How can Lianzi not be her husband. A man with love and righteousness may be affected by the force, but he also gains more. Pearl, you have never loved or been loved, so you don't know how inspiring the love between men and women will be. "

He Mingzhu hesitated and then asked, "sister fan, do you think he has given you infinite strength after you married your brother-in-law?"

"Spiritual power is the real power."

After mentioning her husband, Liao Shuifen's eyes are full of tenderness: "love can not only give you strength, but also make you happy all the time. No matter what you do, even if you fail, you will persevere to come back."

"That's why you should enjoy the wonderful life God has given you when you are young, but you want to get married voluntarily?"

He Mingzhu asked again.

"Yes, you are right this time."

Liao Shuifen smiles quietly and twists a wisp of hair. His eyes are full of yearning: "I'm 35 years old. I'm going to have a baby with Han Zhen. Ha ha, this is what we discussed at the beginning. After I got married, he gave me five years to work. When I got pregnant, I would completely leave all my posts. From then on, I would concentrate on being a full-time wife and keep my baby at home every day, waiting for your brother-in-law to come back from work, and no longer care about these worldly troubles. "

He Mingzhu turned her head and looked at Liao Shuifen. She pressed the corners of her mouth a few times. Finally she couldn't help asking, "sister Fen, what if her brother-in-law is not as good as you think?"

Liao Shuifen asked: "what?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing. I'm just asking."

He Mingzhu turned her eyes and turned her head.

Liao Shuifen and he Mingzhu have been together for so many years, and they have already thoroughly understood her character.

The leader of the fourth base of Huaxia is right. No matter how excellent the force value he Mingzhu has, she is not suitable to join such an elite organization as Jiulong king of Huaxia. The biggest fatal defect is that she never knows how to hide what she thinks.

To put it bluntly, it's a direct connection, and you can't hide any secret in your heart. You can show it in your eyes, face and even action.

Liao Shuifen caught something from he Mingzhu's "casual" question.

Looking at the girl's short hair, Liao Shuifen said quietly after a long silence: "Pearl, are we sisters?"

Liao Shuifen was born in a noble family. He Mingzhu was just a girl from the poor mountainous area in the north. When she lost the election of Queen of Kowloon, she was disheartened. It was Liao Shuifen who took her to her side.

Over the years, Liao Shuifen regarded her as her sister, and never used her as a bodyguard.

Therefore, he Mingzhu also regards her as her own sister and sincerely appreciates her.

After listening to Liao Shuifen's question, he Mingzhu slapped herself with her hand and said in a low voice, "why don't you know how to hide?"

Liao Shuifen's face slowly turned pale, and his voice also had a trill: "Pearl, are we sisters?"

"Yes, we are sisters, absolutely sisters!"

He Mingzhu suddenly turned her head. Her face was ferocious and frightening. She yelled in a low voice: "that's why I can't help telling you that no man is good, no matter who he is!"

Liao Shuifen's teeth began to cackle. His voice was hoarse and he asked, "what did you find?"

He Mingzhu wheezed and puffed, and asked, "do you really want to listen?"

Liao Shuifen stares at he Mingzhu's eyes and says, "Han Zhen, what have you done?"

"He had children two years ago, twins."

He Mingzhu dodged Liao Shuifen's eyes, looked out of the window and whispered, "that woman is ten years younger than you. She's a stewardess flying abroad. Those two children are living abroad - sister fan, don't you really find that since this year, my brother-in-law has been on business for a week or so every month? "

Liao Shuifen's whole person, including her eyes just like a pool of living water, all rusted and mechanically shook his head: "how do you know these?"

"Last year's Mid Autumn Festival, do you remember where I went?"

He Mingzhu asked.

Two days before the Mid Autumn Festival last year, I suddenly went to the UK in a hurry, saying that I wanted to negotiate an important business with foreign businessmen there.

Because I was in a hurry, I forgot to bring an important document, so I called Liao Shuifen and asked her to send someone to deliver the document.

Liao Shuifen sent he Mingzhu to deliver the documents, because that night when she received her husband's phone call, it was the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, so she remembered very clearly: "you went to Britain, to send the documents to Han Zhen."

"Yes, I went to England."

He Mingzhu said: "my brother-in-law meant that you should send it to him after the second day of the Mid Autumn Festival, but you worried that he would be delayed, so I went to England overnight. I went one night earlier and saw what I shouldn't have seen. "

He Mingzhu saw what should not see, Liao Shuifen didn't want to know, just looked at the hotel: "then, why don't you tell me?"

"I don't have the heart, I really don't have the heart!"

He Mingzhu got upset and patted the steering wheel heavily: "I'm afraid you'll be sad - besides, men are just like that. If they have money and power, they will have an outsider. As long as they are still good enough to you, I can keep this secret in my heart for a lifetime. But the problem is, from this year on, he will go there for many days almost every month. But you... Sister fan, it's not fair to you. It's really unfair. "

"Unfair? Ha ha. "

Liao Shuifen laughs dryly, but he doesn't speak any more.

Women are generally dreamers. They always think of love perfectly, especially those like Liao Shuifen. No matter their family background, appearance, figure, temperament, ability or other things, they will have what they want.

She is God's child, any man who can get her favor, should love her, care for her, protect her, for a lifetime - and she also promised that after her 35th birthday, that is, after tomorrow, she would be ready to have a child.

With her birthday approaching, she always fantasizes about the happy life in the future.

Just let her seem to be a bolt from the blue mercilessly split is, he Mingzhu told her, Han Zhen has a woman outside, and a pair of twins!

Liao Shuifen can be sure that he Mingzhu will never tell her this without absolute assurance.

When she said it, it proved that Han Zhen did.

Dream broken, for a time Liao Shuifen was at a loss, no longer just when the elegant, calm.

After seeing her like this, he Mingzhu slapped herself again.

He Mingzhu regrets that she shouldn't tell her the news. Anyway, Han Zhen really loves her. As long as she can hide it from her for a lifetime and make her happy for a lifetime, what if there are women and children outside?

"Why slap yourself?"

The slap wakes up Liao Shuifen. Almost in an instant, she turns back to Liao Shuifen, who can be calm no matter what happens. She is dignified, elegant, noble and generous.


He Mingzhu dropped her eyes and was about to say something when Liao Wusi's mobile phone rang. It was Mr. Zheng.

The main person in charge of the negotiation with Tianya group tonight is Gao ya. In fact, Mr. Zheng is.

Elegant, but Liao Shuifen sent out disgusting high flying, while his mind chaos, more to get the benefits of props.

When Mr. Zheng called at this time, it indicated that the negotiation was officially over.

"Go ahead."

Liao Shuifen got on the phone, his voice was soft and friendly, as usual.

But he Mingzhu can hear a trace of difference, which is deeply pressed in her heart.

Liao Shuifen seldom avoids the presence of he Mingzhu when he calls, especially in this case. So he turns on the loudspeaker when he answers the phone. Mr. Zheng's words clearly come from there: "Mr. Liao, the negotiation has been very smooth..."

He Mingzhu listened carefully to Mr. Zheng's entrance from Gao Fei, his departure, and the process of Liang Ming's signing with elegant as the legal representative of Tianya group with the cooperation of the lawyers.

Finally, Mr. Zheng said: "Mr. Liao, our psychological attack was very effective this time. Gao Fei's heart was completely confused. He even agreed to our terms without reading the letter of intent. This is the smoothest transfer I have ever contacted. From 0 o'clock tomorrow, our gouache group will officially take over Tianya group. Congratulations, Mr. Liao

"Hard work."

Liao Shuifen light smile, after the phone to he Mingzhu spread his hands: "Mingzhu, I now want to drink, accompany me?"


Although it's Mid Autumn Festival now, and the temperature in Southern Hebei is very low at night, business is still booming at those barbecue stalls under the full overpass.

Goofy picked up a bottle of beer without using a glass and poured it down to his mouth.

The table was full of empty wine bottles.