Under the thin rain, a young man squatted on the flower bed, motionless for nearly an hour, it seems that he should be dismissed by the evil boss, do not know where to find a job next, can only squat there at a loss, let the rain wet him.

A truant girl who was waiting for the bus to go home was stimulated by the depression and confusion of young people. After a long hesitation, she finally ran to him with a small umbrella and a schoolbag on her back, hoping to comfort and enlighten him with childish language.

This scene is silent, but it's very moving. As the saying goes, the boss is merciless and the little girl is affectionate. Those greedy wolf members who pay special attention to the safety of the wolf owner just smile behind the scenes, but they feel warm and can't bear to see it again, as if they are afraid of disturbing this rare beauty.

After seeing the little girl jumping in front of her with a small umbrella, Gao Fei was not surprised. He threw away the cigarette that had been drenched out in his hand, moved his neck and said, "Su Ying, you should make a fortune selling the videos that I play the leading role in, don't you?"

This girl is Su Ying, an old acquaintance of Gao Fei, a girl killer who looks very childlike but is actually cruel.

"Hee hee."

Su Ying smiles and looks at Gao Fei with her small chin askew: "why do you want me to share half of your money?"

"Give me your umbrella and let me have a cigarette."

After su Ying raised her umbrella on her head, Gao Fei lit a cigarette: "if you don't say half of it, you have to give me at least one third? After all, I'm one of the protagonists in the video. It's not kind of you to put all your money in your pocket so quietly. "

People in the distance see Su Ying smoking for Gao Fei with an umbrella, but she is standing behind the rain. Many people scold Gao Fei in their hearts: this beast doesn't know how to cherish the little girl's friendship at all, and has the face to smoke when people comfort him. It's killing but not staying. Don't make it in my hands, or it will make you look good!

"Well, it's only tens of millions. Will your big boss see this little money in his eyes?"

Su Ying looked up at the rainy sky, sighed like a little adult, and said: "from today on, your Tianya cosmetics will usher in its golden sales season. It's not too much to use this word to describe it, is it? Why bother with a little girl? Is it true that the richer you are, the more stingy you are

Goofy just ignored her complaint, just asked: "you sold tens of millions?"

Su Ying said with some regret: "it's only 30 million. It could have been more, but you went to the Zhao family, and I didn't have any business to do."

An 11 or 12-year-old girl makes 30 million yuan in a day, which is absolutely unbelievable to normal people. However, Gao Fei, who knows Su Ying well, knows that her sigh is not pride, but regret for the lack of money.

"Why do you want so much money?"

Gao Fei took a puff and looked up and down at Su Ying: "are you going to school now?"

"Ang, go to school. It's a private school. I have to be knowledgeable and educated. I can't be as ignorant as before."

Su Ying nodded her head with pride and explained: "in addition to paying expensive tuition fees, I still have several businesses on hand. They are all businesses with large investment and small return. In particular, the private detective agency is a money burning thing with no income."

Goofy laughed: "Oh, you still have a private detective agency? Is it a man who specializes in catching traitors for others, looking for Laosan? "

"As long as you give money, you can do all kinds of business. The key is that you have taken over two small businesses and raised some waste in vain since you opened a few months ago."

After mentioning her own private detective agency, Su Ying was dissatisfied and unwilling to talk more about it. She soon changed the topic: "in addition, I'm still the food and clothing parent of seven homeless children. Everyday training, meals and so on are a lot of expenses. Tens of millions of them can't last long."

Gao Fei knows that Su Ying was adopted by an Guiwang. Now after hearing that she has adopted seven homeless children, she frowns: "where did you adopt them? Are you going to train them to be like you? "

"Don't worry, these people are homeless and exploited by traffickers. Four of them are the descendants of miss yimendangxiao."

Su Ying said faintly: "although following me may not have a good end, there is no doubt that I can not only punish them when I train them, but also give them family warmth. As for being like me, isn't it good? After all, I'm one of the oldest three professions in my field. Can't I have a successor? "

Killer, human trafficking and Huang career are the three oldest occupations in the world. Where there are people, there will be these three occupations, regardless of the local living standards.

Gao Fei wants to persuade her not to miss others. After thinking about it, he can forget it, because he is a killer mercenary. He seems to be like Su Ying. There's no need to talk nonsense.

Some people noticed that the young man finally found out that he had thrown away his cigarette end and raised his hand to signal the little girl to take away her umbrella. After that, he was relieved: OK, this guy finally found out his conscience and was moved by the little girl. It seems that the world is still full of love and beautiful.

Goofy looked at the extinguished cigarette end and asked, "do you dare to come to me and tell me these things? Are you not afraid of what I will do to you?"

"What am I afraid of? You dare not eat me. I'm too young. "

Su Ying said with a smile: "besides, I'm here to do business with you this time."

"What kind of business?"

"I'd like to open a cosmetics store, which specializes in Tianya brand, and contribute a few jobs for the unemployed. However, due to the shortage of money, I want to temporarily credit you. Besides, can you give me a minimum discount? For the sake of my being a little girl, you won't have the heart to refuse, will you

"Are you a little girl? I don't really believe it

Gao Fei yawned, waved his hand and said, "go away quickly. I'm not interested in dealing with people who are empty handed. Don't delay my meditation in the rain."

"I'm not an empty handed white wolf. I'll give you some benefits."

Su Ying doesn't care about Gao Fei's bad attitude.

"What good is it?"

"A few days ago, you went to baiyun temple in Beijing and met the honest monk, didn't you?"

"Do you know the honest monk?"

"I'm kidding. I'm a disciple of Angui king. Can I not know the leader of one of the three palace leaders?"

"Go on. Don't talk nonsense. I've been to baiyun temple, and I've met the honest monk. "

Goofy is interested.

Su Ying continued: "the honest monk gave you his black cover" an GUI Jing ", right?"

Gao Fei looks unchanged, light asked: "you followed me?"

"I don't have the guts or the skills."

Su Ying shrugged, spread out her left hand and said, "but I heard that someone wanted to get the Scripture from you. And it's not just one person, it's a lot. There are both Chinese and foreigners. As far as I know, at least hundreds of people have to come to southern Hebei now. Maybe someone else has patronized the nest your glasses friend bought for you. "

After hearing what she said, Gao Fei finally couldn't calm down. After rubbing the ground, he jumped down, grabbed Su Ying's shoulder, and said in a harsh voice, "how do you know these, the house that glasses bought for me?"

Glasses bought a house for Gao Fei in a civilian community, where he put two scriptures, the sculpture of quimola and the gold bars.

I thought that place was the least noticeable and the best place to hide things. However, Su Ying knew all about it and told him that someone might have visited his nest.

Gold bars, quemoola statues, nothing to goofy.

But those two scriptures were very important to him. He was not worried when he heard that something might have happened there.

A few people looking at this side, see this surprised: scared, this guy to care about his little girl move?

It's really unreasonable. The life of a bird is worse than that of a bird!

Let her go, hurt me if you want to hurt me - hum, if it wasn't for the damn bus finally coming, I would not forgive you, brute!

In the angry eyes of several passers-by, Su Ying didn't have the slightest fear. She even laughed with pride: "Gao Fei, don't be so fierce. How bad is it to scare people? Let's talk about it. Don't be so ungracious. As the most outstanding disciple of Angui king, I already have some contacts in the river and lake. In addition, she supported me with a large amount of activity funds half a year ago, and I set up my own intelligence network. What's so strange about you

"You give me less nonsense, come with me!"

Goofy grabs her shoulder, just like a chicken, grabs her umbrella and throws it on the ground. Regardless of her struggle and resistance, goofy walks out of the parking lot.

Let go of that kind child!

Many passers-by are staring at Gao Fei with fire in their eyes.

Gao Fei, however, couldn't see it like a blind man. He raised his hand and pushed a 60 year old man aside. He opened the door of a taxi that had just stopped and threw Su Ying in. He slammed the door shut and yelled at his brother who wanted to protest against his ignorance of respecting the old and caring for the young: "hurry up and drive to xingfulin community. I'll kill you later!"

The taxi brother was very angry and glared. When he wanted to yell something, he heard Su Ying say: "this big brother, my brother, he has indirect neuropathy. He's going to attack soon. He doesn't bear legal responsibility for killing people. You'd better hurry to take us home when he doesn't have a complete illness - here's the fare, don't change it!"

"Well, if it wasn't for your sister's sake and your insanity, I would never have spared you!"

The taxi brother snorted angrily and ignored the man who was knocking on the window to talk with Gao Fei. He stepped on the accelerator and went.

Zhang Tao, who is finally determined to send an umbrella to Gao Fei, stands by the flower bed and looks at the place where the taxi disappeared. With a blank face, he whispers: "how can you do this? It's just a child."

Just when Zhang Tao was disappointed by Gao's irrational behavior, he didn't notice that there were several cars on the side of the road and chased Gao Fei in a hurry.

I didn't notice that in front of the 15th floor window of the headquarters building behind, a pair of cold eyes were looking at her.

"Well, are all the etiquette ladies of Beishan group in love? It's been a long walk, and now it's another one. "

When Shen Yin hummed coldly, Jiao Enzuo pushed the door directly and came in.

To this, Shen Zong has no the slightest accident, turn round to look at him coldly.

Jiao Enzuo bent down and said in a low voice, "wolf master, you should believe it now? Our people are all in place. As long as you give an order, we will take part in the fight immediately. "

Shen Yinbing sank Yin for a moment and said slowly, "whatever the cost, you must get those things."