"What, Wang Chen divorced Gao Fei and resigned!"

When he got the news, Liang Minggang got up from the window.

Since last year, Liang Ming has felt that he has become the most unfortunate person in the world.

First of all, he had a fight with the islanders for no reason, and was almost assassinated in the hospital. Finally, his brother came back and gave him a place to take care of the Tianya group. As a result, it has been more than two months since he opened the business. Now the profits he has made are not enough even for his living expenses for one month!

His poor performance made him feel ashamed of Gao Fei and work harder. He worked more than 13 hours every day, and he pined down quickly. Except for the day when he attended Gao Fei's wedding banquet, he almost never left the factory.

Yesterday, I was busy with Meeting and planning until more than five o'clock this morning. Finally, under Zhang Yan's strong order, I took a rest in the office suite.

Maybe he was too tired. He slept until the afternoon.

As soon as I got up, before I had time to wash, Zhang Yan brought him this bad news: "I just got the news that Wang Chen divorced Gao Fei yesterday and left Southern Hebei this morning."

"How could that be?"

Liang Ming murmured, standing on the spot, his dental jar fell to the ground and didn't know: "what's goofy doing? This guy. Zhang Yan, get me a phone and I'll ask him what's going on! "

Zhang Yan advised: "forget it. It's a private matter of Gao Fei. I think we'd better not interfere now. He must be annoyed."

"I know, but - alas!"

Liang Ming angrily raised his foot and kicked out the dental jar on the ground. He did not wash his teeth. He went out of the suite and came to the office. He sat heavily on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

No matter why Gao Fei wants to divorce Wang Chen, one thing is for sure. Wang Chen's resignation and return to Beijing at this time is by no means good news for Tianya group.

Anyway, Wang Chen works in the Development Zone, which can be regarded as the protection network of Tianya group. Now that she's gone, it's definitely worse for the factories that have stopped production.

Zhang Yan understands her husband's mood at this time and sits quietly beside him.

After a puff of smoke, Liang Ming asked in a low voice, "Zhang Yan, do you think I'm particularly useless? When I used to work for someone, no matter how difficult I was, I could make it through. But this time, I don't think I can hold on any longer. Otherwise, let's go to Gao Fei in a few days, and let him invite him to be another expert. "

Zhang Yan didn't refuse: "OK, I'll go with you then. Liang Ming, don't say that. I can see clearly whether you have made efforts or not. I believe Gao Fei also knows that we are just not lucky. "

Before her voice fell, the door of the office was kicked open, and a man ran in shouting: "Mr. Liang, Mr. Liang!"

"You give it to me - you, Salana, what are you doing?"

If it's not sarana who breaks in, even Vice President Chen, who is employed by the company with high salary, maybe Zhang Yan will also give a fierce lecture on whether to be polite or not.

Sarana didn't have time to look at the faces of Zhang Yan and his wife. She turned around: "where's the TV remote control? Where's the remote control?"

When Zhang Yan was about to say something, Liang Ming raised his hand to block her and threw the remote control on the sofa.

"Watch TV, watch TV. Oh, which channel did I forget? Oh, it's the integrated channel

Sarana hurriedly found the integrated channel, pointed to the TV and yelled, "look, look, there's still time!"

"What are you looking at? Isn't that a meeting? "

When Zhang Yan grumbled discontentedly, she found her husband's mouth suddenly widened. She quickly followed his eyes to watch TV. Then her mouth also widened, and her brain roared: our product advertisement appeared in this kind of meeting? Oh, my God, isn't my sister dreaming?

"The above is the main content of this news, thank you for watching."

After reviewing the important content of the news, the news anchor said goodbye to the audience.

"It's over? Oh, it's over. Isn't the news too short? "

When sarana sighed heavily, the advertisement of Tianya cosmetics appeared on the TV screen immediately, which was obviously not the one shot by Tianya group itself, and the advertising words were also vulgar: Tianya cosmetics, you don't regret it.

Liang Ming wiped his eyes hard and swallowed hard. Looking at Zhang Yan, they murmured, "is this our product?"

"Yes, it's ours. Look at the address in the advertisement, it's Jinan Tianya group. In addition to our company, which other company in Southern Hebei is Tianya group? "

Sarana clenched her hands and jumped on the ground, shaking her waist.

"How could our product be in such a meeting? Is it goofy? But it's impossible. There has never been any commercial advertisement in this kind of meeting. "

When Liang Ming was at a loss, the red outside telephone on the desk rang, and he instinctively picked up the phone: "Hello, I'm Liang Ming from Tianya group - what? What did you say? "

"Liang Ming, what's the matter?"

After Liang Ming picked up the phone, Zhang Yan paid attention to him. Her face turned white at first, and then turned red. Her body even trembled like a fiddle. She thought that he had heard some bad news again. She quickly helped him and asked anxiously, "what's the matter, is it what happened?"

"OK, OK, I'll wait for you in the company. That's it. Goodbye."

Liang Ming slowly buttoned up the phone. He closed his eyes and sat down with Zhang Yan's help. He opened his mouth and couldn't breathe, just like a fish out of water.

Sarana, next to Liang Ming, was also shocked when she saw this. The excitement of seeing the advertisement at the meeting just now disappeared. She just looked at him nervously, waiting for him to say something that made her heart sink.

Zhang Yan doesn't dare to ask any more questions. She just beats her husband on the back, hoping that he can settle down as soon as possible. She thinks with chagrin: today, she has to find Gao Fei to quit her position as the boss, and the cosmetics can't be sold out. If it goes on like this, Liang Ming will surely be destroyed on it!

For three minutes, Liang Ming slowly calmed down and opened his eyes.

"Liang Ming, what happened?"

Zhang Yan asked carefully.

"Just now, Director Niu of the municipal government office called and said that he would order 2 million yuan cosmetics."

Liang Ming is very careful, very careful to say every word.

"What? Niu, director of the municipal government office, called to order two million cosmetics? "

Zhang Yan doubts whether she has heard the wrong thing.

Liang Ming nodded heavily: "yes, that's what Director Niu said! He also said that in an hour and a half at most, he would come to pick up the goods with the box goods and trade in cash. He would never be in arrears! "

Zhang Yan suddenly silly: "ah, how can it be like this?"

Government procurement has always been in the field of office supplies, such as tables, chairs and even sporting goods. But it has never been heard that the government will also purchase cosmetics.

This is cosmetics. It's absolutely unreasonable. Especially in today's rampant promotion of economy, has the municipal government taken the wrong medicine?

Zhang Yan's mouth trembled, and sarana, who was also a little silly, looked at each other: "really, really?"

Liang Ming nodded and said nothing. The phone rang again.

This time, Liang Ming took a deep breath and said, "Hello, I'm Tianya group..."

On the phone, a very sweet voice came: "excuse me, is Liang Mingliang always in your company?"

Liang Ming replied, "I am Liang Ming."

"Oh, Mr. Liang, hello. I'm from minzhou municipal government. My surname is Miao. Please call me Xiao Miao."

Xiao Miao's tone became more and more enthusiastic: "Mr. Liang, it's like this..."

If Liang Ming heard me wrong just now, Zhang Yan and Zhang Yan have heard that they are now hands-free. They are sure that Xiao Miao is calling to order cosmetics, and they also emphasize that they will pick up the goods in cash.

Happiness, like a storm of happiness, hit Liang Ming on the head, let them in a daze for a long time, until the phone rings again, just suddenly wake up.

With a scream, sarana fell on her knees on the sofa, her hands clasped, her face devout, and she didn't know what to pray for. Liang Ming and his wife clapped their hands together to celebrate.

After seeing the advertisement of Tianya cosmetics appeared in the meeting hall, they realized something, but they didn't expect that happiness would come so fiercely that they could hardly bear it.

Out of the window, just stopped more than half an hour of rain, again under the patter of up, a small north wind blowing, hit the body is really cold.

The rabbit wiped the rain on his face, lifted his backpack on his shoulder and walked into a high-end cosmetics store.

He has been observing the shopping mall for more than half a day, and has determined that the passenger flow of the shopping mall is considerable, and that the customers in and out are all rich people.

When rich people come to cosmetics stores, they should buy the best products, such as Tianya cosmetics.

Rabbit is not like Liang Ming. He is down in the dumps when there is no achievement in product sales. In these days after he came to work, he always walked on the street like a fighter, carrying a large bag of products every day.

Rabbit is very confident in his three inch eloquence. Even if he was rejected once by others yesterday morning, he is sure to put his products in the market.

"I'm definitely a marketing genius. Feige said that I'll definitely succeed!"

After giving himself another blow, the rabbit walked into the mall with his head high.

Yesterday morning, she refused him and was dissatisfied with the fact that his ink was interfering with his business. The female manager of the shopping mall who blew him out happened to be talking and laughing with the guests at a counter. When she saw him coming in, her brow suddenly wrinkled.

Rabbit is also wearing shoes and suits, but as he looks very sorry to the people, no matter what clothes he wears, he looks so obscene, like a swindler peddling Dali pills in the Jianghu, so it's hard to make people like him.

After apologizing to the guests in a low voice, the female manager stepped on her high heels to block the rabbit. Although she was very polite, her attitude was very bad: "I'm sorry, sir. I told you yesterday morning that our mall won't sell this kind of miscellaneous cosmetics."

Rabbit quickly showed a sweet smile, bent over and answered: "beautiful lady, you are wrong. Tianya cosmetics is not a miscellaneous brand, but a famous brand, a world-class brand. However, it has not been known by more people. But I'm sure we'll give you a surprise as long as we get a chance to show our beauty. "