Whether good or bad, every man has self-esteem.

So is Li nanzhe.

After seeing Zhao Xianjing dating other men behind his back, he has completely given up this shameless woman and began to calmly ask for the biggest compensation from Zhao Youbin according to the family's intention.

Zhao Xianjing, who will become a passer-by on Li nanzhe's brilliant road from now on, is a history that doesn't need to be remembered, but it doesn't mean that he won't be angry when he sees his ex girlfriend showing up with her again.

Men have self-esteem, don't they?

It's one thing to throw away the dirty Zhao Xianjing like throwing away the smelly socks. It's another thing to use the fierce Taekwondo to clean up Gao Fei.

For his dignity as a man!

So, with a tiger roar, Li Nan zhe rushed to Gao Fei, half twisted his body, with a pretty whip leg, and swept Gao Fei's head hard!

"Li nanzhe, dare you!"

Seeing Li nanzhe attacking Gao Fei, Zhao Xianjing instinctively yells.

Before her loud cheering, she saw Gao Fei jump up and stomp heavily on the right calf of Li nanzhe's right leg. The proud people of the Northern Dynasty flew out with flowers upside down and smashed on the wall, spilling blood from the corner of his mouth.

Gao Fei, like a javelin, stood straight in the same place, as if he had not stepped out just now. Looking at Li, he said faintly, "I understand your mood at this time, so I can let you go this time. Please bear in mind that this is the last time I'll let you go. "

"I, I will not let you go, I must kill you, goofy!"

After all, Li nanzhe is a smart man. After being stamped on the wall with one foot, he realized that roughing is not Gao Fei's opponent. He looked at him viciously and vowed in his heart. He raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, stood up straight, bent slightly to Zhao Youbin, and said with a smile: "Uncle Zhao, I'll go first, and then I'll contact you."

It's unbearable for any young man with face to guard his ex girlfriend and be stamped out by her husband.

But Li Nan zhe forbeared, as if it was someone else who had just been stamped out, not him. He adjusted his state with the fastest speed and bowed to Zhao Youbin. Then he walked out of the study with a calm pace.

Before leaving, he also gave a smile to Zhao Xianjing.

Zhao Xianjing naturally gave him a look of disgust.

Once upon a time, she was fascinated by Li's gentlemanly demeanor, elegant appearance and humorous speech. If it wasn't for Lao Zhao's repeated warning that she couldn't cross the thunder pool with Li before she got married, they would have lived together for a long time.

In the past, Zhao Xianjing never understood why her father was obstinate and frightening in this matter. In order to restrict her spiritually, she even asked her to give up her poisonous oath in front of her grandfather.

Now she realized that her father had seen through Li's nature for a long time, or worried about Li's nature, which saved her innocence, but she finally gave it to Gao Fei foolishly.

After hearing the conversation between Li nanzhe and her father, Zhao Xianjing saw the face of the man she liked. She was lucky and disgusted with him.

Gao Fei didn't dislike Li nanzhe. Looking at his back, he was solemn.

If Li nanzhe before leaving, arrogantly said, "what you give me today, I will redouble my gratitude in the future, you wait," and so on, Gao Fei will only treat him as a barking dog and ignore him.

The more fierce a dog barks, the less capable it is.

A dog that can bite and dares to bite doesn't bark, just like Li nanzhe, who is guarding his ex girlfriend and is stomped on the wall by Gao Fei. He still smiles when he leaves.

This kind of talent is the most terrible, because he can endure, will endure - will not endure the snake, is not to catch prey.

Of course, Li's threat in Gao Fei's eyes is far from being valued by him: if he dares to come, Gao Fei dares to kill him!

Like Gao Fei, Zhao Youbin doesn't look down on Li nanzhe, but he knows how to hide his mind better than Gao Fei. On the surface, he doesn't show any different expression. He just sits slowly behind his desk and orders his daughter: "Xianjing, make tea for Mr. Gao."

No matter whether Gao Fei is the murderer of Zhao Li and his daughter or not, Zhao Youbin always takes the right attitude when facing him head-on, because there is Gao's behemoth standing behind someone.

Zhao Xianjing did not go to make tea, but just gave Gao Fei a cup of boiled water, put it heavily on the case, and no longer paid attention to him, anxious to ask his father: "Dad, is the news true?"

Gao Fei didn't care. He sat in the place where Li nanzhe had just sat and took up the water cup.

Looking at Gao Fei, Zhao Youbin sighed and said in a low voice, "it's basically true."

Zhao Youbin's answer had been expected by Zhao Xianjing for a long time, but after hearing this, she was still stunned for a long time. Then she suddenly fell on the wall, broke into tears and collapsed to the ground.

Now she doesn't regret losing Li nanzhe, but she mocks herself for giving her innocence to Gao Fei.

At the same time, I feel ridiculous for my past hateful thoughts.

Her revenge plan, which she worked hard to make, is a ridiculous joke in itself. She has nothing to gain except to recognize Li's true colors.

And maybe - not long ago, she was chased.

Those who want her dead just want to stir up the struggle between Gao Fei and the Zhao family.

Thinking that she was very smart, how could she become a pawn used by others, Zhao Xianjing couldn't stop crying and was very sad for her innocence, her being used, her love and her brother.

Gao Fei and Zhao Youbin did not speak.

Zhao Youbin throws a cigarette, and Gao Fei naturally catches it and lights it.

When a cigarette burned out, Zhao Xianjing's cry was much smaller.

Gao Fei said: "I went to Mingcheng a few days ago and met Zhao Li in a small bar."

Gao Fei simply said what happened after he met Zhao Li in Ming City, and finally said, "I stayed in Ming city that night when he had an accident, and I flew back to southern Hebei the next afternoon. In the airline, there should be my flight record, and in the hotel in Mingcheng, there should be my check-in certificate. "

After pressing the cigarette end out in the ashtray, Gao Fei continued to say faintly: "I know that in your eyes, these evidences are just some means for me to get away. I sent someone to kill Zhao Li. Fortunately, the truth is now clear. "

Taking a cigarette thrown by Zhao Youbin, Gao Fei looks at Zhao Xianjing: "as for the matter with her, I can't tell who is right and who is wrong. I ruined her innocence, but she wanted me to die - Zhao Xianjing, you are not sensible, and you are a girl, I will not see eye to eye with you. I just want to remind you not to do such stupid things in the future. In fact, there are many ways to solve problems. This is the first time. "

Gao Fei stood up and looked at her condescensively: "now that you have gone home, those people also see that I saved you, then you will lose value to them, and no one will shoot you in the street in the future. Well, I've finished what I should say. I'm still very busy. I'll go first. Goodbye. "

Zhao Youbin's face suddenly changed. He stood up and said, "Mr. Gao, please stay!"

Goofy stopped, turned around and said, "if you want to ask her about being chased in the street, just ask her."

Zhao Youbin didn't speak yet. Mrs. Zhao appeared at the door, looked at her daughter standing up from the ground, and said with a smile, "Lao Zhao, there are many police people coming at the door, saying they want to find us to know something."

"Well, I see. Let Xiaocui (Zhao's nanny) bring them in."

Zhao Youbin nodded and said to Gao Fei in a deep voice: "Mr. Gao, can you stop for a moment? I think even if you leave, you have to deal with the police. "

Goofy thought about it and said, "OK."


Zhao Youbin raised his hand and made a gesture of please.

When Gao Fei sits on the sand in the living room again, Zhao Xianjing makes a cup of tea for him instead of the nanny, and then sits quietly on the sofa beside him.

Looking at this woman from the corner of her eyes, her face has returned to normal, no sadness, anger and shame, only a touch of tranquility, which matches her identity as a young lady.

It's just, why is she sitting next to me?

It's going to misunderstand our relationship.

Gao Fei quietly moved to the outside, and Zhao Xianjing immediately approached him with the excuse of taking the fruit.

Goofy frowned.

Zhao Xianjing handed over an orange and said softly, "Gao Fei, come and eat the fruit."

Zhao Youbin is sitting on the sofa facing the door, drinking tea with a cup. He turns a blind eye to them.

"Thank you. I don't like oranges very much."

Goofy politely refused.

"Oh, then eat apples."

"I don't like apples, either."

"Where are the pears?"

"I don't like it."


"I don't like it."

Goofy shook his head. "I'm a carnivore. I only like meat."

Zhao Xianjing suddenly makes the intimate movement, lets Gao Fei have the vigilance heart.

"I'll make you braised pork later."

Zhao Xianjing didn't seem to recognize the refusal meaning in Gao Fei's words. She pretended to be naive and said, "my braised pork is delicious. When my parents went to work when I was a child, I made it for Xiao Li. He also likes eating meat."

Zhao Xianjing suddenly became intimate with Gao Fei because she thought of Li nanzhe.

She heard Li's threats to the Zhao family. She also knew that depending on the strength of the Zhao family, she would have to pay a price she could not imagine if she wanted to deal with it.

But goofy is different.

Behind him stood the Gao family. Although he was cleared out of the house by the Gao family, the Gao family would never ignore him.

In the Northern Dynasties, the Li family may be a heavyweight for the Zhao family, but in the eyes of Mr. Gao, it's just a group of watchdogs who have been fed up. When you want to kick it, you can kick it at will.

If Gao Fei can be tied to the Zhao family, it will not only resist the pressure of the Li family in the Northern Dynasties, but also have great benefits for the future development of the Zhao family.

Although Zhao Li is dead, Zhao Youbin, the leader of the Zhao family, still has the responsibility and obligation to take the Zhao family on.

What's more, since Zhao Xianjing's innocence has been destroyed in Gao Fei's hands, and there is no real revenge for killing his son or younger brother, after the misunderstanding is solved, why can't we rely on these misunderstandings to promote the feelings of both sides?

Of course, Zhao Youbin could see and heard Zhao Xianjing's thoughts and words, but he pretended to be a fool and drank tea there, which showed his attitude.

This person has passed away. How to live a happier life for the living is what the smart people are considering.

Gao Fei understands the thoughts of Zhao's father and daughter, but he doesn't know what to say. He just sighs in his heart.

There's footsteps. Someone's coming.