"Xianjing, I found the murderer who killed Xiaoli. It's not Gao Fei - it's a driver who drives a heavy truck. Now he has turned himself in. I have something to say to you

Zhao Youbin dials his daughter's phone. He doesn't wait for her to say anything, so he says it. Then he immediately turns off the phone and sits on the chair in the study, staring blankly out of the window, motionless.

The real culprit who caused Zhao Li's death has surrendered. After Zhang Maofu surrendered, a local police station immediately took people to his home and saw the heavy truck.

After on-site investigation by criminal investigation experts, it was finally determined that the heavy truck was the one that hit and killed Maserati. The place of collision was obviously identical, and what Zhang Maofu confessed was exactly the same as the scene.

After confirmation, a provincial public security department immediately called Zhao Youbin and faxed the detailed information of the case analysis.

Just after getting the news, Zhao Youbin's first reaction was that he didn't believe it. His second reaction was that the heavy truck driver who turned himself in was arranged by Gao family.

It's normal for Zhao Youbin to think that the most popular way to get out of trouble is to find someone to blame.

However, Zhang Maofu's comrades from Gongkou, the province where Zhang Maofu is located, also obviously thought of this. They made a thorough investigation with the fastest speed and determined that Zhang Maofu just had an accident by accident and no one assigned him.

Zhang Maofu and Gao Fei don't know each other at all, and they have nothing to do with each other.

Originally, the death of small rate has nothing to do with Gao Fei, he just died in an ordinary car accident.

Staring out of the window, I don't know how long it took for Zhao Youbin to droop his head wearily. Just then, the door of the study was knocked.

Mrs. Zhao came in.

The pain of her son's death made her lose her original atmosphere and dignity, and her voice was also very hoarse: "Lao Zhao, the child of the Northern Dynasty has come to see you."

The child in the Northern Dynasty was naturally Li nanzhe.

Zhao Youbin was stunned and nodded“ Let him come to the study. "

Mrs. Zhao agreed and turned to go out.

Zhao Youbin wondered why Li nanzhe came by himself and why he didn't stay with his daughter. He was very restrained in front of him before, so he never came to see himself alone.

"Is he in conflict with Xianjing?"

When Zhao Youbin thought of it, Li nanzhe, wearing a white shirt, a blue tie and a band aid on his nose, walked into the study.

Seeing the band aid on Li nanzhe's nose, Zhao Youbin frowned. After he sat down, he asked faintly, "why, did you quarrel with Xianjing?"

"Well, we had a fight."

Li nanzhe, who is usually very restrained in front of Zhao Youbin, cocks up his legs after sitting down. He takes a cigarette from his desk, lights one of them and spits out a cigarette ring gracefully.

Li's impolite behavior made Zhao Youbin feel even worse.

At the same time, it also made Lao Zhao realize what happened. He stared at Li nanzhe for a moment and then said coldly, "nanzhe, you young people quarrel. That's your own problem. Is it necessary to come to me alone to solve it?"

"I think it's necessary."

Li once again took a cigarette, took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and put it on the table: "Uncle Zhao, I want to invite you to watch this video, and then give us an account of the Li family."

The scorn and irony in Li's eyes made Zhao Youbin almost clap his hands and point out the door to let him go: who do you think you are? Isn't it from the north? In the north, you can be domineering, but in China, you are a bird!

Just many years of recuperation, let Zhao Youbin forbear anger, even a faint smile, picked up the USB disk on the computer.

Soon, the video picture appeared. It was a picture of Gao Fei naked and Zhao Xianjing holding the same naked body

Seeing this behind the scenes, Zhao Youbin almost vomited blood. His right hand broke the cigarette box and forced him to watch the video.

After watching this video, Zhao Youbin vaguely understood why Li nanzhe came.

The relationship between Zhao Xianjing and Li nanzhe has been recognized by both Zhao Youbin and the Li family in the Northern Dynasties. Now it's almost time to talk about marriage. But at this time, Zhao Xianjing and other men have nothing to do with each other.

Although Zhao Youbin is so angry that he wants to vomit blood, he can guess that his daughter's doing this is probably to avenge his son - he can't blame her for spoiling the family tradition.

Li nanzhe came to him to put forward some conditions.

From his eyes, Zhao Youbin can see that he has no love for his daughter. He comes here to ask for benefits: his daughter is the daughter-in-law appointed by the Li family in the Northern Dynasty. Since he dares to green them, he will have to pay a heavy price.

Zhao Youbin understands her daughter's painstaking efforts, but knows that no matter how she explains with Li nanzhe, the other side will not listen.

With the erosion of Western ideas, Huaxia, an ancient country with 5000 years of cultural tradition, does not attach as much importance to women's style as its ancestors did. After all, talent is the most fundamental.

However, for the Northern Dynasty, where everything is still at the level of China in the 1970s, women's style is regarded as quite serious, especially the super rich family like the Li family.

Zhao Xianjing is the daughter-in-law of the Li family. In order to avenge Zhao Li, she did not hesitate to sacrifice her innocence this time. Zhao Youbin could not be a little angry except moved.

However, the Li family is different. They will regard Zhao Xianjing's "uneasiness" as the biggest disgrace to the whole Li family in the Northern Dynasty. They will never ask for any reason or accept Zhao Xianjing any more.

Zhao Xianjing's work style has problems, and the Li family no longer accepts her, which is nothing to Zhao Youbin: although her daughter was abused by that villain, what's the point? Even if the Zhao family doesn't have a deep foundation in China and relies on their daughter's figure, appearance and temperament, what kind of man do they want?

What really bothers Zhao Youbin is that in the Northern Dynasties, the Li family would never give up Zhao Xianjing's job as a daughter-in-law. They would take advantage of this to ask for some "spiritual compensation", otherwise Li would not have come alone.

"What do they want?"

Zhao Youbin turned the computer off, took a deep breath, and looked at Li nanzhe calmly: "nanzhe, I feel deeply sorry for this. But it's already happened. It's not necessary to explain anything. I just want to know your attitude towards it. "

When Zhao Youbin said "you" instead of "you", he concluded that Li nanzhe's visit today represented the Li family of the Northern Dynasty.

In fact, the same is true.

Li once again vomited a cigarette ring. His face was calm, his eyes were calm, but he was ecstatic, just like a gambler who got a good card.

Li nanzhe covered up this ecstasy very well, but he couldn't escape Zhao Youbin's eyes: Although he was also the outstanding young generation of the Northern Dynasty, he was still a little tender in front of an old fox like Zhao Youbin.

Alas, maybe it was time to stop Xianjing from associating with the people of the Northern Dynasties, because they have been white eyed wolves who have not enough to feed since ancient times. What they are good at is crying and fawning. Once they seize the opportunity, they will show their fangs immediately. Zhao Youbin sighs heavily in his heart, and thinks that it is a big mistake for him to associate with his daughter.

Li nanzhe said: "Uncle Zhao, someone sold me this video with 10 million of your currency."

Zhao Youbin didn't even think about it. He simply said, "money is easy to handle. You can enter the account you provided at any time, and I can pay double."

Li is very satisfied with Zhao Youbin's magnanimity. He bought a video from Su Ying and gave it to the Zhao family, making a profit of 10 million yuan. It's definitely a good deal, but it's far from what he wants.

"Uncle Zhao."

Li nanzhe leaned forward slightly, looked at Zhao Youbin and said with a faint smile: "I have heard that my little uncle is in the northwest military base at present..."

Before he had finished his words, Zhao Youbin slapped the table and yelled: "Li nanzhe, you Li family are too aggressive! Don't think about it

Li's little uncle is Zhao Youbin's cousin and one of the core members of the Zhao family. At present, he is in charge of the development of nuclear weapons and other projects in a secret military base in Northwest China.

The possession of nuclear weapons is the dream of the people of the Northern Dynasties.

The second compensation condition proposed by Li nanzhe focuses on this aspect, trying to obtain some important information on nuclear weapons research through the Zhao family.

This is by no means acceptable to Zhao Youbin. He does not dare to make decisions. It is a matter of national defense, let alone the Zhao family. Even any big family in China does not have the courage to make mistakes in this respect. Therefore, he did not hesitate to refuse Li nanzhe.

Zhao Youbin's attitude has long been expected by Li nanzhe.

In fact, of course, he was also very clear that the Zhao family would not do such a thing even if they were ruined. But he still put forward it, because the idea of using nuclear weapons information was just a cover. What the Li family pursued in the Northern Dynasties was not these, but something else.

Negotiators are very clear, when one party's request is rejected by the other party, then put forward the next request, the probability of being accepted will be greater.

Li Nan Zhe is playing this trick, but after being rejected immediately, he didn't say what he really wanted. He just stood up with a cool smile and said politely: "Uncle Zhao, you are in a bad mood. That's where today's conversation is. In a week, I will go back to the Northern Dynasty. Goodbye. "

Li nanzhe deliberately said that he would return home in a week, that is to give the Zhao family a week's buffer period and let the Zhao family take the initiative to contact him, so that he would occupy the dominant position in the negotiation.

If the Zhao family is still indifferent in a week's time, the video that damages the face of the Zhao family will be exposed, and the pressure from the Li family of the Northern Dynasties will be taken together, and the Zhao family will be hit the hardest.


Zhao Youbin's red face began to turn purple, his lips trembled, but he didn't know what to do.

Li Nan zhe sneered contemptuously. When he turned to leave, the door of his study suddenly opened. He was wearing a long black dress, and his hair was randomly gathered behind his head by a white handkerchief. Zhao Xian Jing, who was a little pale, appeared at the door.


Zhao Youbin and Li nanzhe call out Zhao Xianjing's name at the same time.


Zhao Xianjing didn't look at Li nanzhe. She wiped his shoulder and went to the desk. She said in a low voice, "Dad, someone wants to talk to you."

In the past, when Zhao Xianjing saw Li nanzhe, her eyebrows would be filled with tenderness. But after hearing the conversation between him and her father outside the door, she realized how short-sighted she was and gave him all her love.

"Who?" asked Zhao

"I don't know."

A young man came in through the door.