Zhang Maofu is a young heavy truck driver. He is 23 years old. He is very big and has a big bald head. He is not a good driver.

In fact, it's true. Since Zhang Maofu bought this heavy truck two years ago and started long-distance logistics business, he encountered several accidents on the road. There are always some people who don't have long eyes bullying him, trying to get some benefits from him.

But as a result, all the people who want to profit from him have suffered a great loss.

In other words, Xiao Zhang is physically strong. He has been practicing Sanda with others since he was a child, and his strength is very strong. In addition, he is desperate when he fights, so he can't let go of ten strong guys.

It's Zhang Maofu driving himself again tonight.

So far, he has not rest for 29 hours. Although he had been drinking half a bottle of Baijiu liquor at the rest point four hours ago, he still feels sleepy.

Fortunately, in the early hours of the morning, it is the time when there are the least vehicles. Even if we take a walk occasionally, there will be no accident.

"Yawn - it looks like we'll have to sleep at the next break."

After closing his eyes and yawning, Zhang Maofu murmured.

He was so tired that the thunder that just exploded out of thin air didn't make him feel shocked. He still narrowed his eyes.

"We must have a rest this time, or something will happen."

Zhang Maofu was just about to open his eyes. He felt that his body was shocked, and then there was a bang!

Just as the spirit attached himself in an instant, all the tiredness of Zhang Maofu dissipated in an instant and suddenly opened his eyes.

Then he saw a car with its rear lights on, like a billiard ball hit hard by a club, rolling and flying away.

There seems to be a man standing in front of the car.

The man was hit by a heavy truck and flew out of the car. It was like a kite smashed down the highway.

At this time, another flash of lightning happened to light up, which made Zhang Maofu clearly see the man, who just fell on a stone under the highway, and then jumped up with countless blood.


Zhang Maofu slammed on the brake and was numb: I hit someone!

Zhang Maofu is not afraid of fighting and is desperate, but that doesn't mean he is not afraid after hitting a dead person.

"I've killed a man, I've killed a man!"

At this moment, Zhang Maofu felt weak and collapsed in the driver's seat.

But then, he straightened up and started the car quickly.

It's early in the morning. There are almost every few cars on the road. There are no cameras on the road nearby. It's raining again. Even if the scene escapes, I believe the police can't find out his clues.

And the most important point is that there is no obvious collision mark in front of the heavy truck. The car is too short, but it just touches the chassis of the heavy truck. When passing the toll station, it should not be found out. Just wait at the front rest point and stagger the time.

If you don't go now, when will you stay?

Zhang Maofu gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

Heavy truck issued a roar, whirring forward, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the roar of thunder, the heavy rain for a long time finally came down from the sky.

In less than a few minutes, the trace of Zhang Maofu's sudden braking was cleaned.

The Lamborghini was lying on the highway, like a returnee who couldn't reach out.

The spring city Zhao rate under the highway, has become a corpse, stare big unwilling eyes, very speechless appearance.


After a light rain this morning, the air quality in Beijing is much better.

In a villa in the eastern suburb.

Dressed in household clothes, Wang Chen came out of the restaurant, holding a stainless steel tray with two bowls of noodles, two cups of milk and a plate of pickles.

Today is July 26, the morning of the third day of Wang Chen's wedding.

According to the relevant laws of the state, Wang Chen can enjoy more than half a month's marriage, so he doesn't have to go back to work in Southern Hebei.

Of course, she and Gao Fei must go back a few days before the end of their marriage, because his brothers and friends in Southern Hebei didn't come this time.

He had to go back and set up a new table.

Wang Chen can also guess that when they return to southern Hebei, Gao Fei's brothers abroad, such as James, whiteboard, and even Ni'er, may come to congratulate Gao Fei on his wedding.

Ni'er is the mother of Gao Fei's son. Now it's Wang Chen who marries Gao Fei.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen had some inexplicable feelings.

It's true.

Back then, Wang Chen was just a little secretary beside Fang Xiaozhou. After meeting Gao Fei by accident, he had an inexplicable liking for this guy.

But at that time, Wang Chen also knew that Gao Fei and Shen Yinbing, the beauty president of Beishan group, were entangled.

Wang Chen asked himself that she was not as beautiful as Shen Yinbing.

The woman surnamed Shen is tall and cool. She is used to being a superior master. She is absolutely the best woman.

Conquering such a beautiful woman is absolutely everyone's dream in the world, and Wang Chen knows it very well.

So at that time, she didn't expect to marry goofy.

Later, Gao Fei left Shen Yinbing, but Qin Ziyang made up the position in time.

Compared with Shen Yinbing, Qin Ziyang is a different kind of beauty. No matter in appearance, figure or temperament, she is not inferior to Shen Yinbing. Moreover, she comes from a famous family, which is far from Wang Chen's granddaughter.

Of course, whether Shen Yinbing or Qin Ziyang, Wang Chen admits that they are very beautiful.

But she never felt inferior, because she knew very well that she had two things that women didn't have: quiet, virtuous, soft outside and strong inside, and absolute virtuous and helpful inside.

Men looking for women, not just for women beautiful temperament, more important is to give them a warm feeling of home.

Wang Chen swears that she can definitely give Gao Fei this feeling, because she is such a person, so she never gives up the "delusion" of marrying Gao family, even after Lao Chen comes forward and is politely refused by Fang Xiaozhou.

Now, it turns out that persistence always pays off.

No matter Shen Yinbing, Qin Ziyang, or Niu's no good Nier, they are all on the side. Only she, Wang Chen, has achieved the right result and is married by Gao himself.

Thinking of the extravagance of the wedding day, Wang Chen has a sense of pride: that's the first time old man Gao has been so ostentatious!

Of course, the wedding two days ago can only be regarded as "the last madness". From that day on, in a sense, even if Gao Fei really quit Gao's family, Gao's family will not give him support in the economic and other fields. Everything will be done by himself.

Well done, it's all up to you.

Gao family is also helpless to do so, because the relationship between Gao Fei's elegant brothers has been regarded as fire and water. If one of them does not leave Gao family, it is bound to be infighting and fratricidal, which will destroy Gao family's economic strength. This is what all Gao family people do not want to see.

Since one of the two brothers has to leave Gao's family, who will stay will become Gao's headache choice: Gao Fei is obviously more reliable than elegance, but elegance has always grasped Chunshu group, and the core of Gao's family has adapted to his existence, not to mention he does not have the strong adaptability of Gao Fei to fight in the society.

Elegance is like a flower in a greenhouse. It blooms brilliantly. Once it experiences wind and rain, it will die soon.

Elegance is no longer a tool, but he grew up in Gao's family after all, and he also knows how to advance and retreat at home - so in his original intention, Gao hopes elegance can stay.

Gao Fei also saw this point, so he took the initiative to ask to leave.

What's more, he doesn't want to stay in Gao's house: a lion used to being wild on the grassland, will he like the comfortable life of the zoo?

So the problem is solved and everyone is happy.

Gao Fei's active retreat makes the Gao family feel grateful and ashamed for him. That's why this influential wedding was held. It can be regarded as compensation from the Gao family.

Wang Chen knows all this, and knows that after the wedding, Gao Fei has basically lost the support of the Gao family.

But she won't care, instead, she has a relaxed feeling of breaking free from the shackles.

Just like many newly married couples in families, they always hope to live alone without their parents and create their own small world. No matter how hard it is, they will have no regrets.

What's more, after they get married and leave Gao's family, life will not be hard at all. Gao Fei now has hundreds of millions of wealth, even if Tianya group is facing the danger of bankruptcy, but what's the point?

Anyway, goofy has plenty of money.

The only thing that worries Wang Chen is the existence of Qin Ziyang.

Before her wedding with Gao Fei was confirmed, everyone thought that Gao Fei was dead at that time. Qin Ziyang's child became his only heir.

Qin Ziyang is in charge of Tianya group before old man Gao decides that Gao Fei will marry Wang Chen.

Now that they are married, Qin Ziyang, who is far away from Hong Kong, has not come back to attend the wedding, but how to deal with her relationship with Gao Fei?

This event became Wang Chen's heart.

A woman is like this. Before she gets married, her boyfriend will lose his family as he likes.

But once you get married?

Her boyfriend's property becomes her. Of course, she won't be allowed to share her cake with others. No matter what the reason, it must be done.

Wang Chen put breakfast on the table, sat in a chair, chin in both hands, staring at a place, thinking about these things.

"Good morning, yawn."

A long yawn interrupted Wang Chen's thoughts.

Wearing a white nightgown, Liu Xiaolong walked out of the bedroom sleepily.

"Good morning. Go to wash and get ready for breakfast."

Wang Chen smiles. For the time being, he doesn't want to think about how to treat Qin Ziyang. He sets up the dishes and chopsticks. That gentle and virtuous appearance is a little woman at home, which makes a husband feel warm at first sight.

"Oh, you can eat some first."

Liu Xiaolong looked at Wang Chen, then moved his eyes and quickly walked into the bathroom.

After hearing the sound of the door being closed, the busy Wang Chen stopped and sighed silently.

For a girl, the first time to become a woman is undoubtedly the most important moment in her life. Wang Chen has been married for two nights, but now she is still perfect.

She didn't even rest in the same bedroom with goofy.

I can't help it. Who let those female tigers of Chen family be too fierce? When Gao Fei met his bride, he got hurt in the back of his spine and couldn't do that kind of violent action any more.

Gao Fei must have a rest, and even bend down to tie his shoelaces carefully. Don't trigger old injuries, or he will be in a wheelchair in his next life.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen can't laugh or cry, but she can't blame anyone. After all, she insisted on retaining the link of "killing the baton".