After calming himself down completely, anguiwang's brain turns quickly, and the feeling of pain becomes more and more obvious, especially the wound where the body is pierced by the fire dragon bullet. With the uneven terrain, every oscillation will be painful.

Even she could feel blood oozing from the wound.

The taste of wound bleeding and pain is by no means a good taste, but anguiwang enjoys this feeling: wound pain is a good thing, only the wound that can't feel pain is fatal.

It's like before she was in a coma, she couldn't feel the pain of the wound, because the high fever had paralyzed her pain nerves.

Now the pain is back, which proves that the fever has begun to subside, so that's a good thing.

"Old fellow once said that people who are poisoned by fire dragon can not survive eight hours, and they will be burned to dementia. If they try to cool down by infusion, it will be thirty minutes at most. Should I survive eight hours now? Is it the evening sun, or - is it the morning sun, this is the morning sun

An Guiwang opened a gap in his eyes and saw the sun sweeping over the treetops. He was sure that it was the ecstasy in his heart after sunrise.

Chaoyang is always full of respect and vitality.

Before she was in a coma, anguiwang clearly remembered that when she was in a coma, it was evening, but now it was morning. It had been more than ten hours, but she was still alive, and she had not been burned as a fool, which showed that she had passed through the city of fire dragon, and the high fever was gradually receding.

As long as the high fever can go down, the injury of her body penetrated by bullets seems to be nothing to her at all.

"It's good to be alive!"

Anguiwang has never been relaxed. If it wasn't for someone else dragging her on the ground, she really wanted to shout and have a good sleep.

Her hands were tied in front of her, her feet were tied, a rope was tied between her feet, the other end of the rope was pulled, and she walked in the jungle.

"Boss, do you want to have a rest? The brothers are tired."

Just as Angui Wang Gang was about to open his eyes to see who was dragging her forward, a tired man's voice rang out and his body stopped immediately.

After hearing this "boss", an Guiwang knew that these people were not from the Chinese military and police.

If she is in a coma, she is captured by people from both sides of the Chinese military and police. When these people address each other, they will never use this kind of name full of quack, but will address officers, such as captain, director and so on.

The people who appeared on the battlefield yesterday, in addition to those from the Chinese military and police, were drug dealers from abroad.

Although the drug dealers also wear camouflage suits and carry standard weapons, they look like soldiers, but they are standard people in the Jianghu, so it's normal to call the chief boss.

"So I fell into the hands of the drug dealer. It's really lucky."

Anguiwang secretly laughed happily, thinking that her luck was really good to the extreme.

Of course, the luck of these drug dealers is also extremely bad.

The "prisoner" they thought they had captured was not a hostage to threaten the Chinese military and police at a critical time, but a deadly impermanence.

Unfortunately, they did not understand this, and they took great pains to drag this sorcerer.

"Well, let's have a rest."

A hoarse man's voice rang out: "bakoleh, you and Mahmoud are in charge of guarding. Although they are far away from the scene of the battle, they are still in China. They also have military dogs. They can't tell when they will be able to search. Ali, take out the food and give it out to make up for your strength. It's estimated that it will take a whole day to escape from the border. "

With the boss's order, the others agreed and went to work.

Anguiwang's eyes became a thread and looked around quietly.

In addition, there were six other people on the scene. The hoarse old man, who was sitting under a tree a few meters in front of her left, was a Middle Eastern with a full mouth and deep eyes.

As a matter of fact, the other seven people are all Middle Eastern people, that is, people who can be regarded as Afanti's Arab countries by riding a donkey with a piece of white cloth wrapped around their heads.

These people are as like as two peas in battle clothes.

But these people are much stronger than those in Southeast Asia. I believe this is one of the main reasons why they can successfully escape from the battlefield.

The old man sat down with his back against a tree, bent his legs and took off a small stainless steel flat bottle from his waist, which contained wine.

After Meimei had a drink, the boss was relieved and looked at an Guiwang.

Ali, who was in charge of food distribution, chewed a compressed biscuit, squatted in front of Angui king and asked, "boss, this guy is a small soldier at most. It doesn't necessarily attract the attention of the Chinese people. Is it necessary to continue to take him?"

The boss took another sip of wine and said faintly, "it's necessary. You don't know that Chinese people are the most hypocritical people in the world. The bigger the official is, the more hypocritical they are. If we only meet a pursuer, he will not be afraid of hostages. But if there are more than two, especially officials, they will worry about the life and death of their compatriots, even a small soldier. "

After a pause, the boss said, "besides, it's a jungle where speed is restricted. Even if we take him, we won't delay our walking speed... It's better not to use him. As long as we get to the safe area, we can do it directly."


Ali sat down on the floor and began to talk about something else: "well, I didn't expect that the loss would be so great this time. You are still the eldest. When Du Lang said that he wanted to cross the border and trade in China, he had a long mind. Otherwise, we would not have survived. "

Another man sneered with pride: "hum, Ali, you don't think about our boss's nickname. Thick snake. Snakes are the most sensitive creatures to danger. They are the children of the earth. If it wasn't for the vigilance of the boss, we would have died like Durang and them. Alas, I'm not willing to give so many goods and so many currencies to the Chinese people. "

If Liang Jiaojiao was present, she would be excited when she heard the name "rough snake".

This thick snake is a drug dealer who killed Luo Cheng's fiancee ten years ago.

Ten years ago, after killing Luo Cheng's fiancee, he immediately left Southeast Asia and returned to his own country, Qatar, to form his own drug trafficking network.

After years of painstaking efforts, the snake has now become one of the largest drug lords in the Middle East.

Snake, which is highly respected in the Middle East, is called the son of the earth.

So when Ali and others mentioned the nickname of thick snake, it was out of respect, without any derogatory meaning.

Snake is one of the most sensitive creatures to danger. In fact, it is the prudence of thick snake that enables them to escape from the battlefield.

When the fight against bandits started, the crude snake hinted that his men would retreat and let Du Lang and other drug lords fight. When the battle became white hot, they quietly retreated from the back mountain.

When they came to the back mountain, according to the meaning of Ali and others, they wanted to go down the mountain from the safe area with a diameter of more than 100 meters, but they were stopped by the thick snake and took them to retreat from the jungle on the right.

In the face of the disaster, thick snake still kept his calm: since the Chinese suddenly started fighting, it is enough to prove that people are well prepared, there is no reason not to send people to block the safety zone.

However, the mountain is so big and the environment is so complicated. If the snake doesn't believe that the Chinese will block the whole back mountain, he will bet that there will be no ambush on the right.

The snake made the right bet - in the process of sneaking down the mountain from the right side, although three of his companions fell into the bottomless cave, none of those who went down the mountain from the front could escape.

Maybe even God is helping the snake. At the end of the battle, when the Chinese military and police launched a joint search, it suddenly began to rain heavily.

Strong wind, rainstorm and debris flow forced the Chinese troops to stop searching, and also made rough snake and others escape.

When the debris flow occurred and all the Chinese Raiders were withdrawn to the cave, the thick snake came out of the hiding place and continued to abscond.

The route they took down the mountain was on the right, just the route Tietu chose on the left.

When they came to the valley that was about to be buried by the debris flow, they unexpectedly found a Chinese soldier lying in the bush. If it wasn't for the snake, they would not have found him.

At first, they thought it was a corpse. Ali rubbed his face at random and found that he was still alive, but he was in a coma with a high fever.

Ali's first reaction was to take out a dagger. As a result, the poor Chinese soldier was stopped by the snake, saying that it was more useful to take him away than to kill him on the spot.

So, the thick snake, they just took the comatose an GUI Wang and began to abscond.

All night long, they were shuttling through the jungle, eager to find their way across the border.

Unfortunately, the border has long been full of Chinese soldiers. It is impossible to cross the border. We have to walk westward in the jungle, hoping to find a place where there are no Chinese soldiers to guard.

One night's continuous escape exhausted the physical strength of the snake and others, and forced them to stop and rest.

Because they are always in the jungle, the thick snake and others don't know where they are, but they also know that it's not too far from the main battlefield, because it's a jungle, and they have to guard against the bottomless cave everywhere. How far can they go?

Screw on the lid of stainless steel wine bottle, thick snake light said: "goods and money are nothing, the important thing is to keep life. As long as there's life, there's a chance to enjoy it - OK, time's up, let's go. "

"Oh, let's go!"

Ali grabbed the rope on the ground to help angoui Wang, stood up and was about to drag her forward, but suddenly he staggered, hissed like a snake, and slowly turned to the ground.

Ali saw that the Chinese soldier, who was in a coma with a high fever, broke away the rope binding his hands and was looking at him with a smile.

That smile, very pure, even with a trace of gratitude.

The soldier's teeth are white and neat, like girls.

When Ali turned around with a cold breath, the snake saw his back and put a dagger in it. This dagger belonged to Ali, which he had just put under his feet when he was distributing food.

With a bang, Ali fell to the ground.

Then the snake saw the Chinese soldier whose hands were free again, and then with a low drink, he jumped into a tree and said, "kill him, quick! Don't shoot, use a knife

Rough snake orders his men to kill Angui Wang, but he is not allowed to shoot. He is afraid that the gunfire will lead to Chinese pursuers. That's really dangerous.