When the three of Tietu rushed into the valley, the battle on the mountain was coming to an end.

After the drug dealers were completely defeated, they were killed by the joint efforts of the Chinese military and police. Just like boiling soup and splashing snow, they could no longer organize any combat effectiveness. The smarter ones were still on their knees, while the brainless ones were either killed or killed in a desperate situation.

Occasionally, there will be a gunshot, but more of it is shouting, and the barking of police dogs and military dogs.

When Tietu went up the mountain from his left side, he also met two drug dealers who escaped by chance. Without blinking an eye, he directly shot and killed them. There was nothing to say with these drug dealers. From the day they went on this road, he should have thought of such an end.

Of course, Tietu also met his comrades in arms who killed the drug dealers. Everyone said hello to each other and then began to search.

During the journey of searching the upper half of the mountain, Tietu encountered a total of 11 bottomless caves, the largest of which was three or four meters in diameter, and the smallest was only half of the mouth of the well.

Even once, he almost fell into a bottomless hole hidden in the bush. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to catch the branch beside the master in time, and he was scared out in a cold sweat.

Now he finally knows why, before the battle, Dong Zhiyong repeatedly reminded us that we must pay attention to these bottomless caves: due to the special geology of the nearby mountains, the vast majority of these unfathomable bottomless caves are vertical, hundreds or more deep. If people fall down, who knows where they will go.

It took Tietu more than an hour to get to the hillside.

He raised his hand and wiped his sweat. After reporting peace to Bai Rong and his wife through the messenger, Tietu sat on a fallen tree branch and took out his cigarette box.

This is a branch about the thickness of the bowl. It may have been broken by lightning and other external forces. It has become a dead branch, covered with moss, and even fungus and mushroom.

On the side of the branch, there was a little bush.

All these things in front of Tietu's eyes were exactly the same as what he could see everywhere. There was nothing to pay attention to.

When Tietu took out the lighter, he lowered his head and was about to light a cigarette. His pupils suddenly shrank: the branch he was sitting on had traces of being moved, and there was a scratch several meters long on the ground. It was just that the ground was covered with fallen leaves, which he could not see clearly without looking carefully.

Tietu threw away his cigarette and jumped up, just like a hunting cheetah. His nerves were tense and he walked slowly towards the bush.

Brushing away the bushes, Tietu saw a hole about the mouth of the well.

There were still a few drops of blood on the leaves of the bushes near the hole.

Tietu quickly raised his head and glanced around. Then he slowly fell on the ground, crawled to the entrance of the cave, took off the flashlight and looked down.


Anguiwang let go in despair, willing to accompany Liang Jiaojiao to die together, is not like what she said, fulfilled the wishes of those people, but she did not want to live.

In the past, Angui Wang might not care about Liang Jiaojiao's life and death at all. She had already let go of her hand and tried to escape by herself. She came all the way to fight for a job. The armed helicopter that could shoot down the female deer in time on the battlefield and save Liang Jiaojiao would have done a good job. There was no need to accompany her to die.

She let go, that's because she is Gao Fei's little cousin!

Little cousin!

Although Shangguan Fengling has repeatedly stressed that even if she and Gao Fei have that kind of dirty relationship, the blood relationship between them has long been five clothes, so there is no need to worry about it.

But an Guiwang knew that it was Shangguan Fengling who comforted her.

Gao Fei's grandmother is her aunt. She and Fang Xiaochuan are serious cousins. Fang Xiaochuan's son is her nephew. How can this intimate relationship be changed by self deception?

Angui Wang loves Gao Fei or not. Let's not say for a moment. Just because of this chaotic relationship, she has no shame: don't forget that she took the initiative when they first met. In other words, she reversed her cousin.

How can this be embarrassing?

It's going to be damned!

It'll make her feel like death!

Others may regard her as a member of the evil way, and she also knows that the inheritance of Shura Road (underground Loulan) is basically inbreeding, but she never regards herself as a member of the evil way. She is just a king who is willing to give everything for the grand cause of her ancestors!

Maybe one day, she will open up her relationship with Gao Fei. Anyway, they just have that relationship and have no children. As long as they don't say it and others don't know it, they will be taken as being bitten by a dog... Who hasn't been bitten by a dog yet?

But Liang Jiaojiao's words, coupled with the cruel reality of shame, made her abandon herself. Then she let go and was willing to die.

The common people often say that if you die, you will never mind your relationship or origin.

When he fell from the darkness, anguiwang finally had a kind of relief, just like Liang Jiaojiao was very calm when she grabbed the rocket launcher.

Liang Jiaojiao is also very calm, did not issue the scream before she died.

be smashed to pieces.

Both of them are ready to break into pieces, to meet the loud sound coming soon, and the sharp pain of the moment.

The sound came as promised, the pain felt as promised... Just, the time seemed too short. Before they had any reaction, they fell back on the field again, and then they didn't know anything.

I do not know how long, Liang Jiaojiao opened her eyes.

It was still dark in front of my eyes. My whole body was in pain and I couldn't move a minute.

"It turns out that you can feel pain even after you die. It's not like people say that they don't know anything."

When Liang Jiaojiao smiles bitterly in her heart, she hears a cough mixed with pain.

Suddenly, Liang Jiaojiao instinctively turned over and sat up.

Too much movement, left shoulder pain, but the pain in other places, but not too unbearable.

"Who is coughing? Other ghosts? "

Liang Jiaojiao looked up and forward, her eyes widened, hoping to see something - but saw a basketball size aperture.

It's a bottomless hole.

Liang Jiaojiao had seen this aperture when she fell into the bottomless hole, but she was still alive at that time, so she wondered why she could still see that aperture after she died?


An unbearable Shen Yin voice came from her side. Liang Jiaojiao quickly bowed her head and saw a person: Gao Fei.

An Guiwang pretends to be Gao Fei.

Anguiwang lay on her side and curled up to prove that she didn't have a sense of security.

Although she issued intermittent Shenyin, but did not open her eyes, only the smell of blood, more intense.

"This is the case. Am I dead or not?"

Liang Jiaojiao shook her head and forced herself to concentrate, trying to figure out what the current situation was.

Finally, after five minutes, Liang Jiaojiao was sure that neither she nor Angui Wang was dead!

When Angui Wang released the cane and they fell into the dark bottom of the cave, they did not expect that there was a platform a few meters below their feet.

The platform was not big, and it was not peaceful, but it stopped them from falling, so that they did not fall straight into the bottom of the cave.

"I, we are still alive, great, great!"

Liang Jiaojiao wept with joy, forced to endure the sharp pain of the left shoulder gunshot wound, stretched to the waist.

Unfortunately, the first-aid kit and flashlight around her waist were not lost.

Liang Jiaojiao raised her hand and looked up and down first, then her excited heart suddenly cooled: there was a distance of 15 meters above, and the depth below was unfathomable. They fell on the abrupt platform, unable to reach the sky or the ground.

The most important thing is that the cane of Angui king was four or five meters high from them.

According to the slippery cave wall and her own injury, Liang Jiaojiao could not find any hope to catch the main cane and get out of danger.

But anyway, he didn't fall directly into the bottom of the cave to die, which is the greatest care of the mountain god.

As long as people are alive, there is hope to escape!

Putting the flashlight aside, Liang Jiaojiao took off her first aid kit and threw herself on the ground.

The battlefield first aid kit is equivalent to the emergency box used by barefoot doctors. It has all kinds of gauze, alcohol cotton, tweezers and knives. It can't cope with caesarean section, but it is more than enough to deal with gunshot wounds.

Seeing that anguiwang was still in a coma, Liang Jiaojiao didn't move her first. Instead, she tore open her left shoulder, picked up the alcohol cotton, wiped the wound, and bit a piece of gauze. Then she picked up the tweezers.

She saw with her own eyes that an Guiwang was punctured by a bullet. Although there was no bullet left in her body, the bullet hole would bleed continuously, but Liang Jiaojiao had to deal with her gunshot wound first, so that she could better treat an Guiwang.

It is no doubt very painful to clamp the bullet directly in her body with tweezers without anesthetics. Although she is biting gauze in her mouth, when she pinches the bullet out, she is still in cold sweat and almost faints.

Fortunately, she persisted, took a short rest, sprinkled anti-inflammatory powder and other drugs on the wound, and bandaged it roughly.

Although the shoulder is still painful, this injury is skin and flesh injury for Liang Jiaojiao. As long as the warhead is taken out, it's OK to do a few simple actions.

After dealing with her wound, Liang Jiaojiao helps an Guiwang up, leans her back on her and begins to undress her.

Inside the camouflage suit is the shirt, inside the shirt is the vest, inside the vest is a layer of tightly wrapped gauze.

Thanks to these gauze: after the gauze quilt bullet was punctured, it moved along with anguiwang's rolling action, blocking the wound, which did not make her lose a lot of blood and die.

After seeing this layer of gauze tightly wrapped up in an Guiwang's body, Liang Jiaojiao finally affirmed that she was a woman.

As the gauze with blood is untied, the female characteristics of an Guiwang are exposed to Liang Jiaojiao.

"Isn't it hard to be so tight every day? But she's really good at changing looks. She can't see the appearance of makeup. She can change her voice more. "

With emotion, Liang Jiaojiao slowly turns an Guiwang's body around. When she sees the bullet hole, she feels a chill in her heart. She can't imagine how an Guiwang survived after the bullet pierced this part of her body. She fought back against Liao Wusi and rolled down the mountain with her in her arms.

Liang Jiaojiao is sure that if she was injured like this, let alone fight back immediately, it would be very good if she didn't die on the spot.

At the same time, it was also confirmed that the gun Liao Wusi used to shoot Angui king was not ordinary micro bullet. It was likely that it was a special kind of armor piercing bullet, which was specially prepared to kill her.