After hearing Tietu say that Liang Jiaojiao won't quit the mission, Bai rongtou asked, "why? You are not a woman. How can you understand what she thinks? "

Iron Tu light answer: "you should know Liang Jiaojiao here for more than half a year, have done something."

When Liang Jiaojiao came to Hong Kong to be the first leader, what she did has been sorted out into information, which has been carefully read by Bai Rong several times.

According to her achievements, she could be promoted, but she refused again and again.

As a woman, Bai Rong knows why Liang Jiaojiao did this: she didn't come to the border for promotion or career, but for... Death.

After she was forced to leave Gaofei, Liang Jiaojiao no longer had confidence in her future. She felt that the world was too dark and there was really nothing to miss, so she took the initiative to come to the forefront of anti drug work and do the most dangerous work.

She hopes that one day she can die, in this way to the dignitaries, roar out her voice of a girl.

In fact, Liang Jiaojiao herself also knows that the relationship between her and Gao Fei is far from being as close as glue and inseparable as life and death. She is more like a rumored partner.

However, she is a proud woman, but also some silly, do not want to accept the fate of the arrangement, just want to use an extreme way to tell some people that she is proud.

Strictly speaking, Liang Jiaojiao is a little silly, but this is the real Liang Jiaojiao.

If she doesn't get promoted, she just wants to stay in the anti drug center of Hong Kong. This is the place where the death rate of police officers in the anti drug center of China is the best. She believes that one day, she will sacrifice. She hopes that when the news of her sacrifice reaches some people's ears, they will be surprised and momentarily absent-minded.

Of course, Liang Jiaojiao also knows that her life and death are nothing to some people.

She didn't plan to make those people repent.

She has only one purpose, that is to make Gao Fei feel guilty for her death, if Gao Fei still has conscience.

It's absolutely stupid to exchange your life for others' guilt.

Just the women in the world, in front of the feelings of men and women, how many people are not stupid?

Just like Bai Rong, after seeing Mo Gu Yan, isn't it for the sake of face that she takes tie Tu as her shield?

Tietu is not a woman, but from Liang Jiaojiao's materials, he clearly saw the girl's heart.

Bai Rong looked at the front, nodded a long time later, and said bitterly: "yes, she will not withdraw from this mission, whether she knows or does not know the truth."


"Mr Tung, I will never withdraw from this mission!"

Liang Jiaojiao, who was called to the temporary headquarters by Dong Zhiyong alone, heard that she could not take part in tomorrow's operation. She stood up from her chair with an indescribable anger on her face: "director Dong, I will not withdraw from the operation, not because the intelligence is provided by us for Hong Kong's anti drug operations, but because of me..."

Dong Zhiyong raised his hand and interrupted Liang Jiaojiao's words: "I am very clear about what you said, because no matter whether you participate in this operation or not, the information provided by Hong Kong will be rewarded with super value."

Liang Jiaojiao asked: "then why should I withdraw from this operation alone?"

"It was arranged by the superior."

Dong Zhiyong is a platitude, moving out of the leadership's big hat: "this is also a kind of protection for you."

"I don't need any protection."

Liang Jiaojiao said coldly: "if I retreat temporarily, then I can't raise my head in the future. Director Dong, you can imagine that when my comrades in arms were fighting the drug lords to death, I went back to my unit alone. If people ask me how I went back, how would people think of me when I left or went back? How can I... "

With a slap, Dong Zhiyong slapped the table hard and roared in a low voice: "Liang Jiaojiao, I repeat once again, this is the order! Now, hand over your weapons immediately and leave here according to my arrangement! "

Liang Jiaojiao slapped her gun on the table, turned around and left, but said, "without guns, I will not go back. I know where the fight is. Two weeks ago, I went around that place a few times. "

Dong Zhiyong was very angry and pointed at Liang Jiaojiao: "Liang Jiaojiao, do you dare to resist?"

Liang Jiaojiao turned around, looked at Dong Zhiyong, sneered and asked in a low voice, "director Dong, the so-called instructions from the superior leaders should come from Jinghua, right?"

"How do you know?"

Dong Zhiyong asked rhetorically.

Liang Jiaojiao took a deep breath, looked up at the roof and said, "director Dong, I don't want to say more about the details. I just want to say one word. If you do not allow me to participate in this operation, I will never return to Hong Kong alive! "

"You, you are unreasonable!"

Dong Zhiyong was really helpless and cheered“ You go out, I'll call and ask! "

Without hesitation, Liang Jiaojiao opened the door and came out.

Standing in the corridor, looking at the dark night in the distance, Liang Jiaojiao didn't move. She didn't mind that the heavy rain hit her hard and made her drenched.

A few minutes later, Dong Zhiyong's voice rang from the room: "Comrade Liang Jiaojiao, your phone."

"From Jinghua, pay attention to what you say!"

Dong Zhiyong covered the microphone and whispered an order. Then he handed the mobile phone to Liang Jiaojiao.

Liang Jiaojiao took the phone, put it in her ear and said, "I'm Liang Jiaojiao."

On the other side of the mobile phone, there came an old man's voice, very thick, with a trace of kindness: "Jiaojiao, be obedient, quit this task."

Liang Jiaojiao frowned slightly, then suddenly thought of a person.

In order to avoid suspicion, Dong Zhiyong went to the rear window. He looked at Liang Jiaojiao from the corner of his eyes, but his heart was like waves.

He really didn't expect that Liang Jiaojiao, who had never paid special attention to before, had such a big origin that she could talk directly with the respected old man.

You must know that even the top leader of Lingnan province is not qualified to ask that old man to call in person to explain something.

Similarly, Liang Jiaojiao didn't expect that, but after shock, she soon recovered her calm, said flatly, "no matter what the reason is, no matter who comes out, I won't quit the task at this time."

"OK, but you have to listen to me and make a decision after I tell you the truth."

The old man on the phone was unexpectedly kind. After a moment of silence, he simply explained the main reason why Liang Jiaojiao withdrew from the operation.

Gao Fei is a fake. An Guiwang disguises himself.

It's a trap for her.

She's just a decoy. She'll have her own people on this mission.

To avoid the absolute success of the mission, she had to withdraw from the operation.

There is no room for negotiation, because the relevant parties have regarded the killing of Angui king as the most important case after the founding of the people's Republic of China. Once Liang Jiaojiao is involved in it and is held hostage by the vigilant Angui king, the people who perform the task will never let Angui king go because of her holding, except that she died together!

This plan, named operation dawn, is classified as top secret.

Liang Jiaojiao was completely shocked silly, holding a mobile phone Leng for three minutes, even the eyelashes did not move.

The old man on the other side of the mobile phone, after giving her enough digestion time, sighed: "Alas, child, quit the task, transfer from your current job."

"I, I want to ask a question."

Liang Jiaojiao swallowed the foam hard.

"You asked

"That ANN, that she, is sure to come?"

"I've already gone."


Liang Jiaojiao suddenly breathed out a long breath and said with a smile, "then I won't quit this mission - because I want to see her. She can run so far for me, regardless of danger. If I leave like this, my conscience will be condemned. I don't want to be condemned by my conscience in the future. I'm sorry. "

Without waiting for the old man over there to say anything, Liang Jiaojiao took off her mobile phone and gave it to Dong Zhiyong. She consciously went out.

Still standing in the corridor where she had just stood, Liang Jiaojiao looked at the dark night outside and suddenly felt very warm.

No matter who that person is, it's enough to care about her.

Not long time, Dong Zhiyong's voice came from the room: "Liang Jiaojiao."

"Here we are."

Liang Jiao Jiao stood up and agreed in a low voice.

"Return to the team."


When Liang Jiaojiao turned and strode back, a flash of lightning suddenly split the night sky in two, making her eyes look particularly bright.

The wind was strong and the rain was heavy. The mountains were whimpering in the storm, and there was also a sigh.


On the fifth day of the sixth lunar month, on the 20th of the seventh lunar month, at three o'clock in the afternoon.

The sky is blue. The sun is shining in the sky in the West. Above the vegetation of the mountains, there is a piece of steam that can be seen by the naked eye. A green snake slowly goes around the top of the tree and looks at a tree frog not far away.

Last night's torrential rain, if it was placed in a city in the mainland, would probably cause a flood. However, there are not many traces left here. Even the water level in the stream has returned to the original level. Only in a distance, there will be the sound of water flowing into the funnel.

Bottomless cave.

The reason why the rain disappeared so quickly after the heavy rain was that there were countless bottomless holes exposed or hidden in the bushes under the competing mountains.

No one knows how deep these holes are, how much space they contain, where they lead to, and what they contain.

According to the local government statistics, after the founding of the people's Republic of China, a total of 69 people were unfortunately transferred to these bottomless caves. Only one person survived to climb out of a cave 30 kilometers away. The rest of the people are gone forever.

This living person, also did not leave too much useful information to everybody, because he was crazy.

After he was found out, he went crazy.

On his face, there was a trace of being scratched by some animal's sharp teeth. Before the hospital could find out what animal he was scratched by, green blood flowed out of the wound.

It's green blood, just like jade, crystal clear and sticky.

Then, the man became a green man and died.

The rabbit dreamed that he had become a green man and sat up with a scream.

His back basket was beside him, and there was no shortage of wild animals hanging on the shotgun. The breeze passed through the corridor of the high-rise building, with the unique freshness of the tropical rainforest. The sun was shining in the sky, the mountains were quiet, and occasionally there was a bird call.

The rabbit rubbed his eyes and shook his head. He was sure that he had just been dreaming, so he sat in the corridor of the high-rise building, and nothing happened.

After scratching the back of his head, the rabbit was stunned for a long time. Then he recalled last night, as if he had been knocked unconscious by something.

Subconsciously, when the rabbit looked downstairs to find the banana fan, there was a clear shot in the mountains behind him.