When Shen Yinbing returned to Beishan group, it was just the time to get off work.

She has to come back to know the outcome of the emergency meeting, and then go back to the hospital.

Jiao Enzuo seems to know that Shen Yinbing has to come back, so he specially waits for her in the office.

"Mr. Shen, is vice president Yan OK?"

Although Jiao Enzuo doesn't look down on Yanhong, he still has to pretend to care because of his affection.

"It's OK, but there are some concussions. It's not a big problem to rest for one night."

Shen Yinbing shook her head in a flat tone and directly changed the topic: "what was the result of the meeting?"

This emergency meeting is a well-known large enterprise in the world. It pays attention to Beishan group and hopes that both sides can establish a business partnership to jointly develop an air energy engine.

It is reported that this kind of air energy engine, which pays special attention to environmental protection, does not grow any gasoline, diesel and liquefied gas. Instead, it relies on compressed air to generate energy and make power.

In the future, the society will pay special attention to environmental protection, so all kinds of green products will come out one after another. Maybe in the near future, cars running on the street will no longer need to burn gasoline, but will directly rely on air energy.

Shen Yinbing has learned about this technology before, and also knows that the research technology of that large foreign enterprise in this field has come to the forefront of the world. This time, the other party's initiative is not a matter of whether they can cooperate, but a matter of how much voice and profit they will have in this project after reaching a partner.

Profit is the eternal theme of shopping malls. All operations are carried out around these two words.

Jiao Enzuo carefully introduced the attitude of each shareholder towards cooperation and the bottom line discussed at the meeting, and finally said: "I think the other party will definitely not accept our terms."

Shen Yinbing gave a cool smile: "they will accept it, because what they lack now is research funds. As for us, the most important thing we need is Funds - OK, let me see the specific minutes of the meeting, and then you can bring me their detailed information. "

Shen Yinbing is very optimistic about this project, and knows that as long as the operation is good, this is also a turning point of Beishan group's gradual transformation. After all, all the businesses of the company are facing fierce market competition and lower profits.

Night, gradually come, soon deep down.

Shen Yinbing, who devoted herself to her work, didn't notice this until she picked up her mobile phone and saw that it was more than 11 o'clock in the night.

"Oh, I forgot to go to the hospital to take care of Hong Jie, damn it!"

Shen Yinbing stood up and walked out of the office before he could clear up the documents.

As soon as she walked out of the office, Su Qing came out from the opposite Secretariat: "Mr. Shen, do you want to go to the hospital?"


Shen Yinbing then turned around and said, "Su Qing, you can get off work. You don't have to accompany me to the hospital... I'm sorry for delaying you to get off work again. I'll make it up at the end of the month."

"You are very kind, Mr. Shen."

Su Qing quickly and humbly refused.

"That's it. All right, I have to go."

Shen Yinbing dropped this sentence and went to the elevator.

After President Shen walked into the elevator, Su Qing came to the corridor window and dialed a mobile phone number.

But there, as she dialed in the afternoon, there was always the sound of turning off the phone.

She had no choice but to turn off the phone and looked uneasily at the northwest night sky.

In the night sky of Northwest China, the bright star in the past has become dim.

"Wang Xing is about to fall. What's the matter?"

As soon as Su Qing's face changed, there was a cold sweat in her palm. She didn't dare to hesitate any more and ran to the elevator.

Shen Yinbing didn't know that not long after she left, her secretary Su Qing drove to the eastern suburb like a lightning bolt. She just frowned and thought about something and came to the central hospital.

The inpatient department of the central hospital will close at a certain time in the evening. Shen Yinbing really had a hard time before she was allowed to enter the floor of Yanhong's hospital.

As soon as she said thank you to the nurse who opened the door, she saw a ward round nurse rushing over: "Zhang Ping, have you noticed the patient in ward 1509? That's Yan Hong! "

The nurse named Zhang Ping shook her head without thinking: "no, what's the matter?"

"She's gone!" cried the nurse

"What, red sister is gone?"

Shen Yinbing was surprised, but she didn't care what to say. She pushed Zhang Ping away and ran to Yan Hong's ward.

Yan Hong lives in a single senior ward, where she lives.

Shen Yinbing ran over and opened the door. The room was empty. Who was there?

"When did sister Hong disappear?"

"She was still lying here when I made the rounds half an hour ago. Why is she missing now?"

The two nurses are in charge of the senior ward.

Now a patient who lives in a senior ward has disappeared, so they have to shoulder a lot of responsibility. Zhang Ping is so anxious that she has to cry.

Shen Yinbing walked into the ward, looked at it carefully and said, "it doesn't matter. She left on her own when she woke up."

After so many setbacks, Shen Zong's nerves are much stronger than those of the two nurses. When she finds that even the shoes on the ground are still put in order, she knows that Yan Hong is waking up and running away by herself.

To Yanhong call, but it came to the sound of shutdown.

Shen Yinbing thought about it and ignored the nurse. She quickly walked out of the ward area and dialed a mobile phone number after leaving the inpatient department.

It's goofy's cell phone number, and there's also a sound of shutting down.

"Both shut down?"

Shen Yinbing came to the car, opened the door and was stunned for a moment. He suddenly understood something and immediately began to call people.

This time, the person who was called didn't turn off the power. After waiting for a few seconds, a lazy man's voice came: "Hey, what are you doing calling me in the middle of the night? I've been training all day and I'm very tired. "

Shen Yinbing said lightly: "you will not feel tired after hearing the news I said."

"He said

Ye Xinshang sits up from the board window, picks up the water cup by the light outside, and drinks cold boiled water.

He was refreshed by the cold water.

During this period of time, he has always stayed in the fruit processing base in the southern mountain area of Beishan group, training Shen Yinbing's staff secretly.

After half a year's training, Shen Yinbing's combat and tracking skills of these veterans recruited from all over the country have been greatly improved, far exceeding those of the special forces in active service. If they are released to carry out their duties, they will surely be brilliant.

Shen Yinbing's voice came clearly from the mobile phone: "someone wants to kill Gao Fei."

If you are an ordinary person, you will be shocked when you hear that your brother will be killed by someone.

But ye Xinshang didn't even shake his eyebrows. He just laughed and didn't take it seriously. It seems that the news Shen Yinbing told him is to remind him that it's time to get up and pee, so as not to make bed wetting ridiculous.

Ye Xinshang knows that there are so many people who want to kill Gao Fei that they hate him to the bone if they only talk about an Guijiao. It's not uncommon. Is it necessary to make such a fuss?

Can't wait for leaf heart hurt sun smile from the corner of the mouth, leaf heart hurt and cold said: "to kill him that person, is his own people."


Ye Xinshang put the right hand of the water cup, stiff, and then asked: "who are you?"

"I don't know the details, because I listen to red sister."

Shen Yinbing did not explain too much, simply said: "you come to the city right now, I'll wait for you in the square, wait until you come!"

"Well, half an hour at most, you wait!"

Ye Xinshang didn't hesitate any more. He jumped down, dressed quickly and rushed out of the room.

Half an hour later, ye Xinshang meets Shen Yinbing.

The woman stood in front of the car under the street lamp, holding her arms in her hands, her left foot cocked up and stepped on one side of the wheel, her chin raised slightly, her eyes looked at the night sky at a 45 degree angle, and the night wind blew up her hair and skirt, making her look indescribable elegant and dusty.

This posture, I don't know how long it's been here. It's like a statue.

Of course, also very pretend - is not afraid of the color of the wolf will hit her idea?

Seeing that ye Xinshang got out of the car, Shen Yinbing's statue seemed to be resurrected. He stretched out his right index finger and hooked it to him.

This action looks very frivolous, but it is with irresistible charm, otherwise ye Xinshang would not come here obediently.

Shen Yinbing threw the key to the car to him: "get in the car, talk about it on the road."

"Where to?"

"Eastern suburbs."

When Shen Yinbing said these two words, he had already opened the door and sat on the co driver's seat.

Ye Xinshang didn't say anything more. He opened the door, got on the car and started the car. The white BMW let out an unwilling roar and roared out.

When the car drove up century avenue, which directly leads to the eastern suburbs, Shen Yinbing withdrew her eyes from the window and said faintly, "I just went to work this morning. I held an emergency meeting, but Hong Jie didn't attend. Instead, she was in a hurry to drive somewhere - now I'm sure that she just wanted to go to the eastern suburbs to find Gao Fei."

Ye Xinshang didn't say a word, just listening.

Shen Yinbing raised her hand to lift the hair between her eyebrows and continued: "but when she drove past the intersection of the mobile hall, she had a car accident. Fortunately, there was no big problem. She just fainted. When I was guarding her, she suddenly said in a coma, "let Gaofei never go to Lingnan, a place called zhengcha, because it's a trap. Someone of her own wants to plot against him..."

Ye Xinshang's eyes narrowed slightly.

He didn't have much impression on Yan Hong, but he was very concerned about the key words she said in the coma: Lingnan, fight for difference, trap, own people!

Shen Yinbing continued: "when I finished handling the company's affairs and rushed back to the hospital, red sister disappeared. I call her cell phone number and turn it off. I call goofy's cell phone number, and it's also off. "

Ye Xinshang didn't speak, but the speed of the car was even faster. The car was like a white lightning in the dark. The speed of the car was more than 200 miles, which made Shen Yinbing feel dizzy. He quickly closed his mouth and grasped the handle.

In the past, Shen Yinbing had to drive for an hour. In less than 20 minutes, ye Xinshang crunched in front of Tianya group.

As soon as the car stopped, Shen Yinbing opened his seat belt and jumped down. He took a deep breath on his back, which suppressed the tumbling retching.

Ye Xinshang ignores her and strides to the door. Just as he reaches for the iron door, the door opens. Liang Ming and several people come out.

Liang Ming's face is anxious. When he comes out to see Ye Xin hurt, he is stunned. When he is about to ask what, he sees Shen Yinbing again. He opens his mouth and asks, "are you looking for Gao Fei?"

"How do you know?"

Shen Yinbing asked.