The female shaman also told moye ningrong that Princess Lingyu's attempt to subvert the Han Empire with the plague would be punished by heaven and would die in the Central Plains.

It's impossible to expect Princess Lingyu to rebuild Loulan. The dead can't do anything.

The task of rebuilding Loulan lies in the other daughter of Angui king, moye ningrong.

However, the female shaman also told moye ningrong that if she wants to rebuild the new Loulan, she must have her own belief.

Because moxie ningrong, born to Angui king and Saint, is a Shura constitution, the female shaman made her believe in Nvwa Niang, which is a human snake in ancient Chinese legend, and has amazing similarities with Shura.

Only by acquiring the empress Nuwa believed by the Han people can Loulan be preserved, and can it avoid the iron riding of quemoola's descendants many years later

Sure enough, as the female shaman said, Princess Lingyu went to the Central Plains and died mysteriously on the eve of the great plague.

But before she died, she created a very powerful cult, named after her father, Angui cult.

The aim of anguijiao is to overthrow the Central Plains and rebuild the strongest empire in the world.

Before her death, Princess Lingyu wrote all her skills and belongings in the four scriptures, an GUI Jing.

After the death of Princess Lingyu, moye ningrong followed the instructions of the female shaman and went down the mountain to recruit Loulan. Fortunately, the surviving people rebuilt Loulan, built a forest temple and began to worship empress Nuwa.

But she didn't know when the descendants of quimola would overthrow the Central Plains, so she asked people to carve a statue of quimola according to the description of female shaman, and ponder over the statue every day, hoping to learn something from it.

In her later years, moye ningrong still didn't realize anything from the statue of quimola. Later, because of her body, nature and other reasons, she loved Yin and cold, so she let people build an underground ice cave and continue to have epiphany there.

In the ice caves, moye ningrong never forgot the Enlightenment of quimola, which led to the relief of quimola on the stone gate.

With the death of moye ningrong, the people of Loulan gradually forget quemoola, leaving only its legend.

But slowly, the legend of quimola was submerged in the corridor of time, and the statue of quimola was locked up. It was not until more than 700 years ago that the Mongols, riding on horses and holding long knives, swept the whole world that Loulan knew what quimola meant.

The prophecy of female shaman in Qilian Mountain has come true.

However, because Loulan people believe in Nu Wa Niang, they escaped from the disaster when quimola ran wild in the world.

"Now, we all know what this statue of quimola with a history of nearly two thousand years stands for, and it has lost the meaning of prophecy. It just means that it is an antique or a legend."

After talking about the past and present life of the stone statue of quemoola, Tuoba Qianjun Mosuo said: "of course, there are still quemoola's descendants in the world today. They always try to follow the will of Princess Lingyu to create the glory of quemoola. This descendant is the leader of anguijiao, who is a typical person in the evil way. Seven days after last autumn equinox, she once... "

When Tuoba Qianjun said this, moxie Zhengdong coughed gently. He immediately woke up and closed his mouth.

On the seventh day of last year's autumnal equinox, anguiwang was killed by himself. If it wasn't for Gaofei, Tietu and yexinshang, now moye's expedition to the east might have been poisoned by her. The moye family would have disappeared completely and the underground Loulan would have changed its owner.

Gao Fei experienced it personally. Although he lost his memory now, Tuoba Qianjun was sure to think of something from it, and subconsciously tried to think about it. It was not good for his wound, so moxie Zhengdong stopped him from going on.

Gao Fei seems to be aware of something. He glances at moye and asks, "high priest, seven days after the autumn equinox last year, did the so-called quemoyla descendant anjui ever come here?"

Although he forgot the past events, his thinking of inferring problems did not disappear. From Tuoba Qianjun's words, he guessed that quemoola's descendants had been here at the autumn equinox last year.

Tuoba Qianjun didn't speak and looked at moxie Zhengdong.

With a sigh in the dark, moxie Zhengdong took over the words: "yes, quemoola's descendants came last autumn equinox."

Goofy asked, "what's that man doing here?"

Moye Zhengdong looked at the sculpture of quimola and said slowly, "she's here to assassinate me and the whole moye family. I hope she can take Loulan in. Because she thinks Loulan is the country of her ancestor Princess Lingyu and should be taken back. "

Gao Fei laughed and said, "she didn't know that your ancestor moye ningrong was also the daughter of Angui king? Her ancestors and yours are half sisters. Who is in charge of Loulan

Moye Zhengdong shook his head: "it's different, because more than 2000 years ago, the people of Loulan only knew that Princess Lingyu was the descendant of Angui king. However, the identity of our ancestor moye ningrong is hidden and unknown, even Princess Lingyu and her ancestors don't know. It's not until the ancestor goes down the mountain that the female shaman tells her this. But the descendants of Princess Lingyu never admit it. They think that their ancestors stole their ancestors' country, so they have been trying to recapture Loulan for thousands of years. "

Gao Fei thought about it, nodded and said, "well, if I were the descendant of Princess Lingyu, I would not be happy... However, it seems that the descendant of Princess Lingyu is not as powerful as your moye family. Did the female shaman guess that there would be today when she was performing arts, so she passed on the real Kung Fu to your ancestors?"

"It's not like that. When Princess Lingyu was studying with female shamans in Qilian Mountain, she was one year earlier than her ancestors. It's not that her aptitude was inferior to her ancestors. The main reason is that she felt that her personal bravery was inferior to the skills of governing the world, such as Qimen dunjia and Qihuang."

Moye Zhengdong explained: "so most of her energy is spent on learning these skills. However, the ancestors were fond of martial arts and almost inherited the female Shaman's martial arts. At that time, their interests directly affected their later generations' attainments in martial arts. "

Gao Fei nodded: "Oh, I see. Your ancestors are proficient in martial arts, while Princess Lingyu is good at learning to govern the world. So her descendants can't beat you, but they are not willing to. But I don't understand why they come to trouble in the spring equinox and autumn equinox? "

Moye Zhengdong may feel that the palace is too low and oppressive, or he may not want to see the statue of quimola and walk slowly out of the palace.

Goofy and I followed.

After walking to the imperial garden, moxie Zhengdong stopped, took a deep breath, looked at the meridian clock above the palace hall, and said: "whenever the noon clock rings seven days after the vernal equinox and autumnal equinox, my kung fu will disappear for an hour, and the whole person will become as vulnerable as a baby. At this time, it is her best chance to assassinate me."

Gao Fei frowned: "disappear? Well, how can Kung Fu disappear for an hour? "

Moye Zhengdong explained faintly: "this is the biggest characteristic of the Kung Fu that our ancestors learned in those years. There are two periods of devolution every year. After an hour, the skill will be improved. Do you know the snake slough

Snake molting is snake molting, which is a physiological phenomenon. It begins to molt from birth. It molts 2-3 times a year, up to more than 10 times. The number of molting is more, which indicates that the growth and development is fast, otherwise it is slow.

Goofy shook his head: "it seems to know, and it seems not to know."

After he came to his senses, he had forgotten many things, including snake molting.

Moye Zhengdong patiently explained it to him, and then said: "our slough period is the same as snake slough, and the descendants of Princess Lingyu also know it, so they can only come at this time if they want to take back Loulan. However, as far as I know, they have only been here twice in the past 100 years... "

Moxie Zhengdong just said here, Gaofei suddenly interrupted her: "in fact, there is a world outside, right?"

Moxie Zheng Dong a stay, Leng for a moment to ask: "why do you want to say so?"

After Gao Fei wakes up from injury, moxie Zhengdong tells him that this is the world he lives in. Since he was born here, as for his parents, he died many years ago.

In this world, there are seven suns, seven moons, thousands of stars, a black dragon mountain, a forest, a black city, and a royal palace in the sky - this land about 30 kilometers long and wide is the world.

Gaofei looked into moye Zhengdong's eyes and said slowly: "Loulan is not big. If you want to find out an Guiwang, it should be very simple. You said that in the past 100 years, those people have come to assassinate you twice, which means that those people are hiding elsewhere. Most of all, the legend of quimola that the high priest told me

Tuoba Qianjun once mentioned Qilian Mountain, Central Plains and Mongolian cavalry sweeping the world when he told Gao Fei about the legend of quimola, but he said Loulan had escaped the catastrophe because of her belief in Nu Wa Niang.

For a long time, moye Zhengdong wanted Gao Fei to believe that what he vaguely remembered was only in his dream. The so-called world was about 30 kilometers long and wide, with a mountain, a forest and a black city.

But Tuoba Qianjun was talking about those things, but he inadvertently mentioned the Central Plains and the Mongolian Empire.

Moye Zhengdong also said that the descendants of Princess Lingyu would assassinate her in the spring equinox and autumn equinox.

What does this show?

It can only show that there is a world outside, just as Gao Fei said next: "Your Highness, although I can't remember the past, I'm not stupid."

Tuoba Qianjun's face began to look bad. He didn't expect that when he told the legend, he accidentally showed so many feet, which made him feel guilty. Just as he opened his mouth to explain something, moxie Zhengdong waved his hand: "high priest, you step down first."

Tuoba Qianjun didn't say anything. He bent down to salute her slightly, turned around and left, and soon disappeared at the other end of the royal garden.

"You're right."

Unable to see Tuoba's back, moxie Zhengdong gave a bitter smile: "there is a world outside. I cheated you before."

But goofy shook his head and said, "you cheated me because of the injury in the back of my head. You're afraid that when I know there's a world out there, I'll try to think about it and affect the wound. I understand that, and I appreciate it

After hearing what he said, moye Zhengdong was relieved.

Gao Fei said, "is the outside world my dream world?"