Looking at the honest monk with a low eyebrow, Gao Fei sneered: "why, nothing to say?"

On the surface, he is asking the honest monk, but in fact, he is asking the old Taoist: you just said that the evil way should not come out to destroy the society, and you just killed those two people, saying that they died properly. So why did the honest monk kill so many people in the past, but you didn't kill him and take him in to protect him? Is it because he can recite Amitabha?

Before the old Taoist priest spoke, Gao Fei saw that the honest monk suddenly turned his right hand. He pointed his fingers like a knife in the middle of the meal and stabbed him in his own throat. He was faster than lightning. He was full of strength!

When he was in the mausoleum of Genghis Khan in Outer Mongolia, Gao Fei once fought with the honest monk. He knew the value of his force very well. Of course, he could see that the old bald donkey would stab himself in the throat and die on the spot.


Gao Fei was surprised. He didn't expect that the honest monk would commit suicide.

He was surprised and lost his voice. It was not that he was reluctant to die, but that the old bald donkey could not die before he got the black cover of an GUI Jing.

However, the honest monk's suicide action is too fast, even if Gao Fei's skill is extraordinary, he can't stop it.

Gao Fei's exclamation did not stop, but the old Taoist's dirty sleeve was thrown, just like Qingfeng Buddha crossing the mountain, sweeping the honest monk's right hand to one side, and yelling angrily: "up! Although you have killed countless people for the evil way, those are just God's will and have nothing to do with you. Why bother about this and cut off the next generation of tomb keepers of Lord Luo! "

The old Taoist's words mean that although you are a devil and do harm to countless people, the people who are killed by you are all damned. God has appointed you to clean up.

Your present task has been completed, so it's time for you to put down your butcher's knife and stop doing it. In the future, you will concentrate on being the tomb keeper of the next generation, and you will become one of the six samsara in the next life.

The honest monk suddenly turned over and knelt down in front of the old Taoist priest, touched the ground with his forehead and cried out: "Taoist priest, please allow the disciples to wash away their sins with their lives. These days, whenever I think of those who died, I will have nightmares and suffer a lot. I'm afraid that in such a state, I can't shoulder the heavy responsibility of guarding Luo's tomb. "

"You can't die. It's God's will."

The old Taoist was not moved. He turned to look at Gao Fei and said, "it's time for you to go. I'm afraid I can't help but let you stay here forever."

"I have two more questions."

But Gao Fei didn't move. He said stubbornly, "please help me solve these two problems, and I'll go right away."

"Well, why be so persistent?"

The old Taoist sighed and said slowly, "say it."

"First, if I insist on doing my own business, what will happen to me?"

Goofy asked his first question.

In fact, Gao Fei once asked this question when he was in Taoist Du's humble home.

Du Daochang told him at that time: you can't play because you have a killer.

As for the killer who can restrain high flying, he has confirmed that he is Loulan king.

Because the king of Loulan owns Shura gall, the "specialty" of underground Loulan, and his kung fu is much better than that of Gao Fei. Both sides are feuds. Gao Fei sees that she has to run away from the wind, so he says that moxie Zhengdong is his nemesis. There is almost no suspense.

But he was not willing, because he knew that moye's expedition to the east also had a vulnerable time, that is, seven days after the spring equinox and autumn equinox every year, one hour, that was Loulan King's slough period, just like a baby, he could kill her at that time.

What's more, Gao Fei also knows that each generation of Loulan king can only live 28 years at most. Even if he has no chance to kill moxie Zhengdong, he can patiently wait for her to die.

After the death of moye Zhengdong, a new generation of Loulan king may not still be his nemesis.

Therefore, Gao Fei didn't believe what Taoist Du said about the "killer", so he asked the old Taoist again.

But the old Taoist said lightly: "there is no end."

Gao Fei was stunned and blurted out: "no end? What does that mean? "

The old Taoist raised his head slowly, looked at the luogong pagoda over there and said, "it's just the tiger of Pingyang."

The common people often use this sentence to describe a very tough person who is in a certain environment, but can't show his ability and is bullied by people who are not as good as himself.

The old Taoist said that Gao Fei is the tiger of Pingyang, which means that no matter how powerful he is, his whole environment, or simply the cage, imprisons him and makes him do nothing.

At the same time, it also implies that Gao Fei doesn't have the chance to make waves, which is the same reason that Taoist Du said he would encounter a nemesis.

Gao Fei, with great ambition, extraordinary skill and ever-changing evil ways, was successively told by Taoist priest Du and the old Taoist that he had never done anything in the future, which made him angry. Subconsciously, he clenched his fists and hissed: "who is that man?"

Who on earth is my nemesis?

What is my cage?

When the breeze came, the broad sleeves of the old Taoist's robe were blown up, revealing his bony arms, just like a skeleton wrapped in a layer of leather.

He did not immediately answer the question of Gao Fei, but looked at Luo gongta for a long time, then whispered: "that person is yourself."


Gao Fei's eyes were wide open, and his face was full of disbelief. He asked: "the one who stops me, will it be me?"

A person who wants to do a big business is stopped by a person, but this person is the person himself - that sounds contradictory and doesn't make sense.

Gao Fei wanted to ask again, but the old Taoist closed his eyes and stopped talking.

"Is it because of my heart, or because of my feelings?"

Gao Fei slowly released his clenched hands. After a long silence, his face suddenly became ferocious and murmured, "I can't be emotional, because I didn't intend to be emotional with anyone, and I will never give up the mission of survival because of my children's private love!"

The old Taoist still didn't speak, as if he had fallen asleep standing there.

Gao Fei bit his lower lip hard and asked coldly, "second question."

The old Taoist opened his eyes and said faintly, "if you ask me again, that's the third question."

But Gao Fei didn't argue with him. He just asked abruptly, "are you also the one in the evil way?"

When the old Taoist used a broom to sweep away the meat from people's legs and killed hundreds of snakes, his face was always dull, as if he was sweeping the floor instead of killing animals, just like his usual boring work.

But after Gao Fei suddenly asked this question, the old Taoist's eyes suddenly burst out, and two cold lights suddenly burst out, just like a flash of lightning in the sky on a dark night, which was full of lethality, and the sloppy sleeves swelled like sails.

Gao Fei's heart was shocked, subconsciously backward leg, a vertical three meters.

But as soon as his left heel landed, a hand appeared under his chin and pinched his throat!

This hand, like holding Gao Fei's throat here since ancient times, made him unable to escape.

After Gao Fei was frightened, he quickly ran three meters backward. At the same time, the old Taoist followed him like a shadow. It was like a ghost flash, and it was like no action at all, so he caught up with him.

The throat was seized by the old Taoist's right hand. Gao Fei was shocked. He instinctively wanted to raise his hand to resist, but he had no strength in his whole body. All that was left was full of unwilling voices. I'm done!

When the old Taoist sweeps the floor with a broken broom, he can sweep down the meat on a person's leg. What's more, he holds Gao Fei's throat in his hand?

All over the sky god Buddha can testify, the old Taoist just need a little effort, Gao Fei's Adam's Apple will be crushed.

Moreover, Gao Fei could also see that the old Taoist priest, who was almost face to face with him, had already shown a terrible fluorescence in his turbid eyes, which was a sign of losing his mind. He had no hope of living.

Just as the old Taoist's right hand was tight, Gao Fei heard his voice of broken throat ahead of time, but suddenly he heard a thunder like voice. From the luogong pagoda, he heard: "boundless heaven!"

After the thunder, Gao Fei felt that his neck was loose. When he looked at it again, the old Taoist priest had returned to the stone house door and stood in silence facing the luogong tower, just like he had never caught Gao Fei's neck.

If it wasn't for the pain in his neck, Gao Fei would have suspected that the scene was an illusion.

"Cough, cough! I, I understand, haha, haha, cluck

Gao Fei rubbed his neck with his hands, coughed and laughed a few times. He turned around and left. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in the woods.

He already knew the answer to the second question, and also understood why the honest monk was chosen as the next generation of tomb keeper by the old Taoist.

He didn't ask the honest monk for the black cover of Angui Sutra, because there was an old Taoist here. Even if he wanted it, he couldn't get anything. It's better to leave this dangerous place first. Anyway, with his current identity, there will always be opportunities and ways to get the Sutra in the future.

The honest monk kneeling on the ground, after the thunder like road sign on the other side of the luogong tower, immediately put his hands together and lowered his head. After Gao Fei left with a strange smile, he slowly raised his head: "Taoist, I - ah, Taoist, what's the matter with you?"

When the honest monk looked up, he found that the mysterious old Taoist was sitting cross legged on the ground.

It's no surprise that the old Taoist does it with his knees crossed. When the Taoist himself does it, even when he is sleeping, it's meditation.

But the honest monk found that the old Taoist didn't sit down as usual, but leaned on the wall of the stone house with his head in front of Xiong, and he looked as if he was wandering.

The honest monk was so surprised that he quickly held him in his arms and cried eagerly: "Taoist priest, Taoist priest!"

After the honest monk repeatedly called for several times, the old Taoist slowly raised his head, opened his eyes and looked at him with a smile.

The honest monk was even more surprised, because he could see that the old Taoist priest now looked like the lamp was dry, and his eyes were no longer cloudy, but it was like two lights that were about to go out, which broke his heart: "Taoist priest, Taoist priest."


With a smile and a faint sigh, the old Taoist said, "since I was a Jiazi (60 years old), I have practiced a Jiazi here, but I still haven't highlighted the evil way. Just now, when the evil person saw through me, he finally tried to kill me subjectively. Luo Gong warned me - unfortunately, it's a pity that I have no chance to practice a Jiazi."

The honest monk was flustered and didn't dare to say anything, because he could detect that the vitality had begun to peel off the old Taoist's body.

"Boundless heaven."

Another voice came from luogong tower, but this time it was too soft.

The old Taoist's eyes suddenly brightened, the folds on his face instantly bloomed, and his face skin was extremely smooth.