This foreign man should be about 40 years old, medium-sized, slightly thin, very gentle, wearing a white shirt, a black suit, a bow tie around his neck, and black frame glasses. Suddenly, he looks like a foreign language teaching assistant in a university. When people see him at first sight, they will have a great favor.

However, Shen Yinbing doesn't like him. After all, no one likes to follow him all the time. After seeing the gentle man blocking his way, he immediately put on the reverse gear and went back.

The gentle man didn't start the car. Instead, he pushed the door open and came down. He leaned against the door and lit a cigarette.

Under the bright lamp, Shen Yinbing was very relaxed to see him light a cigarette, just like he came here to smoke a cigarette, leisurely and leisurely, and didn't feel the danger hidden in the nearby woods.

"You're a self righteous fool. Aren't you afraid that sun Laosan will shoot you in the woods?"

After seeing the gentle man's affectation, Shen Yinbing felt that he was very pitiful. His backward speed slowed down obviously. When he was more than 30 meters away from him, he stopped the car.

She wanted to see how sun Laosan dealt with the man.

After too many setbacks, Mr. Shen's heart is harder than steel. I believe that even if she stomps a cat to death with her high heels, she won't frown.

To Shen Yinbing's surprise, sun Laosan didn't shoot the gentle man in the dark, just like they didn't see him. Only when he smoked more than half a cigarette did three people come out of the woods.

Three people in black sportswear and hoods on their heads, two of them are big, the other is thin and some of them are curvy. They should look like a woman, but they don't have sun Laosan.

Sun Laosan is the kind of big bellied, not to mention the hooded head, even if the head cut off, there is no good figure of these people.

The three men walked slowly to the gentle man, surrounded by fans, and looked at him coldly. The thinnest one seemed to say something. The gentle man took the cigarette from his mouth and gave her a smile. His teeth were very white, shining porcelain like luster in the light.

Because Shen Yinbing was more than 30 meters away, and his car window was closed tightly, he could only see these people, but could not hear what they were saying.

When the gentle man said something with a smile, the man in black on the left reached out and grabbed the Lord on his shoulder. It seemed that he was going to carry him into the woods to have a good interrogation.

The gentle man struggled, but the effect was not good. On the contrary, he was dragged by the man in black. Another man in black bullied him and grabbed the other hand.

Seeing this behind the scenes, Shen Yinbing began to wonder: is he just a wolf who likes to track beautiful women? But why didn't he catch up with me when I was backing up just now and act so calm?

When Shen Yinbing had this idea in his heart, he suddenly saw the man in black, who was holding the gentle man's shoulder, suddenly collapsed on the ground, and there was a red liquid under his rib, which suddenly came out.

Blood, blood, it's the blood from the wound like the edge of the knife!

Fortunately, Shen Yinbing is also the master of life and death. Unlike most girls, when they see someone's blood rushing out, they will close their eyes and cry out. At most, they are just surprised, but more strange.

She was surprised that the two hands of the gentle man were firmly grasped by two men in black, so how did the man in black get stabbed with a knife?

Does the gentle man still have a companion to hide in the dark and hurt sun Laosan's people with things like throwing knives?

Just when Shen Yinbing was surprised, the gentle man threw away the man in black with his left hand, and suddenly waved his hand horizontally. With the bright light of the lamp, Shen Yinbing could see a cold light from the man in black's neck, and the blood shot out like an arrow.

At the same time, the gentle man, with a short body, ran through his ribs and ran straight into the last man in black.

Finally, the thin man in black relaxed his vigilance when he saw that the gentle man was easily restrained by his two companions. He didn't even take out the weapons of a knife or a pistol. It was only after the two companions were stabbed one after another that he was shocked and his backhand turned back.

But the gentle man didn't give her the chance to hold the gun. He hugged her with both hands and threw her on the ground, just like the street thugs fighting.

After toppling the last woman, the gentle man jumped up.

Then Shen Yinbing saw that the woman's body suddenly bounced on the ground and fell down again. Then she smoked and smoked violently. It was her body's instinctive reaction before she died.

From the fall of the first man in black to the swift spring of the gentle man from the woman, the process is only three or four seconds at most, but in this short time, three lives disappear.

Quick, the killing action is quite quick. Before Shen Yinbing can react, the battle is over.

She was staring at the gentle man with a short blank in her mind.

It's not the first time that Shen Yinbing saw someone die, but she didn't see how the other two died except the second one.

After the gentle man killed three people in black, he grinned at Shen Yinbing with a kind smile.

Shen Yinbing suddenly thinks of a person ye Xinshang once said to her in the afternoon: Gao Fei has a good friend abroad. He is a middle-aged man wearing glasses. Now he should be in Southern Hebei. He is a very dangerous person. It is said that he was once the king of killers in Europe.

At that time, ye Xinshang also said that the man would do something for Gao Fei. Shen Yinbing had better be careful.

But at that time, Shen Yinbing didn't care. She always thought that there were people in the organization to protect her. As long as the person who was not good for her was not a top person like ye Xinshang, nothing else was worth worrying about.

But now Shen Yinbing just found out how wrong she thought at that time: can Gao Fei's friends be mediocre?

"He'll do justice for goofy if he follows me?"

Shen Yinbing is sure that this gentle man is Gao Fei's good friend and the former queen of killers in Europe. On the contrary, her nervousness eases down.

I don't know why, as long as I think this gentle man is Gao Fei's good friend, Shen Yinbing is not afraid. It's strange, but it's very real.

Whoosh - several dark blue ballistics suddenly cut through the night sky, and the target was the gentle man.

The gentle man, with a short body, got into his car.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

In the crash, the window of the car broke, but the gentle man didn't move.

Bullets continue to fly, the car is like a big gun target, also like a magnet, attracting bullets from the forest.

Bang Bang Bang chaos ring, Shen Yinbing did not find that gentle man appeared, as if he had been shot dead.

It took nearly 30 seconds for the bullets to stop flying. There was smoke coming out of the car. It seemed that the hot bullet had burned the seat and other things, but the gentle man didn't move.

He was killed?

I don't know why. After feeling that the gentle man might be killed, Shen Yinbing suddenly felt at a loss: she hated Gao Fei and all the people close to him, but when the gentle man who might be his good friend was shot in the car, she suddenly realized that she didn't want to see such a result.

"What's wrong with me? How can I worry about his people?"

Shen Yinbing looked at the smoking car and slowly fell down the window.

The cold air with wild grass and rich bloody smell poured in from the outside of the car, which made Shen Yinbing's stomach suddenly contract. There was a sign of vomiting. She quickly raised her hand and covered her mouth subconsciously.

At this moment, the two men came out of the woods on the left. They were all dressed in black, with hoods on their heads, guns in their hands, and slightly sideways. They were very careful step by step.

This is sun Laosan's group. They came to check whether the gentle man was dead after they fired at random.

The two men slowly walked to the front of the car two or three meters, looked at each other, from the front of the car in two directions, suddenly rushed to the car!

Whew, whew!

At this time, the two cold lights flashed out of the broken window, just like a flash in the pan.

Shen Yinbing saw that the two men in black, like puppets manipulated by remote control, threw away their guns, covered their necks with their hands, made a low "Ho Ho" sound in their mouths, slowly knelt down and fell to the ground.

When one of them fell to the ground, he turned over a few times and then looked up, his hands paralyzed beside him, revealing his neck - a narrow knife, which should be a scalpel, went deep into his throat, and blood gushed out.

The gentle man didn't die. Instead, he hid in the car somewhere. When the enemy surrounded him, he suddenly threw out his throwing knife and solved them in a very clean way.

As the two men's bodies gradually subsided, the whole world returned to peace, as if nothing had happened. The gentle man didn't show up, the gunfire didn't ring again, only the bloody smell in the air was a little stronger.

It's not that Shen Yinbing has never seen a living person die in front of her, especially when she was in manglan meadow in South Vietnam. She had seen hundreds of gangsters and hostages die in front of her. They were all killed by bullets. Some of them lost half of their heads. The death was extremely tragic.

The way that hundreds of people roared and screamed, and died in shrapnel, fire, and roar, not only made people nervous, but also brought some blood boiling heroism, which made Shen Yinbing have a strong impulse to take up a gun to fight.

But the scene of death tonight is a bit strange. There is no roar or scream. If the battle of manglan meadow is compared to a storm, then it is the spring rain of this season.

Five people in black were killed on the spot unconsciously, which was full of strange things.

The gentle man with white teeth and a smile just now is like a ghost that shouldn't exist. Maybe it will come out at any time and from any place, and then someone will die.

It was like his shadow everywhere in such a vast wilderness, although Shen Yinbing was sure that he was still hiding in the car, like a curled up snake.

Visible dangers can be frightening, but invisible ones can be frightening.


Just as Shen Yinbing was staring at the car, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded from the depths of the forest.

The whistle was high and low, intermittently, just like a steel needle drilling into the human ear. It was hard to hear.