Venus is the goddess of love and beauty in ancient Roman mythology. This name can be described as the world of fame. If we make a ranking of the most influential, we believe it can be sent to the top 30 in the world.

There are so many hotels, clubs and other leisure catering projects named after this name. It's said that there is a company specializing in the production of condoms, and the brand name is Venus, which seems to be blasphemous. But when you think about it carefully, it's really a bit involved.

This fast food restaurant not far away, also called Venus, has a picture of Venus holding a plate in both hands on the billboard. The boss is not afraid that the goddess will come to him in the middle of the night and ask him to put his arms on his statue.

Venus is probably the earliest fast food restaurant in the neighborhood to open and has the best environment. What makes Gao Fei most happy is that it even manages Chinese food. Although the taste is not authentic, it's just OK.

When Gao Fei came in, there were dozens of people coming to the restaurant to eat. Most of them were office workers with good taste in clothes, but their monthly salary would never exceed 500 pounds. With all the good seats, he had to go to the table nearest to the kitchen.

Because there were too many guests, Gao Fei waited for five minutes before a waiter came to ask what he wanted to eat.

Gao Fei had already read the recipe and asked for twenty three delicacies potstickers and a large bowl of thin preserved egg soup.

The waiter agreed, turned around and went to the kitchen, but the big bellied boss yelled for him to serve the guests at table 11 as soon as possible. That's a regular customer and can't be ignored.

"Xiaomei, help me take care of the guests at table 18!"

The busy and sweating waiter agreed. After laughing at Gao Fei, he turned to the kitchen and yelled. He was in a hurry to serve guest No. 11.

With a clear promise, a girl came out of the kitchen and came to Gao Fei.

This girl looks 17 or 18 years old. She is a little thin. She has a busy little red face with a little baby fat. She doesn't look very good, but her eyes are very clear. She comes to table 11 and asks politely, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

Gao Fei said the breakfast he ordered again, and asked Xiaomei's girl to nod her head and say, "OK, sir, just a moment, you will come soon."

In western countries, the restaurant service is also divided into grades.

Generally, employees who have been approved by the boss can have the right to accept the tips from the guests, while those who are interns or temporary helpers have to give the money to the boss even if the guests give the tips. This is the rule.

Seeing that Xiaomei doesn't even wear her work clothes and is wearing a big apron, Gao Fei knows that she is not a "regular" staff member of the restaurant. She may be a work study student from an Asian country while studying in the UK.

This kind of thing is very normal, goofy also didn't care, took out the mobile phone to browse the webpage casually.

Little time, Xiaomei put high flying point breakfast with tray end up.

When she put the lean meat and preserved egg soup in front of Gao Fei and withdrew her hand, Gao Fei accidentally glanced at her hand from the corner of his eye and asked with a smile, "excuse me, miss, are you Chinese or Islander?"

When Xiaomei is called out, she can be either Xiaomei or Xiaomei. It's not only suitable for Chinese girls, but also for island and even Korean people. So Gao Fei is not sure which country she is from.

Xiao Mei's eyes flashed and politely replied, "I'm from China, sir. Are you from China?"

"Ha ha, we are still compatriots."

Gao Fei nodded. Just as she was about to say something, Xiao Mei said, "I'm sorry, sir. I have to be busy. You are welcome to come next time."

Goofy looked up and saw that the big belly boss was waving his hand and saying something. It seemed that he wanted Xiaomei to hurry up and not delay the guests.

Without waiting for Gao Fei to say anything, Xiao Mei turns around and goes into the kitchen in a hurry.

It's normal to see compatriots washing dishes in foreign restaurants. Many foreign students have worked hard and spared hours, and their income is fairly good.

Gao Fei has a little interest in Xiao Mei, but it's not because he is a compatriot with her. Just now, he accidentally found that there is a layer of calluses on the middle joint of her right hand and index finger. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

Generally speaking, blacksmiths, masons with tile knives and tiger mouths all have calluses, which are worn out when they hold tools for many years. However, calluses may not exist in the middle joints of their index fingers.

There are calluses in this place, which can only illustrate one problem: it can only be confirmed after enough times of pulling the trigger.

A 17 or 18-year-old girl with calluses on the middle joints of her tiger mouth and index finger is washing dishes in a humble restaurant, which is worth pondering.

Especially in the case that Gao Fei is being followed now, Xiao Mei's appearance can't help but attract his attention.

Of course, for this kind of girl who looks pure and may actually be a killer, Gao Fei really doesn't see it. He is the eldest uncle of the killer world. As long as he doesn't meet a super killer like glasses, he can't make many waves.

Looking at a faint smile in the kitchen, goofy began to eat.

Although the taste of potstickers and soup was not pure, Gao Fei also felt that they were much more delicious than those western food. He wolfed down the breakfast in a few minutes and then belched. He took out a bill and was about to ask the waiter to pay the bill when he heard a gunshot from the back of the kitchen, followed by the sound of the plate breaking.


The sudden gunshot stopped all the sounds of the whole restaurant. Everyone subconsciously looked over there, but they didn't know what was going on. Instead, the big belly boss reacted first, yelled and ran to the kitchen.

As soon as the big belly boss ran to the kitchen door, a man came out straight from the inside, fell on him and knocked him down on the ground.

The big belly boss's reaction was very quick. He was hit and couldn't look back. He was in pain all over. He swore at something in his mouth and pushed the man out. Just as he was about to get up, he suddenly stood still and looked at his right hand, which was full of blood.

The man who was pushed out by him had a fork in his chest. Blood was pouring out along the fork. His face was white, his eyes turned white, and his whole body was pumping violently. He was dead.

"Ah, murder

The big belly boss was stunned for a moment, then gave out a scream like killing a pig, turned over, climbed up and rushed out.

At this time, the urban "white-collar workers" who eat in restaurants wake up and scream, push and shove, and rush to open the window glass. The guests who are blocked in the corner like Gao Fei squat under the table with their heads in their hands.

For a moment, just now, in the restaurant, which was still full of harmony, it was like a group of demons dancing. Screams, swearing and women's crying were mixed together. Everyone tried their best to squeeze out, leaving countless shoes, handbags and hats on the ground.

Bang, bang!

There were several more shots coming from the kitchen, accompanied by screams. I don't know who was injured, but the fighting didn't stop.

After the accident happened suddenly, Gao Fei thought of Xiao Mei for the first time.

He thought that Xiaomei was following him. After the sound of fighting came from inside, Gaofei realized that it was not the same thing. It seemed that it was just a coincidence to meet Xiaomei, which had nothing to do with him.

Frowning at the men and women whose eyes were stuck at the door, Gao Fei took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth: it's none of his business. He just came to make soy sauce. He didn't intend to provoke anyone. I hope others don't provoke him.


With a dull scream, a man in black cotton padded clothes fell out of the kitchen door, covered his stomach and rolled under the table in front of Gao Fei. Blood flowed from his hands and it seemed that he was also injured.

After a few successive gunshots, they were dumbfounded, but the fighting was louder, and the sound of plates and plates breaking was clearer.

"Don't let her escape!"

When a man yelled, a man with blood on his left side jumped out of the kitchen. It was Xiao Mei who served breakfast for Gao Fei.

At this time, Xiaomei no longer has the quiet when carrying the plate. She may be injured. She covers her left shoulder with her right hand, her hair is scattered, and her face is full of blood. She looks very ferocious.

Xiaomei rushed out of the kitchen, immediately picked up a chair and smashed it out. She was about to run to the window of the west wall when the man under the table suddenly roared and rolled out. She hugged her right leg and pulled it hard.

Xiaomei is caught off guard. She is pulled by the man and falls on the table in front of Gaofei. Without thinking about it, she grabs an empty bowl and smashes it on the man's head.

The man fainted without a snore, but still clung to her right leg.

Xiao Mei raised her left foot and kicked the man's head. Just as she was about to break away from his embrace, a gas can flew out of the kitchen and hit her on the back of the head.

Xiaomei was shocked when she heard the news. She suddenly turned her head and looked at it, but it was too late to escape. She could only lie on the table, hoping to hold the blow with her back. As for the hit, she had no strength to resist and escape, so it was too late to think about it. Just as she said, she was burning eyebrows, so look into her eyes.

Seeing that the gas tank, which weighs more than 20 kg, is about to be smashed on her body, Xiao Mei has subconsciously clenched her teeth and waited for the painful blow. However, she sees Gao Fei sitting on the opposite side of the table. She suddenly jumps up and stomps on the gas tank with one foot.

With a dull bang, the gas tank was kicked out by Gao Fei and flew to the bar, smashed on the wine cabinet and smashed more than ten bottles of wine. The smell of wine filled the air.

After Gao Fei kicked the gas tank, without waiting for his right foot to fall, he supported the table with his left hand, and then he sprang up and kicked out with his left foot, stamping the man out.

The man, who was chasing Xiaomei with a gas tank, was as tall and strong as a bear, but he was stomped by Gao Fei and then somersaulted. Then he fell flat on the ground with a slap and couldn't get up any more.

Two of the men's accomplices were shocked. One of them raised his pistol. Before he pulled the trigger, he suddenly felt that there was a silver flash in front of his eyes. Then the back of his hand was in great pain. He fixed his eyes and saw that a fork had been inserted on the back of his hand. Then he threw away the pistol and turned around with his right hand.

Scared another quickly pasted on the door frame, hands holding a gun to the sky, sternly said: "Sir, it's none of your business, why do you meddle?"

He didn't dare to point a gun at Gao Fei because he saw Gao Fei grab a fork again.