There is no doubt that the medical level of the United States is absolutely first-class in the world. It is not like Chinese people who go to Britain and the United States to find experts when they get sick and have no treatment at home. As long as they are helpless about a person's condition, they can only go to Mars for help.

If there are doctors on Mars.

In fact, strictly speaking, old George is not ill at all. He's just old, and there's no symptom of pathological changes in his organs, but his function is beginning to fail.

If a person can pee three or four meters in the wind after 80 years, he is absolutely a god man and will live forever.

It's a pity that old George is not a God. Now he has to pee three or four meters in the wind. He has to shiver for a long time after releasing his hands. He still can't avoid the phenomenon of urine dripping after lifting his pants.

After the normal failure of body organs, the time of death is not far away. Even if the doctors have the strength to return to heaven, they can not make his body organs rejuvenate and harm the people again.

Nell is very clear that birth, aging, illness and death is a normal natural phenomenon. No one can stop it, just as you can't stop spring coming sooner or later.

But she didn't want old George to die. She no longer had her own parents. Old George died with me. Gao Fei came back to China in the future. She took a little Caesar who didn't know anything about it. Under the fierce eyes of a group of energetic brothers and sisters, how could she live in the future?

Nell was more convinced that if old George had not been hit by this series of attacks, he would have lived another ten years at least.

Ten years, even one more year, is enough for Nell to lay out her plans calmly, cut off the ambition of her brothers and sisters, and set up her reputation as George III.

For this year's time, Nell has sent out all her confidants, taking old George's examination, laboratory test and other cases, seeking medical treatment all over the world, western medicine, Korean medicine, and even African grassland witchcraft. As long as she can make her grandfather live one more year, no matter what the cost, she will not refuse.

It's just that the news that has been coming back in recent days has hurt Ni'er a lot.

The people who are sitting here today are the latest to come back. They also didn't bring back good news.

Looking at Ni'er whose eyes are already covered with mist, Gao Fei sighs heartily and asks a black suit: "Owen, is there any news on the Internet, newspapers or TV?"

When Nier sent people all over the world to seek medical treatment for old George, she also disclosed the case of old George on the Internet and other media, and paid a lot of money to hire a miracle doctor.

In order to prevent those despicable people who just want to take this opportunity to promote new drugs or seek fame, Nier specially added a condition under the medical advertisement to the effect that if it works, she will pay a lot of money to serve them. If it doesn't matter - sorry, you may be killed by a car when you walk, drown when you swim, choke when you eat and so on.

Although this kind of behavior of Nell has greatly hurt those who want to offer love, there is no doubt that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. It can be seen from the fact that no one dares to come to the manor these days to say that he can see a doctor, but in fact it is annoying behavior.

Of course, Ni'er's words caused an uproar on the Internet. She was scolded by those excellent doctors.

Nell doesn't care. She only cares about her grandfather getting better. Even if he is destined to see the Virgin Mary, she hopes he can leave quietly and not be disturbed by those people.

Owen was the leader of the group. He shook his head and answered goofy: "uncle, except for the news that the lady is more popular, no one came to the manor and asked to see a doctor for him."

"Well, that's normal, too."

Gao Fei nodded and thought: Liu Chongshan said that Shura gall can catch life, but does it work for old George's normal old death? It seems that someone has to test the ingredients of Shura gall, so as not to be cheated by Liu Chongshan, and let old George take it and then bleed to death. Ni'er will definitely hate me.

Since the last group of people came back to seek medical treatment in vain, Gao Fei decided to try Shura gallbladder.

In fact, he was very unhappy with old George. If it wasn't for Nell and her son who needed this old thing to live for two more years, maybe on the way back to New York, Mr. Gao would have let him die in the plane bathroom.

To Gao Fei's meditation, Ni Er doesn't care, just whispers: "Owen, you go, and then think of a way, no matter how much money you spend, don't care."

"Yes, miss."

Owen and others stand up and bow to Ni'er. As they are about to go out, they see the housekeeper A-San rushing over.

We subconsciously stopped.

Indian housekeeper is absolutely high-quality, the most important word is stability.

He is steady in handling affairs, speaking, walking, eating and even doing those things. It takes only four or five minutes, which is known as one in the early morning. When ah San is unstable, it proves that there is something urgent, so Owen and others are not in a hurry to go out.

Ni'er also found the housekeeper. She hurried to the door and opened the door. After he ran over, she asked, "Singh (the name means lion), is he, is he grandfather..."

The housekeeper Singh raised his hand to wipe his sweat. He ran out of breath. He didn't forget to give the ceremony first and then talk: "Miss, master, master is OK."

After hearing that old George was ok, the tension on Nell's face disappeared.

The housekeeper said, "someone came to the gate of the manor with our advertisement and said that she could cure the master's disease!"


Ni'er was stunned, then ecstatic, quickly walked out of the room, grabbed the master's arm: "Singh, where is the doctor? Come on, take me to him

After hearing that someone finally came to the door with the advertisement, Owen and others were also overjoyed and ran out.

The advertisement has made it very clear that without diamond, you must not take over the porcelain work, otherwise it will be very dangerous.

Now that someone has come to the house, it shows that he is a very confident repairman. Even if he can't cure old George, he can bring hope to everyone, just like the clouds in the sky finally reveal a meter of sunshine.

Of course, if the repairman can't cure it, it's not everyone's concern whether he will choke to death.

Ah San, who is steady in his work, saw that Ni'er was so surprised that he reminded her: "but..."

"But what?" she asked impatiently

Ah San quickly explained: "however, the doctor seems to be too young and a woman. I'm afraid she doesn't have the ability we imagined."

When looking for a lover, the 80 year old man naturally hopes that the younger the lover, the better. Only in this way can he interpret the romance of "a pear flower pressing a Begonia".

But if the old man is dying and needs to find a doctor, he hopes that the older the people who come to see a doctor, the better.

The medical sector is different from the brothel sector. The older they are, the more popular they are. This is the main reason why many doctors deliberately dye their hair white.

Nier also believes that only the old doctor has real ability, so after listening to A-San's story that she is a young girl, her heart is filled with joy and her face is gloomy: "singer, are you sure that girl is not here to die?"

After the hope, Ni'er is in a bad mood and says the word "die".

Ah San replied truthfully: "I have also gently reminded her, but she said that if I don't want my master to recover, I'd better tell you that she will only wait for us for ten minutes. If I don't see you go out in ten minutes, she will leave."

After hearing this, Nell left without saying a word.

No matter who is coming, age, male or female, as long as you dare to put such cruel words, it means that others may really have this ability, and it is worth her to greet them in person.

When Owen and others see Nell walking forward quickly, they quickly catch up with her. At the same time, through the Bluetooth pager, they command the manor guards to pay attention to safety.

Immediately, dozens of white bodyguards, armed and waiting around the manor, gathered at the entrance of the manor.

Everyone went to the door to meet the woman doctor who was not afraid of death. As the grandson-in-law of old George, Gao Fei couldn't stay here to bask in the sun, so he had to follow him.

The manor is too big. It takes less than ten minutes to come and go. It doesn't work at all. When ah San comes to report, it takes half the time, and he still takes a trot.

A lady like Nell, of course, can't trot - there's no need for people to trot. Just a few tens of meters away, a few electric cars came slowly.

Goofy gets on the last car and follows Nell to the gate of the manor.

Ah San, the housekeeper, was worried that the "miracle woman" would not wait to leave. He had already ordered the security guard at the door to invite her in.

Far away, Gao Fei saw the miracle woman doctor: "Oh, it's a nun."

Seeing that it was a nun who unveiled the list, Gao Fei was more or less interested.

In his opinion, nuns are Chinese nuns.

Monks, Taoists and nuns all belong to the category of alien people in China. Maybe there will be a great figure like master Zhang and abbess annihilation.

Maybe, this nun is a doctor hidden in the church.

Nuns wearing a black nun dress, wearing a black and white hat, most of the face is still covered with black yarn, only a pair of eyes, very mysterious, very nun look.

The nun is tall, almost the same as the one meter eight Nier, but she is a little thin. Her broad nun dress makes her look less sensual and more graceful.

Seven or eight armed bodyguards were standing in the back three directions of the nun's left and right. Their muzzle was slightly down and their fingers were on the trigger. If she had any abnormal movements, she would be fatally hit.

As soon as the car stopped, Ni'er stepped down from the top and waved her left hand to indicate that all the bodyguards would step back. I have the protection of Gao Fei. Do you still want to show off your great style here?

The nun always hung her head slightly and didn't move. It seemed that she didn't see Nell and others at all. It seemed that she had to repent to God to save old George.

After Gao Fei came to her, Ni'er came to the nun slowly and asked politely, "what do you call Momo (Momo, another name for nun, also honorific, just like calling a nun nun nun)

"You can call me Loulan."

The nun light said, raised his head, light fluttering swept a Ni Er side of high fly.

Gao Fei's body suddenly froze, and his brain hummed: Damn, how could it be her!


Nell nodded: "that's a nice name. Louramomo, is your visit to saber manor for my grandfather

Nun Loulan raised her right hand hidden in the black robe, and the bodyguards around her raised the muzzle of the gun subconsciously.

Everyone was worried that the nun had a gun hidden in her sleeve. It would be miserable if she took the opportunity to shoot Nell with a bang.

Ni Er pour is a face of calm, slightly raise a hand to say: "all put down gun."