Just yesterday, the whiteboard was still crying like a child, patting the gun and telling goofy and James that he was going to retire and would never kill anyone himself. He and Barbara would live happily in this greatest and safest country like countless law-abiding Americans.

But the words seemed to reverberate in his ears. Today, with his new wife Barbara, gorilla and monkey, he started to harvest human lives cruelly.

There's no way. Some people dare to chase their brothers wantonly and run away like dogs who chase their brothers with guns in their hands. They can't swallow anything.

I'm kind-hearted, but I'm forced to be a good man and a killer.

One face to face, four people killed four excellent motorcyclists from four directions.

No matter how capable these four killers are, they are only excellent drivers and have nothing to do with killers.

Kara, after pulling the bolt quickly, hid in the white board of the window on the third floor of a church in the southeast corner, aimed at the driver's head of a large black SUV from the sight glass, and pulled the trigger decisively.

The silver armour piercing bullet, at a speed unimaginable to the dead, whistling through the car window, slamming the driver's head, blooming thousands of peach blossom!

After the driver was shot, the car crashed into a car parked at the intersection like a mad cow.


With a loud noise, the SUV crashed into someone else's car and flew directly into the air. Then the four wheels hit the ground heavily.

The unfortunate car was also hit more than ten meters away - three or four cars in a row before it stopped. I don't know whether the man driving is alive or dead.

No one cares about these innocent people who have been affected. The four of them don't have the whiteboard. Fanny and others, who are in hot pursuit, won't care.

After the four motorcycles in front and the black SUV were devastated one after another, the second car whistling to the front immediately braked, and three big men in black jackets jumped out with guns.

As Merson said, these men brought by Fanny are all excellent retired special forces selected by old George from all over the world. They have strong individual combat ability and can maintain absolute calm in case of trouble.

After the death of their enlightened companions, they immediately made the most correct response - perhaps wrong.

As soon as the three people jumped out of the car, before they found a shelter to observe the surrounding environment, a few hateful sniper bullets knocked them down on the ground. One of them was killed and got two on his head, which directly turned them into rotten watermelons.

Fanny was shocked: before she saw where the enemy was, ten of her subordinates died.

These men are more powerful than the killers who were sent to assassinate Caesar. They are all the individual combat elites directly led by old George. How could they be broken like porcelain dolls?

What does this prove?

It can only prove that the enemy hidden in the dark is stronger, colder and more vicious than these people.

In fact, it's true. After all, whiteboard and gorillas have been fighting in the killing all these years. Whether it's individual combat experience or ability, they are not as cool as old George's men who usually wear sunglasses, but few of them can match.

What's more, the sniper rifles used by whiteboard and others are all improved, which can be called the most perfect killing weapon in the world.

The elite "sniper team" of the a-army of the French Foreign Legion is famous all over the world. Whether it's individual combat or small-scale group cooperation, it's all 17 or 18 blocks for La FeNi and others.

It seems that there is no difference between killing them in the dark and killing a chicken in the henhouse by a butcher waving a butcher's knife.

The cruel reality of ten elite men's instant death (Fanny didn't have the slightest hope that the other two men in the four wheeled car, except the driver, would still be alive), made Fanny dumbfounded and shivered.

Bang a crisp ring, sitting on the co pilot's hand, head out of a stream of blood, collapsed on the driver, the rich smell of blood, also awakened Fanny, and then yelled: "turn around, turn around, go!"

Fortunately, the man driving is also a real man. He was not frightened by his friends who died one after another. He just let out a cry of despair, turned the car around quickly, stepped on the accelerator to the end, and ran away with several cars.

The fierce gunfight, or one-sided massacre, is over.

During this period, it took more than 30 seconds at most. Fanny didn't see clearly what the enemy looked like, and eleven of her subordinates died. This was because she was quick to see the opportunity. If she ran away later, they would be doomed to be annihilated today.

When people like whiteboard kill people, they never measure their own safety factor for the number of people killed. They are used to putting away their bloody tusks only after all the dangers are solved.

With Fanny's escape, the danger was relieved.

The scene of the gunfight was silent. No one spoke or the car started within a radius of at least 300 meters.

The whiteboard gestured to Barbara in the northwest corner, put away the sniper gun, squatted on the ground and quickly disassembled it. In less than half a minute, the terrible sniper weapon was disassembled and put into a small suitcase.

Then, the whiteboard took out a pair of gold glasses and put them on his face. He walked slowly down the stairs with his suitcase.

Old buck stared at the second floor of the shop behind him and kept looking up at him at an angle of 45 degrees. It seemed as if it had been a century before he was awakened by the scream of a woman not far away.

He then found out that the girl with silk flowers in her hair had disappeared, as if she had never appeared in the window.

Cold sweat, splashing down from old Buck's forehead, moved to see the killer's true face and still alive, he drew a cross again and again. Then he ran home with the fastest speed, called Arab servants, drove his tens of millions of dollars luxury car and left Las Vegas overnight.

Since then, the world never sleeps city has lost a rich man. In a picturesque remote town, there has been a philanthropic philanthropist who has helped many people in need and has been affectionately known as the "rich man"; Uncle buck.

In the private club of whiteboard.

"Damn, I knew you would come back. How can you go like this before you say goodbye to your friends?"

When the gorilla hit Gao Fei hard on the shoulder, the monkey kicked him on the thigh and scolded him for being inhuman like the old man.

For their part, the magnanimous Mr. Gao ignored their impolite behavior, pointed to Mrs. Winnie and said, "here, let me introduce you. This is - madam, who are you, please?"

"I saw you in Miss Nell's picture, so I know you, Mr. goofy."

After witnessing a massacre with her own eyes, Mrs. Winnie was so frightened that her thinking almost stopped. Only after Barbara took her hand and gave comfort did she stammer that she was little Caesar's nanny in the United States and was employed by old George.

Although she didn't know little Caesar for a long time, Mrs. Winnie, who had no children and died her husband, had already regarded the child as her own relative. She didn't want the child to be hurt, and she didn't want the child to be an orphan without a father. After overhearing that old George was going to attack goofy, she rushed to the police station first.

During Mrs. Winnie's narration, the whiteboard couple, the gorilla and the monkey, the eldest brother with a long mouth, looked at Gao Fei as if he were a monster. Meanwhile, her eyes were full of angry flames: everyone knew about the boy and Nell, but they didn't know they had a son long ago!

It's really a pity that we treat him as a brother. Why did we keep it from you when we had a son?

How unreasonable!

In the face of the angry eyes of whiteboard and others, Mr. Gao had to raise his hands to surrender, and swore that he only knew he had a son yesterday, so he could only repeat the story of meeting Mrs. Devra on the road, meeting his son on the street and killing two killers in the hospital.

In this guy's sincere attitude, the newly married whiteboard took the lead in forgiving him.

However, they also wonder how old George is so inhumane that he wants to kill goofy's son for the sake of his family.

After seeing the relaxed atmosphere, vinev forgot to say the most important thing: "Oh, Mr. Gao, do you know that the child you rescued in the street is not really little Caesar?"

Just asked for a cigarette with whiteboard. Gao Fei, holding it in his mouth, was stunned when he heard that the cigarette fell on the ground, but as if he didn't see it, he grabbed Mrs. Winnie's shoulder: "what, what, Mrs. Winnie, what do you say?"

Mrs. Winnie was hurt when she was caught by Gao Fei, but she didn't dare to resist, because she saw that this guy was so excited by the news that she quickly said out loud: "the real Little Caesar has long been sent away by Miss Nell - Oh, Mr. Gao, can you let me go first?"

As like as two peas, he was never suspected of having met him in the street. He had to save him from all kinds of hardships and gave him the treatment of the child. He was the son of a small Kaiser because he was exactly the same as the children in the picture.

The child's appearance has been firmly in his mind.

But now, Mrs. Winnie, who has been known to him, says that the child he saved is not his own son at all!

No matter how big Gao Fei's nerves are, he seems unable to accept this reality. He grabs Mrs. Winnie's hand and unconsciously increases his strength.

Seeing that something was wrong, the gorilla broke off Gao Fei's hand in a hurry: "Gao Fei, calm down, listen to this lady first."

Goofy looked at Mrs. Winnie like a fool, still subconsciously trying to catch her, but he was hugged by the gorilla and could only struggle to ask, "what do you say, what do you say?"

Of course, Mrs. Winnie could understand Gao Fei's mood at this time, but she didn't explain much. She took out two photos from her body and handed them to him: "here, this is Miss Nell's son, Caesar."

In the photo, nierwo is sitting on the sofa, a child is lying on her knee, holding her arm in both hands, and she is smiling - several photos, all of which are pictures of nierwo's life at home, one of which is an old man with white hair and beard.

Goofy knows the old man, Nell's grandfather, George.

In the gorilla's comforting slap on the back, goofy slowly regained his composure and took the photo.

Mrs. Winnie pointed to the child in the picture and whispered, "see, he's the real Little Caesar."